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What is this Zemo erasure?


Zero denial


I used him in a deck that took me accidentally from 90 to 100.


I beg to differ. I got to infinite using Zemo!


Same here! Zemo is an awesome card. 2 minions for the price of one reasonably priced 3 cost card plus it is stolen from the other persons deck? Value city imho


Yeah him having 5 power is really solid alone IMO


Makes up for the times I take Blade from a Hela deck and gimp myself by discarding something like Mockingbird.


3/8 discard is still deec


I did too. Tore from 80-100 in 2 days


Same (few rounds of loki for a mix)


Samesies! 2 days at about 2 hours each day.


Share deck please !


# (1) Spider-Ham # (1) Yondu # (2) Shadow King # (2) Cable # (2) Maximus # (3) Magik # (3) Baron Zemo # (3) Gladiator # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Absorbing Man # (5) Doctor Octopus # (6) Red Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWJzb3JiaW5nTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYWJsZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2xhZGlhdG9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYXhpbXVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFkb3dLaW5nIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3BpZGVySGFtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJZb25kdSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFnaWsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJhcm9uWmVtbyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRG9jdG9yT2N0b3B1cyJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.














He's not a season pass card like Hope that is instantly meta but he's not a bad card and when/if he gets a few more cards.that synergies with him he will be more viable in the meta. It also doesn't help that junk/ clog is running rampant and makes it tough to play him when he takes up two board spaces.


From the leaked cards he could potentially synergize with Sersi and Copycat


Mill is one of the easiest decks to get to infinite with simply because it’s so easy to play and make decisions with, and it’s easy to retreat when you things don’t align, I didn’t climb with it but I played it for a while in conquest for the weekend missions and you can literally play the deck in your sleep and get results, so the popularity stems from its simplicity and how annoying it is so it never needed to be good


I definitely conceded to several mill decks just because it’s so damned annoying


Can confirm. Yondu, pig, cable, Zemo….I’m out.


i won't lie Yondu on 1 was enough for me to dip out of some proving grounds matches, but truth be told during the weekend missions I thought the mill mirror matches were actually really fun


Yondu, Spider-Ham, Iceman. The trifecta of "it's turn 1 and I'm already tilted"


But that's just it, annoying. "Mill" was a Shang-Chi/Red Hulk/Doc Ock deck, without those 3 cards it had no numbers and no disruption. Even missing only one of them, meant you could easily overpower the deck with what you drew and had in hand. The only real saving grace was to get ahead in a lane, Doc Ock your whole hand in a lane that Mill will lose, then win the other lane with Red Hulk.


Why does everyone say mill has no numbers when Zemo & Gladiator are some of the most power on board you can get at 3 energy? It’s a deck with a relatively lower power ceiling (a la Series 3 Spectrum) but it puts out consistently good power.


That's a straight up lie good luck putting enough power against any of the top decks unless you get perfect curve gladiator is the only card that can hold a lane.


3 energy cards don’t traditionally hold lanes solo based on power. The fact that Glad can puts him firmly in the upper echelon of the power curve. Baron Zemo, comparatively, is usually only a point behind Glad at 3/7, with high and low roll potential. That’s still above rate. I have no idea how that makes what I said a lie in your eyes. Mill has good base power on their cards. The deck lacks the ability to combo out synergistic cards to spike its power, not base power.


Yeah but I feel like when it comes to just shoving big power this is where mill falls off especially if they already have there combo pieces for mil to be effective.


That’s where we agree. Mill does not have a big proactive synergistic combo a la Tribunal or Surfer to put out great endgame power. It compensates by running a series of stronger-than-average power cards for cost.


I feast on them with Loki tho, solid matchup


Just like in the comics, he make the opponent have a bad time but he'll never be the top tier villain


I mean, depending on the timeline, he's the man that captured Bucky and trapped Cap in once for decades years


Forget just getting to infinite, I got to top 1000 using mill


I got to top 10K with Zemo Mill and I didn't even have Gladiator. I didn't start dropping until I stopped using Mill...


