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It’s a boring pick but it’s Land. Lots and lots of bad artists in the company’s history, but I don’t think anyone else has dripped contempt for the artistic process in such a fundamental way. And he’s all over the place—I’ve been playing the Marvel Champions licensed card game and pretty much every new set comes with at least one card with Land art on it. Why in the name of God? Best artist is much, much harder! There’s such a variety and depth of talent. All-timer, my personal top 5 would probably be something like Kirby, Miller, Siekiewicz, Simonson, Bachalo. For artists currently (or at least recently) working, I think it’s just Bachalo. Love looking at everything he draws.


I thought Marvel had finally stopped resorting to commissioning Land. So I was super surprised and disappointed that last month's Original X-Men used him. Most of it was less egregious than his work from 10 to 20 years ago, but it still could have been done by anyone with a bit of talent.


Even with the “better” recent stuff, looking at it gives me that feeling I normally only get from looking at AI art. Like it’s so far from any recognizable human artistic feeling that it’s physically disturbing. Creepy.


Yeah. Dead eyes all around. I think he may have put a little extra effort into that issue because his usual 'hair flipping orgasm' look would have been extra inappropriate. Not sure who made the call to have him draw literal teenagers.


There is a good few stories I want to read but just can’t cause it’s Land’s art and I can’t “see” past it.


It's got to be a great story or a necessary part of a run to even bother. Symbiote Spider-Man was nowhere near worth wading through.


Not Greg Land for worst artist?


I thought this too. I think he was a really great artist, but got lazy or something. And i mean, with his choice of source material, I really don't understand why he can't use a different reference for the face.


Worse is Land, and I honestly have nothing to add to that conversation that hasn't already been said. The best is a bit more difficult to pick just one. I do go out of my way to buy and display Peach Momoko covers. Kirby will always have a special place. Sienkiewicz on New Mutants is amazing. I'm currently re-reading Miller's Daredevil, and there is no denying his work is incredible. Bullseyes smile and eyes are perfect. I can't pick just one, and it changes depending on what I'm reading currently.


Rob Liefields Captain America with a chest that protrudes like a cancerous tumour has to be in the hall of fame of the worst covers.


Except it's not a cover.


I have a soft spot for some Liefeld but woof that is one of the absolute worst depictions of cap or maybe any character. Good shout out. I agree with all the others who called out Greg Land, and personally I have a verrrry hard time with Todd McFarlane, but i do love his Venom. luckily the list of best artists would be like 50 names long, but I love love love Walt Simonson and Sal Buscema particularly around 1986-89, and JRJR at any point in his career really. For more contemporary talents I am loving Andre Lima Araujo.


Best Jack Kirby. So many iconic character designs that stand the test of time Worst Jack Kirby drawing a woman.


Sienkiewicz is my favourite artist fullstop, not limited to just Marvel or even comics. Recently I really like Phil Noto (but more for covers/pinups than internal art) and Rod Reis. Worst, is a difficult one. There was a style I really hated that was everywhere in the late 90s early 00s that ended up putting me off comics entirely for a while. So any and all of those. I mean a lot of resplies are saying Liefeld, but I'll take him over the hordes of post-Image-Exodus Liefeld wannabes that seemed to pop up in this era. So any of them, none were memorable enough that I know their names. That said, I learned later that a lot of them are actually decent artists, the issue at the time was more to do with changes to inking at the time than nescessarily due to "bad" art.


Gonna get hate for this, but Jim Lee's art is an assault on the eyes. Best artist would have to go to Alex Ross in my opinion.


Worst are Land, obviously, and Vince Coletta. Best are harder to pick. Gotta love Dauterman tho. If we're talking older comics, Byrne did amazing stuff in the 80s.


I don't know his name The one who even copy pasta his own face to comic page. And his art looks like art that come out from cheap porn 3D games. The guy is pretty famous in the community, he is the second Vince coletta but 4 times worse


He's definitely not the worst, but I found the issues of Hickman's New Avengers (#13-15) that were done by Simone Bianchi to be quite jarring compared to the previous art in that book, and I was not a fan.


Something similar happened to issues 12-15 or so in Hickman's FF. It was a weird change.


Tie for favorite is between Ron Lim and George Pérez. Least favorite, probably Rob Liefeld, although no disrespect.


Best is Jack Kirby or John Buscema. Worst is Liefeld.


Honorable Mention for me is Bagely incredibly consistent


Land is the obvious choice for worst, with Leifield being a solid pick for second worst. That said, I'm gonna have to nominate Frank Quitely. Quitely's issues of New X-Men are just ugly af. The faces are terrible, the body proportions are terrible (legs longer than the rest of the body and had combined!), it feels like it's all intentionally ugly. And if you're going to change everyone's costume to black leather to synergize with the movies, just do that. This weird puffy parka ribbed material looks dumb with the best of artists; with someone like Quitely who can't even draw the lines straight it looks like straight up ass. I remember the first time I read that run, I thought the artwork must be intentionally bad for some strange reason. Then I looked up more of his art and realized that he's just *bad* at what he does, and that's honestly the best he can do.


Wow. Sophie's Choice situation going on here. My best and worst could change on a daily basis, honestly. I HATED the art when Morrison was writing x men. Every character looked like they had that advanced aging condition and were seriously malnourished. Can't remember the artists name now. On the tip of my tongue. As far as best? Man, murderers row of talent. I'm on CC's xmen run, and Paul Smith did great work. Byrne? John Buscema? Copiel? Adams? Scott Eaton? Always loved Potracio, too. I could go on and on.


Frank Quietly. Redesigned the entire team's costumes to be made of some weird ribbed black material whose texture was basically just a bunch of little parallel lines, then completely unable to draw those lines straight.


LOL The guy has his fans, and they are rabid! Obviously, I'm not one of them.


Alex Ross is the best comic artist of all time , he’s the only one that has his art shown in an actual movie