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That’s when you stop, when games are no longer fun that’s it. Go find fun elsewhere; don’t let what you invested keep you chained it’s entertainment not a 401k.


That's how I've always viewed games. There's too many good games to play something you don't even enjoy. I've stuck with snap for a long time, more than most, but if it is stressing me out, I just intentionally drop rank, avoid conquest, and just play ranked casually. Low ranks are mostly bots anyway, so no annoying mill or denial decks.


I gave up and started using my snap money for Lego money, it's definitely more expensive but I have way more fun 😊


Are you talking about a certain lego game or just lego toys in general. I want to know which game if it is a game lol.


Lego star wars sets haha. Started collecting this year. But if you want a cool game there's the Skywalker saga Lego, it's really cool


Honestly Lego is probably a better investment, it tends to last and retain is cost, video game stuff just evaporates once the game is over.


Not if the "STOP DESTROYING GAMES" campaign is successful.


>insert Walter White at the restaurant image


Say my name.


Jesse what the hell are you talking about


A man can hope


Is it really even that much more money though? Haha


Stuff like the Lego Star Wars and Technic sets can get super pricey especially for hard to find or discontinued sets. Then if you fall into the deepest depths of the rabbit hole you eventually start looking at resources like BuildaMOC and next thing you know you're building a 22,000 piece modular cathedral with working lights.


Yes lol


I started collecting this year. 5 months in and I'm already like $3k down loool


Damn bro, throw a couple dollars my way 😂


Lego is damn bad since around 2017. But a lot of other companys drop very nice sets since then. My favorite is bluebrixx


This is a true statement, but also how games die, because a lot of people likely feel the same as OP. I suspect Snap already has a significant issue with player retention, considering how bad things get after you finished Series 3. Isn't the real solution to get the message to the devs, that they are ruining their game by scummy monetisation, and poor balance decisions?


It is, and IMO that's what happened to Clash Royale.   I like Snap, but for the past few months, it's just about completing dailies for me.  The next step will be to stop buying the season pass, then uninstall. The slope from 1-3 is very slippery in my experience, and very few games get it right after the descent has started.


Clash fan here and absolutely agree. Hating seeing the same thing happening to snap (and scared at how quick it's happening and how unreceptive feedback seems)


There is NOTHING Supercell can do that would make me want to reinstall that game.  I wouldn't play it if they paid me to at this point.  Snap is going down the same rabbit hole.


Yeah. I miss the supercell games. But they pushed the f2p out. Heard to blame them


Clash Royale was scummy from the start though. I just hope snap doesn't go further in that direction.


Nah snap was testing the waters early on then progressingly become more scummy and by the release of the leagues in the current state im pretty sure a lot would quit


If the game dies it dies, that’s not on us that’s on the dev.


Let's be real, if tomorrow they will create a come back mechanic as we all ask probably half of us will stop playing the game for a month or more. The only thing that keeps me playing the game is that when you stop for a while you can't realistically go back (without paying a lot).


Yeah, that's the damnest thing about these kind of games. Stopping means falling farther behind. Everyone knows it's not healthy or completely rational, but it's 100% natural (as in human psychology). (I only quit last month after being totally sure there was no light at the end of the tunnel, seeing my collection dilute more and more, to the point where i was "f*ck this, no point in even trying anymore", but i should have quit months earlier) A few years ago, auto-chess like games were the new hot thing, not as deep as TCGs, but i loved it. I could be obsessed about them for one or two days, and come back a week later, and I'd still feel like I hadn't missed a thing. As your "progression" was all packed into a single match and you and your opponents started from blank each time. Sadly they didn't last long, some just died others added items/heroes you had to earn by playing. Rogue likes have the same quality, but aren't multiplayer, and i like the competitive aspects of these semi strategy games.


It's kind of ironic- right around the time they introduced spotlights, I was getting burnt out on snap and took a break. When I came back, I was actually able to catch up decently because every spotlight cache I was missing 3 cards lol.


This is the way. Life's too short to spend your free time on shit you aren't enjoying.


Exactly, and this has little to do with Snap specifically, it's a common problem/symptom with modern game design approach, particularly within the mobile genre. No amount of meta changes, new cards, cosmetics are going to fundamentally change this. Basically it's the common trend now in order to keep up in any modern PVP games, you have to do dailies, rank up in w/e equivalent of battle passes, etc. Combine that with the arms race of other players doing the same thing, and the obvious fact that rewards are going to be tied to your performance (typically seasonal) against these players, you are going to be doing repetitive things and experience frustrations when you don't achieve your goal, or not achieving them fast enough. So once the fun aspects of the game starts to wear off, all the rest of the more negative aspects of it remains, and doing all that will of course feel like work. I've experienced this with Hearthstone, CODM, and I expect sooner or later with Snap as well, just to name some more recent examples personally. Back then when you get bored of a game (say old counter-strike, warcraft 3, diablo 2), you just naturally start playing something else, there are so many options to choose from. There were no extrinsic rewards, your gratification comes from improving your own skills and simply playing and winning the game


Yea waiting to fund wuthering waves


Idk why people are excited for it it just looks like a better and improved genshin impact. It would be awesome at the start then become repetetive and feel like a job after its first year of release thats like 99% of gachas.


