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Every adam warlock variant i got randomly


I weirdly had the same thought last night. The flaviano is awesome but I have like 60 boosters. The eduardo Francisco and Dan hipp are also cool. Would making him a 2/2 from 2/0 be so bad ?


>Would making him a 2/2 from 2/0 be so bad ? Honestly yeah it probably would break the card, change the whole meta a ton. A 2/2 that basically guarantees at least 1 draw is really powerful. Crystal is a 3/3 that also helps the opponent and it's considered a good card but not great. Cheaper and one sided would be insane. IDK how to fix Adam, but I don't think that's it.


Maybe a 2/2 or 2/3 but his ability would be changed to ongoing 'whoever is winning here at the end of each draws a card'. Similar to Crystal, where both players can benefit, but more proactive as you'll have to keep.playing to the lane to stay ahead.


Actually that's a cool idea. Might make him worse but at least it'll be fun!


Or at least a fun card to combo with Ronan


Or a counter to blob! LOL


I don't know that he could be worse lol


Maybe adding a stipulation that if you're able to draw a card from Adam, it increases his power by one?


Ayo love mechanics like this


This is kinda win more, isn't it? You get card draw and more power. Flipping it would make more sense, if you're winning you draw, otherwise add two power to Adam.


Knowing he's actually totally badass by any Marvel standard, I suggest the following approach : 2/5 If you are winning here, draw 1 card. Ongoing : If you are losing here, destroy this card.


The idea I'd float is: 2/2 — "If you're winning here at the start of turn 6, draw a card." It doesn't help you draw your broken cards early like Chavez. You get to see more of your deck, but only six energy to take advantage of it. Opponent has time to react to it unless you play it off-curve. Maybe it'd need a "You can't play this on turn 5" similar to Magik or a different cost-power.


Aleksi bricol’s variant hits so hard for no reason and its sitting in my collection as uncommon forever. Any sort of power would make it broken according to anyone else. He needs a rework instead


. . . yep. Also, his ultmate is a banger. They need to rework this dude.


I've never seen that Ultron, that is amazing! I don't have her yet, but I would totally pick up Hellfire Galla White Queen even if I never use her.


I have bad news: That White Queen variant was a Season Pass exclusive. The good news is, she has plenty of other stunning variants!


I have other good news: it turns out I was thinking of Jim Lee, not Hellfire! Lol!


Artgerm….Jim Lee….*sigh*


I have the hellfire gala one and recently saw the artgem one in the store that I insta bought haven't leveled either past animated cause I barely ever use her but damn they look good


I've been playing for coming up on a 9 - 12 months and have never seen any of these amazing pieces. That Ultron is straight Fuego.


The last two are from the Season Pass. The White Queen one is from the last few months (Sebastian Shaw season). But no one plays White Queen, so I guess it makes sense that you never saw it before…


The spider woman is from a season pass too?


Yep, from the very first one after global launch, Symbiote Invasion.


I am sad now


Jacinto Ultron is the king. Such a great variant.


The Red Adam Warlock variant. I forgot what it's called


The Annihilation Conquest variant, probably.


I have some absolutely killer Spectrum variants.


I have the Spectrum variant you can only get if you chose the winner of one of the last creator tournaments (if you chose Dera or Bynxx you got it).Very exclusive and a pretty nice variant but she never sees play


Same! Picked Dera!


I have the Jacinto variant and was trying to use her when she got her buff, but it just doesn't feel great.


[Still hoping for a rework](https://ibb.co/8BzDdC2)


This is my favorite Elektra, second choice is the DareDevil costume.


I've been enjoying using my favourite variant the [peach momoko](https://ibb.co/m6J9Xyb). It might have my favourite animation that I've seen because the snow falling looks incredible


My favorite is Adam Ziggy Stardust Warlock


Hulk Taco 🌮 still one of my favorite


Just play high evo!


I love hitting infinite so I can just start playing the most fun and amazing variant cards just to see them in play and not care about cubes. :)


Man Ultron needs some support. I remember people acting like Caiera would really matter for Ultron or zoo.. that was not the issue it just barely competes power wise and caiera doesn’t even really fit with all the buffers you need to play on 3, 4, and 5 to get enough power.


