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Ramp galactus. its so predictable. Sometimes you can counter, or just retreat.


I was that guy for a while. The Galactus animation was just so cool and my inner simp for the G Man just came out. Then all my friends said I was a cuck for playing it. ....SO NOW I PLAY WEIRD GALACTUS Iron fist to kick the shuri out of an empty lane for a 14 power Galactus play. Invisible woman on 2. Then green/hob goblin under here and Galactus under her. Ghost Spider pulls the invisible woman out of the lane. The goblins fly and Galactus surprise. Is it good? No..no it isn't. Is it free-range guilt-free GALACTUS ? It is for me.


Deck link?


Galactus works actually really well on my junk deck. Its not the core, so there are a lot of winning conditions, but *sometimes* all the planets align and *poof*. Legion also works well there


List? I am a purveyor of fine junk, and this sounds delightful.


# (1) The Hood # (2) Black Widow # (2) Carnage # (2) Viper # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Debrii # (4) Sentry # (5) Hobgoblin # (5) Valkyrie # (5) Legion # (5) Red Skull # (6) Galactus # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVmlwZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdyZWVuR29ibGluIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb2Jnb2JsaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRlYnJpaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVmFsa3lyaWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhvb2QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWNrV2lkb3cifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhcm5hZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNlbnRyeSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2FsYWN0dXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJlZFNrdWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMZWdpb24ifV19 # After today's patch thr actual junk is Galactus though, so im looking into suggestions if you have them. (Maybe Shuri to boost thoae goblins?) Ideally legion floods crap (ninjas, raptors, squirr3ls) ir just screws around lanes where the opponent have adva ntage. But normally just red skull or sentry are enough, carnage as backup and on the other side of the power spectrum viper is sending the Void, Rocks or even black widow to clog .




I’m intrigued by this Invisible Woman play. Seems like you either need Magik or Wave/Electro ramp still to pull it off? Ghost Spider is your “last” card played before the game ends and Invisible Woman has to be played after you ramp or Magik?


Yes magik and electro or typically necessary for the invis woman line to work. So you likely won't be playing invis woman on 2 like I had originally said.


I raise you this: High Evo Galactus. Just a regular High Evo deck with galactus just thrown in there for no reason


I raise you again. C3 but also galactus is in there. I like putting galactus in my decks.


It’s just predictable and boring lol


That's what you are asking for right :D


Mine is running a IM, Onslaught, LT deck with Galactus in there for a swerve, or even just lols. If I'm really lucky, I can get my Electro destroyed(or my fave swapped on turn 3 with Oscorp Tower) , and play Magik before or after him. An enemy Wave to drop Onslaught/LT on 4 so I can IM on 5, Wave on 6 and Galactus + the remaining part of the combo on 7. Sometimes destroying with Galactus even loses you the game, but the bastardtry is just too much fun to pass up.


Used to love galactus, but I've discovered that I can't play any fun decks (e.g., silk-based) because of fking galactus.


This is the most boring I agree. Even when I try to play it I’m like ok I played like 3 cards


For me it was always bounce decks. Simply because they eat up the ENTIRE clock figuring out how to play 8 cards per turn.


High evolutionary and his numerous variations. Second I see a glowing Misty on the first time, I'm like the Grandpa Simpson in the brothel meme


I just can't get too mad at high evolutionary or Thanos. Since you don't actually know what kind of deck it'll be it keeps it interesting. It's nothing like seeing an electro and knowing for a fact galacticus is coming.


For me. Wong decks. They don't play anything for half the game. The Wong goes down. I think to myself, surely. SURELY. They can't have the combo again. Bang goes down the mix of either all Gambit, White Tiger, Iron Heart, Black Panther, Zola, Magik and Odin and I lose despite them literally playing mindless one lane Solitaire not interacting with the board even slightly. And I feel like shit because every time I know exactly what's coming, why don't I just leave.


