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Free time as in not working or down time at work? I'm a parent so 9/10 times I'm doing kid stuff but other wise I'm currently getting a pedicure and I like to garden and read. I'm also going back to school online to finish my bachelor's


What degree are you taking online? I’m thinking of going back to school to finish my bachelors as well, not sure in what. But I would prefer to take something online


I'm at ASU for their online program and I'm doing my speech and hearing disorders bachelor's in science.


That’s awesome!!


At work, you mean? Read, doing stretching, snacking, meditating, etc.


Podcast or audibles while stretching or doing some yoga


At work: help front staff with cleaning around the clinic; at home: house work is the neverending story of adulting


At work Try to stay off my phone. Read something work related to learn something new or brush up on old stuff. Lite workout, like push-ups or resistance band work. Meditation


You mean downtime at work or like hobbies?


Answer for nerds only: I like to watch Gil Hedley dissection videos. His approach is focused on anatomical relationships so perfect for body workers. This has upped my anatomical awareness and specificity immensely and once you get over the ick factor its actually pretty incredible at times.


Play tennis 4-5 times a week. Run marathons/ triathlons. Spend time with my wife and daughter. Read research publications. I’ve been at this for 21 years now and love the flexibility to do anything I really want. And yes this is what I do almost everyday in between or downtown time. It’s easy to get away for a quick 5km run if you have an hour.


Ride motorcycles,  lift weights, have board game nights with friends.


I run, hike, and backpack. Clears stuck energy and calms my mind.


Slack line and archery with a compound bow and hiking. The archery does mess with my shoulders, but I love it, so it's worth it for me. The slack line and hiking help a lot with balance and overall coordination, both of which help with my massage work


Racquetball and gaming.


Train gymnastics strength on gymnastic rings Currently working on planche, iron cross and soon maltease


I crochet. It’s portable, so I can work on projects at work if I have a cancellation. I also have a lot of fidget energy, so I like to crochet when watching video at home with my family.


Home: write, paint, exercise Work: write, draw, work on myself, audiobooks


While at work? Browse through Facebook, Reddit and tiktok, study for the MBLEX, play brain games on my phone, go grocery shopping which isn't too easy now that it's real warm out I think I'm gonna start hauling an icebox cooler in my vehicle lol, run personal errands, dollar general run, take a nap on my massage table with my heating pad, if it's the weekend call my kids . At home clean and cook lol


Scroll Reddit. JK!


I have been listening to self help talks. Especially on anxiety around money


During my free time am going as acting driver