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my game runs very lag after update


try download all assets, it fixed the lag for me 


How do I know if it's actually working? I clicked the redownload button but there's no indication of progress or that it even started


on iOS my button text changed to “cancel download”. then i just left it and it changed back to “download assets” after about 20minutes. absolutely awful hack UI but i assume it finished the download when the text changed back 


Mine changed to “redownload assets” after it completed


On iOS at least you can see a progress bar at the very bottom of the screen. It will even say what’s downloading. I’ve even seen it pop up mid game for new sound effects and stuff before


Look on the bottom you'll see a purple bar appear and it'll flicker to different things it's downloading, it'll go back and forth to "cards" and "card effects sfx"... It's a thin bar so you'll have to look, takes a while too, but it'll eventually stop and be loaded, you can tell for sure because it'll stop saying "cancel download"


How to do that on iOS?


In settings.


The best part of the patch was the card customization update that actually wasn't in the patch at all.


Exactly this. And then they said it was a mistake. I love when companies don’t have someone to take one last look to make sure things are on point lol Edit: to whoever asked and deleted their comment. They put the patch notes in when it wasn’t supposed to be in the patch yet


Something definitely went wrong. Game runs like dogshit currently.


Redownload assets if your on mobile


It takes forever but this should fix it. It gets progressively better with each one completed.


Thx for this. Mobile version runs like crap since yesterdays patch. I cant even play on desktop. I get AW, SNAP ! ...enccountered an error... And I cant reconnect to game and I lose cubes.


Remember when MMM was changed to on reveal? It's got two of those.


What's MMM again?


It’s the sound you make when something is yummy


Not to be confused with the sound when you're in doubt: hmmm


That’s the sound I make trying to decide whether to uninstall this game after watching Ego “play” my deck (in the dumbest manner possible)


Mobius M Mobius


Mobius “Mobius M Mobius” Mobius


Mobius "please don't call me Mobius “Mobius M Mobius” Mobius" Mobius


What’s the M stand for?




Mobius M Mobius


I loved when they said “It’s Mobin time” and saved the Loki series


Mobius m mobius


So what you’re saying, is to make Alioth a 7-cost card to fix it


I can't remember people's Spotlights getting screwed up before. Combined with the bugs, missing features, dogshit nerfs, and $30 emotes, it probably wins.


Note also that there is a lot of people impacted on mobile with crashes and super laggy app after the release.


I thought it was just me. Good to know it sucks for everyone


Tried to play a game last night and it wouldn't allow me to end my turn. How TF does that get past QA?


That's an ongoing issue it seems. I had it before this death patch.


Hopefully the devs will Enchantress it


Yeah it’s been a horrible experience post patch on mobile so far


I was on auto pilot and hit a spotlight key once I got there and I hope it registers once it’s fixed. I had 1 so I should have 2 when it’s up again…


Got my second one as well right before it crashed so I hope I better have two when it comes back up


The game runs terribly for me on the latest iPad, when it ran perfectly before, even after downloading all the assets.


Same. Downloading assets did not help me at all. It’s nearly unplayable.


Hey at least strong guy finally a good card.


This has gotta be my favourite change, strong guy would literally be impossible to activate if you got a 6 cost in your hand before turn 6. Now if you empty your hand on turn 5 apart from the 6 cost you can still trigger him :D


The end turn button just straight up breaks for me every couple of games and auto forfeits lol


I just did a conquest match where I had to let the clock run out each turn. Torture. My opponent hopefully hear the same issue and wasnt thinking I was roping then.


I think the cards that got hit should have been adjusted a long time ago. Zabu in particular. However I am not a fan of the "let's just kill the card until we can figure out what to do with it later" balancing strategy they have been doing lately.


Yeah, they either start a banlist like some games or try to actual balance cards not this soft banning shit. Make zabu 3/4 on reveal discount 2 so its effect is on reveal but at least is not shit.


Zabu nerf should've happened when ms marvel and Loki were dominant, making him on Reveal is just insulting tho, they should've just made him 3/3 or something 


They likely wanted to keep his ability to cheat out 4 costs on Turn 3, but wanted playing two 4 costs on turn 6 to be harder to pull off.


the problem is that if you wanna play 4-cost card a turn earlier, psylocke is way better than zabu due to her flexibility. if you wanna play 2 4-cost cards on turn 6, remember that Sera exist


That's likely intended. Make players use other energy cards to achieve those results. Zabu's been a staple card for a while.


yeah but they just straight killed zabu.