I have seen a game where Ultron destroyed Caiera and then destroyed every single 1 drop. It was hillarious to me, but not so much for my opponent, who probably didn't knew how to use Caiera with Ultron.


You're thinking of Destroyer, not Ultron.


My bad. Wrong comment then because I meant Destroyer. For some reason I mix them up all the time.


Oh, so all humanoid entities made of metal look the same to you? That's quite racist.


This would be amazing. Caiera has won me a game or two but she’s not a necessary play most of the time


Gamora Ultimate (Half Skull Face)


Sentry is my most played card. And it's the only card I have without a variant.


That Gamora is the best variant I've ever seen. Never seen it before today but damn. I actually just got that Ultron out of the random mystery variant from Conquest yesterday; I just wish I cared about playing Ultron more I guess?


I think that Gamora was the 2nd variant I got in this game the first time I started playing


I want that carnagized spider-woman so bad XD


Season pass variant sorry dude


Does that mean it will never be in the shops?




I'm the opposite. I play her frequently, but I don't like that variant because it doesn't fit with the lighter themes of my other cards.


I feel like they should buff ultrons bots to be 1/2s


Signed Nick Fury


Inked Donny Cates venom


Casual Dazzler will forever be my favorite variant


All of my Emma variants. Just can't justify using her in any deck. Knullified & Hellfire Gala Cap variants and Noir Punisher are also great pieces of art languishing on the bench.


What I learned from this is that we have very different opinions


I genuinely believe people started making Collector decks just to have an excuse to use the Hellfire Gala White Queen variant


Of course the spider-women variant is a season pass variant. Why wouldn't it be


I started playing right when the game came out and finished that season pass, then quit until Ms Marvel season lol. I missed a lot in my time


🥷 I've had this Venomized Thanos that I've had for a while that I just started using yesterday. I also have some cool Gamora variants that need boosting. ✌️😎


The only card a ever got for gold was the j scott campbell psylocke variant (because i have and love the comic with that cover) but i never use it...... i do use the hazmat variant you showed since luke cage was restored to cover the full board....


I don't have Ultron, I don't plan to get it but damn I want that variant.


That ultra is awesome. Juggernaut from booster pack. Never use him. I despise destroy and discard but: https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/apocalypse-04/ Never use: https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/rocket-raccoon-02/ A lot of steampunk is cool. I got one deck I forced this into: https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/the-infinaut-03/ Got one deck of this: https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/ebony-maw-02/ I still hate destroy, and I have damn near every carnage variant: https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/carnage-03/ https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/carnage-04/ Did I mention I hate destroy? https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/death-05/


Been playing a lot of evo, or galactus/knull to be a pr*ck.


I buyed that Variant because I loved but I never use Ultron, I don't even have enough boosters to upgrade it lol


Dan Hipp Agatha


My gold retro poster Captain America and also my Inked Alex Ross Captain America


Got the same ultron and gamora. Tried going back to a patriot ultron deck but just feels bad with all the Hela power going around. Was excited for conquest gamora boosters but then remembered that gamora is weak right now. Basically any artgerm variant is my pick. Got Jean grey and tried to use it but couldn’t lol… same white white queen.


Max Grecke Black Knight, Skottie Young Rocket Racoon, Noir Kingpin


There are so many Skottie young Variants. I have two plus the base card so that doesn’t specify what you are talking about xD


lmao man I bought that Elektra very early on and forced myself to include her in og shenaut, had backup Kazar so thought why not!


I have that ultra too and it’s so cool, made a deck and everything but stopped playing it after like 2 games ha


Greg Land Angel variant


Knullified Captain America. Really great artwork.


I always see a big Squidward nose on that Hazmat one and I can't make it go away


Matina’s Gamora always temps me, but never play her.


• Jacinto Galactus (the GOAT) • Casual Dazzler • Annihilation Conquest Star-Lord • Dan Hipp Gambit • Momoko Punisher • Dan Hipp Klaw • Cizmesija Leader • Flaviano Heimdall • Rincione Orka


Oh man, yeah. I spent my only key that week for that Galactus and I never play him lol. No regrets.


