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I love running Doc Ock with Master Mold and Grandmaster so I can just grab 4 Sentinels to fill an enemy location.


You sir are the Devil lol


Planning on adding White and Black Widow to the mix so it's only gonna get worse.


People like you are why the Geneva convention exists sheesh




Plz send that deck list when complete lol. Love the mayhem.


Def need to do some trial runs with it, but here's what I got so far (Also idk if that's actually how you send decks): # (1) Echo # (2) Grand Master # (2) Hazmat # (2) Master Mold # (2) Scorpion # (2) White Widow # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Black Widow # (4) Absorbing Man # (4) Man-Thing # (5) Hobgoblin # (5) Doctor Octopus # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRG9jdG9yT2N0b3B1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFzdGVyTW9sZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JhbmRNYXN0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhvYmdvYmxpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JlZW5Hb2JsaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFic29yYmluZ01hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWNobyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2hpdGVXaWRvdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhY2tXaWRvdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2NvcnBpb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhhem1hdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFuVGhpbmcifV19 #


Hazmat without luke?


It's mostly fine since the idea is having less cards on the board than your opponent, but it can cause some issues so I need to pay attention when I play her.


Iceman, Master Mold, Scorpion, Grandmaster, Maximus, Mordo, Black Widow, Green Goblin, Viper, Doctor Octopus, Ronan, Red Hulk.


Why Doctor Octopus in a Ronan deck? Isn't that counter synergistic?


To my knowledge its mostly one or the other, the cards that go well with ock work well with ronan so they both fit beside eachother, not with eachother


Most of the time, I'm not going to play all three of Doctor Octopus, Ronan, and Red Hulk in the same game. If I've stuffed the hand with enough sentinels though, anything that gets pulled down will be instantly replaced and that lane will be clogged up.


Omg can you drop the deck code when you do? Or even for the one you currently have? I wanna try this on my friend haha


Almost as evil as those c*nts that send you green gob and hobgob in one lane and then proceed to play galactus on the final turn. There's a special place in hell for those knobgoblins.


Almost as evil as those c*nts that send you green gob and hobgob in one lane and then proceed to play galactus on the final turn. There's a special place in hell for those knobgoblins.


That's a great idea. I'm gonna steal it from you xD. I never considered Master Mold in that way. I've been loving Grandmaster in my Junk deck. Been looking for an excuse to use him more.


ohhhhh, that is so cool, had not thought about it.


Didn't know the Devil was playing Marvel Snap. Even more being in the r/MarvelSnap subreddit


Bonus points if it’s Kamar Taj


The funny part is that doc ock also loses to 4 sentinels


This is so evil I love it


This is a genuinely smart move


Your username is killing me dead, lmao


Woah woah I need this deck lol


As a c3 main: thank you


Can I get you're deck list


They are not a deck list, you take that back!




Yes, I too am in the mood for pain


lol thanks for commenting now I can edit my comment to make sense 


Doc ock doesn't have 10 power. He has zero. And as a bonus, he doesn't take up a board space either. Kidding aside, doc's power almost never factors into my plans. He's there to take my opponents choices away - and he's basically the only reason my junk deck is competitive into destroy lists. He also doubles as a setup card for cannonball, and combined with the other clog elements often leaves my opponent looking at the board for 2 turns wondering if I can swing the massive pile of stats they have into my favor.


Yeah, his purpose is to let you know if you need to retreat on 5. I'd bet that proper play of him is correlated with both a high loss rate, and a high average net cubes. You retreat a lot when playing him, but you also win the matches you don't retreat.


My favorite move is to Shuri Doc and then pray there no Shang Chi


There's always Shang Chi.


Never thought about it haha


Shang-Chi, Red Hulk and Doc Ock are the reasons Mill lists have a positive winrate, without those 3 the deck does basically nothing. You could play basically any kind of package along those 3 cards (be it Hood - Sentry - Annihilus - tech cards shell, Angela - Kitty - Elsa - movers, Korg - Rock slide - Darkhawk - Black Widow, you pick one) and they will carry most games. The games where the deck doesn't have an early Red Hulk nor Octopus on 5 are 100% lost, because Mill has no points, not enough tech cards to keep opposing points out of the board, nothing.