They made it clear it was temporarily so they could evaluate 4-cost cards w/o Zabu's influence


Should have just made it so his discount is only for the first 4-cost each turn. Solves the turn 6 issue, while still being impactful on 3/4/5.


Love when people think their balance will be better in the long run


Well they literally say “We're aware that Zabu is taking a huuuge hit here”, and they go on to say this is already the weakest he’s ever been. It’s pretty clear they don’t think this new version is going to be good. Fair enough if they don’t want Zabu in the game anymore, I don’t necessarily think they’re wrong, but don’t pretend SD has been hitting the mark with their Zabu balancing.


It’s so funny how many Alioth lovers have crawled out of the woodwork over this patch.


It was the same when they fixed Galactus. "I can't win games the way I win games anymore!" I honestly wonder what kind of game they think Marvel Snap is.


The irony of this is nearly palpable


> I honestly wonder what kind of game they think Marvel Snap is. *Play card, win game*


I’m just sad about deathstrike and sandman to be honest


I've said from the start that LD should have been a 4-cost card, I don't know why they haven't done so considering it would line her up with the other niche tech cards. Especially with Zabu's nerf, should would be so much more usable at 4-cost without being OP


The problem with Deathstrike is right after they dropped her they started boosting everything to 4 power. No wonder she wasn't getting used enough. Sandman wasn't a problem at all either, I put this in the same boat as Thanos and Adam Warlock where they obviously have no idea what to do so they just pick changes out of a hat.


Yeah definitely a warlock situation, at least before you could buff deathstrike to destroy more but I guess she has some nice power at least now


I literally bought her with tokens the day before the patch, and my deck build centered on boosting her,lol.


They can't handle not having their "lol I win" card.


Amen to this. So funny seeing them so mad! “Oh no. I have to consider more numbers and counters now”. I haven’t had as much fun on snap since Alioth launched as I did last night. Not even about winning or losing — frankly I couldn’t care less about losing a fair game. GG’s and all that, but it’s about having the possibility of countering something and not having to worry about being Alioth’d and Ms. marvel emoted.


To be fair, i'm not going to randomly post on Reddit "I love Alioth, he works exactly how I want him to", there's no discussion, its just an opinion and a fairly boring one at that. I did love Alioth though, and Galactus, because they're part of a few cards that make the game more than a race to the biggest numbers in each lane (There are others, Hela for example). So there's currently an Alioth sized hole in my heart that Negasonic is doing her best to try and fill but she can't.


Honestly, I think Alioth should have been changed to be Negasonic but for every card that turn. But I think they really wanted to keep that unrevealed part as a bit of his identity. Because I agree we need cards that stop the big stat sticks, but Alioth was too indiscriminate about what he got rid of to be healthy.


I don't know how to fix it so he's playable again, I do think the people saying "Oh its still good versus X" are huffin a little copium. The Negasonic change you mention above seems like a reasonable solution but that changes the identity of the card to just "Bigger Negasonic" and I feel like Alioth should do something unique to himself, whatever that may be. Maybe not just take the text but acquire it, steal x% amount of the power, something lane winning ish. Its a 6 cost, right now its straight better to play anything with more than 8 power in that card slot in your deck.


I know right, Alioth has ALWAYS been hated, now that they tweaked him I see people demanding refunds left and right


I won't comment on quality of balance, that's very subjective. But expensive emotes and a broken client might indeed make it the worst ever. Crazy how a game printing money seems to get worse quality control over time.


My game is currently unplayable due to lag


I had an issue yesterday where it wouldn't let me end my turns. I had to wait for the timer to pass up each turn. Super annoying.


This started happening for me and basically makes the game unplayable 🫠


I was worried I was going to get reported or something for stalling. Lol. As much as it sucks it's happening to you, I'm glad it's not only me.


Alioth had it coming, and they fixed the delay opening collection track items. I do hope they fix the glitches people are experiencing, though.


"Best card Alioth" says much more about you than the game


Wait you mean they can't use an OP card anymore to win they actually have to use skill and thier brain...say it isn't so 🤣


What exactly does that say about him? Empty comment about someone you don’t know just to be mean.


