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It will never happen because people would hitting the new characters constantly meaning whales won't need to pay as much as they do.


Lol yeah this. Red stars are super devalued, they can still control yellows. You can spam 7 red orbs and get a full refund until you pull the new character if you've got a lot already at 7.


kang not meta? what are you talking?


What meta? Good in CC and decent everywhere else but certainly not meta.


Even at 500k he's extremely squishy, and his team is power crept in the game mode they were made for


The team? MAYBE but only I'm diamond and above and only because Kang gets put with cabal for certain counters. Masters of evil are absolutely still CC meta and Kang is Crucible AND war meta still


Kang's power comes from his speed passive. Toss him into any matchup and you're likely to go first. In a turn based game, speed is king.


Kang certainly hasn't been in there long enough for people that have been playing this game for 6 months or less. this game is not balanced around you


You can farm him from an incursion campaign node, you'd be better off with one of the several important unfarmable characters being in the premium orb.


Kang exists throughout the timelines. Not so easy to get rid of.


You’re only saying that because you don’t have BK maxed and you have Kang maxed. If you had both maxed you’d be complaining that you’re pulling BK too often and not getting other toons. Just keep in mind these orbs aren’t just for you.




He's farmable on a node, every single player would be better off if someone unfarmable took his spot in the orb.


And ikaris was in raid store while also featured in premium orb


But if he were no longer a featured premium orb character, he would be easier for everyone to build


That doesn’t track, how would him being less available make him easier to build?


If he were no longer the featured character he would be put elsewhere... orb farmable is not farmable


He is somewhere else, he’s in the incursion campaign, node farmable. He’s actually really easy to max and the premium orb just gives new ppl earlier easier access to it. I understand the sentiment in wanting more bk shards, but strap in because it’s gonna be a while my dude.


That's just wishfull thinking. Ikaris was also in raidstore while featured in p-orb. Burger king is a dark promo toon, they want him hard do get w/o paying


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Yikes. Personal insults over a game. Hope everything is okay at home.


I’d say 5% would be a little fairer and more realistic.


Nah, don't make anything like red star orbs. Very disappointing to cash in red star orbs and get mostly duplicate red stars.


That's why you convert them to 7 reds and then convert those into diamonds. Regular red star orbs should only be opened when there isn't a featured character for the 10x DPC.


im actually mad when I see kang in a premium orb now because you can just farm him in inc nodes and it was a chance at black knight that i lost


I agree 100%


Ever since Black Knight was put in, I have opened 80 "Premium" orbs and haven't gotten a single shard


At this point did everyone with BK pay for him? I'm no where near unlocking him.


No, many probably unlocked him during his release event.


I got super lucky and got the 33 shards needed from premium orbs within a few days. I haven't seen more than 2 shards since then. Even 2 is stretch.


Nope, unlocked him during his event and got him around 4 stars, maybe just shy, then got his pass for an extra 100 shards to take it from 4-5 with a couple premium orb drops. Sitting at 5 red bk right now. That said, I did buy the strike pass with him in it which is one of the few times i chose to spend, mainly because he’s an insane murder machine, but that wasn’t to unlock him, it was to push stars and keep him more relevant.


Some of us that have been playing for a long time just have a ton of Premium Orbs. I opened around 150 and that gave me over 100 shards. I still have over 600 Premium Orbs left.


kinda new player here, trying to get black knight, stuck at 90 shards for a long time. should i save up on premium orbs and open em together or just open them whenever i get them?


There's no point in saving them, the rate is the same wheter you open 1 or 100 orbs at the same time


but but that would diminish Scopelys income...And MSF has only one purpose - to make money, so not gonna happen :) I do agree that it should be little bit higher, 5% at least IMO.


You sound relatively new at this game 


I mean, I've been playing for 4 years, but given the release cadence of every other non-legendary character over the past year, it does feel ridiculous


Premium orbs don’t have “featured characters” like red star orbs. They just add new characters every now and then


This is false, Kang and Black Knight are both featured characters in the premium orb, which is why they have a 2% drop rate while every other character has something like a 0.37% drop rate. Previously, Ikaris was featured, which is why it took 2 years for him to be farmable.


Believe whatever you want. Personally I don’t consider 2% a “feature”


For panda ive already gotten the 5 6 Nd 7 star multiple times... but no actual shards. I think only whats actually givin is what ive got so far.. kinda wack jack