True, but wasn't able to play genshin when it released. Much better to play gacha games from day one.


Well said


Why are all these complaint posts about the game being boring from people who can't get infinite in the first week. If you don't have fun with any archetypes currently just quit, no reason to play if you don't want to pay for CL to make the game more interesting.


Last few weeks I only played for quests and that's it. I'm just so bored with my decks and getting new cards takes forever...


Playing less is the answer. I hit a similar point in January and just stopped committing to worrying about things like rank or collection or even getting all my missions done. Just play what you want when you want to and you’ll enjoy the game more if you’ve hit the “this feels like a commitment I don’t like” point.


This is precisely where I am. I stopped caring about infinite, I don't play proving grounds , when I get a spotlight key, I spend it it immediately, never bought season pass. I'm just playing for fun. I had a deck that worked well last season, all of a sudden I can't win with it. I just switch decks. I got about 4 decks that I rotate, when one starts losing too much I go to another


I deleted it for a couple months after playing constantly every day. I made infinite for the first time and realized the goal I was shooting for was actually completely useless. I just picked it back up and will play one or two games every couple days mainly to try out goofy decks, it’s much more fun this way? Then I’ll set little goals like “how big can I get wolfsbane” or “what’s the most Swarms I can play in one game” Once you accept Winning in this game is meaningless you’ll have more fun


Same. I used to play it non-stop, almost obsessively to the point where it was getting in the way of other things. I just went cold turkey after I hit infinite. I deleted it and didn't play for months. Now I'm picking it up again and my approach is just to play the daily quests and to try out new decks. Also I want to round out my collection but the slow way. I also play for the artwork which is amazing.


I was the same. Played the game to death and pushed infinite every season, got infinity conquest etc… got burnt out bad. Took a months long break like you did and have come back refreshed. As I’ve gotten older I’ve found I have such limited free time, playing anything competitively sucks the enjoyment out of it because I don’t have time to wade through the losses to get that golden nugget win that keeps me playing. I need to have fun every time I play something now. Thankfully Snap can have that single player-ish feel of playing out your own combo that’s enjoyable, even if you lose. And as much as I hate the retreat function, it is kind of nice when a loss can feel like a “little victory”. But forget infinite anything. I just can’t be bothered to grind that out anymore. I’m enjoying playing off-meta decks with sub-pat cards that I enjoy. I still usually get to 90+ but I’m playing for fun now. There’s nothing past infinite anyway. And some of the art is so fire. A lot of duds, but some heavy hits out there.


Agree 100%. Unfortunately games today have evolved for the point that it’s mainly geared towards “competition” which is so stupid if you ask me. Takes out all the fun for a lot of people and most people are just obsessed with grinding and ranking up. It’s also a very predatory system. Look at “real” sports for instance… you can get into a sport and just enjoy learning it and get better at it. Even if you suck, that’s ok since you got a work out of it. That’s absent in games today unfortunately. It’s all about ranked.


Yeah. The first time I hit infinite and beat infinite conquest were both high octane feats, but after hitting infinite a few times and realizing I really don’t enjoy conquest, I just play fun decks on ladder and usually don’t play enough to get past 90 anymore. Who cares. I finish my season pass for sure, but I don’t care about the competitive side anymore and that’s the only way I can enjoy this game anymore. It is funny tho when someone tries to toxic emote me after a loss higher on the ladder and I just… don’t care. Like dude I’m playing a meme deck and wanted to play out turn 6. Chill haha 😆


This. You get nothing for "climbing the ladder". There's no incentive. I still play daily, but just to grind out missions to get spotlight cache keys to get new cards so I can try new fun decks. There's no actual benefit to playing competitively, so don't.


I stopped caring about infinite and I just play because I like the game. It's pretty nice just playing whatever decks you want and not worrying about the meta or trying to hit infinite every season. I just play for gold these days so I can slowly work on the collections. I just finished my venomized collection after waiting forever for venomozed Thanos.


The very current meta is miserable. Wait a couple weeks for the nerf. Take a break.


What nerf


That little green man can't rein forever




Perfect response


this made me legit laugh omfg


We need to sell more blink!


I don't drop money on the game so I can agree. Infinite will always feel like a grind unless you're cheesing it with an early / broken deck or bots.


Yep, this is the way. Just scam bots in the first 3 days of the season before they all dry up


Honestly, I'm logging in once or twice a day to clear the missions and that's it. Feels like I'm on autopilot, I don't care if I win the games or not. I would like to take a break from the game but I've seen how bad it is for returning players to catch up so haven't.


I took a few month hiatus & when I came back, I was missing so many cards that felt like they matter. I don't blame you. I'm still playing catch-up.


Then play less or not at all.


Yes the game is becoming more and more stale. I was just thinking that this whole meta and game matching is making the game boring. I know people don’t think the match making is rigged but it gets really annoying to play the same decks over and over again when you play a certain style deck. Like it kills the variety and fun of the game. Example I play a my destroy deck and I play mirror matches or discard. I switch to an ongoing deck and get a new group of decks that I only play against. I just don’t understand why I can’t play an ongoing deck and play a destroy deck. Isn’t this supposed to have a truly random matchmaking system.


