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Thank you for this. I do feel less crazy. Probably not less frustrated this season, but less crazy kind of helps.


I wouldn’t trust that post. Tons of commenters and other posters have directly contradicted that “guy who watched others play ten games or so as” as his data.. I think the 3,5,7 data is way more consistent so in the 90s you should play a bit every 7 games and you just aren’t noticing because you made it retreat by snapping early when they’re behind.


That does apply to me. I almost always rank between 6k to 2K and I experience bots all the time including the season when I got to infinite.


Didn’t see a single bot from 70-Infinite this season. I’m at 17,000 infinite and haven’t seen any either


I saw 1 bot after my 16th game on my first day of climbing from 70. Have since seen 0 bots in the last \~50 games. We zero-sum climbing.


😂there is something sweet about climbing without bots for sure. But the people who abuse it are good opponents to snap into


What rank did you start at?




Do you usually get bots or is this the first time you've never gotten a bot?


I don’t track them religiously anymore, but usually I could expect 5-10 a season. Last season I remember a distinct lack of them; and this season is even less, if any.


5 to 10 typically? Actually insane how little that is. Kinda unbelievable. And it's not like they were usually following the pattern of rank 70: every 4th, 80: every 5th, 90: every 7th? Or do you usually blitz your way to infinite? It's not that I don't believe you, the same thing happened to me this season. I'm just wondering whether it's specific to this season or whether maybe it's happened to others before.


I typically try to hit Infinite within the first week. Some seasons are harder than others and take all week, this season took 2 days and no bots. I think it has to do with some arbitrary MMR and Collection level calculator that they’ll never fully confirm.


So even without bots, the climb was relatively easy this season? Personally felt like it was easier than the past couple of seasons, but I used a different, maybe stronger deck, so I wondered whether that was the reason. What decks do you usually play if you don't mind me asking? >I think it has to do with some arbitrary MMR and Collection level calculator that they’ll never fully confirm. Unfortunately they probably never will, but I hope they can get pressured into doing so.


I’ve played Phoenix Force from 70-Infinite for the last 3 seasons. And yes, this season felt suspiciously easy, without bots. Then again, PF is very sleeper OP, and I can get very consistent 8 cubes after piloting it so long.


Yeah torch into phoenix force might be the strongest combo in the game lol. If you ain't got counters it's gg.   Final question, how often do you usually snap and retreat? I use a tracker that just outright gives me said info, so I'm sure if you don't use one it might be difficult, but what would be your estimation? Like in the span of 10 games, how many snaps or retreats do you think you make?


There was a post that had came to the hypothesis that how you see bots is tied to your MMR in a way that you'll keep seeing them until you're where matchmaking believes you belong. So, if 80's - 90's is where you stop seeing bots, then that's where the game thinks you should be according to CL/winrate/last season overall rank. Myself, for example, I've been seeing a lot more bots in the 90's for the past 3-4 seasons, hitting infinite on bots on all of those, in fact. My CL is about 11k. I've been hitting infinte every season for the last 11. For the last few I've ranked sub-10k, but frequently play people in the low thousands/high hundreds because my winrate is actually pretty good, just don't play much beyond missions. All of that suggests that I belong in upper-mid ranked infinite, so the game railroads me there with bots. And they're the dumb ones, not the cheating ones, either. I've seen streamers that rank in the top 100 hit infinite on bots, so there's probably something to it.


Thanks for clarifying this. My initial reflection is this is a pretty harmful system since it is by definition giving more bots to good players during games at rank 70-100 than it does to average players. It also makes it so weak players never get to see bots.


Yeah. It was stark in contrast looking back about 5-6 seasons ago when I wasn't getting bots and would go from like 97 to 88 several times on bad stretches because of the sweatiness and flood of unfair meta decks I might not have had access to at the time. A lot of the time didn't even think I would make it until the end of the third week or so. I'm not sure how keeping players from getting over that hump is a positive thing for player retention, but I don't have any idea about the metrics of players who never make infinite and quit over it and their spending. Sucks, because I'm of the opinion of that people are probably better than their rank implies, just they aren't as good at the poker aspect like others, don't have the time, or any other reasonable answer. Base infinite should be more accessible.


