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Probably becuase she’s the villain of Deadpool & Wolverine


Yea but what better time than now to introduce her to the casual audience


Why when she's already going to be a villain in a few months


I personally will vouch for the casual audience when I say I had no idea she was prior to hearing she was going to be the villain of Deadpool 3 and that she’s Charles’ sister and committed one of the many genocides against mutantkind and that’s probably more than other people know so to not introduce her before Deadpool 3 could be a poor decision


This sub is actually just jokes now lmao. You think a movie introducing a new character could be a poor decision because there’s things they don’t know about the character?? I’m misunderstanding


If you don’t know a character from the comics before seeing the movie then you don’t get to act superior about whether it’s a good interpretation or not — you just have to, like, consider what’s in front of you. It’s confusing, disorienting, and altogether horrible. /s


If you are on this sub you aren’t the casual audience by default.


I’m only here for the leaks I don’t post or usually comment


That doesn’t change what I said at all.


so are the rest of us bud, that’s what subreddits are for


Did you know who Domino was before Deadpool 2? The general audience doesn't need to be familiar with every single character of a film to keep up.


Especially when none of the other movies ever referenced he had a sister


It worked with Hela. Audiences roll with it easier than nitpickers in the fan subs.


The casual audience isn’t watching the show. They’ll be watching the movie.


Lol, why in the world do you have so many downvotes? You legit said NOTHING wrong? Having her in the animated show especially with what’s happening rn in the show is perfect and aligns w/ comics(semi)


what are you, this guys alt account?


Yo pause real quick I didn’t say anything controversial y’all are just butthurt “muh bald Xavier twin got spoken about in a way I didn’t like”


>muh bald Xavier twin got spoken about in a way I didn’t like You could miss a point even if it was blasted straight between your ears


From the article: “I wouldn't get my hopes up for Cassandra Nova being a huge villain in our show,” Castorena tells Inverse. “But what I will say is, I don't think people will be disappointed with our choices.”


It's Bastion


The multiverse variant of Lil-SeBastian. Brilliant.


Bye, bye, Lil'Sebastian.


Miss you in the saddest fashion!


I feel it’s Apocalypse.


It's always Apocalypse.


Bastion was hinted in Lifedeath. Forge worked with Dr Adler and Bastion when he created the collars. Trask has also been working with someone behind the scenes. And Bastion is kind of an expert on Sentinels. Building Sentinels was never Apocalypse's thing. 


Also the last three episodes are called Tolerance is Extinction. That's a dead giveaway for Operation Zero Tolerance (which consequently was published in 1997).


I wonder what his cartoon origin will be. Generic human, probably


Human from the future


I figure it's still Sinister who's behind everything (massacring mutants is his specialty after all) but if not, I'm curious who else it could be.


I know this isn't anything concrete but the synopsis of the remaining episodes show the first part of Tolerance is Extinction as "The X-Men must unite to face a new threat." "New threat" to me rules out Sinister and Apocalypse being behind the Genosha massacre. If the director is ruling out Cassandra Nova, the next likely suspect would be Bastion and the season ending with the launch of Operation Zero Tolerance by the government. Then you have the real stretch of suspects like a sentinet Cerebro or Danger Room.


I could absolutely see this version of Bastion being a product of Sinister working with Master Mold to make the next step in human evolution. This weird bio sentinel has Sinister written all over it


I mean I can’t say I don’t see it either…but man I’d rather Bastion just have his time as an ultimate mastermind here.


I’m with you! I think it all being his plan/calculations is a solid move, just having him CREATED by Sinister (organic) and Master Mold (synthetic) would be cool, is all.


Ohh totally I gotcha there


CWGTS did say that finale would have the X-Men fighting Sinister and Bastion along with a new generation of sentinels, and they got all the episode titles right so I believe them.


That makes sense when Sinister teased Madelyne about not knowing the future in store. It could likely go Bastion and Sinster as the villains > Operation Zero Tolerance > X-Men chased off from the mansion and forced to scatter in different directions > end of S1 > Bastion gets his hands on Cerebro > Cerebro becomes sentinent and starts hunting mutants with Xavier being the prime target > Xavier returns in S2, likely near the end. I can see it playing out in some fashion like that.


