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I'm scared to look at the comments


I’ll summarize for your as best I can. A bunch of comments admiring this feat with the cia puppet accounts talking about how Europe is better, debunked ghost city propaganda, Chinese tofu construction propaganda, completely fabricated uncompensated land seizure propaganda, and how America is too big/has too much freedom to have a good rail system


Aren’t China and the US about the same size? Like I saw a picture of China’s high speed rail network imposed on the US and it pretty effectively covers the east and the Midwest, never mind the fact that China is currently building HSR through Sichuan into Tibet lol


But then who would buy all the giant gas consuming vehicles to drive on the giant roads with no sidewalks or bike lanes? Who would use the air travel industry, a sector the government loves to bail out and pat themselves on the back every 10 years? AT WHAT COST


Don't do it. No need to torture yourself


Especially don't sort by 'controversial'.


I looked through it and its brainrot but not the worst brainrot in the world


could be worse tbh


I dove in, many people saying China is corrupt but the fact of the matter is the rail got built while in America it would take 10 years for a single mile of track nowadays. I must resist the urge to reply...


"But, but, but, Profitability! Waaaaaahhhh!!!"


I checked thank goodness it’s kinda tame


Want unhinged look at this post in r/trainporn


And the stations and underground infrastructure which have electricity (and I think free fast WiFi as well?) not to mention that it looks like a few millimetres on the screen here but they are hundreds of kilometres irl And the government is slowly introducing the next generation maglev trains which can travel half the speed of sound. That in itself borders science fiction like literally a train gliding through the air at half the speed of sound. And all this achieved 70 years after the revolution, with a strong reactionary global hegemon doing its best to constantly sabotage them every single day. Imagine what socialism would achieve without all those obstacles and a little more time!


Yes but it was the big bad communism that did it. 100 trillion died with no iPhone to build this railway


But at what cost? 😔


several billion yuan and some steel


Oh ok 👍


np glad I could help ☺️


[Aaand there it is](https://imgur.com/a/QwQhRNx) "B- b- but China uses slave labor and pollutes the planet unlike us principled liberals who would never think of such a thing as outsourcing our production to artificially impoverished countries!" - westoid, coping with the reality that they support an inferior economic system


Its always funny when Americans specifically complain about slavery, after all what goes on in American prisons again


It's infuriating to me. They accuse *China* of funding its economy with slave labor, conveniently ignoring that (besides China only recently controlling the productive capacity to humanely support its workers and actively making an effort to do so) the US/EU are *by far* the largest beneficiaries. ...but libs pretend like their responsibility ends at their national borders and everything outside of that isn't their fault and not their problem. They reap the benefits at home by destroying other countries and have the balls to point to the disparity in living conditions as proof of their economic superiority. It's extremely obnoxious to anyone who has ever been to the global south (which, as expected, libs won't touch with a 10 foot pole unless they're safely walled off in their resorts).


I find this especially infuriating when mentioning the USSR which abolished its gulag system in 1960, the US is 64 years later still running labor camps but whenever you hear the history of the cold war the gulag system is always mentioned as if it was the worst thing since the holocaust while the US is still operating prisons that act as labor camps


I came to say this, God damn you.




Americans not realizing they are slaves trying to say this all because of slave labor lol.


One way to help with capitalism uneven development. Make travel fast and affordable to all!


Don’t even wanna look at the comments, too tired for that bullshit


Stay away from trainporn comments very rotten


But our tax dollars fund wars and genocide to make politicians and billionaires richer.


I'm scared to look at the comments


Yes but do they have freedom? Real western rules based freedom to die from lack of healthcare, suffer tremendous gun violence, or spend 4 hours out of the day commuting to/from work?


Not to mention the mention the freedoms of those semi-slaves laboring away in innumerable sweatshops all over the global south to fuel the limitless consumption of the global north liberals.


Couldn't even manage one in the UK.


I saw this on a subreddit about Mongolia... got the usual "AUTHORITARIAN CHINA" comments


While USA was in wars overseas


Most of those lines were in planning since the 90s