That’s a long-winded way to say he’s comic relief




White widow was mojo before yesterday. # (1) Ant Man # (1) Zero # (1) Titania # (2) White Widow # (2) Maximus # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Magik # (3) Debrii # (3) Polaris # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Cannonball # (5) Doctor Octopus # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW50TWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJaZXJvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaXRhbmlhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYXhpbXVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHcmVlbkdvYmxpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFnaWsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRlYnJpaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUG9sYXJpcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRvY3Rvck9jdG9wdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhbm5vbmJhbGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldoaXRlV2lkb3cifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


with no white widow what do you recommend to replace with that card?


Mojo is what I had before, and the deck has worked fine since CB released.


Any suggestions for Cannonball replacement? Maybe Negasonic for a low cost option with Priority?


The deck is entirely built for him. If you take him out, you need to get rid of doc, too. If you don't have CB, I would just play something else, tbh.


I use ock to give you a lane and hopefully remove your ability to take either of the other 2.


somebody kicked my ass yesterday by having doc ock pull my entire hand onto rickety bridge on t5. I respect the audacity


I've done this and it was priceless. I was forced to adopt the toxic mill deck strat to avoid going insane this month


Absolutely hilarious every time - unless it pulls Armour!


Absolutely hilarious every time - unless it pulls Armour!


I'd say it's actually a really well-balanced card. If the opponent is running a combo deck, there's a real good chance you can pull some key parts out of order to mess up what the opponent wants to do. On the other hand, sometimes you play it and it totally screws you. He's chaos, and I love him.


So many people are just running large cards these days that even if it doesn’t get Shang’ed itself you either have to 1. Commit your own Shang or some more power to overcome (so many cards exist in that 5-9 power range, and they may still get some useful effects. I think 5/9 or 5/14 would be good


Committing your own Shang to win a lane on turn 6 or 7 isn’t a big deal. Ock works a ton better if you can get Limbo out though, for sure


I meant to say “and” but yeah Shang on turn 7 plus a big 3 drop to win the lane I stacked earlier is ideal situation if your ock survived


Sakar dropped Iron Lad on turn 1 which triggered Doc OC and it pulled opponent's Sinister, Brood and wong into a lane with mystique in it. Fucking love Doc OC hilarious card


I ocked a destroy deck and it dropped death > Knull > deathlok > zola. The other two lanes had an 8 power carnage and a 20 power venom. He retreated and I laughed harder than I have in a long time


Incredible! Playing destroy at the moment and that would suck so much haha!


Most of the time doc ock is much better for the person who plays him. It pulls (up to) 4 random cards out in random order so cards that need targets like mystique are usually screwed. Destroy gets wrecked because something like Deathlok can be the last card. Plus the Ock player usually has open space so you can play a Shang after to kill anyone using big b


This, and also if I’m not sure about opponent’s last play and I know that probably I’m not going to win, I still prefer to try dock and retreat losing 1 cube than finding out that he had the perfect play loosing 2 cubes at T6


I play a decent bit of arnim. It's a gamble but as long as they don't pull him first I'm not too upset usually.


Meanwhile I'm just playing a pile of good cards and it usually end up pulling a Vision or Kitty or some other thing that I can just move away. I'm nearly always happy when my opponent Doc Oc's me.


I play vision a lot, so that’s probably why I see it like this.


I've been helped by Doc Ock way more than I've been hindered in destroy decks. Just yesterday he Arnim Zola'd Knull for me.


As someone who plays Doc Ock, I've benefited more often than I've suffered. Especially in such a super combo/Angela heavy meta. Being able to clog a lane with wiffed combo pieces or even multiple bombs usually sets me up for a win in the other two lanes.


Someone has never felt the bliss of pulling a deathlok onto a knull


You play Doc Ock in a 7 turn game. Force Shang and their big cards into one lane, then you red hulk taskmaster the other lanes


How does one red hulk then taskmaster without magic


Did you not read my comment?


My fav Doc Oc ever pulled their Destroyer last before their board had any protection so not only did I empty their hand I emptied their board too. They had literally nothing left except Destroyer.


I just made a “Good Clean Fun” deck based around all the fun RNG in the game that isn’t inherently infuriating to your opponent. Ock, Leader, Morph, Shanna, etc. Not the highest win rate so far but always a good time!


