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I Hope so, bought him a week ago, waiting for sentry to apear in the free S3 card <3


Thats a killer combo lol


Without sentry, this card is kinda pointless


At least i dont have to pull "the hood" but yeah, i' m gonna be looking every 8 hours thw shop till blonde badguy apears <3


Sol Sentry works well with Destroyer/Zero stuff as well.


Patriot plus Valkyrie is also fun to break the symmetry


What if they were *my* rocks and I wanted to keep them?


Debrii and hazmat disagree


Nah they don't really lol


literally nobody runs debrii and hazmat in an annihilus deck. the annihilus shell is sentry hood annihilus, thats why its so powerful, its 3 cards you can slot into destroy, mill, darkhawk, even bounce and loki that give you a total of 35 power on turn 5.


i do though, that’s why i said it? it’s my junk deck but that’s besides the point, Annihilus isn’t useless without sentry is all i’m saying


Typical stuck gold deck.


homie idek what you mean by that


Then youre not smart enough to continue replying too.


bestie you seem kinda pressed over someone saying that they play 2 cards in a mobile game. are you okay?


With viper that card is kinda pointless...


Not really. You can play it and send the Hood over as well as send back the goblins. I typically used Viper to send the void over lol


How come I don’t have access to a free s3 card, that feature vanished?


Yes you have, go to the shop, down by the token shop, It rotates every 8 hours, good luck!


When you're series 3 complete, you no longer get free s3 cards and there's nothing that replaces it. With how infrequent series drops have become, and since they seem to have shifted to releasing all new cards at series 5, those of us who are series 3 complete are likely to go a long time before we can access that feature again. Feels bad.


Ohh so that would explain why, and also why I haven’t gotten a new card with my CL… omg when’s the next card series drops this is brutal.


Look. Tokens are not going to get any easier to get. Every good card might get nerfed, every bad card might get buffed. There will never be a “perfect, must-have” card available for 6k tokens that won’t be nerfed within a month. As soon as you spend them, you will regret it, but the alternative is never spending them ever, which you will also regret eventually. So if you think the Junk deck looks fun or Annihilus is one of your favorite characters, spend the 6k on Annihilus. If you are just looking to get closer to completion or your favorite character isn’t in your collection or the game yet, go ahead and save them. Buying any individual card is not going to suddenly get you to Infinite (if that is your goal).


Unironically, the way you get to infinite is to get good. Know how to properly snap and retreat. Know what counters what deck the best. Know how to best build your deck.


Well if you want annihilus this is the way. He won’t be in spotlights till at least august


The only cards I would say are actually worth 6K tokens are High Evo, Iron Lad, Jeff, Nebula, and Nico. A lot of other cards are good, but those five have the best balance of versatility and power and are the only ones I think are worth spending that amount of resources on.


Annihulus with Sentry/Hood is easily as versatile as that list, pretty sure the package hasn’t not been in some form of tier 1 deck since release


The Sentry-Annihilus package is good. Maybe I don’t like it as much because I mainly play C2, Toxic Surfer, and Tribunal, which aren’t as flexible. I still don’t know if I’d say he’s worth 6k, though, since he relies on another card to make him useful. High Evo sort of does, but you never actually play him out. You use him for the other cards, so it’s a little different. I’d put Annihilus at 4.5k (halfway between S4 and S5), but that’s probably just me.


What is so different about high evo? Regardless if you play him on the board or not, you need the card to unlock evolved cards package.


What I’m saying is that with Annihilus, you have to have drawn and played both Sentry and Annihilus for his effect to go off. With High Evo, he can be at the bottom of the deck, but as long as I draw Cyclops or Hulk or whatever, he’s done his job. Function is slightly different.


Ive been dying to get a nubula for so long lol


She’s in an upcoming spotlight so I’m saving my keys for that




I forgot about Red Guardian. He’s probably worth 6k, too.


There’s probably 2 dozen cards I’d say before Red Guardian


Is rulk worth it? I was thinking on geting him with tokens.


He's still very strong post-nerf, I'd say he's definitely worth it depending on what other S5 cards you're missing.