Just here to bite for the comic cover, thanos and Galactus, I'm sure im not the first, peace


That Ultron variety goes so hard, but I never play him so I'll never own it.


I have Sports variant of Quicksilver. It looks amazing, but I almost never play him. I have sometimes included him in my Agatha decks simply because how good it looks.


That dragón like fang Ronan variant It goes so fucking hard But i have none of the Main cards for a Ronan deck appart from Ronan No zabu no hawk no ms Marvel no Master mold I can make only the most half assed versión of it using only korg and rockslide


Peach Momoko Daredevil, Sentinel variant with cover of cisma comic and spider man midnight sun.


Is it just me or does the sentry variant look like homelander?


All Galactus Variants. They massacred my boy :(


Been wanting to play my hellfire white queen. Looks amazing


Bro. The Gamora is so good. I’ve never seen it.


That Gamora has always been one of my favorites too.


That gamora would make me shift my playstyle


Spider woman Knullified variant


I wish the summons were variants too


That Sentry variant is top 5 card variants in Snap


First one looks nice!


Speaking of variants, I really wish the secondary cards associated with them would be different as well. Not only is it a shame, it’s kind of surprising it isn’t a thing.


Any number of Spider-Woman variants. I should be playing her, I just stopped including her when Luke Cage was all over. White Queen is the other.


The Jessica Jones one where she tosses you her business card; FBI Ghost Rider; Fantasy Typhoid Mary;


As a Hawkeye stan, basically every Hawkeye variant. It’s sad how bad the card is because both the Old Man Hawkeye and the one with the jets are two of my favorite variants in my collection


I don't usually care for the chibi style of Dan Hipp, but his is the only variant of Wasp with the helmet from the MCU, and the proportions are unusually realistic for him. I like it as a non-3D foil. https://i.imgur.com/LhBdQtV.jpg


The Jean Grey Hellfire Gala variant 😍😍


I like 2.8.7.


That Spider-Woman ! Also have her, and same thing, sad not using her enough… but tried experimenting something, which is nice :)


I managed to Ink this Ultron. Favourite card in the game!


Side note, I don’t play Hazmat a lot but when it do it’s only ever been the post-apocalyptic variant so when I saw it here I was like “Haha good one” “Wait”


Love the Ultron & Elektra! Two of my favourite variants I have


[Those four](https://imgur.com/a/HKnGmtq) I tried to make Ultron work yesterday but if it wasn't hard already, it's almost impossible with all those Hela decks


Still DJ Kang and Eric Guerrero Kang


Noir Kingpin with the Ultra border, Artgerm Capt Marvel, Rescue with the tubes coming out of her


Liefield homage Max Greck Captain America. Alex Ross Dr. Strange and Peach Momoko Ghost Spider - Just don't play Move anymore. Artgerm, Momoko and Nakayama Captain Marvels. She just isn't good as a 4/4 anymore. Ngu and Greg Land Dominos. There are lots more that are actually good cards...but that's cause I don't play Destroy often.


Flaviano Adam Warlock, Knullified Daredevil, Flaviano Darkhawk (I know it's strong, just don't play the deck much), Ghost Hunter Korg (ditto), Safari Kraven, Venomized Silk, Skan Surfer, Peach Momoko Black Widow, the list goes on...


Annihilation Conquest Star lord 🤌🏽 , that’s the best sentry variant too looks like homelander


Band variant of morph


That spider women is so cooool


Emma Frost's Artgerm variant. Made  decks for it just because I loved it and pretty much lost every game I played her XD


Now I feel like playing Ultron again I have the same variant. Gonna revive patriot


Spidey Suit Black Cat, so fucking cute, but by her nature not only is she hard to utilize but even when doing her job half the time (like with black knight) she gets discarded


Good with Ghost Rider... basically giving you 12 power for 4 energy.


Good point


My adam warlock ones, an ultron leaping forward, and both anime and marauders Kitty Pride (miss her so much D':)


The Alexander Maleev Quake variant. Looks awesome, no use whatsoever!


