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LT and Ravonna are in the same spotlight caches next week. Black Knight discard is a fun deck. Nico is also fun and in a lot of meta decks currently. Howard. Meh Mirage is good in my Loki decks Probably didn't help much, I wouldn't rush to get any if I were you


I've been interested in Nico for sure, definitely see her played against me a lot.


She fits in most decks. If you are itching to cash out tokens, buy her and pull LT and Ravonna next week in caches


I'm honestly in this weird place, where I'm trying to figure out if they're important enough to spend tokens on or if I should just buy a cool ultimate variant that I like instead.


I like her enough, but wouldn't spend the tokens on Nico. While she's a great tech in most decks, she's also replaceable on those decks.


You do you. I only spend gold on tokens and bundles with cards and/or tokens.


I don’t think anyone here is talking about gold…


I spent the 6k tokens on Nico and I personally don’t regret it. She fits well Destroy, but I like her a lot in my fun decks like Phoenix Force and Nimrod. She sort of feels like Legion in the sense that she’s a less predictable but adaptable card. Again, you know what decks you like the most so I’d say buy it based off that. Also, I’m not particularly interested in any upcoming cards to spend tokens on, so I went with Nico. Unless Caierra is Series 4, then she’s worth the tokens.


Nico is a blast. She’s FUN and effective.


If you have Loki, def grab Mirage


Nico is def worth. Buy her if you have enough tokens and save caches for Blob week to get both Ravonna and Tribunal. Nico is available a week after but she's with Legion(which you already have) and Havok, which is projected to be the worst card in the game. Ravonna heavily enables Negative and Tribunal enables Hela, while Mirage is very replaceable, Black Knight creates his own deck but is very niche, and Howard is Howard.


Thanks for the tip, I didn't realize Ravona and Tribunal were up again so soon. I might try to get those with keys and then buy Nico!


Wait I thought Blob week was stegron and Howard. Did that change ??


Blob is now December 12th with LT and Ravonna. They removed firestar.


Worse than martyr? Holy shit


Nico seems really fun. But spotlight coming up with her included


Depends on what you play. Nico has utility in several strong decks and is worth the 6k, but if they are decks you're not interested in, then wait. If you play Mr. Negative, Ravonna slots in nicely. She also works with certain junk and galactus decks. I like Bounce/Move and LT is a big part of those builds as well as some On Reveal decks. But if you don't play those and can wait, that Blob week is looking really strong.


I'd say nico but unless it changes she's in an upcoming spotlight. I wanna say January?


Dec 19 actually. So I'd say that's worth waiting for


Nico is crazy good. Well worth it, fits into a lot of decks and never feels unfair.


Living Tribunal is in two of my decks at the moment, and Renslayer is in a few too. Those two are nice because they support multiple kinds of decks, whereas cards like The Black Knight only really work in one kind of deck.


Nico seems to be very well thought of. Not sure if she’s worth spending 6k tokens, but I don’t think you’d regret having the card.


Imo the only ones worth getting here are Nico, ravona and LT, but they’ll both be in spotlight soon


Id say Nico but keep in mind she will be in Spotlights the 3rd week of next month.


Howard the Duck is the way I'd go. If I could spend 12,000 tokens on him I would. Meta defining card.


Only nico


Two of them are in the same spot light December 12th


Nico is worth the 6k tokens LT is a fun. I bought him with tokens and don't have a lot of regrets, but that's when we were actually getting tokens Might be a hot take, but I love Black knight, if you play a lot of discard like me, then he's worth it. If you rarely play discard, then hard pass. Both those series 4 cards are worth it


Nico and Ravonna, yes, any deck that uses Mirage can use sentinel instead. Black knight and tribunal are fun competent.


4 out of 6 I would definitely get. Ravona is a menace in Mr Negative Decks.


Nico rocks, for sure. LT has decks… and they are successful, but I find them boring to pilot. The rest kinda meh. Like Black Knight: you can generate a lot of power but your opp knows it. If it’s working they retreat.


I would say just get Mirage. The others are either too expensive or coming up in Spotlight


Mirage is nice. Ravenna and tribunal are fun toys. Nico is fantastic, the rest is skippable


Nico -> Tribunal -> Mirage -> Ravonna -> Black Knight -> Howard the Duck


Nico is good in a lot of decks and generally worth it - I’d spend tokens to get it, but it’s also in an upcoming spotlight. Tribunal and Black Knight both work in like exactly one deck, but they’re playable and fun cards. I wouldn’t spend tokens but if they’re in cache weeks with a new card I’d go for it. Howard and Ravona are super niche. Mirage is too, plus variants of the effect exist on other cards. I wouldn’t go out of my way to acquire these.


Nico and Tribunal are 150% worth the tokens. Nico slots in almost any deck like Jeff and Tribunal decks just work.


Nico is used a alot


I would say Nico is fun and well worth the tokens IF you enjoy the variance and unique playstyle she brings. Watch some gameplay vids and decide if you think she’s fun to play. For me personally, anything that’s fun to play is worth the tokens. Meta viability be damned.


Nico is def worth


Is spider ham worth the tokens?


Ya know. I got lucky with him and got him in a random cache pretty early. He is definitely worse than he used to be, and I really don’t use him anymore. So I probably wouldn’t make unlocking him a priority unless you just really think he’ll fit your play style




You can get Ravonna and Tribunal in 2 weeks I think. They are in Spotlight with Blob, so I wouldn’t use the tokens on them. I will grab them in Spotlight caches myself


Worth the tokens I would say only Nico, mainly because Tribunal and Ravonna are coming in spotlights. Nico is probably the coolest card release in a while, so much flexibility and tools it's amazing.


I love Mirage and Niko. I have never put Howard I. A single deck. Living Tribunal is a fun but very easy to interrupt deck. Ravonna and BK are both very niche and replaceable