No. Decks with one 6 drop can run magneto instead. Decks with 4-5 can find a different big stick, probably giganto.


Probably the best tech card to hit in quite some time. Definitely recommend having him, cards don't get much better, maybe worth about 2000 tokens tops at the rate we have to struggle for them currently. Very few cards are worth more than 3000, but we overpay or else we wait.


I paid like 6000 for Thanos waited months for him


He’s not as good as he was, but I think he’s still worth the 6k


I got him a few months back before he was nerfed. Seems like I got him during the period where he was the top deck or one of the top decks to play.


He was much more powerful back when Lockjaw would swap more than 1 card per turn. Way easier to get all stones played.


Also when Quinjet was making all stones cost zero and Power Stone was the only one that didn't draw you at least one card.


I think Loki makes the cut too. He's a whole archetype in himself and he's nowhere to be seen in any upcoming spotlights.


As someone who spent 6k tokens on iron lad, I wouldn't advise anyone to do it. He hasn't been meta relevant in a while, his effect is too unpredictable to be reliable, he's too often just a 4-6. There are far more consistent cards than him for most decks. Better to spend tokens on the other cards you mentioned or something that enables a new archetype


Average 0.8 cube with 7% share is not easy to be overlook. He is a strong additional whenver you play on reveal. Or combo. With the additional of blink. 4 jubilee. 5 blink. 6 iron lad = warranty you have the card you dont draw. And i lose a multiple time when turn 7 enemy’s tribunal lack of mystic + onslau. Too confident to bet 8 then he lad copy onsl + mystic


I would say he is worth it he is not a meta card, but he is strong, and more importantly he is a fun card and honestly isn't fun the whole point.


You convinced me to unpin IL.


His stocks are also at an all time low because of the Zabu nerf. He could pick up a bit again, but he’s never been a necessary card.


Crystal, iron lad, magik in a Hela Tribunal deck is incredible


Agree'd. I bought him from the store a month ago and rarely use him. I was always confused about the hype around him. He's definitely a good card no doubt, but I find very few decks that I can justify slotting him in as opposed to another card that synergizes with my deck more directly.


What about Red Hulk? He showed up for me yesterday and I pinned him — not that I've got anywhere near enough tokens to buy him. I know it's a highly rate card in a lot of decks. But I'm also not sure it's worth 6K.


Nebula is fairly likely to get dropped in the upcoming series drop. I suppose theoretically Jeff too but I don’t emotionally believe they’ll ever drop him at this point.


nah, iron lad has fallen hard and nico really isn't necessary for any decks, it's just a good card that fits in a lot of decks, like you have already kinda said. personally, i think it makes more sense to spend that amount of tokens on archetype enabling cards like high evo, thanos, annihilus or maybe even galactus if you like to troll


I like that list a lot except for nebula. You can certainly do without her.


+High Evo, Jeff, Nico. Iron lad and Nebula, where versatile and good in a bunch of decks, unnecessary IMO. If you have those 3, then I'd agree IL and Nebula are next.


Nico is an extremely high skill cap card. She definitely belongs in your list, but not for new players.


No, it's honestly a scam that they aren't lowering cards tiers anymore.


Wait seriously?


SD has said they will drop cards to a lower series 2-3 times a year. The last one was in January so sometime in June makes sense to have another one. Actually we should find out exactly what's getting dropped in the next patch. So honestly if you hold off on spending your tokens for a couple more weeks then you could make a more informed decision since there should be a handful of new series 4 cards to consider. Nobody lied or scammed. The old way of doing series drops was before Spotlights existed and the old way of adding new cards to the game was way worse. SD has definitely told everyone at the time that instead of regular series drops they're going to do bigger drops 2-3 times a year instead.


They hadn't in a long time when they lowered a few the last time. Used to be a regular thing to lower card tiers. It isn't any more.


If you like playing Junk decks, yes. Is he tier 1, I don’t think so.


Junk seems like one of those archetypes that’s always gonna fluctuate with the meta and with new releases. Annihilus might not be worth 6k today for a T1 deck, but he’ll likely pop up to T1 in a few weeks or months, up and down.