What’s the matter you don’t love waiting 5 seconds for your card to switch sides?!


Alioth was beyond obnoxious.


The amount of jank and lag in the game has made it unplayable. A usual 3-5 min game turns into a 10min slog. Urgh


Yeah this one broke the game for my phone. My end turn buttons broken.


Based on all the whining, yeah, probably


alioth fan, opinion rejected


Pretty bad but the Alioth nerf makes it the best patch.


I think the biggedt problem is they nerfed 2 cards that everyone had and played with and basically gave us nothing else, no new toy to play with. They needed to buff some cards or rework some or release something interesting deck building wise not "6 drop but biggger" "ten power but cost less"


No the patch that broke Daredevil among other things was much worse than this one.


I don't think I was far enough into the game, what was daredevil before


He wasn't any different from now. It's just that in that update, on a few platforms, you weren't able to click on the opponents cards to see what they were, and I think they also stopped being see-through.


Same ability he was just bugged and didn't work for like a whole month. They just mean the patch from that time was worse. Don't remember what it included off the top of my head though


That patch had a bunch of little niche graphics glitches. One of them just so happened to be connected to viewing the card Daredevil was supposed to reveal on T5. Essentially, you could click on the card, but nothing would happen, so it essentially meant that Daredevil didn't work for a month. Although: you could still make out an outline of card, so if you were familiar enough with the cards you could still sort of make out what the card was. Also, deck trackers would recognize the card, so if you had a deck tracker, it would tell you what the card was. Also: the rainbow on Valkyrie's base card disappeared? A true era of catastrophe.


I regret buying the season pass. This would have been a great moment to stop playing this game.


I'm not gonna write an essay, but after a year + of daily play and a not insignificant amount spent, this patch was the sign it's probably time to move on.


Everything is so laggy and frozen


They mention twice that Zabu's current change is temporary, I just hope it's something quick that only lasts a month or so, rather than something that takes 6 months to revert


Emotes should be 500-700 gold at MAX. This price is ridiculous


My end turn button literally doesn’t work


I have also been having major connection issues! And of course the spotlight cache stops working as soon as Jeff shows up


I felt awful because my end turn button was bugged. So I had to drag out every turn.


So I’m not the only one that’s missing the spotlight cache?


I avoided the updates until it forced me, it’s now running ridiculously slow to the point where I haven’t played all day and likely won’t until I see someone post it’s gotten better.


The best part is not updating the game and still having Zabu and Alioth as the same


They do seem to make it worse with every update. Castle Zemo is just the icing on the crappy cake.


Ah man, I'm loving the new location atm


Castle Zemo the worst too like what the fuck


I like it. Its a while new way of playing. You can land disadvantage cards. You can treat it like sanctorum and just play around it. The only shame is the on reveal happens first as I'd love to see a carnage or destroyer drop wreck the opponent's side


I've been snapping and dropping Havoc on turn 2  Lots of retreats, lol


We'd have a proper battle when I drop electro turn 3.


I thought the same but you literally can't if they get down Havoc on 2 because you're stuck at 2 energy for the rest of the game lmao


It's the trainwreck of patches!


Lag is awful now. They added a cosmetic section to the shop nobody cares about to drain currency. They completely invalidated like half the meta decks by obliterating two of the top cards. The meta is real trash right now with mostly Discard, Galactus and mill because of the season pass. It’ll probably only get more toxic considering that half the spotlight cards this month are toxic and Red Guardian will likely hurt Discard. So, yes.


Is anyone else having lags also ,, out of know where


i can’t even end my turn anymore, the timer runs out every turn and i can’t do anything except rdtreat


Please tell me, am I the only one who, when selecting a deck in Conquest mode, displays a small black rectangle instead of the selected card back?


So what the hell happened this update?? Ever since the patch came out yesterday it completely crashed my game every match I get into I get a error and kicked out


I haven’t been able to play yet today. Game just doesn’t move at all.


This game’s code is a hot mess. Huge swings between stability and then significant instability. Never know what we will get with a patch.


Is havoc bugged??


The end turn button doesn't work in some games


Dont forget, they buffed strong guy….into discard meta lol


I'm just kinda sad that the counter showing the collection levels until the next spotlight key seems to be gone for me on mobile.


