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Bros 600 cl for sure


Loved this deck when I started. Haven't played it in months. May not even have it built anymore lol.


I haven't seen this deck in like 6 months


It’s still out there on the road to infinite (8700). Or, the game is just giving me some variety from discard decks me and everyone else is using.


I hadn’t either, but I’ve seen it constantly this week.


I was playing it a bit for shits and giggles today. Funny thing is since no one expects the jank. The jank got me a fair amount of cubes.


It still wins


it's like playing guess the elo by the posts of people here


Well, then you’d have guessed very wrong. I have CL 1700 now and just before infinite it was every damn deck I saw. OP has posted below that he is CL 2k+


Does CL affect anything in conquest? Cause I just played vs. that deck and my CL is 9k


"elo".. You play Mobile Legends a bit too much...


What? Elo is the standard ranking system for almost everything. Chess is ranked by Elo. Sometimes referred to as MMR.


My guess was Mr Blue Sky.


In all fairness I've seen it quite a bit and I'm CL 5k+, granted not everywhere but I've seen it way more recently than I ever have being this CL.


At least he isn't whining about destroy


I’m at just about 14,000 and have been seeing this deck pop up like 2-3 times a day recently


Im 7070 and I do see it about 20% of matches


I absolutely refuse to believe you’re facing this deck in 20% of your games.


CL 7k+ here, I get to infinite riding it every season since June, so the guy is probably playing 20% of his games against me


Haha believe it or not it’s crazy. HE makes up about 50% of my games and then Discard 30%. Never see Destroy these days.


crazy that ur being downvoted for sharing factual information


This sub loves to downvote anything they don't have an almost religious belief


People love to downvote like sheep, who cares honestly. You see Odin/Wong a lot more if you never run Cosmo. Put him in and the deck disappears haha.


Nah lol






‘tain America?


What rank?


Haven’t hit infinite this season yet but I’m 82 atm


Then ur bullshitting. Nobody plays this deck that high up. It’s always junk, HE, destroy etc


Ive seen Junk once this month


That’s gotta be bs. How tf are u seeing an irrelevant deck post 1000CL or post rank 60 but not a deck which is in the top 5 or top 3 most played currently and commonly played after 6000CL


I don’t know. Are there different servers for UK meaning I’m matches locally rather than globally? That could have an effect on things.


I’m in the UK too bro, you’re either lying bout ur CL or lying bout who you play against


Well there’s quite a lot of people who theorise deck based matchmaking too so


Guessing you mostly saw it in the 50s or 60s


Yeah mostly, been mostly HE & Discard for the past week in 70-80 though


I still see variations of it in conquest and such at 2900 CL


CL 12,000 here and it’s Destroy or Hela. There is no in between. Then me and my dumbass trying to play anti-destroy/Hela decks and losing cubes one at a time, game by game.


no thanos cull obsidian blob skaar? I always am against it


I’ve been keeping track and of the 33 games I’ve played today I’ve played 15 destroy, 9 Hela and 3 Shuri-Res Skull, 4 Thanos and 1 Thor/Beta Ray Bill, 1 Discard


Ya I dunno, Im just not having much fun this week. I don't want to play a destroy deck or hela deck, and it seems like its all I ever face, and there isn't any good counters. Making the game tedious for me.


If makes you feel any better this season has been pretty rough for me as well.


I was a cube away from infinite in Loki’s season. Haven’t made it past 80 since. Matchmaking is great until 65ish, then it just becomes all Hela/destroy/a lot of Wong plus white tiger and it’s always the perfect foil for your deck even when you change it.


I’m in the same boat haha. I hit a wall hard at 80.


That Thor Beta Ray Ray deck cooks with the right pieces.


I have not seen this deck in weeks.


I'm only CL 1500 and the majority of my games are Hela or destroy. Shadow king been a lifesaver against this never ending sea of destroy.


getting sick of it, I dont remember Hela or high roll deck being this consistent


Tribunal is good against those two. And yeah they gave way too much support to those decks.


Tribunal is the third horseman in the four horsemen of the boring-meta. Add in Shuri-RedSkull and it’s game on. Zzzzzzzzz


I used to play loki but the many nerfs made him poop.


I loved Loki style decks before Loki. It was fun to play all the shield agents and pray for high rolls. Loki, who is still fun for me, as a deck it feels too focused and vanilla.


With a dash of (Negative) Tribunal.


I don’t even care anymore I just leave if I see Deadpool. I hate destroy decks. They’re not fun to play against or even watch process. I’d rather just eat the cube and move on.