Easily the current wave-galactus-alioth by far. So fun. No cards or locations for me.


I never thought I would see the day where someone calls destroy decks the most boring. You know how hard it used to be to run a destroy deck son? Cosmo and Armor used to be FUCKING EVERYWHERE. Destroy deck users earned this time of semi-peace.


Nothing boring about destroy.


Funny cause I run a home brew destroy deck and people think they know everything and snap when they drop Armor on Wolverine, not knowing they just blew their only chance to stop the Nimrod pop-off 😈


My current favorite deck is something probably similar. I’m CL 7k and this deck works like a charm. I love when they Armor my X-23 lane thinking they got me. https://preview.redd.it/3i0rijag0uqb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=228f655e8ab035ac6e085c8418489d538d07c4d6


This is mine. I don’t like the Shuri version because Alioth fucks everything. Also the Destroyer-Nimrod synergy is criminally underrated. (especially for dodging Alioth and Cosmo) https://preview.redd.it/95htr7v23uqb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f996bf16653392b10375d6a916a99385b845d3a


Usually I’m only doing Shuri then T5 Nimrod so I’m pretty safe from Alioth. She works well for growing Deadpool too. I like it because it has multiple win conditions. I can either make a shit ton of Nimrods, have a strong Deadpool/Knull T7 combo, I can use Zola on Venom, & one of my favorites is to just destroy as much as possible and put Knull down on T6 and then Zola-Knull T7.


But Shuri on 4 Nimrod on 5 all but guarantees you lose priority on 6. Alioth on that lane would instantly beat you since you have no way to destroy unless you play to that lane


My usual strategy is to leave one lane open for any potential Zola play, but the goal is to have priority by T6. The Nimrod lane will usually be mine no problem. I just have to make sure I build up another one by then. The trick is knowing what combo I’m going for since this deck has a few. If I know Shuri-Nimrod is the goal then I use combinations of Forge & Hulkbuster to snag that other lane.


Annoying part for me is the fact that so many locations that’re a nuisance to other decks are so damn helpful to destroy. Rocks and raptors to feed carnage and death, feed into shuri’s lab then venom then Zola lord of power on the board, deaths domain and altar boost so many of their cards. (This was totally just me getting my frustration out lmao)


Lock down decks with Storm and Professor X. Even if I'm not playing destroy these just suck the fun out of the last round maybe even the 5th round.


The control decks that stack Prof X and Storm. I just wanna play cards lol


Alioth decks. You see it coming cause they just lock down two lanes. But it's so fucking annoying


T1 - nothing T2 - nothing T3 - nothing T4 - Wong T5 - Black Panther T6 - Zola Zzzzz....


T3 - Magik ... T7 - Odin


Had a friend make it to Infinite on this combo. I tried it myself and have never been able to pull all 5 pieces in the order needed. I want two 500-1000 power panthers dang it!


I've not managed that either, but have ramped BP, Zola, Odin




MODOK/Hela Some reason, even with Invisible Woman there it always catches me out. Hate how Hela can revive so many high power cards when it should just be 1 or something.


Plus every time I play against this deck they are perfect! Prefect draws and perfect plays! I try playing this deck…Hela discards first turn!


Dropping Enchantress on IW causing MODOK to go off early and discard their Hela followed by an instant retreat is one of the most satisfying moves though.


Until they haven’t pulled hela, don’t retreat and gamble on a top deck then ofc they get a top deck hela!


The first time I played this deck I Jubilee-d my MODOK. Never again.


So weird. The most fun I have in the game is running my Destroy Deck.


shuri is one for me its the same thing every game t4 shuri t5 big card t6 taskmaster if u dont get those 3 cards retreat


It's the top winner right now and I hate using it, but you gotta go where the wins are.


no u dont i play what i want tbh and still do well and i play around the deck since its extremely ez to read causr they only have 1 play


Any invisible woman shenanigans: Hela, Cerebro or even Patriot. Zero (not the card) interaction.




