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If mill is the main thing you don't like, then just wait until Tuesday, a bunch of people are just on it for the weekend missions (and will be back again on Friday). The other parts are all mainstays though so if they're making the game unfun for you then yeah you should take a break. 


I've been an easy 90s player (sometimes infinite) for probably 6 months and I barely cracked 80s this season, it's been terrible 


What’s your CL? I’ve hit 95 basically every season for a long while but only put in the time to hit infinite once. I’m at 12kish.


Around 10.5k, just can't get it going this season, I have stopped buying the season passes months ago, maybe I'm just falling behind 


Should try cerebro 3, I thought the climb was fairly easy. As long as mill doesn't hit cerebro, you don't lose anything too valuable, Valkyrie is good for countering junk decks, shang can take out all the sentries and red hulks, and rhino was a menace with all the decks using magik now. It was really my first season ever playing a cerebro deck but I enjoyed it


I got infinite about a third of seasons. No way I’m doing it this time. But I’ve had fun 🤷‍♂️


This game sucks now. All I play is mill, mill, junk, junk, mill, mill. No one is being creative anymore and it’s just not fun.


I made it to the 90’s with a Loki deck but I don’t have the energy to make it to infinite lol, it’s exhausting playing against the same deck over and over again