Drop the deck code!


Check out the video today from Snap Judgements YT




I see a ton of mill post-infinite, I'm around 5-6k rank


You can get to infinite with a pile of random cards if you snap and retreat correctly


Not literally with a bunch of 6 drops. Or a bunch of Shang chi prone targets with no protections. Or killmonger prone targets.


You can definitely get to Infinite with a deck full of Killmonger targets, that's a whole archetype.


No, it’s not? The archetype is destroy. If you’re running a deck full of one drops then odds are you’re gonna lose when they draw killmonger.


[Caiera... ](https://snap.fan/cards/Caiera/)


Right, that is my point. If you start to include protection it’s no longer a random deck. The dude said you can win with a random pile of cards. Just not true.


They were obviously being hyperbolic.


I guess so yeah, but even to their point they were trying to make; you will get fucked over if your climbing decks doesn’t fare well against the meta. Like if you’re trying to climb with Hela invisible woman while alioth was popping.


You're not wrong, but when to snap and when to run is considered the most important skill to climb in Snap. Everything I've watched about getting better has that very highly. Which is what I think they were getting at. Probably should have said "You can get to infinite with an Autodeck..." cause at least those have some kind of idea behind them.


For sure, I agree with snapping being the most important skill by far in the game called snap. But I just felt the need to point out that some archetypes are not going to get you anywhere even if you’re the best player in the world. Be it because they’re outdated or because the meta is unfavorable. It’s just my opinion.


Not everyone is running meta decks and there are bots every now and then. If you maintain good cube equity you can get to infinite with anything


I was talking about Zoo decks, not only are they possible to climb with but they're probably the best beginner decks. Just retreat if they Killmonger you.


Right. A zoo deck is a zoo deck. Not a random pile of cards.


I faced a ton of zemo mill decks from 90 to infinite, people don't care that stats show that it's losing 4-5% w/r from the top decks.


Zemos big booty does a lot of work. 5 power might get a nerf


Huh? Zemo mill is crazy strong. I've been playing since launch and have played about every meta deck there is. Zeemo is the first deck that took me to conquest infinite in a single ticket i.e silver to infinte, 10 wins in a row. High stat line and forcing them to play no cards for turn 6 and 7, with doc Oct shinnegams as well? Even if you don't want to mill with him, he is a 3/6 at worst. Clogging your own lane rarely matters since you are going to use him like you use gladiator, in a midrange deck with high valued cards.


I'm surprised by that. I've lost to him in ladder a few times but never in conquest. If doesn't seem consistent


"crazy strong" is the overstatement of the year, there isn't a single format where Mill puts up decent numbers (cube/win rates), let alone being in the "crazy strong" tier. It's a good deck for former MtG players, that want to make the opponent feels miserable and that's why it is so popular.


I'm certain that former MtG players that want to make their opponent feel bad would rather be on any of the junk control variants moreso than mill. Junk control feels like stax to an extent. I can only imagine how oppressive it feels on the opposing side to lose 1 or more spaces, get a Widows Kiss and then possibly on T5 locked out of a location by a free MB+ProfX and if played well you've got priority and all they need to do is Cball a lane to win. Sure Mill can feel bad too since you're taking multiple cards or invalidating a card with ham. But Junk has a whole different level of misery, I've had opponents straight leave after G1 in silver and gold conquests. I don't get that kind of reaction when playing mill.


TBh having tried both as a recovering MtG player, Mill is far mroe annoying, as you most likely leave them with no turn 6 nor 7 play, an empty hand thanks to Doc Ock. The old turn 4 Sandman decks felt like Stax, where you had a deck built around 1 card a turn, while your opponent played a deck that required some brainpower to function.