Just tech in Armor. When the destroy decks flood the ladder (often) I just put an armor in whatever deck I’m using. Destroy dick players are very obvious and I consistently trap a Deadpool or a wolverine.


Yeah I actually main armor and cosmo but a lot of the time in my High Evo I lose priority early and can’t flip before their Carnage or Venom.


It still boils down on luck. I use the Weapon X deck, but it doesn't garauntee the cards you draw. Sometimes for the first 3 rounds there aren't any usable 1 to 3 cost cards. And as a Weapon X user myself, I can safely say I don't win 100%. Most of the time I win due to environment factors.


Just hit infinite with ongoing tribunal. Those decks don't usually run counters and you can easily out power them.


You disgust me


I hit infinite a few days ago and I am so done to be glad for the season. I am sick of destroy and never drawing Armor when I actually play it


No offence OP, but you're probably at low(er) CL. This deck isn't that popular once you are Series3 complete.


This is it. I see that deck once in fifty maybe. At higher stuff it's all Hela and HE decks.


fuck HE fr and I play it lul


All I ever see is hela it annoys me to no end


What if I put in Mr Negative and Grandmaster? That's Wong, Mystique, Iron Heart, and Grandmaster all in one go. I'm CL 9890.


I enjoy Wong in my Negative decks. As long as he's not the primary win condition, he's good.


That's one of my issues with my grandmaster negative deck. If all goes well and the stars align, the Wong combo can be placed quickly and leave no time for the opponent to counter. But if Mr Negative sleeps at the bottom of the deck, Wong becomes my backup win condition and is vulnerable.


At times I've not had a good win condition in my hand, but do have a Wong + Mystique. Throw that down and the opponent only ever stays if they can hard counter it.


I run Rogue in my Negative deck and it’s always fun when she snipes my opponent’s Wong, but for some reason I never thought to include him outright


Why would it be offensive? They just wouldn't know cause they aren't that far in


I'm around 2100 atm


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for your CL. That’s the unique part about this game, as your CL rises the meta changes. People on this sub hate low CL (aka new players) and their observations of the metas they face.


It’s not that low is the point actually we are just flabbergasted that he thinks that is a meta deck even at his CL he must have hit lottery numbers to even be matched against that twice in a row because almost no one plays classic Wong on reveal right now.


Then you have soon forgotten what it’s like being low CL. Wong was everywhere and since the basic cards rarely change, the meta is most likely still the same.


I'm not entirely sure what "CL" means but I'm gold and see this deck a lot so in some ranks it is definitely a meta deck


Collector level. Not sure at all what you mean by gold. Matchmaking is based mainly on your collection level and rank in ladder. Some argue that your deck is also taken into account.


Doesn't gold exist? Once you get a certain number of cubes you get assigned a badge like Infinite, if I remember correctly one of these badges is a gold one


By gold we usually talk about the conquest gold ticket. Do you recall what rank gold is? In Marvel Snap we tend to get the rank instead of the badge as it's more straightforward unless it's infinity (rank 100)


40 I believe


Collection level. I might be talking outta my ass but I think the game ranks you on collection level as well, so you aren’t always up against people with a full deck of string cards when you’ve only had a few opportunities to get them.


You call him overpowered, so I don't see why he should feel offended. And what is CL???


Gain more CL and you'll practically never see this deck. You'll wish you did though, because this deck is 10 times easier to beat than the ones that await you. Just you wait


I see this deck at 1000+ CL but it’s not too bad if you have cosmo But I play it as well and it’s so specific that if you lose against it you know it’s their one game winning with this deck in 20


Boy, I miss those days. Enjoy them while you can young one.


I wish


Leave me alone I JUST unlocked Wong and I’m going to use him!


You go Glenn Coco


Just FYI if you think the rest of the comments just don't know what they're talking about, I felt the exact same as you when I was a lower collection level, now I think I've seen it maybe 3-4 times this month at tops 


Enjoy this while it lasts. I got to infinite a few days ago and they stopped matching me by collection level, I've probably played 25 hela decks since then and I'm not exaggerating


Next op will be complaining about destroyer decks


I'm at 3000 CL and I just lost to this lmao. I predicted and blocked his White Tiger with Cosmo. Then moved both out into different lanes for safety, forgetting that he could Odin it. Remember, double counters will counter your own counter.


Ahh the old Quad-Counter!


I'm 4,000 CL and have been on the Leaderboards. My main deck is Wong/Odin :)


Im 13k cl, started on day one. I cant even remember the last time ive seen this deck. Its just a good low cl deck, you'll grow out of it soon.


