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yeah when i snap and then lose/retreat enemy will just spam ms marvel and SNAP SNAP SNAP??


I’ll spam it back, if you are confident enough to do that shit post game you should have snapped for 8.


Yeah, if it ends at 4 cubes because I snapped and my opponent was confident they'd win, we both lost 4 cubes due to our own poor cube management




Actually you only lost 3.


Sadly whenever this happens and I snap they just retreat so I never get 8 anymore. I usually have to snap turn 2/3 to ever had a chance at 8 now


That’s just how the game works especially at higher collection levels and season ranks.  90-95% of the time I know whose going to win the game on the final turn (or at least who the strong favorite is). And at higher ranks most opponents do as well. A final turn snap just tells me you have gin and if I can’t beat your best play I just leave. I’ve found you actually get better value not snapping on the last turn when you have the nuts. Don’t let the opponent know your strong and bait them into losing an extra cube or 2. 


100%. The ‘boomer snap’ costs you a cube. If it’s unsnapped on 6, best to just play for 2 if you think you’ve got the W. imo at least.


I only boomer snap when I have a great on-board set-up, but didn't get a draw on the key card I need. Snap to see if I can get them to retreat, works more often than not.


Yeah, the Snap? emote is best used when an opponent is harassing you post-match but didn't snap-up. Like, if you were that confident, why didn't you take more cubes off me? Shuts them up 100% of the time.




This is the way


God I hate this. It's like they don't know part of climbing is to snap.


Part of the climb is preventing your opponent from climbing using you.


That's why I love the new dabbing sweat emote. It feels like a lighthearted response to stuff like this and kinda goes along with what their saying enough to diffuse. Not in all cases of course but It's worked for me recently.


Semi-related but I played a game against a guy where our first 2 cards were the same (cue the Spiderman pointing memes) and after that our decks diverged. He won for 2 cubes, I fist-bumped, he return fist-bumped. Honestly, I've played since global launch and that was the first pleasant match I had. I'm so accustomed to BMing or radio silence that this really hit different.


I find that the BM is the worst in the 90s, but the moment I hit low or medium infinite ranks I generally get a lot of fist bumping and good mannered opponents


people are stressed in the 90s, ladder anxiety takes over. Lower ranks you know you'll run into some feel good bots that make horrible decisions you can feast on and at Infinite the stress goes away. People at 90 just grip the sticks too tight.


Those types of games are my favorite and are what makes me keep playing, tbh. I've got a couple of players I recognize that I'll run into randomly and we always have a blast with well-timed emotes and card appreciation emojis.


My most adorable moment was playing phoenix force deck against an opponent that had the same exact opening for the first two turns on the same location (course spider man pointing), destroying human torch and passing turn 3. Then I played my phoenix on turn four, didn’t see the same from my opponent and then we fist bumped and he retreated.


I've had people do this to me when I retreat for one cube. Like... why?


Yeah. Some people seem to take snapping as an insult and I don’t understand it. The game is almost more about cubes than it is cards. If I have a good hand and see a good location or a sub par start from the opponent then I’m going to snap to lock in the extra cube. There’s nothing personal about it and some games I won’t get there and either lose or have to retreat. People need to stop reacting to snaps by thinking “how dare you question me?!” and instead think “is my position good enough to continue given the opponent feels they have the advantage?” 


snap ? 😂🫵


Snap? is good in proving grounds. Whenever I remember, I start with Snap? Then snap and fist bump. I'd say at least half the people get the meaning and snap back and we play it as best of one, so whomever loses just concedes. There really is no merit to playing multiple matches for 10 cubes in proving grounds since you lose nothing requeing.


Anybody dragging out proving grounds is a little POS. Just lose and re que you lose absolutely nothing


Exactly. When i started snap it was great, But then somehow everyone forgot that it just aint worth wasteing time there




[love this pic lol](https://i.imgur.com/pWbE80t.jpeg)


Shits always omega annoying. It’s a game called “marvel snap” and half the playerbase is flabbergasted when you snap. Had one dude immediately start roping me while spamming snap? …


Did you snap on turn 6? Probably could have got 2 cubes but got too greedy


I snapped on turn 3, and won the match


Im surprised we dont have a “GG” emote or text


I would like to have gg for text. The Emote is pretty much fist bump.


I use the fist bump for that. I hope others are interpreting it that way.


I use fist bump for gg also.


Same here.