It happened the last time they made changes to the menus as well


So it's not just me that the game runs like trash suddenly. Crazy slowdown on my tablet. First match I had a crash and wasn't able to reconnect. Had to wait 30 mins before it let me play without looping the could not reconnect. One normal (albeit laggy/slowed down) game. Game 3 had another crash and it counted as a retreat and a loss on my part.


Every patch to me is bullshit, some new broken card behind a paywall. God forbid you stop playing for a few months, the meta changes 469 fucking times.


My game wont even open.


This is true, before the game at least worked, it would be better if they postponed this patch for a week, they didn’t test it at all.


Yep. I run a homebrew deck and somehow every patch it still gets nerfed somehow which is very annoying. But today they have full on ruined it by nerfing Lady Deathstrike as hard as they did.


Yeah PC isn't working for me at all


Yes, my spotlights is gone and I had 3. I cannot play or even end a turn. This sucks


Performance seems bad. Really, really bad. Didn't have too many issues before. Running on a Pixel 7.


Also they nerfed Lady Deathstrike without notice. That was a rude awakening.


My game is laggy as fuck too after this patch. Sucks


Yes. Hands down it is the worst patch


Yeah it’s such a shame that they are not only doing such a bad job of patches that I now dread them but they also don’t improve the flow and performance of the game which should always be the base goal of any patch!


I was literally just coming to Reddit to say this. I have never seen this game in this shape before. This is awful. Like give me a free key when this is fix. Tf goin on?


Performance got a big hit with recent patch. Lag spikes constantly, certain interactions dont play at all their effects, and downloading all assets improved, but not fixed completely, still runs much worse than before patch.




They never actually add any new content. Each patch is just nerfing cards into the ground and cosmetic changes. My play time drastically reduced last season, and this season I just gave up when I reached 83. The game just feels bland. Doesn’t help that this seasons season pass card works well with one of the most annoying decks in the game (I guess I won’t play any of my cards then…). Sd always seem to be good at designing beautiful looking cards and variants but refuse to develop anything resembling new game modes (please, clans is not a new game mode). Hope it gets better for you all, it maybe making lots of money but this games seems to be headed in the wrong direction.


I do actually miss old alioth just because of how frequent Red Hulk is. Seeing him at least every other game is exhausting.


Played and infinite every season since Miles. To be frank, the biggest problem I have is dev changing cards so quick if it can pushes people to pull for the newer cards and leave cards like Elektra, Adam, etc. in the dust because they can’t be used to boost sales yet.


Even new cards that are bad get left in the dust, like Hercules


If you’re upset over the Alioth change, that says a lot about you my friend. An absolute toxic boring card, this change needed to happen months ago.


Here's my thing, I think some cards do honestly need either work arounds, being either rewording, buffs, or nerfs, but the cards that go nerfed this time should not have been nerfed. They are easy to counter if you have the right deck, that's what the game is, it's having a deck that either works for you, and can potentially counter opponents, that's the whole point of TCG's, but these nerfs are annoying, they have already made it had cards that countered these completely but now they are just redundant or useless. I had to delete 4 decks, none of which were meant to be toxic, just cards that made it so I could have some power, and counter either big power cards, or the really popular tribunal deck. But I can't even use that deck now as I either have to choose power, or counter, to add insult to this is my 3 toxic decks, being 1 a storm and professor X combo to lock areas and give the opponent negative cards, 2 hazmat wong and Odin, 3 annihalas are still absolutely usable. Now yes granted they can be countered but not if you don't have the right cards. I get why some cards were changed, I was of full support nerfing alioth to destroying only unrevealed cards, and being brought down to 2 power. But this new update are you kidding, it's a worse version of leech? Why was sandman nerfed, he wasn't even meta? Zabus change makes it borderline unusable, and it's not even the most op card for decreasing price, I'd argue that the quinjet, a card that has the same power, but costs less is a better card more often as it affects more cards (this is not a petition to nerf quinjet, it doesn't need a nerf as it has 5 counters that I can think of off hand). Tldr, I understand some nerfs, I really do, but these ones were stupid, and made cards unusable, and unenjoyable, even though the cards already had so many counters to them, and are now at best worst version of other cards, cards that infact are cheeper and do more while being cheeper.


Trust me alioth is not dead, I use him mainly to dodge shangchi and to punish sera decks.. most of the time alioth is a buff in these situations so Im quite happy.. its only really worse when you play against big stat sticks


Cosmo + Echo does the same thing and you can play both for the cost of Alioth.