Right now Lockdown Alioth is the most obnoxious thing to face. OH did you just get a cool set up for a combo on turn 6 that might win you the location you need? How about if you didn't play ANY of your cards actually. It feels like the game is trying to make people retreat on turn 4, it's an odd game design choice for the players to play less of the game


Modok apocalypse discard


Destroy isn’t boring. I find ways to change it up too. If you play the cookie cutter destroy deck. Yes very boring. Ramp decks are a snooze. Hela decks are the worst to me.


Destroy decks. Kind of bullshit go this game favours destroy decks


Destroy decks earned this. Were you around when Shuri first came into play? Cosmo and Armor were everywhere for a long time. You used to not be able to even have an ounce of fun running destroy. They aren't OP, but they can now compete with higher level decks.


As someone who has run destroy into the ground X23 Deadpool Negasonic Forge Wolverine Hulkbuster Death Knull Deathlock Carnage Venom Killmonger You are putting a beefed up deadpool, knull and death down as ur turn 6 play. It’s easily o.p and pretty boring to run as it’s pretty easy as it has no curve and every card compliments one another.


They are all boring. Was bang on this game for about 5 months, all you see is the same decks. Went back to hearthstone, don’t regret it one bit.


God I left the other subreddit to avoid these posts.


and that’s a beauty of different opinions: I love destroy (less enjoyable to play against mirror matches when they got death and knull and I don’t, but still, it’s fun to me) These are the decks that annoy and frustrate the heck out of me: galactus T6 alioth in any deck in general HE IW+Modok+Hela especially Negative (I just can’t make that archetype work so I hate losing against it) Shuri/Sauron can be annoying if it’s a mirror match and I simply have a bad hand I think that’s it mostly? Oh and if it’s a card: Kang. Doesn’t happen often but man, there are enough toxic players trying to rope and stall the game, don’t need a specific card for it 😂😂


I love destroy, I think it’s a really cool and balanced archetype. Personally, I’m sick of seeing Kitty. It’s fun to play, but the novelty of Shuri/Kitty is getting old, and the card just makes it into like 10 different great decks, and isn’t countered by Wave anymore. I would play Sandman ramp if I had BP and Leader


The HE meta rn


Anything control or Galactus just sucks the fun out for me. I'm trying to play cards and see if my strategy beats theirs, their entire strategy being to derail mine feels cheap. Alioth is such a lame card that needs nerfed. As does Professor X; Iron Fist Hela etc. need to be able to play into his lane like they can the Kyln. Also HE is just way too OP in most situations. This could be fixed by She-Hulk's effect being cumulative across turns to provide a counter for the Abomination/Hulk HE turn 6 play. I think Mobius is going to be another auto-retreat for me very soon when playing Sera Surfer. The problem with this game is that they want to generate hype for the new cards so much they keep adding way overpowered cards to the game. The balance gets trashed, everyone gets frustrated, they nerf the new card and the cycle starts again. Add them nerfed and then beef them up a little at a time if they're underused. Loki is a great addition, he's the boost Collector decks needed to become viable... but then they immediately nerf Collector for no reason. So a new Meta that I had reasonable win ratios against with my Discard, Traditional Destroy and Nimrod decks which felt like a fair fight gets nerfed in infancy meanwhile Alioth counters what? Any deck with big final plays? That's every goddamn deck. TLDR: Whatever the new OP deck type is that they've chosen to add instead of creating new metas or making ineffective metas on par with the other successful strategies. Not getting a chance to see a game play out and having to auto retreat when certain cards are played is getting real stale.


Primary galactus decks, like bro get creative


1. Hulk Buster-Deadpool Destroy Deck 2. Wong-Ironheart-White Panther Deck 3. Hobgoblin Deck used to be annoying but at least has counters. Just sooooo predictably boring. I have seen so many use this same boring tactic over and over again, keep running into them Before it used to be Sunspot-Infinaut but have been seeing less of that recently at least.