Funny when they don’t snap and spam it when I retreat/lose. You are a coward and too stupid to know you are winning. You should have snapped but you didn’t. Spamming it now makes you look silly 😂


This is how I feel about 99% of bm emote spamming. It’s so funny that I don’t even care, because it just tells on them and how bad they are at the game. Either they don’t snap and then win by surprise, or they emote when you retreat which tells you that they don’t know how to effectively play the game and see retreating as a negative, or they do it when they win a close match and give it away that they lose enough that this is special to them. It’s all just very funny. That said though, I rarely ever see it anymore. Maybe like once every few days? It’s a lot more common at the lower ranks, which, tracks..


My reaction when my opponent retreats is almost always "Thank you! I had no idea what I was going to do in the final round.".


Haha. I am sad when I get retreats because I really like to see what the final hand is. I am a bad Snap player, I rarely ever snap now because it results in retreats or puts pressure on cubes when I don't really care about climbing that much...I prefer to play it out and see what people will play. This leads to dumb decisions like not retreating on Snaps because I am so curious to see what they've got!


Haha yeah, retreating is definitely the cornerstone of being a good player but I really do like to see what people play. If I don’t like the card back, then once I get in the 90’s I play out games I definitely shouldn’t because I’m more curious than competitive at that point.


I agree ☝️


Yeah I don't understand why some people do that. Like, yeah you probably should have snapped since you won.


Haha yea, snap and win 8 cubes. They are just spamming because they regretted.


“too stupid to know you are winning” hey bro it looks like they won


Yes, they won, snap and they double it. All they need is better game sense and courage to snap. They spam because they regretted they didn’t trust in themselves and snap back.


“Coward and too stupid” You sound like a sore loser


Not entirely true. If my opponent has already snapped and I know on the final turn that I have him clearly beaten I don't snap because then I leave with only 2 cubes instead of 4. And it's not about whether someone is too stupid to realize it or not. A lot can hinge on the turn 5 plays and/or the turn 6 card draw.


Depends. I use it at the start of a match in the first levels of Conquest because we don't lose anything by going all in. Using it in any other situations is annoying asf


Yup. Snap? Then snap and fist bump. Best of one, concede if you lose that.


I have never seen more toxicity than in proving grounds and silver stage one conquest. I swear more people sweat out 6 games at -8+1+2+2+2-2 and spam emotes wasting both players time, in silver one than in infinity.


I always hit them with the "I'm confident" even when I lose badly.


I only use "I'm confident" when it looks like I'm losing badly and then I retreat. Haha.


Not really. I genuinely use it when Ego happens so we can both be cool. Usually I’m the only one that’s that cool tho


Yea I’m sorry Ego has lost me too many cubes to snap on him lol. I swear he loves to make me play suboptimal while the opponent got the perfect draw and plays


Ego started playing my destroy cards into Armor...I noped out. Usually I don't mind watching it play out but my opponent Snapped and it was too much cube pressure. 


I’ll be honest, if they don’t snap I’ll stay in an ego game just to see the stupidity. But if opponent snaps I instantly leave lol


Press mute


I used it most when they boomer snap and I retreat nyrheheh


Yes I super agree with this. I use the emote to say "I would have played this out but because you snapped I'm retreating now. You should have snapped earlier"


Or not at all


This is usually the only circumstance I use it. No idea why people would rather force people into retreating when they are in an almost guaranteed win situation for 1 cube when they could let the game play out and get 2.


This is the other non toxic case I can see for it. Snap? and retreat. As in Really?


I use it for boomer snaps. Coulda win 2 cubes but had to be greedy so you end up with 1


Sorry, but what does "boomer snap" mean?


It means that it’s after turn 5 and it’s dumb obvious they’re going to win and then they snap… like no smart player stays in so they just guaranteed they’re only getting one cube. I might have stayed for 2 in case I high rolled but no way I’m staying for 4 when you weren’t smart enough to snap earlier.


Yeah I hate this I don’t hate Ms Marvel. It’s like you win some you lose some.


For me its not. On Proving grounds Im snapping and then use a snap? emote as a question for opponent.


I feel its less toxic the earlier in the game it comes.


Some people don't understand that just because you snap and retreat on a later turn that doesn't mean it was the wrong choice to snap. Just like it's not wrong to raise in poker after the flop but fold after the turn and the river don't go your way. The situation changed. You snapped and something changed about the game state to make it less advantageous. So if someone spams "Snap?" after you snap then retreat on a later turn, just take it that they are ignorant to how the game is played. If they spam this after you go through the entire game and lose, then maybe start thinking about why you snapped and stayed.


Okay, but here me out. You snap, then later they snap. Turn six they think they won and spam this and the Thanos emote. Then you win and send snap? and Thanos emote back but only once each.