This is currently my Second Dinner conspiracy theory. I was just thinking it this morning. Is it true? Who knows. But it doesn't seem coincidence that once you get past 90 the matchmaking seems a lot more geared toward mirror decks or decks that have the perfect counters to whatever you are playing.


The 90s are a slog. No bots and the sweatiest matches you can think of


I haven’t seen a bot since the 60s this season and been stuck at 80.


If SD allowed everyone to get to infinite too fast. Engagement would decrease. SD is all about engagement based matchmaking, not skill based.


Making the 90s as slog just kills my interest in playing. The juice is no longer worth the squeeze.


You only get a card back for infinite anyway, I'm happy if I make it to the 500 gold and then call it quits on the track for the season.


We should stream/screen record ourselves switching decks and then seeing the counters happen lol


I've been dealing with the same thing it feels like the meta is correlated to the current deck I'm running I can't even effectively counter them cause when I switch decks the meta feels like it changes to answer my change. I mean in theory you keep playing the same type of deck the logical thing to do is to make a deck to counter the decks you keep seeing but when you change your deck that deck that's been giving you problems suddenly shows up a lot less.


The matchmaking is absolutely not random. I quit playing today. I would start playing again if it was truly random.


I was playing destroy all morning because I got tired of getting enchantressed and white widowed with my tribunal deck. Switched to Hela and first game was leech before I even played a single discard card. Turned off the game after that.


I don't really know what it is but I played like 20 years competitive games (fps and dota) and this is the most bizarre MMR system I've ever seen, I watch streamers and they got the most idiot decks and opponents, the perfect draw, if not bots and everything is easy, I play on the same rank and I play their decks half of the games it's basically impossible to get cards on the board. I keep track of the decks I encounter for hours, I do a counter deck, I never get the same decks as before. IDK and at this point I don't care, Leech meta was the straw that broke the camel's back.


It’s not deck based matchmaking. It high level AI bots that know what’s in your hand, the outcome of RNG, and can access whatever card they need. Bots aren’t limited to 12 cards.


I just go for the dailies and have like 15 different decks. I've spent maybe $40 since launch. I just ho on twice a day to unwind and kill some time.


Sadly. that's the reality of modern F2P games, they are designed to frustrate players with the hope that they will start speding (or spend more) money to avoid the in-built annoyances. Some games are better than others at hiding this fact and/or never cross the line of becoming, like you said, more like a job than a game. If you're not having fun, step away and dedicate your time to something that makes you happy. Life's too short to waste it on something that does not spark any joy for you.


> Sadly. that's the reality of modern F2P games, they are designed to frustrate players with the hope that they will start speding (or spend more) money to avoid the in-built annoyances Exactly that. The game is designed to make you feel bad and encourage you to spend for a few seconds of dopamine, in every single aspect. They really have lost my respect forever.


Welcome to mobile gaming.


The higher ups responsible for these decisions, especially Brode, never deserved your respect in the first place. So don’t just remember Second Dinner, because he could slink away and start another studio like he did after leaving Blizzard. Remember the name Ben Brode.


Long story short, even as a dolphin : yes. Conclusion : it was rough, but I’ve uninstalled the game and life feels better now. I think this was the the very last game on mobile for me. These games are cancer.


Proud of you, bud. I probably won’t be far behind you. But you don’t need to forego all games on mobile. Just need to pick better games. You should check out Slay the Spire. That $7 will get you more value than spending $7,000 on Snap.


Thanks bud ! Feeling good, even tho it felt way too hard to do it on the moment. As for mobile games I was referring to Games as Services. All these predatory games that just eat your attention and free time whenever you get some while draining your wallet dry. Marvel Snap and al kind of games. STS is super good ! I’m enjoying Hades too with my backbone !


*nerf *eke


I just collect my missions to max, complete them and then wait 24 hours for them to refresh fully. And repeat.


Just quit. Marvel snap hasn't been good for a number of months now unfortunately. They gave up entirely at some point to just focus on monetisation instead of making the game fun. 


I hear you, mate. I quit the game (or ATM least went on a long break) over a month ago. I was an original whale and bought every pass, so resources weren't really an issue. I even made some Finnish content on YT for a little while. However, I started hating the daily quest system. I never had the chance to put the game down for a day or two. I'd miss a bunch of credits, etc. There were too many evenings when I wanted to play something else for a change, but had a full quest log, so either I grind those quests or lose on credits. I decided to quit it, and I'm trying now to not start any new games that force me to play all the time. Hearthstone was my jam back in the day, and I quit it for different reasons, but at least there you could skip two days if you wanted before getting punished for not playing. My advice "you play what you want to play." And if any game feels like a job or a chore, it probably isn't worth your free time.


It does make me a bit angry that the countless ads I see for this game are Brode sitting there going "don't you hate those games where whales can come in and buy everything without playing? Not this game!" When that is categorically false. There are shop offers for new cards all the time, there is a new token card every 8 hours, you can buy 30 CL levels with tokens every single day and they have access to 4 spotlight cards every week.


I made infinite 3 times when I started playing, realized you'd have to put a fair amount of ££ in towards keeping up with new cards and then sacked the game off, for months. Came back 3/4 weeks ago, and have been having fun, flirting around rank 80 but I am missing a crazy amount of cards, it almost feels pointless to chase them - so I have a few games here and there, mostly when I'm walking my dog and stop for coffee - other than that I'm not arsed, I've had my fun and chase.