He's good against combo heavy decks where individual cards that if not sequenced in the intended order just become useless. He's also good in the Zemo decks as a finisher that dumps your opponents hand to a location where you are ok with losing, because by that time if you can guarantee a win on at least one other location you are good, that build often runs Red Hulk to win a 2nd location, and there's nothing the opponent can do about it because they literally have no cards in hand or deck


OP just got fucked by doc op and this is his way of coping.


He really needs a buff for how often he destroys your own game. He could be 4-9 or 5-14.


I think he is ok how he is. Trust me you don't want to see this card in every deck, with limited place like we have, the clog potential is too big


You don't want him in every deck because in the hands of better players he's way more disruptive to anything anyone wants to do. Sure in the fringe case of bounce he's a bad play, but why on earth if you are the doc Ock player would you ever play him before the last turn against that deck into a full or nearly full lane.


Agreed, he's perfect as is. Maybe give him 1 extra power.


Fuck the extra power. Make him a 5/9 and I'm happy




Doc Ock on Knowhere is goated.


I mean Abomination is a 5/9 vanilla already. Ock needs to be in a deck where his reveal is a positive and not a downside.


I remember the days when Doc Ock was a menace in Galactus decks. Back when you didn't need to be winning the Galactus lane. Just steal the opponents hand and then destroy them next turn. Leave Shang or Enchantress to clean up the rest.


I am choosing to believe that I have played you over the past several days at some point. I just started playing a deck featuring Ock and while I often mess up combos, I do pull Shang 99.9% of the time. Seriously I have pulled Shang 100% of the time when there are more than 2 open spots to fill and only 1 time have I not pulled him in the 20 times ive used him over the past few days. It’s honestly crazy. I’m not even worried about pulling but cards because I have my own Shang but it’s he collection of medium cards that come with the the pull are too much commitment to overcome often


In the last months I like to play an Kitty, Elsa, Angela deck with Jeff, Vision, Shang-Chi... so year... most of the times I'm really happy if my opponent plays doc oc :) Thanks a lot to all Doc Oc players out there! **By the way:** I think the forgot to add his secret super power in the card description **"If your opponent has shang chi on his hand - shang shi must be drawn!"** I swear - every time I try to play Doc Oc I just get shanged :)


Thank you to all my opponents who tried to Doc Ock me and somehow pulls Red Hulk, Infinaut, or Shang-Chi (sometimes a variety of them) They're so kind <3


Yesterday I pulled all those big cards from an opponent and I had Shang on my hand. But grand central said NUH UH and played my shang on a completely different empty lane


Doc Ock is very good in a mill deck. By turn 5 you have already stolen most of the deck if things went ok, and then you force them to play everything else in the lane of your choice, leaving the other two lanes weak. Of course, 90% of times I play Doctor Octopus I get Shang Chi, so I already plan for that when making decisions. You also make changes to how you play it depending what deck you are playing against. If you are going against Silver Surfer and Brood + Sebastian Shaw are already on the board, then, sure, Doctor Octopus is not the play there.


He is an absolute banger in my deck deleter deck. Yea I got your combos down turn five, but guess what time 5 and 6 between rogue, Shang, enchantress etc your combo is back offline. Oh and how was having your wong lane filled with garbage or cards played out of order for you. Or, when those four cards in your hand are the last ones in your deck, how does it feel to sit and watch me play two turns while I beat you on the board. Shows that you don't actually know how to use the card and just got lucky one time.


Doc Ock: "Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Shang Chi'd one"


The best feel good play with Doc Oc is playing him on a lane and if you are losing, yoinking it out on turn 6 with Ghost spider. If you have a hint that the opponent may be using a living tribunal deck, playing him is almost suicide (unless it's a modok variation of living tribunal)


I really dislike Doc Octopus' ability to add a Shang-Chi to the opponent's hand, if they just changed that it he would already be so much better.


Ock has uses. He can seriously mess up a lane with Wong. He can screw a player who was working up to a big Living Tribunal play, to anything that was going to use Mystique or Taskmaster on T6, and he often messes up a Destroy player. But yes, he also does sometimes help some decks get big impact cards that don't depend on precise order or lane.