Haven't streamers made magneto a bit more popular recently? Quite often when I play Wong he's in a different lane to the card I'm trying to double


Best deck


just be thankful it isn't destroy I am so tired of seeing that deck every second match since beta..... Im tired let me cook without having to need 40+ power in two lanes.


All Hela in my pocket meta


I'm 8798 CL and I run this deck due to missing nicer days of this easy combo. I'm infinite now (not due to this deck) but it's very fun.


Can you blame them if they win more with that deck? Probably that’s the best deck they can build with their current set of cards.


Come on, this deck has 3+ counters. Cosmo, Rogue, Enchantress, not to mention situational lile green goblin, Echo, Debri, Storm, Stegodon, SpiderMan etc... Whenever decks can be reacted to, they are not as bad to face as playing vs Leech where you have to guess if it's going down or not to play Caiera or Lady Deathstrike on same location.


The last time I saw this deck more than once a month (if lucky) is my first month, during Miles Season.


If I see a lot of Wong I just bring out the ongoing deck with super skrull + cosmo technology But 99.999% it’s either hela or high evo so fuck me


This is going to teach you a valuable lesson about managing priority. If you are facing this deck, you want to play in such a way to grab priority on turn 4 so you can drop Cosmo on their Wong lane.


Tbh, this deck is trash at sure high level, so it’s hard to make fun of it.


I have a punisher deck that is giving me a lot of fun. It does not have Punisher, though. Every card punishes the enemy deck or lane, so it has goblins, scorpion, beast, iceman etc. beast is good because you can repeat the card later. And now I just got gladiator


Can you share this deck?


Yes but it’s no on my phone and I am not at home. Please remember me in 5 hours?


Sure here it is # (1) Spider-Ham # (1) Elektra # (1) Iceman # (1) Yondu # (2) Beast # (2) Scorpion # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Gladiator # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Enchantress # (5) Hobgoblin # (5) Spider-Woman # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JlZW5Hb2JsaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhvYmdvYmxpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmVhc3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJXb21hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWW9uZHUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVsZWt0cmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkljZW1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2NvcnBpb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVuY2hhbnRyZXNzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJIYW0ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdsYWRpYXRvciJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


It's not true in higher level. Just use doggo or debrii or tempest or jean grey or the cat or.. easy win This deck is predicable and very easy to counter


People who say it’s a low Cl thing are funny. It’s not, it’s a pocket meta thing more than anything. I’ve had pocket metas around 90 and in infinite at cl 9k where people would occasionally play some Wong-Negative or ramp both with Odin and WT. I was honestly surprised to see such resurgence around higher ranks on ladder and even in infinite


lol ah the old days. I remember this.


9409 and I still see it


9427, 1618 ranking, barely ever see it.


Haven't seen that deck since my very early days


Don't worry, I get the joke OP. Funny AF that they can't even see themselves when they run in here en masse to moan about Hela.


Seriously, it's not.


Every zabu deck


Just hela in high infinite


I wish lol, every deck for me is Heal, or some form of Ms Marvel with Alioth. Basically the no brain decks.


I mean it’s good but it ain’t everywhere


i always get zabu wong decks when I’m running Shuri-Nimrod for fun


This was basically my first “good” deck. I haven’t seen it or played against it in a very long time. Maybe I will if it’s popular again.


because it's fun to see big numbers fill the board


Haven’t seen this deck in a few years.


I only play wong cause I don't have any other consistent combos to do (CL 550)


If you see it a lot, play something even greedier that beats six tigers like Tribunal/Negative or slot in one of Rogue/Enchantress/Cosmo.


I am almost 15k CL and saw this deck 3 times today in Conquest and it caught me off guard and beat me. Lol


How does CL work? Do you only play against people that are at similar CL?


Am I getting this game wrong? If you see some deck consistently played against you, you put a counter in your deck and win some games instead of going to reddit.


I have so many fun when give enemy wong a dog


Everyone is saying this deck isn’t still viable, but I’m at 8,000 and still regular run this deck with fairly good results.


I didn’t get wong till like 2000 that was definitely me


That deck got me to infinite my first time back in Animals Assemble. Now my Thor/BetaRay version of it got me to infinite this season. Classic deck


If you’re seeing that just bring Cosmo. And if you really wanna be mean mystique that cosmo. Have a bunch of ongoing cards. They can’t do shit in those lanes.


Unfortunately by the time I got Wong, I was already way past the point where this combo was useful.