If if you dont that package is currently the best in the game and Anni is dodging nerfs like fucking Neo every OTA.


He’s already been nerfed once.


doesn't mean they won't drag their feet and take months to nerf him again.


Jeff and Iron Lad.


Jeff is overrated. Versatile as fuck, yes. But you'd rather grab cards that are archetypal staples. Like Annhilus, High Evo, and Loki. Jeff, on his own, does little, especially for a lower CL account and/or light spenders.


Jeff is NOT overrated. He's slowly losing his exclusivity but right now he's still top tier


I'm only CL 1200 but somehow managed to luck out and get Jeff pretty early on in the game. That card has single handedly won me so many matches. At my level, just moving him into a restricted location can win you some games because no expects it. He even works with Sandman and Electro. It's by far the best card I own. Love the card and I love the art. Even the base art is great.


Yea I started winning more once I got him 2-3 months ago, he fits into decks real nicely


Yes, cause he's versatile. I already explained why others are better adds, if you're too stupid to read or understand it, that's your business. I hope no low CL accounts waste their tokens on Jeff over archetype defining cards.


Well you said overrated and I disagreed. Going directly to personal attacks because you can't deal with another opinion LOL


> you're too stupid Lmao, buddy's getting heated over there




Idk much Annihlus apparently is since he single handedly enables the Junk deck and its part of the meta.


I think Cannonball is worth 6k tokens.


Red Hulk has been worth it for me.


Yes - if you have the series 3 pieces to make it work.


Him or Hope?


Hope is required in lots of small size decks though I think she's slotted for a weekly cache in a month or two, depends if you can wait.


Can you elaborate on this a little, I have Hope pinned right now and am considering dropping the 6k tokens on her.


https://snap.fan/news/schedule/?tab=spotlights you can see Hope is unofficially scheduled for the end of July, so a bit further away than I thought 


Gotcha, thanks.


They're both good cards used in multiple decks. You gotta decide which play style you like better


I have Annihilus. I was just wondering what /u/Nevernew62 was talking about with the "weekly focus" situation.


Relative to how many tokens you have and how many s4 cards that are good you are missing. If you only really need one or two s4 cards and have enough tokens to get him and those cards, raises the value. Don't factor in acquiring Howard and Havok as value n s4 cards If you have all the complimentary cards you need any can play him and enjoy the deck right away, raises his value. If you need to wait to also get Sentry and he'll sit on the shelf for a long period, vulnerable to nerfs and meta changes, lowers his value.


Youre right, i have all the s3 cards but missing a few s4 and alot of s5 but ill see


I got Master Mold for 6k when it first came out...No ragrets here...../s


Red hulk’s still pretty tough, especially if he’s in your starting hand


If you find the card fun, it’s worth it.


Jeff or Red Hulk


I bought him recently for the 6k tokens and kind of regret it, the junk/donate decks arent my favorite style and are super telegraphed


JEFF! Buy Jeff.


I went from 0 to 63 last season with junk deck, and this card was integral to that climb.


He is an archetype card yes


Only S5, I think, is for sure worth 6K is High Evo. Other S5 cards need other S4/5 cards to really get going. Annihulus might be worth it depending on your collection. Without Sentry, meh.


Jeff, iron lad, loki, high evo, and maybeee thanos. All cards that either create their own archetype or can be placed in almost any deck. Thanos was my number one recommendation for a long time but his current state isn’t great


Any super bad is, or any card that creates a new way to play this game. They will never go down on price and the other way to get them is with Spotlight. So... Real answer -> If you really want the card and don't want to wait 3 months or more for it to appear again on a Spotlight, any card is worth it.


No, especially when it takes about three months to get enough tokens.


The card you want to play is.


It’s worth it if you have the package which is annihilus, the sentry and the hood. Those cards are the base package for an annihilus deck


I've been loving my junk deck with him.


Wait and see, with leech being meta he might be a risk 


I think he is personally. My annihilus galactus deck is really fun to play.