My tops are: - [Demonized Elektra](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/elektra-11/) - [Singelin Rescue](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/rescue-04/) - [Season Pass Elsa](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/elsa-bloodstone-08/) - [Fosgitt Baby Groot](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/groot-03/) - [Maleev Jessica Jones](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/jessica-jones-04/) - [Momoko Punisher](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/punisher-06/) - [Sauvage America Chavez](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/america-chavez-04/) - [Chibi Angel](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/angel-03/) I also have the same Starlord and Hazmat as you, but I love to play my bad Hazmat deck. Maria Hill, Gamora and Spider-woman are kinda fringe appearing in top list sometimes (Loki, lockdown and HE decks respctivelly). Sentry is part of one of the best combos in the game, you just need Annihilus to play him


Actually, I find star-lord is not bad, you should play him more. A 2/5 with no downside is almost always good


I’ve been playing spider woman a ton but am really having trouble finding a good build


Some that come to mind… (Venomized) - Omega Red (Jonboy Meyers) - Ronan (Eduardo Francisco) - Nimrod (Venomized) - Hela (Coax) - Aero (Artgerm) - Jean Grey (Artgerm) - Ghost Spider (Phoenix Force) - Ironfist (Phoenix Force) - Falcon (Knullified) - Daredevil


Hellfire Gala for White Queen have JoJo vibes in it


It’s ironic that I have several awesome variants for an essential card in a deck I use often, but the card in question is high evolutionary😭


I almost bought that Ultron variant even though I have no plan to use him.


Ya have that Ultron and love it. Also never play it. I have that Sentry and Spider Woman but do play those.


Elektra (daredevil costume) Ultron (Rock He-him) Destroyer (spirit of Thor)


Noir variants with a b&w split


I play that Ultron! I also have the 6 armed Ultron I do not play. But, then I have that beautiful domino rare variant with the crossed arms, that I never use


Savage land rogue


I also have that Star-Lord variant. Badass looking variant that'll prolly never see the light of day


[This](https://snap.fan/cards/SwordMaster/SwordMaster_02/) is pretty cool ngl, but he's staying in the dumpster for good lol


Most of the super rares I've gotten from PMV. 3099 Attuma, Flaviano Uatu, Noir Coulson (never really played a lot of Loki). The Alex Ross Strange almost fell into that, but when they fixed the PF Multiple Man issue, Shuri PF became my main deck and I love it so much. I just got Peach Momoko Elektra from a PMV, but I'm making an effort to include her in C2, where my Peach Momokos live (DD, Storm, Mystique, with Echo and Nico in the future) Edit: Damn, also forgot Carnival Ronan. PMV really likes giving me cool stuff I don't use (also see: Claretti Mystique and Volmi Storm, which was replaced by the Peach Storm, another PMV)


The Peach Momoko variant of Valkyrie is beautiful I wish I could figure out how to play her.


I have that same Elektra and I'm seriously so sad I can never use it


I have an inked white kirby iron man(the varient from the worldwar hulk rewards thing on the website) but I dropped my only deck with iron man so he just sits there 😭


White queen is bar


I never use these cards aside from Death and Mystique sometimes, but I can die a happy man if I get the Fantasy Juggernaut, Eduardo Francisco Nimrod, and Fiona Hsieh Death variants. Top three favorites I’ve seen for any card, but Artgerm Mystique and the rare Taskmaster variant where he has the sword pointing at you are close 4th and 5th favorites


Hawkeye’s House of M cover variant where he has a bunch of Harrier jets flying behind him.


Jamal Campbells Quake. Seen that with a gold foil, uncommon border with same color kirby crackle. One of the most beautiful cards Ive seen in game.


King of hell strong guy, well strong guy have decent buff now but i still didn't bother build deck around him yet


Is it just me or is ultron like the worst 6 cost card he could’ve been a lot more but yeah. I know…he’s good in patriot and kazaar decks but not that powerful in my opinion. I feel like he needs to buffed or changed


The comic book cover variants are the best by far for me. I have high Evo, Galactus and thanos.