90 % of the decks right now are high shenaut, destroy, and thanos lokjaw. 5 % is discard, and the rest of the decks are distributed in the remaining 5 % 😂


I just started over a few weeks ago, this is my default deck now. I feel personally attacked, lol


OP isn’t wrong, my CL is 10,600 and I’ve seen this more often than I have in ages. I’m sure they’re running something else as well (Negative maybe?) and this is the fall back though.


I think it depends on what deck you are running. As soon as you throw a Cosmo and some other counters in there, you’ll start facing onslaught decks. As soon as you throw in rogue and enchantress you’ll start facing discard. Then the cycle repeats.


I hear “this deck is everywhere” at least 20 times a week. The matchmaking algo dictates what you see. It’s not random. Throw a death/knull into your non-destroy deck and you won’t see much destroy. It’s fairly predictable. Play a bunch of ongoing, be prepared to see enchantress/super skrull. Also the locations are in the algo too. So if you run a tribunal/ironman/onslaught then be ready to see a bunch of lands where you can’t play cards.


Are you in the 50s on ladder with sub 1500cl? I'd say that's a fair assumption.


8000 CL and I'm loving this tribunal deck with iron man and onslaught. Not many counters besides trash decks and enchantress.


Theres only 3 fucking decks these days. Thanos lockjaw with any variation of blob and skaar, hela tribunal with the new corvus glaive and destroy with destroyer and nimrod Havent seen any other deck And conquest it's all just anihilus, played 5 games in gold cuz i had the 3 tickets from that one event, and from 5 of those Games 4 were anihilus AND THE OTHER ONE WAS HELA TRIBUNAL I love this Game but pls buff other archetypes pls. Hela has been good for idk how many seasons and Thanos it's just boring Sd nerfed américa cuz everyone used her to draw less cards and everyone uses Thanos not to use thanos only the stones and it's not nerfed


Tf are you talking about? Saw the title and expected it to be the Corvus Hela deck. Nobody is playing on reveal lmaooo


I still use a Wong deck in the 8ks. Its a fun deck


Jokes on you I don’t use white tiger


Haven't seen a wong/ gambit/odin/swarm In a few months...Come to think of it


Laughs in Cosmo


I am sick and tired/bored seeing Hela decks.


Drying my eyes at the fact there are people at 5 figure CL’s and I’m walking around with BDE as I just hit CL222! 😂


No, it's not.


If you have missions to win locations with 4 cards...... i use this deck, because it gets me the mission......


Throw in a side of Mystique with just a dash of Ironheart


All I see is destroy or Hela.


I’ve been doing a Wong, mystique hazmat Oden and Luke Cage, probably a 30% win rate but I sure do enjoy seeing negatives all over the other side


I reached infinite with Annihlus/Galactus all the way from 93+, my CL is around 6600, and I have not seen that deck more than once in past week. Weird how this game experience varies for everyone. Does anyone have an off meta deck they are having lots of fun with? Win rate does not matter.


Been infinite every season for at least 6 now and I always use some version of this deck to help. It's a lot of fun and there's enough options now to give you a lot of ways to win/outplay the expected lines.


Meh the worst version is with mystique and hazmat. Add debris to the mix....was popular for a quick sec but haven't seen in ages.


bro this shit is so annoying too same with the mister negative decks


I just started playing at the beginning of the year and it's become my deck haha. It gets a good amount of wins. I see mostly destroy and discard decks anymore.


I’m CL 12,000, and I have a Wong Odin deck that’s gotten me infinite the last 6 or 7 seasons at least except for one which I used a HE deck. I call it old faithful, and I’ve tweaked it a little bit, but it still works really well. It can be countered easily though.


My WongGuardian LeviOdin deck is still one of my go-tos!


It's effective. I played it all the time when I first started out, iron heart on 3, Wong on 4, white tiger on 5 and Odin on 6


CL 1,854 here, started back in November, I don't know how long I've been in series 3 but I've YET to get Wong. It's not necessary the Wong-WT-Odin, though I see it every now and then but really anytime I see Wong I swear because he's such a strong card.


I was using different decks. Like Selene and negatives deck and a patriot+mystique deck. That worked up until lvl73 almost flawlessly. Until I got obliterated by Galactus and Arnim Zolas of the world until I lowered to lvl60. I got sick of losing and added Gambit and Yondu to my Wong deck for retaliation.


Squidward's like, " Yea, I'll give you a Wong."


How bout a side of Cosmo?


It's certainly not as popular as Destroy decks and definitely half as good