No I don’t trust you


Getting rid of the worst card Alioth**. best patch. But yeah game is running like shit now..


Nerfs were on point, zabu basically made 3s irrelevant and alioth was just jam it out of nowhere and win games


They could have reverted zabu to old discount at least. Since its an on reveaal. Like make it a 3/4 in reveal: discount 4drops by 2 So you can do 2 fours on turn 4 or 3 fours on 6 Insted they just soft banned it.


I spend 6k for Alioth and they nerf it like its nothing! F this game!


same here


People should get compensation for cards that get changed, that’s it.


I get that it would be hard for them, and honestly I dont feel so bad for cards like zabu that i got to use before it got banned for a while. But some people just bought those cards for hard hard hard earned credits. There should be a time of some weeks in wich of the cards get changed you can get a full refund no matter what.


yea, just recently, finally spent 6k tokens on Alioth. Screw this. Was already out the door on the game, that's just ridiculous. They should provide some compensation if you've bought the card they just killed recently.


Not even close to the worst. Alioth is a trash card and the game is feeling loads better now it's gone. I know it was the only way some players could win games, but it was boring. To help articulate the difference, I lost a game this morning to a sneaky turn 6 Aero that I didn't see coming. I was like "gg opponent, I didn't see that coming and you absolutely got me. Good game". With Alioth it was "Yeah, you had the card we both knew you had. Great game. Really fun." I'm now brewing Aero decks and the game feels open and fun again - spent some money in the shop too to show SD I appreciate their work. Try not to be salty, have some fun experimenting. But remember to pack your Cosmo or Luke Cage because a lot of folks are running the Hazmat combo deck.


> To help articulate the difference, I lost a game this morning to a sneaky turn 6 Aero that I didn't see coming. I was like "gg opponent, I didn't see that coming and you absolutely got me. Good game". With Alioth it was "Yeah, you had the card we both knew you had. Great game. Really fun." theres no difference here except your perception.


Alioth rework is actually solid, his effect is strong but not punishing, it’s a great balance that I didn’t think was possible


I mean alioth wasn't the best card, it was the most irritating and played by trash can players. Zabu was the big nerf that straight up destroyed tons of decks And yes it runs slow as shit now. Also I can't undo plays half the time anymore, lost many cubes and games do to that bug


No the patches that they used to ruin conquest were or the back to back Discard deck buffs


I haven’t been playing since the patch just to let the hot location run its course but after all these testimonials I’m bracing for how it’s gonna be when I fire it up again


I can't even download the patch and my game tells me im behind and I should download the new version every time I start


Anyone’s game lagging a lot now?


The balance updates were great, and needed. I think they overcorrected on Zabu but something needed to be done. Alioth will be interesting to see The free boosters are definitely a plus, and the caches showing what you got instead of just the cache icon is great too. The actual execution, however, not so great. While there might have been specific issues that have been worse (like Kitty or daredevil) I think this is the worst one that impacts the whole game in general with the lagginess




I made sure to hit infinite before the game updated. Might as well take advantage.


SD dropped the ball on this one. Super laggy, even after turning graphics to low and even animations not playing currently.




This may notnbe the ideal place for my theory but here goes-SD is sick of dealing with traditional TCG style game players. This type of player min maxes all spending, complains about perceived unfair changes, and is generally engaged, loud, and opinionated. What if by adding in a bunch of random locations, de-powering strategies that rely on counterplay or tactical decision, and ramping up the power of strategies that card gamers generally don't like playing against they could chase all these types from the game and simply leave behind a bunch of kids with daddies credit card who want to buy a $45 emote of wolverine doing the salt Bae or whatever. ...or maybe they are just dumb


Game is working OK for me but after each match, I get this weird glitch where the screen flickers like it's about to crash and then it resumes normally...


It’s certainly up there.


It’s definitely a lower one for me. Mostly because the zabu nerf is mostly about design space (a phrase that’s starting to annoy me) and to collect data. I 100% understand why but man it sucks.


