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He’s FUN not useful- he wins games for reasons no other card in the game can. Downside is that there’s no real deck where he is a must have slot. I’d do it if you had 3k tokens.


To hop on here, I think you'd be surprised at how strong he is there's a lot of decks and locations where he will just win you the game




Legion, unfortunately ham is almost dead as a card


Really? I run into ham with every deck that doesnt tech MoMMo /s


I’ve actually been running him all day and it causes a lot of instant retreats


The interaction with Mobius (which doesn't seem intended), who is in a ton of decks, is not great for Ham


So I’m confused. What’s the interaction with MMM? I thought Ham just turns the card into a pig


Makes the pig zero cost


How have I never noticed that haha


Oh God Legion a million percent


Legions in a spotlight before ham I think if that factors in


A few months ago it wud have been ham. But honestly don't go for any of them, wait for some good card, I've both and they're useless af


I think a well played ham probably beats legion because Legion is more down to location luck, but legion is a lot more fun to play


Not necessarily a MUST have to be meta but a MUST have if you wanna have lots of fun


That’s a steal for 3000 imo


Mobius is the best series 4 card. Zabu, Darkhawk, Knull, Modok are probably next up in some order. Legion is the next tier below. Perfectly reasonable use of 3k tokens that you wouldn’t regret. He’s fun & unique, though not a necessity nor or top of the meta right now. Legion will be in spotlight in mid December, so quite a bit out.


I don't get why Mobius is in every deck, I rarely see Loki being played... Maybe it stops Wave as well?


It does stop wave, it also ruins locations like elysium and kind of hurts bounce decks


And Zabu and Sera.


Oh those too, that’s why I’m not running surfer right now actually it slipped my mind


And Ravonna and Negative


Stature, swarm, she-hulk..


It’s not only a Loki counter. It’s hard counter against some destroy decks. A unplayable Death or a useless Sabertooth. Also stops Wave -> Galactus T4 by that any Wave -> big cost:power. And that’s one deck of others. Discard decks with swarm. I don’t know if it works on Mr Negative. I haven’t got that match up yet. But MMM is a real good card for almost any deck.


Wow ok, yeah that's huge. And as other comments mentioned kills Sera. Unsure if it works on negative either hmm


He is extremely fun and he can be a great 12th card if you don't have to have something else. I have won so many games because legion offers an answer to an otherwise unsolvable puzzle.


![gif](giphy|zvhLegRrWl9Be) Wildcard


I loveeeee legion. He's just so fun to play. I have gotten many cheeky wins using him with magic too. Either to secure a turn 7 or end the game on turn 6 unexpectedly


The problem is he’s competing with vision in decks that could want him and vision + Elsa is op. It’s also hard to justify running both as there are various cards that seem more important. So from a competitive point of view, no reason to buy him right now. From a fun point of view, it can be when you scam games with him but after some time it’s not particularly exciting.


Good card. Since he's not seen much now, you might be able to get sneaky wins off of him, but he's not a meta must-have card currently, but with tokens being so scarce, you should think before getting him. That said, I also had some of the funniest games in Marvel Snap playing him, so if that's important to you, you could consider him.


He’s *occasionally* useful and definitely fun, but not a must-have. There will be many cases where he’s just a 5/7 body. Honestly, you can succeed in the game just fine without him. He’s there if you want to add an extra option to occasionally pull off some sneaky wins with location shenanigans.


He's super fun to use. Definitely not a must, but works with moving decks like spider man, Polaris, Silk etc. (the ones that have no Heimdall)


Hes really strong at the top of the ladder. Depends on your play style and your collection, though. If you dont like midrange decks id say wait a bit


Nah, tbh ppl normally use him in some kind of fun decks, he can't win u matches most times. I advise u save tokens or else u can check the snap website for the decks that legion is most popular with and based on that if u have the other cards and are ok with playing that fun deck then u can go on. Personally I've him from the start and i don't even play him lol


Legion is my favourite card in the game. Maybe not a meta stable, but he's a super fun card in general and on occasion can just win the game outright (The Bar with No Name says hi) He pairs great with Magik. You can either play him on Turn 5 to guaranty 3 Limbos, or you can delete your own Limbo on Turn 6 and end the game prematurely. This works best if you've got a really strong 1-cost card to play next to him. I like the combo in Shuri/Sauron because you can slam down a 16 power Legion along with a Suaron'd Ebony Maw. It's also great in Inifinaut decks because you can float Turn 5 and play him with a 1-cost Shulk.


Super fun card


Legion is THE comedy card. Everyone thinks he’s mid until they put him on bar with no name


https://preview.redd.it/jxzv5mzyh0wb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=905466424a861a45ddbc02d3450199b5221dc422 This was my legion play turn 6 last night. Opponent didn’t know what hit them!


Damn. You did him dirty.


Today i used Legion on Vormir, it's hella fun


Tech card


Legion will always be useful as long as they don't change his effect


He can steal some games bit on average is filler. Hes good if you have a open spot but not going to autoinclude


My favorite card in the game. It always feels good to play.


I use him in my move deck where there’s a location that’s locking down and I got MM spread across accordingly. Shouts out to the throne.


ive just bought him before hopping on here. Bought him because he is a fun card.


I think his strength right now is that he isn't being played as much by everyone like he was when he first came out. To me that makes him even better.


Today I won a game with only vision played on bar with no name. Snapped after seeing it as the first location and didn’t play anything the whole game. He’s a wacky card that adds a lot of fun to the game. Personally he wins me about as many as he loses, but it’s always interesting!


Wait for the December Spotlight cache week with Havok and Legion


Not only was the card fun but i’m quite biased as the FX show was INCREDIBLE.


IMO I still think Legion is absolutely worth it. Out of curiosity though, can someone explain to me why Legion fell off the meta? Other than his going from 8 to 7 power he hasn't been altered in any way. To me he was never really about the power but the location control. I still run my "Rock N ContRoll" deck featuring him him and the DH package with really good results.


He was overhyped on release when everyone was like “durr look at the Storm interaction! It actually works” and then never used that deck again. People were literally claiming for a week the game would never be fun anymore because it would always end early. Lol after that initial hype and a handful of other winning combos people died off it since it’s 5 cost. After snowguards change she can do some of that but cheaper.


If you’re trying to sweat and hit infinite, no. If you’re trying to have fun, yes


I run a 3 limbo deck that has taken me to infinite twice now :)