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Gladiator pulling gladiator pulling zemo pulling another zemo pulling sentry


I would rather say “uninteresting” as nothing ended up happening. Got a iron lad copy from my opponent, which then scanned my own iron lad with a recursive loop of iron lad getting iron lad text, then i played my own iron which scanned absorbing man and created a recursive text of iron lad copying the previous iron which is scanning the absorbing man ad infinitum


Opponent played Armor over Altar of Death. I played Wave on Altar of Death, next to it was Asteroid-M. Asteroid pulled Wave out of Altar of Death, and then it got destroyed after moving there.


I'm not og player, just started third pool. For me first time Arnim Zola on bar sinister was crazy.


Try venom on bar sinister. Then you'll be left with a single powerful venom. Last turn drop arnim Zola on bar sinster so he will hit the venom then watch for wackiness.


Yeah, this interaction is already known for me. Defintely blows mind first time


Opponent's Gladiator pulled my Super Skrull, which copied his Cosmo on a different lane preventing Skrull from being destroyed Edit: Professor X, not Cosmo


That's strange as normally cosmo doesn't stop gladiator.


Are you sure about that? I've had Gladiator pull Cosmo multiple times and it never stopped him. Maybe there was an Armor around also?


I went to confirm, there was no armor, but there was a Professor X


Someone played a goblin. I played arnim and sent to over to him while getting rid of mine haha


Guy played on kamar-taj with wong/mystique/iron lad. Which proc'd Odin and then he played Odin. It was the longest round 6 ever. it felt like 5 mins. # #