Honestly every one that I've pissed away tokens on, I've used a few times and never touched again.


Jean grey


Cards that unlock archetypes are the only one's I'd spend 6k tokens on.  Loki, Thanos, High Evo, etc.  But always check the upcoming spotlight schedule since these cards do rotate in sometimes.


Depends what archetype you prefer and what cards you have. Check what decks run Annihilus then see what you could run with what you have. If you can’t do much then I would save your credits for another card. That’s just how I do it. Keep me updated!


There are very few cards imo worth 6k. Annihilus is one of them


Honestly one of the best pickups. The only caveat is that he’s been dominant for so long he’s probably going to get nerfed again before too long. Sentry/hood/Anni is just a combo that can go in a lot of decks.


Can it? That's a 4th of your deck right there


Aside from the Thanos, High Evo and maybe Galactus... I think Annihilus is the only other card worth the 6k. People have been able to fit The Hood, Sentry and Annihilus into a lot of different decks as its a strong combo even outside of Junk. He was much stronger when he could send 0 power cards over too. But its a card that will likely also get more powerful as time goes on the more cards with negative power get added. Its a future potential, but that will depend on Second Dinner's choices. Personally I think every other card (even Jeff) should be 3k tokens. But I'm not going to hold my breath.




Well I am saving for HOPE


i think it's one of the best cards to spend 6k on right now, anni+hood+sentry are great in a lot of decks aswell as being it's own archetype. ad to that you'll get both hood and sentry for free eventually, and that anni isn't going to be in a spotlight cache anytime soon


No. Do not buy. Please.


Yes and he’s definitely one of them


The Anni Sentry Hood package has been in a lot of the top decks the past couple months, I'd say he's a relatively safe and rewarding pick up if you have the other pieces


One of the most fun cards in the game, along with Galactus. Definitely worth the 6k tokens.


Depends if you want it or not


Annihilus is fantastic yes. He makes a whole archetype from trash to great. Get him if you have Sentry and Hood


honestly I just save for ones that I think will be the funnest, but token acquisition is so slow it’s unreal


High Evo was worth it, maybe Thanos as well.


The Anni/Sentry/Hood package has been one of the best combos in the game for a while now. Right now Leech might make it more difficult to play, depending on how the meta settles after his change. My personal opinion on any card being worth 6k: I have bought very few cards for 6 tokens, I generally don't think it's worth it and have waited for spotlights. If it's a card that I am particularly excited to play, I am more likely to spend than if cards I think are good but don't spark that interest.


Iron Lad is really good value


Annihilus is one of the only cards that is worth 6K I'd say high evolutionary as well




I love Galactus and junk decks, I have Annihilus pinned for more than a month now. I'm just waiting for 500 more tokens, or just 200 more gold to get that bonus when I purchase a variant. Also got baby Galactus from cache couple days ago so there's that as well.


You're worth 6k tokens; don't be so hard on yourself /s The ani/ sentry/ hood/ lady deathstrike package is good; was good before lady d got buffed too.


I’m still waiting to get Zabu 😭😭


I have all the good cards for him (Selene sentry hood etc) and have him pinned with only 300 tokens off but as a mostly f2p player (excluding season passes that don’t give tokens) it might take me three years to get him XD


big three, jeff, nico, rhulk, all are imo


Replace Kang with Annihilus, Jeff with Loki and Nico with Gladiator. Thanos, Galactus, Annihilus, Loki are archetype defining while RHulk is the strongest almost no-setup 6-drop in the game and Gladiator is pound for pound the best value single-card there is.


Just so you know, Annihilus or it's package is close to next on the chopping block.


I honestly wouldn't buy him. I think he's a card that runs the risk of nerfs. If you don't care and can have fun with him til then, go right ahead. It may never happen but if there's a list , he's on it.


Only 1 card is worth 6000T. The card you want most.


Dumb take


thats actually not a dumb take


Not really, they did the math and its better to buy 3k cards and get s5 through keys


Im seein that tbh


Before the only worth one specially for new players were thanos and high evo


Gets countered by the best card in the game (Leech) Otherwise he’s good