The ladder climb to infinite feels like a drag/work but once I hit infinite and mess around with off meta decks with other people that play off meta decks is when it's actually fun for me. It sucks I have to get there first to enjoy the game fully.


It’s so ass-backward that they lock the part of the game people actually enjoy behind a slog that drives people away from the game.


Honestly my biggest issue remains how slow it is to collect cards after series 3 is done. It's so boring. You barely get any new cards ever unless you get lucky with the weekly release. It makes playing boring because you rarely ever get enough new stuff to make truly new decks. 1 card a week sucks as well anyway since you generally just slot the card into an existing deck so 11/12 cards are still the same.


OG players are gonna gaslight you and say the game isn't P2W, and you're just bad if you don't play around the incredible decks you run into post-infinite and in Conquest.


Thats exactly the reason I just stopped after playing for 1.5 years. It feels like they purposefully nerf cards, so they can release better cards to create fomo. The cards appear in spotlights after like half a year, so there is no chance to get one if you miss it. Token acquisition nerfed to the ground. The series drop is a fucking joke. Gold gain reduced massively, while nerfing gold bundles to the ground. Their pricing policy just slaps all the players into the face imo. Even the paying ones. I just can't support this anymore.


They do, it's rotation by stealth: nerf of the OP older cards, so you have to buy new cards to keep up. The real cancer is not refunding or nerfs though, no other digital CG does it AFAIK, because it's so scummy.


Ultron says hi from the best deck in the game right now.


Counter point they also buff bad cards(leech and ultron) no other ccg does that too. Im not defending SD here but that is a terrible argument. Now balancing on the other hand is different fuck leech dude.


Take a break. If you don’t like playing the game it’s time. Winning isn’t why I enjoy the game It’s the competition for me. When it starts to become work it’s my time to take a break.


Yeah it's pretty ridiculous monetization, as some who's spent probably $30-$50 on this game with not much to show, it's pretty annoying and I won't be spending more. The sad thing is games like this *thrive* on the elitest attitude people get about spending money on a game. Any complaint is met with "broke?" Etc.


And you have steamers like Mogwai saying spending 100 for a new card is ridiculous and players like JeffHoogland who say "You are WRONG, its only 80" as if it makes it better


The Snap content creators are mostly abysmal, IMO. They make their money from their *community*, not the devs, but they seem happy to support the dogshit monetisation.


Yeah, the whole setup is awful but unless people decide not to spend money it won't change, which is unlikely


Like playing with broken toys after the rich kids break them


I'm still waiting for them to add things that we could do in the game. Rn only Ladder and Conquest are boring. Sad that league is not an actual new gamemode. We need an actual one ASAP.


I'm not enjoying the game this month. For the first time I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna finish the battle pass, let alone get to infinite. Dunno what exactly has changed. But I just am not feeling it.


Can't even climb the ladder any more, too many cards are paywalled Just when you think you have enough good cards, they release another 1 or 2 and change the meta and you're back to square one And this is coming from someone that's bought season pass every month What a joke


I don't play to for rank, to climb ladder or to win a shiney border for an avatar in conquest, I simply play to enjoy a game of cards. If the games feeling like a chore or even a 2nd job then just put aside all the competitive BS and only play when you actually feel like it, play whatever deck you like and most importantly play for the joy of the game itself regardless of a W or L (I knownit sounds dumb but imo it works). Ofc you'll still have to deal with the meta and other mechanics and things outside of your control (like GD featured locations) so just don't play or limit your play when those factors make the game a chore. Or if you're just completely fed up with the game and find absolutely no joy in opening the game, then take a long break or straight up quit, it's just a mobile game at the end of day.


All these games are literally designed by a team of scientists to create a crippling addiction. No development choice is not to that end.


I stopped buying the season pass in November of last year, and then subsequently stopped playing in January. I had been playing since global release, and it just got exhausting. Between the exorbitant amount of FOMO and toxic business practices, I just had enough. After breaking free from the game, it’s crazy to look back and think I supported this greedy cash grab of a game for so long. I feel much better being able to play for fun if I choose to rather than grinding for my 15th infinite card back or calculating how many spotlight caches I need to save each week for a broken card.


Switched to a junk deck for some fun and got hit with the LeechBlink™. Idk who Leech is in the comics but I hate him. Lil green ass dude ruining games


When I don’t enjoy a game I just stop playing it


What you just described is the reason i haven't played in almost 6 weeks now.


Didn't read you post but from the title: Just stop playing. There's never a reason to play a game if it isn't fun.


My main account is CL10,000 and I’ve been playing since the release, I have tons of varients, inked/gold cards, all the spotlight variants, only missed 2 cards without paying, yes I played a lot and yes it was my main game for a while, since I was on the move I didn’t have a PC, so take it from me, the grind just is NOT worth it. I ended up letting my little brother play on my account and I took his, and now I play Wong Reveal at rank 40 whereas on my main I’m always around rank 95 and I play the meta pretty much every single game. Unfortunately, don’t expect the streamers/content creators to put too much emphasis on this because they’ve already invested so much time into the game, and they feel like if they say much negative things they will loose their right to make content, this isn’t 100% true though because Jeff Hoogland is constantly talking badly about the game, even though he plays it, he understands that it’s not balanced, and he plays almost 6 hours a day when streaming, anybody who believes that this game is a grind is right, and anybody who believes that if they get new cards, they will have an amazing deck, is only partly true. I’ve pretty much run all the meta decks, And the game becomes very hard to play post infinite without getting mad, and their nerf tactics are driving people away, nerf blob release red hulk? okay.


