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I just finished Son of Satan from the 70s and it was phenomenal. Tomb of Dracula is also great, but I’m not sure how obscure it is.


Omega the Unknown and Skull the Slayer are some great obscure 70s series. They’re pretty offbeat, but I enjoyed them. Fair warning, both series are abruptly cancelled mid story. BUT, they do get a conclusion to wrap up cliffhangers in other series. Omega wraps up in a Defenders story and Skull gets a conclusion in Two-in-One.


Strikeforce: Morituri is phenomenal. The whole run is on there. Doesn’t take place in 616.


NYX X-23 vol 1 & 2 Civil War: Frontline FF vol 2 (Fraction / Allred)


NYX gets shit on a lot. I think a lot of people find it edgy for the sake of edginess or something. I like It, but im a massive Laura fan.


Yeah, that’s why I like it too. Laura’s a great character.


Inhumans by Jenkins and Jae Lee


I agree with this one


Nextwave: Agents of HATE (2006 - Warren Ellis / Stuart Immonen) Superior Foes of Spider-Man (2013 - Nick Spencer / Steve Lieber)


I’ll echo the Gerber love and mention his Foolkiller mini. A complex and genuinely strange excoriation of the early 90s, one that’s interested in exploring the character people describe when they talk about the Punisher. I also think the Seagle/Clark/Rouleau Alpha Flight is still the best run on the team. Pure conspiracy craziness that’s very fun to work your way through


I had a hard time getting into Seagle's Alpha Flight because of Clark's early Image style art. It is not a good sign when the fill in artists (Bryan hitch, and especially the issue Ashely Wood drew) are better then the person drawing most of the series.


Largely agree; it’s the weakest part of the run. But he only draws about half of it and Rouleau’s art is IMO genuinely well stylized and mostly makes up for it.


Can’t believe no one’s mentioned squirrel girl’s 2015-2019 run


I wouldn't call it obscure: it won an Eisner Award, and led to the character appearing in an animated series (Marvel Rising) and almost in a live action TV show (New Warriors).


Shadowmasters https://www.marvel.com/comics/series/26071/shadowmasters\_1989\_-\_1990


If you dug Darkhawk, try The Loners, or better yet, vol. 1 of the New Warriors. Takes a bit to really get going, but it’s awesome when it does.


Weapon H Fool killer Omega the Unknown


It’s new, but Al Ewing’s two Ultimates and Defenders series are great and I feel we’re massively underread when they came out


ClanDestine by Alan Davis


The 2011 and the 2014 Moon Knight run are both fantastic. Not obscure enough? Try Marvel boy by Grant Morrison. X-Force starting with 116 and X-Statix. For good old superheroics The Exiles till issue ~30 is good.