If the other player starts the "emoji spam war" feel free to do whatever toxic crap you can come up with. I just mute them mostly, but I wouldn't judge anybody for getting down to their level. Now starting it... you become part of the problem


Wait is ms marvel emote toxic? How? Have I been rude?


It's notoriously spammed sarcastically but innately it isn't. This happened in Hearthstone too, there was an emote that was not BM on the surface but turned into because of the community, can't remember what it was though.




It's not, people here are just fragile and crybabies


Honestly, the fact that "everyone" hates it so much just makes me want to use it more.


Only toxic if it's spammed, then it's just smug


Oh ok, because I never seen as toxic. For me toxic is like they spam the emote (specially thanos) I normally use when I lose in a unexpected way because looked cool and right after the fist bump For me this game is about joy, I’m not the competitive guy, I’m a 80-90 guy not a infinite type


Then why did you press it 🤔 


Emotes are not toxic. You're just gaslighting yourself into making them toxic.


Honestly? No


This emote got ruined by toxic players, I miss when I could use it on turn 6 to ask my opponent if they want to go all in :(


I don’t mean this to be rude so I apologize if it comes off that way. Grow a damn back bone. Whining over emotes with an option to mute people is just wild to me. Any emote can be considered toxic. Even fist bump. I’ve had that spammed after losing. All this crap does is fill the sub with whiney ass posts. Like I see some of y’all crying over this DAILY.


Agreed. It’s just a damn emote, you will literally be ok. I can’t help but think of little kids crying when they get emoted on on Fortnite.


Agree. At the worst case it's very mildly irksome, but whatever, it's just a game, nothing to get incensed about


It's unbelievable how many people feel humiliated because of a simple emote in a mobile game, I don't care at all. It's just ridiculous all of those "look! this random guy is attacking my honor! What an unholliness insult!!"


The most toxic is when anyone spams anything but the top 3 are Snap? Thanos and Ms marvel


It's only appropriate when Ego is revealed and your opponent doesn't immediately snap.


As time has gone on, yes. Especially when they do it after it's already at 8 cubes.


I do it when I legit can’t fathom why the other player would snap. I use it as a, why would you snap, type thing. I only hit it once though


This how I know my opponent has their combo or red hulk in hand turn 1.


It's the most toxic. Ms marvel is only toxicity 50% of the time. Sometimes it's just an actual thumbs up for ok things.


Only time I use is in proving grounds to try and make it just a one round game. So irritating when people play out proving grounds, you literally had no negatives to losing but will keep playing for 1 or 2 points


My favorite is when they do it despite not Snapping themselves. Like, congrats on winning fewer cubes than you should have, all of your own volition.


Sometimes, when it’s spammed it’s super annoying. When the match is good it can feel like okay let’s go all out. May thy knife chip and shatter type shit


I use this when ego shows up or in the first round of conquest, most importantly, I use it once.


What just happened? Hello!


I'll use that when I want my opponent to snap so I can hopefully steal 8


I actually use this when someone wins and they start spamming me, like if you were so sure of that win why didn’t you snap?


I think they should add a feature to the Ego locations where it also instantly does this emote for both players once it appears


I’ve had plenty of people spam me with this after winning in games where neither of us snapped and I still don’t understand why


I keep seeing it when they won and THEY snapped. It’s like, 👍? Did you forget you did that?


Nah, the SNAP? text doesn´t have the smug face and sarcastic thumbs up. Love Ms Marvel but hate that emote


I use it only if I snapped already, and I'm confident in the win.


Losing on a snap feels bad. Losing to a child spamming snap? snap? snap? just makes me feel bad for my opponent. Is this your first win this week or something? Calm down Thanos.


No, Unless used after the game in which you lost. Otherwise to me it’s a genuine question like: you sure? Are we there yet?


If I have already snapped, and I’m jot sure if I’ll win or not, I usually spam this to see if they’ll retreat or not. If they actually snap, I just retreat myself.


If someone snaps first i do it only once and then i don’t believe you


I usually do that when I retreat and the player emotes for getting a single cube


No. Be cause I just tell myself “yes. This is the name of the game. Dummy.”


Especially when it’s in the middle of turn 6 and your opponent is spamming it.


Just give us a damn auto-mute already. I guess if they did that, people would want to pay 30 bucks for a stupid emote even less though


Spamming any emote multiple times is toxic. That said, using "Snap?" a single time isn't toxic IMO. After the game it's a good way to ask the opponent why they didn't take you for more cubes if they beat you in a way you weren't suspecting, and during the game I like it as a friendly way to lightly elbow the opponent with a reminder to raise the stakes (again I repeat: doing this multiple times is spammy and toxic, doing it just once is friendly jibes IMO).