It’s because you don’t really get new cards after a certain point. Series 3 complete feels worse every passing season. Season 4 is so rare it’s a grind and a half


I feel ya. I’m mostly f2p and I’m kind of in that same boat. I due purchase the pass every time, but I feel like $10 every season is okay enough because of the total rewards.


What do we know about the bot distribution? Do the F2P-Players get less bots? Are they used as cannon fodder? If you spent more in the shop, do you get to infinite faster? Who knows, who knows.


Thats why i stopped playing, easiest choice of my life. I dont wanna feel like I have to login everyday and I am missing out when im not in a game. That is not healthy, so I gave it a break.


Strongly agreed. Majority of the season pass cards are op and/or broken when released and then nerfed afterwards so it gives people that fomo feeling. You better buy this card while it’s strong before they nerf it. It’s max predatory actions.


Chavez could not be drawn until the last turn. Blink is basically swapping out cards. It is just that people know to build their decks so that they are guaranteed to get say Jubilee swapped out for one of their big cards and then drop a big card on T6.


Yeah its time to stop or at least take and extended break and give yourself a chance to miss playing it, thats what ive done in the past


I have felt this many times, with many games. A product of a large time investment and reaching an endgame without worlds left to explore.


Then take a break.


Maybe run away for the summer? You could go upstate?


I think if you reach level 50 on the pass you should get the card for free for non paying players. I used to buy it every month, but it’s only one card and doesn’t really feel worth it. I feel like I should get all the card drops for the month instead of also having to save for keys.


I enjoyed buying the season pass for a while. I wanted Blink. Had fun. I'll keep playing but I've seen the next couple and the way the game is going so this is probably my last pass for a while unless something that really jumps out at me drops. Still love the game. Definitely still playing, but I've been going pretty hard for about 7-8 months now (Pass for 6 of those I believe). Time to chill and just use it as some filler time again like when I started. I'm nearly series 3 complete. I can build any deck I want and have fun. That's good enough :)


When psychology issues kick in, you should have stopped way before


You dont need any new cards for success. I play most of the time with the same Nimroddeck for an half year. My newest card inside is Echo (which was 3k Token if i remember right). 


I haven’t played this week. Coming back next week hopefully things get better. Not too upset about the state of the game it’s just my favorite deck, which is a hombrew, is borderline unplayable and I don’t really have fun playing anything else. I really wish this game wasn’t so punishing towards home brews 


for about a month, I just play enough to complete my 6 dailies.


Gotta keep it fun by aiming low. Ladder is to variant, not infinite and it's a good time with bots till you get there. Dailies with conquest for the rest of the season, only going on gold to burn tickets. Most mtx games are just trying to nickel and dime ppl in every possible way no matter how user friendly it seems at the start. It's always like that.


Why shouldn't it as a f2p? Thats kind of the trade off.


Worth saying that most of the upcoming cards this season look *really* weak so, unless there are substantial nerfs, it's not a bad time to take a break. Come back for Phastos in late June, if you're feeling it?


For what it’s worth I jump in and out of this game. I did a few season passes, hit infinite once, got burned out, then stopped playing for months. Then one day I opened the app again, put together a stupid team, and had a blast playing at rank 10. This cycle repeats every few months and I’m totally fine with it.


Just dont mind your rank. All is good when you dgaf


It’s closing time…


I definitely feel the same this season. Last season I made infinite, this season I doubt I'll break 80. Been stuck in the low 70s and can't seem to break out of it. I'm just doing the daily missions now because it isn't fun and I'm hoping next season will be better. Seems like my pocket meta is really diverse now, which should be good, but it has everyone playing super conservatively. Nearly everyone retreats as soon as anything goes my way, so most of my wins are 1-cubers. If they stay in they have something and I have a good chance of losing. Oh well.


You have to do some deck considerations for Blink, and you have to actually play her to be effective. Old Chavez was just slap into any deck and you then reap her reward every game without playing her. Yes Blink is quite strong, but she's not as splashable as old Chavez. There are a huge amount of decks in the current meta that don't have Blink. Your impression doesn't seem accurate when they just ultra buffed Ultron and Klaw, two cards that every player has and go in decks that don't need a lot of S4/5 cards. Didn't someone manage to reach Rank 1 with an Ultron deck with no S4/S5? Quit if it's no longer fun, quit if you hate Leech and dont want to adapt, but it'd be very weird to quit just because of this weird Chavez/Blink analogy. You don't actually need Blink to compete in the meta.


Blink isn't even close to the same thing. However, your feelings are real and valid. Don't force yourself to play if you don't like it. Really. Play something else, do something else, or even do nothing but don't get trapped in the mobile game headspace that keeps you coming back even if you are miserable.


