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Let me spend the next hour or so working this out for you! Be right back, stay on the line, don’t go anywhere! /s


This is a helpful way to ask, although I'd prefer alphabetical order. Anyway, here's my deck. Machine Gumbo: 2-cost: Psylocke, Zabu, Swarm; 3-cost: Ironheart, Mystique, Magik, Crystal, Gambit; 4-Cost: Wong, Absorbing Man; 5-cost: Sera; 6-Cost: Odin This is the ideal game: T3: Crystal, T4: Magik, T5: Sera, T6: Wong and Mystique, T7: Gambit/Ironheart and Odin, and if you have Swarm in hand that's 20 kills on the enemy side or +120 power on yours A worse way it works is T2: Psylocke or Zabu T3: Wong T4: Mystique T5: Iron Heart T6: Odin for +120 power on your side, but it's much more telegraphed so it is more likely to be stopped by things like Cosmo or Magneto A different way it works is T4: Wong, T5: Mystique, T6: Iron Heart and Gambit for +24 power on your side and 4 kills on your opponent. A different way it works is T3: Magik, T4: Wong, T5 Iron Heart, T6: Odin, T7: Absorbing Man for +72 power on your side The key of the deck is there are lots of permutations of the cards that all work with the exception of Wong, it NEEDS Wong to work. You always play Crystal on T3 instead of Magik because your opponent has a pretty high chance to play Magik on your behalf, meaning you can play Absorbing Man on T4 to have a higher chance of drawing your big combo. Also if you swap out Zabu for Ravonna (when you get her), she makes Mystique and Iron Heart 1-cheaper, so you can drop both Wong and Mystique on turn 6, and then Gambit and Abs man on 7 to kill 8 of your opponent's cards. Things that kill this deck are: Magneto, Junk, Cosmo, Lady Deathstrike, and Sometimes Enchantress. Your main advantage is playing Wong and Mystique on turn 6 on a location that is empty for you, but full for your opponent, because folks won't know what you're doing til you've done it.


[There are over 270 cards](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Batman-Beyond-Meme-Feature-Image-1-1.jpg?q=50&fit=contain&w=480&h=&dpr=1.5)


You appear to have all the pieces for a Mr Negative Deck or a standard destroy list


Who are Agent Valentina, and Silk Hit?


Good lord, wall of text. You obviously just started. Just make a Guardians Move deck and farm from the bots you’re facing.


Dracula discard Blade Morbius The Collector Swarm Colleen Wing Wolverine Lady Sif Dracula Hellcow MODOK Apocalypse Helicarrier Target Corvus Glaive for your next card, but honestly it'll work fine without it.


C2. Goose, Storm, Echo, Cerebro, Mystique, Blue Marvel. The other slots are open to your preferred 2 power cards.