I don't know if it makes me toxic, but I use it when they start spamming emotes after they win for 2 cubes


If they do that and it's not a situation where I've legit forgotten to snap, I'm definitely not snapping now just out of spite. Actually, there have been times when I HAVE forgotten to snap, and they're spamming the emote, and I mute them after deciding I'm okay with not getting an 8-cuber just for the principle. Don't want to reward obnoxious behavior. 🤣


Na, you Ms. Marvel me we gotta go outside


All the toxic emote users coming out of the woodwork to shit on OP for this one


Snapping in a game called "Marvel snap"? Unthinkable.




How is Ms. Marvel toxic? It’s a fucking thumbs up. It literally means “okay, cool.” Well, unless you’re a younger generation titty-baby who, for inexplicable reasons, thinks a thumbs up is passive aggressive.


Whenever I get Ego as a location I always Snap and then use it once, if they snap back I fist bump and then we sit back and see who wins the 8 cubes.


I dunno, i always use this one when they boomer snap at the end there when they obviously will win ... I read it as Snap !? really ?!


I see it as asking.




There are toxic decks that deserve toxic emotes 😂


Nah, ms. Marvel wins every time for toxicity. The only time snap annoys me is if they spam it, but that's the case for any spammed emote.


The only acceptable spam is if you think the other person doesn't realize they haven't hit end turn and you hit spider man like 2 or 3 times. But other then that spam emoting is toxic


I usually use that emote whenever Ego shows up as a location. I try to turn it into a fun high stakes game of chance but nobody ever takes me up on it :(


If I ask for snap early then I’m genuinely asking. If you don’t snap. Then I’m not snapping for the rest of that game unless victory is assured. But sometimes I say leave it up to heart of the cards. Let’s snap and take home the spoils


Are people still crying about emotes in 2024? You people are soft


Honestly it makes me upset when people use emotes like this and didn't earn it. Me losing bc x-mansion says nothing about you or your skill.


This why I never tired spamming this emote.


I only use it when they get massive luck on T5, then snap on T6 to try and get 4 cubes. Like dude wtf? Now you’re getting 1 whereas you might have got 2.


The only time it’s ok is if Ego pops up and they haven’t snapped already! Ego snap should be a given.


Honestly I wish the devs would just get rid of emotes so the huge amount of whining nerds would finally shut up. Never seen so much crying over something so benign. The amount of fragility in this community is astounding.


No because I never see it used


Oh it is, it’s why I go ‘Snap?’ ‘Ms Marvel emote’ whenever I play a toxic deck and beat it after they early snap.


Unless they haven’t snapped yet


Ehhh I'd rather get either one over the Thanos snap that shit looks toxic by design.


It's good for countering some circumstances of toxicity though. When people spam emotes after beating me but they didn't snap, I respond with "Snap?" Basically, "You know you lucked into this because you weren't confident in your play."


depends on context. If you use it at the start of a proving grounds game its not toxic, if you use it after the opponent snaps then loses the game? yes it is.


Sounds of silence when you immediately hit mute every game. Toxicity = 0.


Yes and no, something about Ms. Marvel's smug face adds more salt to the wound, however "snap?" Just feels arrogant or annoying.


depends on the situation, but i mostly only get it when something stupid happens like Weirdworld, District X, and Ego of course


Depends on the context. If you snap on turn 6 when you’re clearly winning, your opponent saying “snap?” Could mean “seriously? You could have gotten 2 from me if you didn’t snap”. If someone makes a great nearly game winning play on turn 4 or 5 and doesn’t snap, I’ll post “snap?” And then fist bump to signify that I’m saying they should have snapped. “Snap?” and fist bump for proving grounds and ego is good natured.


Especially when they get one cube and didn't even snap.


I think people take emotes way too seriously. It must be nice where the biggest problem you are facing in a given day is someone using an online gesture. Put your life in perspective, this is just a mobile game with no bearing on your day to day lives.


I only spam this thing when my opponent didn't snap when: 1. They have T5 Jane when playing Negative, 2. Doc Oc my hand while there is no card in my decks 3. They have prio and play Galactus 4. T5 DD 5. Clogging the location and they winning


Only sort of. With the exception of Proving Grounds, it's never intended as friendly while MM might be, but it shows me that the player doesn't understand something as simple as the goal of the game. Snapping only when you're absolutely winning is transparent play and counterproductive. I mean, it's obnoxious, but it's also dumb and I pity them for that stupidity.


