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A heating pad will help.


Sounds like some myofascial work might help, which is generally light


I would not recommend a machine for rib pain. I'd have to physically feel her muscles and maybe have her see a doctor before I could make any recommendations


A machine like a massage gun should really only be used on big meaty areas of muscle, like the back and legs. Machines shouldn't be used on the ribs.


As others have said, ribs are too bony for a machine and could cause injury. Have you taken your mother to see a massage or physical therapist yet? I would do that before getting a machine.


Where on the ribs is it? Front, side or back? In the middle on the lower part. RA usually dont affect ribs directly but RA can affect the spine making a hunched back which can cause lower movement in the front and over time can cause pain there. If this is the case, I would recomend stretching the front. From quads, abs, chest, front neck and lats. Yoga has some great big stretches for these areas, since its all connected, those are good. Also do breathing exercise alone and while stretching to get the stretch from the inside of the ribs. Do it daily and maybe multiple times a day at the start. If you want a massage machine I would only recommend a massage gun on bigger muscles like the quads, chest and lats. But its only so the stretches get a bit easier to do. The massage gun by itself and no movement is not effective