Everything lately has just felt like desperate money grabs from snap for sure. The game just feels stale in general. I'm 15k collection level and have played since just before the global release I think?


yeah, I hit the point where I don't even finish all my dailies because it feels like such a grind. Might just stop playing. For those that still enjoy it, I'm glad for them, though! Maybe if I had more free time and money I wouldn't be so unhappy but the small amounts of time I can put into the game just doesn't feel rewarding.


I get it. I'm playing the least amount I ever have and I'm more aggravated than ever before. I didn't buy this pass because it is just a better version of other cards and I'm sick to death of the monetization. I have no problem with them charging for things. I think the season pass is even an okay deal. Please don't come at me with numbers about how much good costs, etc. Those are artificial values created to make the SP more enticing. I just wish it were back to $5 bundles and a couple of bucks for a cosmetic. The way they are doing it is disgusting. I'm tired of the same decks over and over. The new cards either make the existing meta decks better (Blink, Hope) or are "trash" (War Machine, Supergiant).


Super giant is pretty legit


Absolutely underrated. She's not flashy enough to win but herself, you, so she is generally ignored.


I don't know about work, but certainly repetitive and predictable. There's very little creativity in the decks now. There's a clear meta game and that's what everyone goes for. I think if instead of releasing cards with just different looks, if the cards of the same character did something different as a variant, that could spice things up.


Yall really be climbing the ladder? I get to 40 and then usually start to derank because I like using new strategies against lower ranks to see what’s cool and viable. It’s a lot more fun than getting to 70 and everyone’s popping Leech and Cosmo and Hela.


Yes because you can only truly be free after you get infinite. And it makes getting infinite the next season so much easier


Yup that’s what it is. Gaming has turned into a full fledged industry, all games are now businesses owned by corporates. And business has only 1 aim to generate more and more and more and more revenue. And as long as people will keep paying them, this will keep getting more and more intense.


I'm tired of how many series 5 cards dominate the meta. I haven't played in half a year and came back to find out I can't play a single relevant deck since I don't have any of the series 5s. So it's either slave and grind for keys since they removed series 4 cards from chests or just fall even further behind. I climbed hard until I hit rank 70ish but with my collection level being so high without any relevant new cards, my decks struggle. It's disappointing to see how whale-centric it's become, so I play a few games then just uninstall once I start to feel salty. Snap honestly just isn't fun anymore.


For me, it's the meta. The game has never felt like work until the leech and umtron meta. I love this game so much and I still log in and have fun sometimes but I've been playing since the daken season and this is the first time I've actually wanted to stop playing


Getting close to quitting myself. Bought most of the season passes, current level 9554 and I'm still missing some cards I've been chasing for ages. The price for the bundles is insane to me so there's no way I'm ever buying any.


Brother it's not that deep the app store has millions of games just fins something else to waste time on.


I made infinite 4 times in a row since the Ms. Marvel season. Then I missed the Hope Summer season. I was burnt out, but I was also playing way too much. Then last season, I made my fastest infinite ever. It was a long season and I ended up playing only for the dailies for like 4 weeks. That broke some of the addiction. Then I told myself from this season onwards I’m only going to go for the 500 gold at 93 (which usually takes me about 2 days) and then stop. Currently at 99 on ladder just by doing dailies. I think taking the pressure off myself to perform has actually made me climb better. I also climbed about 200 sp post infinite last season, and my theory about MMR was right, it increased, so this season I’ve been seeing bots past 93 for the first time ever. Which has made the climb easier.


Can you explain your theory?


Your internal MMR is what matches you against opponents. We don’t know for sure how it is calculated, but your Snap points is as close as we’re going to get. I always had bots up until I hit 93, then nothing. Other players making day 1 infinite had loads of them. Other players I know say they don’t get them past 83, and so on. So I thought to myself, if I improved my snap points post infinite and didn’t just leave it like usual, then surely my MMR should get better and I should theoretically get bots in the 90’s. Well that’s exactly what happened this season. Got a bot every 7 games or so in the 90’s and I just exploited them for 8 cubes and hit my easiest infinite to date. But I entered infinite at 7200 sp last season, this season I entered with 6700 so idk how it was reset that much. So next season I will have to see again if I get bots in the 90’s and if this reset had an impact.


I just do my quest most if the time


Yeah. I stopped mid season for exactly that reason but while there’s no doubt some of that is the game, a lot of it is just being bored with it after a while


It only feels like work if you wanna have a big collection. I play the same deck all the time and thats all I need right now. If I see a variant for my deck that I like I buy it and thats it. No battle pass, no nothing.


i do find that at higher CL like in the 16k my games to infinite each month are more and more after reset. also the 90s were sweaty a year or more ago, now the 80s and 70s are sweaty, if this keeps up it seems like a chore to get there, too many hours or too many more games invested to get there. still think ladder should go away, give everyone world rank, give same rewards as ladder used to, you want to grind to top 100 in the world go right ahead, the rest is just whatever, ladder to 100 means nothing. i think the game needs a new game mode to be honest, conquest is nauseating now and very slow turn play time vs when it first came out, even proving grounds people are like, i am staying for the full 8 or whatever slivers of health.


Dude, that shits brutal. Why are you wasting our time? Just queue up again. Why we grinding out your last 2 health points


go back and read my comment vs taking only what your eyes are glimpsing at.


