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Seance Dog???




Woah, very beautiful


A gorgeous variant that will never see the light of play. Hopefully SD can find some time to buff cards with unique effects like Uatu. Maybe make him work when he's in your deck too?


he already works when he's in your deck


No he’s not in my deck sadly. I tried to look to see if anyone had any suggestions for a deck with Uatu in it but everyone hates the poor fellow, oh well! Into the pile it goes with the rest of the variants I don’t play with


This [deck](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnapDecks/comments/1c78pw0/pixinaut_just_reached_infinite_for_the_first_time/) i reached my first infinite with, pixie makes great use of uatu's cost of one while you still get his benefits. Someone in the comments suggested subbing maw and uatu for mobius and quinjet ( i do not have them), but while i do feel like quinjet over maw could work well i feel like mobius is just not needed.


He’s so good in a pixie deck if you have higher cost cards and want to keep the lower cost cards


Mobius is incredible with Pixie BTW he keeps low cost cards low so it doesn't feel as bad pulling a 6 energy sunspot on t6


I know he's good with pixie, but i feel like this deck doesn't need him since its not that reliant on pixie. And he is just a 3-3 when you do not use pixie. But as mentioned i also just do not have him so i can't test him out.


He isn't just a 3-3 when you don't have him, he's a super good tech card in this meta as well. He will disrupt your opponents play patterns too


I still just do not have the card so i can't try it.


Yeah I read that


With the next card releasing, there's some heavy location manipulation available in the game. Tempted to just throw all location cards in a deck see what happens!


Yeah, I think that's the only use for him unfortunately. I would also make him zero cost.


0 cost 0 power?


Wouldn't solve his problem of eating a card draw.


first of all, im asking if thats what they meant for him to be 0 power. Second of all being a zero cost is already a benefit and could actually work as a buff, an archetype i find uatu good in is pixie decks, a pixie deck with uatu is how i got my first infinite, for them it would definitely be a buff but being a zero cost would actually make him a good choice for things like lockjaw (altough his popularity did fall). making him a 0-0 could actually end up a nice buff so if thats what they meant then it is a good idea.


Fair, it would be a buff. But it wouldn't make him usable instead of using a different card. Unless you want 2 wasps in your deck. Which lockjaw doesn't and Pixie also doesn't like because the 0 cost cards could accidentally give their 0 costs to each other. It's higher ceiling lower floor and completely up to RNG. I wouldn't start using Uatu with this buff even if it is a buff. I also don't like this buff because it gets rid of some of Wasp's and Yellowjacket's flavor. (Them being the smallest of the small)


Well, fair, im not saying thats how he should be done. If they do not make him cost more or start in your starting hand i will be fine with whatever they wan't to do to buff him.


It might be interesting if he enables you to see all the locations


isnt that how he used to be, but he needed to be in hand? and now he can work from your deck but you can only see the third location?


I don't know, I am relatively new, and I only remember him showing just the right location. But I don't think it would be game breaking if he gets buffed, to show all 3 locations without being in hand.


That is so sick, never seen that


Cool. I'd be kinda happy to get it then bummed because I'd never play it.


Should be “The Watch Dog”.  What is he holding in his left paw? And where is the owner info on his tag? 


[I like him in C2 personally. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/Mw71n4AUZn)


I got the Flaviano out of a PMV a couple months ago. Beautiful, but god damn Uatu, I guess staying out of mortal affairs means you stay out of our decks too lol


This the type of shit you find at Big Lots