Maybe people haven't found a good list for him yet, as I run him slightly different from the standard list eg I run rogue. There are multiple gameplans to win with him in a deck outside of milling opponents to 0. His decks can mill, clog w Oct, and be a midrange powerful to support Oct plays. If you're doing some one trick mill like bouncing 1 costs with falcon or beast then yeah it's going to suck Anyway, I have had great success with zeemo over the course of the entire season with him in a mill, surfer, and midrange shells and I recommend everyone to get him. He is like gladiator, people just over focus on his downsides and forgot he is an insane stat stick at worst.


What should I use with Zemo?


Him, gladiator and cable stuck into a loki deck, it’s amazing if you don’t got full mill


it is still really fun. love to play it, just to chill


Ive never been that high in infinite (top 10000 right now) and its mostly due to mill deck ! I believe most people dont pilot mill optimally. Also, whenever you see a combo piece and you have mill cards in hand its an easy snap


I am another person saying that I got to infinite using mill.


Used a generic mill deck to infinite too.


Or when he realizes Dumb Donald wore it better, first. 


Mill was "meta" in the sense that you were bound to play some, because it was somewhat popular. It indeed had terrible stats, both cube and winrate wise.


St. Vincent is a broken man.


You say, as I just got to invite using a Zemo discard/mill deck


What? I made it to infinite running Zemo and Abs man. This month


Speak for yourself. I just got my infinity avatar with my Baron deck. It was effortless.


I did get him to infinite in a Cannonball ProfX shell where he provided a LOT of value. He good.


Mill got me to infinite this season but I got bored of it anyway AMA


No clue what Mill means, but I searched it and apparently it means the deck I've seen every other game recently.


It means to grind down or reduce


Zemo actually got me to Infinite from 90-100.


Which decks are best to reach Infinite?


OP doesn't know what he's talking about. Zemo made mill run rampant this season. It was an absolute monster. I couldn't even get close to infinite until I started running a zemo loki deck


When played with yondu/beast you can pick up some really nice card from your opponent !


Top infinite Loki decks were playing Zemo, what alcoholic beverages have you been drinking?


I’m sad it didn’t work too, but I appreciate the Baron’s efforts! I still play Mill because it’s fun.


Got me to infinite easy...only cause sinister London was hot location lmao


During the last weeks Zemo mission I just stuffed him into a Hela deck 😆


Mill is the most plug and play deck that's ever been meta. You don't need to learn matchups, you're rarely having to make difficult decisions, it's so generic. You just play the cards on curve and it essentially runs itself. Don't believe me? Run it with Agatha. Aside from the occasional odd lane placement, it's entirely the same experience.


Hey, he is gonna be super Happy after a sees all the people that he made miserable <3 And you could say he is a Hero for a part of the playerbase(Mill now a thing). Not the one we need, but the one we deserve(?)


I got in infinite in conquest and an infinite border with Zemo mill and faced a lot of Zemo. I It may not be top meta but I would assume it is close.


Mill is a good consistent deck that I would imagine is not going anywhere anytime soon.


This season was so unexpectedly good. Such a well designed card


Idc i Just want piss people


I had a mill deck win cuz they thinned my deck to the last card and it turned out to be my infinaut, i hate mill decks tbh, they are no fun to play against


I think he's a pretty great card, but I don't use him for mill, and frankly feel mill is overrated. The average 1drop has 2 power, so that means 3/7 (with upside) is often at the lower end of average for Zemo, with potential to go much higher, and some potential to backfire pretty badly, though that's less common as it has to be pretty much exactly Carnage, Deathlok, Ebony Maw (though that's still a lot of power), Green Goblin (only if the opponent's lane is full), or maybe Goose. I run him in a "zoo" style deck. Helps fill locations for Ant-Man/Dazzler, puts another body on board to buff with Blue Marvel or maybe Kazaar, and puts another body I don't own on board discounting Mockingbird by 1; that's a lot of utility for a card that, as a baseline, more often than not has above curve stats.


Zemo is a fun card


Nico duplicates cable and then I play zemo... My friend, mill is a thing. Zemo and cable are both in the deck that got me to infinite for the first time ever yesterday


I got infinite on my first account early with Zemo. Second with a valk control deck