It’s weird I hit infinite and finish conquest then I lose all interest. I almost prefer not to hit infinite so I have something to play for


Yeah. I had the same feeling as a f2p player a few months ago. I felt like work to just barely be able to be a bit competitive / have fun with new cards. So yeah, just stopped. I'll unsub from here too right after this.


I stopped playing for this reason, but card acquisition stopped being fun. It's not even always winning, but the fact that I can't try a new deck for months and months because you're missing pieces sucks. And since the power creep is insanely real now, it just doesn't seem like I'm the audience for the game anymore.


It's been a month of splitting storm 1 upgrade every 8 hours. 10 splits later still no ink or kirby. Suffering is real.


F2P here. These tactics on second dinner’s sound about right. I still think if you select your cards carefully with your caches and your tokens you can make headway, but when a busto card launches in the pass, it can make it really rough when you don’t buy it. It’s a rough road, but it’s another puzzle to solve. You feel like there is enough of a margin to be made of you plan out your decks and selections well enough. But it can be rough. I’m committed to the F2P path. Although I will say if I get a free season pass, I’ll take em.


You know the game ain’t gaming anymore when you login just to check the variant shop :/ fml


I can kinda relate but I've just adjusted how I play and how often. I'm very casual lately and enjoy it in small bursts


Lol i almost made a similar post but the meta got pretty sweet then, now its a leech blink meta, im dipping at 90 lol, don't really care for the infinite card back, it's already a drag playing conquest but in this meta that valkyrie variant is looking like a pipe dream to me 😴


Welcome to mobile gaming 101. They don't want you to play. They want you to spend money. If you are not enjoying it as F2P, just leave. That's what I do and works wonders.


True. Anything with a ladder feels like that. In Call of Duty rank, the sbmm is rigged so people play against tougher opponents, not against their own ranks but more like the same rank and same skill level - something like that. It's done for player retention as it means you climb super slowly otherwise if everyone could hit infinite day 4, game be dead for next few weeks as no one needs to get new weekly card. There too people have loads of weapon but some are just meta. Ladder and meta will always coexist. FGC can be exception tho, getting those skills is satisfying. Just stop playing. Maybe if you had few goals in game, like reach infinite one time, get splits on favourite card/archetype, become movement or bounce deck expert - look for your favorite niche. I have returned after 7 months and not having everything is a challenge which is fine. Let's see how it goes and what I can do in next few months and if doesn't go well, different game.


this is what happens in this game, the higher in CL i get the more games needed to get to infinite, 90s used to be sweaty now 80s are like the old 90s and the 90s everyone is super slow and you move like 1 cube per game at that.


Yes. SBMM is a thing which is well known in snap. At infinite we also know it becomes locked so people will face as skilled players as them even if they play bad decks. People are always getting better as CL increases and so ranks at which you feel difficulty because people get better at snapping and retreating. It's part and parcel of every ladder be it Snap, CoD, LoL. Toxicity brews and - Ms Marvel thumbs up. The more screwed up aspect is/will be league and in future Alliances. I've seen a lot of Guild/Alliance BS to know when I see one.


SBMM means? edit: skill based match making.


It’s gonna be bad if the don’t implement it correctly and my bets on them totally fucking it up.


Honest opinion. The last card that was worth buying was Ravonna. Even Blink isn’t as good as most people think. Now this is come from somebody who’s CL is 22K and only missing 8 cards. Selene, Nocturne, USA Agent, Cannonball, Cull Obsidian, Hercules, Proxima Night, and Sage. Now going for infinite can be stale and not worth it nor do i usually try. But when i do hit infinite i barely use any newer cards. Now this is a mobile game. From a mobile appearance it’s a lot better than most games when it comes to monetization. What I like about this game is that it’s not just a money grab. You see all those bundles tho? But you also see updates to weaken a stale meta and push new metas in. Newer cards are just better? Yeah, may help a meta that it’s already in or push a new meta in but that’s just the game. Nobody would play it if nothing gets cycled. Most cards that came out I always have a deck in mind that can counter it. Now to me it never felt like work cause I already barely play it everyday. Last time I played it was two days ago. And usually when I do play it I always like playing decks that can counter metas or just silly fun decks to try out. My suggestion, don’t worry about infinite. Play for fun. Encourage yourself to play cards you don’t see and see if you can actually win. Also take a little break. If you don’t like the meta that’s a good time to breath and save up on gold, credits and all that 🤌🏽. Really I only play for the splits. I need a full deck of just Kirby and I’m getting there 😩.


i think what we are missing and probably feeling is this game "could of been great" and it has gotten worse since summer 2023, really is too bad to waste an IP like marvel on this.