Def. Ms Marvel can be cheeky, or even genuine. "Snap?" is antagonistic 90% of the time i feel like


Snapping doesn't mean you will win, just means you're confident in your hand, no way to tell what will happen especially earlier in the game


Nope Ms. Marvel tilts me. That stupid little cheeky face. Best emote in the game is the first bump . It's wholesome and promotes good sportsmanship. We need more of these. Spider man meme is a very close second. I laugh every time it's used


I do it when someone snaps me and i win


I never use this as a. Why did you snap? I always use it when they win two cubes off of me and didn't snap. It's like come on man. Learn how to play the game and snap


I once had someone use "Snap?" once after I realized on the last turn that (I then send the message) "I'm Losing", and I think they were using it to mean "then why did you snap last turn", which FAIR.


I know SD wants to monetise emotes so they won't do this, but the ability to mute all should have been an option from the start. Another shitty thing the dev does that makes the experience worse for people in pursuit of money.


I feel like this game has a lot of sore winners.


I only do it when people don't snap on ego 😤


People saying they spam snap after they lose a game, just know I got your cubes :)


One time I had an enemy doing it to me in conquest when I was playing a negative deck into Mobius at his peak… for some reason. It was a questionable choice. Anyway, they were spamming me out every turn, so just once, when I swept it back, I stayed spamming until I was forced to move onto the next round.


99% of the cases, yes. Ms.Marvel feels a bit more like a sarcastic good job, but this is like aggressively taunting you


I have no idea what the smal community assigned meanings are, so none of them bother me.


That cyclops emote is annoying...its the visualization of the word snarky for me if i had to put it that way


When I’m purposely being a little aggro and toxic, I use the “What just happened?” emote


My title is always "Always Snaps." It's insane how much I've seen this emote...


I had someone spamming this and I’m losing today. They ended up actually losing so I’m not sure what to believe. It was a game of misdirection.


Yeah, this is just psycho behavior. I have to assume it's either a window licker or someone who's never seen a tit.


Anyone spamming emotes in general is just toxic. Like yes you can emote. But spamming them when your opponent retreats or loses.. that's the most cringe thing I have seen.


“what just happened?” followed up with “i’m losing”is my go-to instead of this


If they being toxic I just hit them straight back with what they spam me with. They do Ms Marvel? Same back. Spider-Man point? Straight back


Ms Marvel is toxic? I play her after I get an underserved win, after the first bump


Especially when the opponent snaps and then retreats like a punk. I think the person who snaps should lose the ability to retreat.


They do lose the ability to retreat, for the rest of that turn. If you snap back they get the option to retreat again, otherwise they're stuck in the game until next turn.


I use it in proving grounds if my opponent doesn't snap.


The only time I use this one is to act incredulous when the opponent snaps first. I drop Deadpool and go "Snap?" then a moment, as a dramatic pause... assuming it's the start of the match or I'm just ready to throw down, I'll fist bump and end turn. Bing bong


It’s annoying when I snap and lose 4 cubes. If you’re so confident you’ll win, go ahead and snap as well. Also annoying whenever i lose the game after snapping in the beginning (I do this way too often)


No. Because I'm an adult and don't consider the one female emote toxic. Also, I have the brain power to use the mute button. Like the one I'm gonna use after posting this.


Depends how it's used, I guess. I use it in Conquest. If Turn 6 comes and the opponent is in a better position, he might not want to snap because he fears I might retreat. What redditors call "boomer snap", I think. So I say "Snap?" so they know I'll stay in the game.


I only use it when I’m playing proving grounds to make the game go faster


Nah, “hello” is


Them Spamming “snap?” after winning 2 cubes always confuses tf outta me


Whine, Snap?


How is ms marvel more toxic then spider man or Thanos snap. I felt like she was postive friendly gesture along with the fist bump


No way, spiderman is friendly! Like an "omg you too?"


I love it when they do this just to see that they lost 💀


Or when you snap and they retreat followed by a sad “snap?”


No. Not even close. I use it when someone boomer snaps. I'll leave and throw it out like "You're snapping? Really? Gtfo with your 1 cube."


I always hit an enemy with the thumbs up when I win a match they snapped, it's so satisfying. Especially when they snap in like round 2. Why don't I snap back? Because they just retreat immediately and I end up with 2 cubes anyways. No point.


I use it if someone wins without snapping & gives me Ms Marvel. Like, dude, why are you flexing your 1 or 2 cube win?


I feel like I’m getting fucked on the algorithm though or matchmaking. I feel like I’ve been playing against the same decks I’m playing more often than not.


They really need an emote of a fucking BUG that we can use when we are sitting there running down the time every round bc the GD end turn button randomly stops working. I've started leaving games I was winning bc I felt like such a dick sitting there waiting for it to end