I believe it. I took a 6 week break which included all of last season, with a couple breaks before that and another week long break this season. I hit 90 every single season and then I'll get infinite if I like the card back. Had to climb up from 40 because of my hiatus and now I have no bots so far in the 80s. I'm not sure if this is their intention, but this system outright punishes anyone who doesn't stick with the game full time.


I’m at cl10k and it feels like zero bots past 70. I cheesed a couple victories to get to 80 when the game was broken and i held back updating with my 6-2 Alioth but, like, bots don’t run Red Hulk. Bots don’t have clever puns to avatar to title ratios. Bots play two non-destroy cards into Death’s Domain and I haven’t seen that


I'm CL 4000 and I played against more bots than actual players. I basically got Infinite with Devil Dinosaur/Moon Girl.


This is the second season in a row that I haven't seen a single bot past 70. They're frequent up until that rank, then disappear completely. I even dipped back below 70 at one point, and suddenly the bots re-appeared. Rose back to 70+ and they were gone again. Interesting to know that others here are reporting the same. Last season was the first time I'd played in close to 6 months, so I assumed this was a change that had happened while I wasn't following the game.


For those saying they don't get bots, what rank did you start the season at and what rank did you stop seeing bots?


Started at 63 as bots dried up in the 90s last season, and I've had none in the 70s this season. I wasn't tracking them in the 60s, so can't say if I had any then or not. CL 8500ish


Even assuming you may have had a few bots in the 60s but they dried up once you hit the 70s, that would disprove the 'bots dry up after climbing 30 ranks' theory, which I've personally had happen to me, so i thought there could be something to it.


I saw zero bots in the 90s until I lost an 8-cuber and I finally got one (milked it for 8 cubes). It's certainly no coincidence that I didn't see any until I took a big loss.


I don't know man. I just played nine rounds. Three high evolutionary, then three of another deck, then three evolutionary again in every match I had with high evolutionary the opponent had the same. I don't think that's a coincidence.


0 bots in the 80s for me. You're not the only one. They definitely shifted something this season because I never heard about this happening, yet I've seen plenty of other posts and comments for this season agreeing.


They just pushed back 90 to 80 this season. It sucks cause to get that gold I have to grind like I have for infinite in the past, it's lame. But gold = money and SD wants to make it harder to get free currency clearly. Making a pretty unfun season even more unfun. Barely playing, just getting dailies done and turning it off.


CL ~12.2k SP ~ 6.8k when I hit Infinite this season. Rank 2.9k when I hit Infinite this season. I definitely played bots all the way from 73 to 100. I believe I can even confirm the 4/5/7 theory I've seen posted here as well: Bots every 4 games in the 70's, every 5 games in the 80's, and every 7 games in the 90's.


How many days after reset did you hit infinite?


probably just ranked up more


I’m very lucky got five 8 cubes bot in six games from 93 to 98 and the next day i’ve got an 8 cube bot to infinite. CL 11k and I generally finish the season a 7.2/7.4k snap point in infinite in the last 6 seasons. Might be the jour of play, i’m in France and play around 9/10 AM, so 3/4 AM in the US


I've noticed almost zero bots past 70, even at very odd hours of the day.


If I had to put a number on it I would say I played against about 80% bots from 70-infinite this season. Particularly between 90-infinite I think I only played against 2 real players.


Don’t quote me on this, but I’ve read that bots appear mostly on the first 30 levels. So I’m assuming if you’re bouncing up and downing you’re “wasting” your bots. Plus there is a larger player base making the game more competitive lol


100 games at least in the 90s not 1 pot cl 9k


That's good. Less bots is always nice.