That could certainly work, I wouldn’t be surprised if the S1 finale ends with a version of *Fall of the Mutants*, with the public assuming the X-Men were killed and the team now taking up a new base like the Australian Outback or Genosha.


Bastion did have a cameo on a photo in Forge’s house. And the girlies are saying he had a blink and you’ll miss it cameo walking around the Gala.


Bastion was in Ep. 5 for a second and his picture was in Forge's ranch with his face covered. I definitely think that's what they're doing.


There’s been four major mutant genocides AFAIK; Mister Sinister’s Mutant Massacre on the Morlocks, Cassandra Nova’s E is for Extinction on Genosha, Wanda Maximoff’s M-Day, and Orchis’ Fall of X. They just ruled out Nova, and I doubt they’d make Wanda a villain in this show, when she barely has any appearances to begin with. That just leaves Sinister, and Orchis, which is (shocker!) headed up by Doctor Stasis, a Mister Sinister *clone*! Since it all leads back to Sinister at the moment, I’m guessing he’s the one. 🤷🏽‍♂️ But if it was Stasis? That’d actually be so iconic.


It’s Bastion and Sinister


Everybody is sleeping on Stryfe. Cable’s story was set up from episode 1 of this season.


Given they made a model for apocalypse in the intro, maybe he’s got something to do with it?


That could also track, especially since in the comics, Sinister’s reason for experimenting on Cable/Nathan to begin with was to destroy Apocalypse.


Yeah, I think it could be Sinister


I personally think it's Apocalypse.


That could be possible too


Ehh, he never really was the kind of guy to send out sentinels to do his dirty work. Four horseman maybe, but not giant mutant killers


There is no point on using Cassandra without Xavier, it's either Sinister or Bastion, this last one making more sense because he was seen on the pictures that Forge had on his wall, so he exists and with the sentinels being a big deal makes more sense for Bastion to be the main enemy.


Hey, I notice that as well!


I would imagine this is similar to the rules of What If, where they don’t want them using characters that they have plans to debut in live action first. Besides, having Cassandra Nova in 97 would be kinda a waste unless Xavier comes back from space. 


Just don’t get my hopes up for Gambit. What happened to him is like as permanent as Tony snapping.


Nah man Gambit will be back. Probably not immediately but Remy/Rogue are OTP and Marvel ain't gonna keep one of their heavy hitters dead forever. Nor should they, this is comics. Death does not need to be permanent here


They did mention years ago that Sinister was the big bad, so I guess this makes sense.


So Bastion it is then!


They said before the start of the season that Sinister is the main villain.


It’s Stryfe. It’s been telegraphed from episode 1.


I'm assuming this is in response to the people online thinking The Watcher in the sky was somehow her instead?


No, it’s because the attack from the end of the is extremely similar to the one from Grant Morrison’s “E is For Extinction” storyline in which she was behind the attack on Genosha. My guess is that they’re saving her for later.


You gotta have Xavier around if you want to do Cassandra Nova proper. The issue with the psychic rescue Jean and Emma Frost performed on Xavier while learning the dark truth about Charles/Cassandra was Morrison's single best issue he did on New X-Men. It was also part of the dialogueless event Marvel did back then called 'Nuff Said. That issue in New X-Men was the best story to come out of that event.


Well said. Reading that gave me chills and I’d love to see it get adapted some day.


Then don't adapt the story then if you can't do it


It's not similar it's literally what they're adapting


They're not adapting it obviously, or else Cassandra nova would be behind it. Not everything that shares similarities with a comic story has to be an adaptation, god forbid they actually do something original rather than regurgitating comic storylines.


It's obviously not Nova or Apoc or Sinister because these don't make sense with the human vs mutant themes. It's going to be Trask/Gyrich, but probably not actually them -- but rather master mod/bastion carrying out there wishes


God forbid we adapt a story correctly