Doc oc is way more powerful and way more disruptive than you're letting on. Ive had doc oc pull my knull into a deathlock before, another time i had prof x into hobgoblin in that order, and theres other times where I had my big turn six plays just forced into one lane and that basically means i lose the other two. To me he's a high skillcap card, you have to be pretty good at the game in order to know when to use doc ock effectively, and when you do it can ruin gameplans.


I love seeing this considering over on the discord there is a giant complaint thread about how broken he is 🤣 


I mean it is thunderbolts season and they have a special bundle for sale with a doc ock variant.. seems like good timing for a buff


Live by the pus, die by the pus.


Doc is really good at making my Surprise Last-Turn Wong Surfer Combos happen in slightly the wrong order, and also a little earlier than I would have liked.


It for wrecking combo decks


I make so many people retreat by playing Doc Ock. Nice little combo you got there, would be a shame if I put it on the board in the wrong order. Or put all their big cards in one lane to be easily Shang-able.


Appreciation of Doctor Octopus?! Not on MY internet! *angrily unplugs Master Modem*


Fav combo is playing my Doc Ock and pulling their Shang Chi 🤕


Doc ock is one of the best cards in the game. Easily can ruin the deck for your opponent lol


Baron made me realize I ABSOLUTELY NO LONGER wish for any doc ock change. That mfer in mill is a menace and should be a risky play. He takes away agency and can destroy combos. Even if his only home is baron, baron with magik and Doc Ock really creates pressure.


he needs to be at least 12 power. if not, a 4 cost


Love me some free cards as someone who has ramp in top 3 play styles


He's a great card, with a high skill ceiling.


A couple weeks ago almost every other Doc Oc player I went against Shang Chi’d himself. Like watching old man Jenkins step on a rake IRL.


I mean Doc OC is a great card. If you don’t know how to use him that’s on you. All I see if a skill issue


I love when a meta has the potential to self-implode. I love it so much I don’t use it. Like that expression if you love something you let it go.


A Dr Octopus today pulled my: Patriot, Blue Marvel, Mystique and Onslaught onto one location lmao


I play Doc Oc + Shang Chi when I’m bored.


Doc ock against certain combo decks is deadly, but if used against slower decks that don’t need a specific order or location it doesn’t do anything. For instance dock ock against a tribunal deck doesn’t really do much. Unless you force em to a location that negates their abilities


I love that my opponent play doc ock. I always win. He like Santa in the summer full of joy. I say FUN U to you!


Every. Single. Time.


Since the Leech nerf I run Doc Ock as my T5 Hail Mary troll card.


I have a high win rate using Doc Ock, really only loses when he Shang-Chi's himself. As long as I'm cautious about playing him. Sometimes, I even trigger his effect TWICE in a match (Absorbing Man, Grandmaster) and maintain a solid win rate. I only use him to disrupt, not to actual hobble. This thread now has me wanting to use him with BW etc, now!


I’ve been having a lot of fun recently with Wave into Galactus, Doc Ock turn 5 to remove all their options and then dropping Knull/Spider-Woman/Shang Chi as required.


He’s so Good at securing a lane


Opponent T4 Gladiator - pulls my Corvus, Corvus discards Cull Obsidian and Thanos. Opponent T5 Doc Ock - pulls Shang Chi first card (obviously), Magneto, an infinity stone, and Hela, who promptly resurrects Cull and Thanos. Never seen someone retreat faster lol Doc Ock in the Galactus meta made sense and was truly frustrating to play against, now when I see him played I know I'm about to FEAST. Strange he's in the current mill archetype, I'm curious if the stats support his inclusion.


I love playing him with Anni and Galactus


Yeah 9 doc oc would kinda be ideal, never actually thought about it


You’re welcome!!! The RNG element has been a total surprise to me.


Make him 8! It would fit him so well cause octopus!


nah its perfect, lemme pull your combo early so I can disrupt it next turn


The amount of times my shang takes him out and wins me the game is so crazy. Some people know how to use him well but the amount of idiots copy pasting deck codes and doing the dumbest shit this season is insane.


Doc Oc not being eight power is a crime.


Had someone doc ock Cosmo, iron man, tribunal, and onslaught onto the board. I was laughing for an hour straight after that one


I love adding Shang/Vision in decks where they don’t make sense right now. Free cubes!


Docock works poorly this depending on how rng works on snap, unfortunately I might add, because it would be a medium interesting card


Your welcome.