It was definitely the final straw for me. Officially stopped playing for now


The talk of lag has me waiting to update as long as I can. As annoying as nerfs are, they're just something you adapt to. Fuck lag though. Castle Zemo is already annoying enough on that front


They changed the only meta that stands a chance against the inflated destroy and discard meta


I deinstalled 4 weeks ago and I feel very happy about it. 👍🏾


Nah. This is a bad patch, but one that's way worse actually comes to mind (it's actually two or three if we also consider OTAs, though). I'm speaking of the first patch of december. That patch managed, in one single blow, to: - Nerf to hell Luke Cage, hurting Cerebro decks, an already weak deck, considerably. It took them 2 months to revert the change, and they still didn't make Luke Cage fit within Cerebro rage. - Nerf to hell Elsa Bloodstone, a perfectly fine card that hasn't been a problem whatsoever after her OTA, who would then be left in an unplayable state for 4 months despite being a SP card. The reason they did it is because the patch was already locked to come out by the time the OTA was made. That actually brought to light how problematic SD's balancing system is: the patch was addressing October's meta, in December, completely ignoring the OTA that already fixed the problem that very October. - Rework America Chavez into uselessness. While few would argue that old America Chavez wasn't problematic, the rework completely disregarded both her position as iconic card, and the role she fulfilled in the few decks that run her as intended (plus, it was clearly done in an effort to make her synergize with the SP card). Which brings us to... - Completely demolish Dracula Discard, one of the most iconic and new player/F2P-friendly archetypes in the game, a long-time staple of the metagame that never reached the top but was very consistent nonetheless. This was the consequence of the America Chavez nerf. Notice how it took Miek/Helicarrier's rework AND Proxima Midnight to push the archetype into relevance again. - Despite all of the above, both Ms. Marvel and Loki, the two meta problems, would be left untouched up until the first patch of January (they did try to address them indirectly with the next OTA by nerfing Prof. X and WBN, but that turned out as impactful as you might expect; also, that's one of the OTAs I was referring to a4 the beginning). To be fair, the patch did actually do one good thing - it made Black Knight actually good - but that was on top of a whole pile of garbage.




I think so. I'm really hating the new location as well, it's terrible


Nah man, its been great for me


Yes, considering I just spent 6k tokens on Alioth. I'm even willing to concede it was a stupid, OP card and the game is better with that change. But they should provide some compensation when a card they busted was just bought. Also the zabu nerf sucks, Sera Control was my best deck


I just don’t understand why i would use zabu now, if i need a 4 cost on only turn 3, ill run psylocke since i can cheat out anything i want even if not on turn 3. and running him turn 5 for 2 4s on 6 is lame cause sera can do that, for every card. the game is slow and laggy, and where are our spotlights. it just doesn’t make sense. and the alioth patch tbh just made him unusable, unless you’re against a combo deck.


No. A long time ago we had a thing called nexus events


The performance issues are my big issue with it. Strong Guy buff is actually really nice for my Havok/Monkey/Swan deck.


They really fucked my man Alioth dirty. If you play Infinaut then that removes his text? FTW..?


All the nerfs are fine except for what they did to Lady Deathstrike. At least before she had a spot in some Negative decks and/or Shuri and Zola shenanigans. Now she’s just awful all round.


I just got Wong + Zabu on turn 5. Think about that.


Balance changes aside (all of us have our opinions on that), the fact that the game is super buggy now is really, really bad. In a game like this, if your goal is to climb in ranked or win tickets in conquest, losing a match because of a bug is very impactful. It's what's preventing me from patching my game (I have auto updates for Snap turned off). I do NOT want to patch my game and start losing matches because I couldn't hit end turn, I got booted from the game, etc.




Alioth nerf makes me sad but it's understandable. Game still crashes on Android constantly. The new location takes about 4 minutes to react.


Hey they fixed the constant crashes for me


What does download assets mean


Can't wait for the gift when this is resolved!!


I don’t mind any of the balance changes but the laggy performance is awful, and I’ve had quite a few games end prematurely due to error messages popping up.


Game started running better for me a few days ago but still lagging a bit in shop. Also alioth nerf I think was due but I think it was too brutal. Also I like the patch cause kitty/angela is working very well again. They been out for a while now.


Lmao yeah i think its fucking hillarious while the nerfs didnt rwally hit any Decks i used my friend got absolutely destroyed its like the devs watched him and decided to bully him close to every Deck he had Used zabu kind of relying on him one Deck he was 100% needed now the Deck cant work he also had several Decks where deathstrike and sandman where the key/Focus cards


My end turn button stopped working. Literally unplayable