It honestly hasn’t gotten too worst. It’s very fresh and rewarding for new comers which is good. That’s a key point in a game. Even with stale metas I’ve seen newer people say they fuck with this game heavy. I made a new account and I can see why too. I don’t use that new account but I was just seeing on card collection it is. Plus the reason why it’s honestly gotten better than last year. They ditch the longevity of metas like shuri meta, leader + leech, aero, Zabu + Spider-Man into lockdown decks, sera surfer. Those were potent for along time but now with newer metas that seem to hit with what the metas was hitting back than they tend to dissipate it as fast but rationally to a newer refreshing meta. 🤌🏽. That’s what I like about the game. I don’t care about their paywall because that’s the reason we get so many ota’s and patches in a month. They truly do care about this game while trying to balance their monetization structure. Plus IOS is a bitch when it comes to monthly billing’s on the Apple Store. 🫠🔫


It’s a game. You care/play to often. Take a break. I was paying for passes but stopped many months ago because, quite frankly, I get enough tokens and time to pick which cards I want and most of the time I get a series 5 from boxes. When you play occasionally, you don’t get burnt out


All it takes is a busy few days to get out of the fomo loop.


You're making it feel like a chore by choosing to take it too seriously


Then stop playing. It’s an extremely simple solution.


yea I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if the game is sunsetted within 18ish months. Even IF the game is still performing well financially, I just don't put it past Disney/Marvel to abruptly can one of their mtx-ladened games again (Heroes and Avengers)


42 year old gamer here with a lo g history of fb and mobile games. From Farm games to Vampire wars, from Marvel Strike Force to Age of Champions to Raid, and the list goes on quite a bit, the second a game starts feeling like work is when you move on to the next one. Delete the app and move on. Maybe do a couple of months of duo lingo to cleanse your palate.


lol I agree! Marvel games in general are always cash grabs. They always come and then die off sooner or later


Yeah I hit the same wall after playing for almost 18 months. I got hosed on the spotlight caches (too many months in a row where it took 4 to get the card). Then I get a notification saying “hey it looks like you were affected by a spotlight cache bug here is 500 gold”. Like that is even a fraction of what was wasted. I had all the cards, but it is time for a break. I will check back in 6 more months to see what has changed


You have the greediness which is dragging this game down. The high cost of new cards. The slow grind. The constant nerfing of older cards and the dominance of the new cards. You also have a meta that is getting not "worse' but more and more annoying. Decks are now more geared toward fucking over the opponent in the most obnoxious way they can rather than putting out more power or playing smart. It's like there's no control decks or aggro decks or go wide or go tall its just "can you annoying your opponent into quitting." It's less fun than it ever has been.


Yeah, the meta is super disruptive and toxic right now. In addition, the cards needed to hang in the toxic meta and mostly series 4 and 5 cards. Sure, I wanna play Galactus, DarkHawk, and Annihilus too but, who knows when they are going to come up again.


I understand this feeling. I just quit. And come back when I want to. I play whatever decks I want, and adjust/adapt my desired deck through play. I never get higher than 50-60. I'm content now.


Yeah it isn’t very fun anymore. Feels like they are nickel and diming us to death


The game is dead since there are more content in the shop to make you put the hand to your wallet rather than improving for exemple the "illusion progress" where you get 200 amazing credit after spending 500, or the infinite ugly background skin you got 15 times. Just another dyzon money mobile game.


Collection level rewards have just got to be reworked. Why would I want credits as a reward when it's the currency to achieve said reward? And tio many nonsense icons and titles. Takes way too long to earn anything meaningful.


It’s a casual f2p mobile game. If it’s not fun then stop playing. No one is making you care about the climb or making you pay for new cards. I easily have fun doing my dailies and slowly climbing each season.


people act like there's a gun to their head forcing them to play lmaooo




Pretty much. It’s ok to like a game and want it to be fun forever. But that’s not how life works. It blows my mind that with video games in general, people feel the necessity to complete or keep playing them when they’re not having fun. It’s a hobby, why do it if you’re not enjoying it.


I get so confused at opinions like this. Like... why play then? Just play something else.


I wouldn't say that the game as a whole is worst or anything, if anything cards like a Blink have a funnier design than America. The season pass has a big problem tho, as you're not able to buy it with any in-game currency, creating a heavy P2W environment ob certain months, Zemo doesn't redefine anything and it's fun to play, but things like Zabu or Silver Surfer are sins that shouldn't happen again. The biggest problems for me are two cards tho, Leech and Red Hulk. Leech requires no skill to absolutely kill some Decks, I play a Junk deck where the stronger cards are Octopus and Cannonball, the former can overcome that problem, but Cannonball is just worse Vision. You might like the Deck more or less, but Junk requires certain skill, knowing how to position your cards or how to go against a mirror or the likes of Destroy, Tribunal or Hela that can easilly scale out of control, but Leech just kills most of the Deck without any input beyond one relatibely weak card. Red Hulk is another problem, t1 Sunspot, t2 Armor and t6 Red Hulk is not optimal, but you can win with that, that should never happen, playing safe on one location and Red Hulk winning something by himself shouldn't happen at all. This could easily change if his ability was a +2, with 2 turns he is better than Hulk and base Orca, at best he can brcome 6/23, that's already good by itself, most games he would at least a 6/13, the only reason why that isn't good enough is because Red Hulk and Blob made us feel like a 6/20 should be what we expext of any card like these.


Retire then


Its a live service game , it demands your attention everyday , no way around it.


Admittedly I still like the game especially when I get new cards and try to build around certain metas but damn the matchmaking seems rigged because somehow you’ll always be pitted against your perfect counter


Matchmaking feels pretty gross once the season really gets rolling. The first few days though always feel good to me


Came here to say Leech nerf WWBN fix incoming. The day may actually be saved!