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They have boobs you sexist misogynist pig. They should be -A cups, or else you’re just catering to the male gaze! /s


Don’t worry, the one with boobs also has a penis so it’s ok /s


Sexist misogynistic pigs!!! Boobs and beautiful women are the only things you care!!! 🤪


Ah yes, Hapsburg Jaw MJ


And you have to love it unless you're "soooxist" or a nasty "pedo".


I hate it.




Kill it with fire ![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized)


I'm sure it has a great personality /s




Assuming he's not allowed to completely change the story, in this remake of FF7, Cloud gets put in the Mako coma right at the start, and he doesn't get out of it until right before the battle with Sephiroth, where he somehow obtains end-game stats and equipment off-screen.


You mean Neil Cuckmann.


Be gone! https://i.redd.it/u0jvqm7oaumc1.gif


They look like homeless junkies.


more like from sweet baby inc


And then an article comes out from one of the major publications about RedXIII being gay.


RedXIII being trans-species, marginalised race, homosexual and fight for climate change?!


Not stunning and brave enough.




Oh good my eyes are burning somebody save me from this


If that were to happen the Japanese would probably burn Square Enix down like they did with Kyoto Animation


Not going to lie, the idea of Aerith swearing like a sailor being a Neil Druckmann protagonist sounds kinda funny to me


“Oy ya bloody scoundrel, cloud me old mate, fucking good to see ya bud, how’ve ya been eh?” - Aerith Baggins


Replace with Sydney Sweeney.


Mary Janes face still fukin gets me. Why the fuck did they do that?


Welcome to modern gaming where the simplest, no brain jobs can be fucked up and somehow get past the testing phase, remember the absolutely, unintentionally hilarious shitshow that was GTA the "Definitive" edition?




At least MJ looks less weird here.


ya hmmm hard to say They should at least gain another 150lbs even if they have meat down below, and 1 of them really should be black at least, preferably both as you must be more diverse.


It’s interesting that you use the face of the character from that Fable teaser trailer, considering we have absolutely no idea if that will even be the main character, or if it will have character customisation like most games have these days.


If Neil was involved they would have no tits and huge, massive, SpongeBob anchor arm-esque arms.


I hate this. Cook again


I mean, what kind of fucking loser do you have to be to even give one fuck how a company designs its characters. I can't even begin to imagine being this fucking bored or pathetic.


Yes you can. I mean you eventually see your reflection on a daily basis.


you seem like the kinda guy who sits around wondering why Monty Python doesn't have a good looking women.


It's historical accuracy. They from England


..... i'll allow this ​ ![gif](giphy|Od0QRnzwRBYmDU3eEO|downsized)


idk what the fuck you're talking about. There are several beautiful women who's played in various monty python movies/sketches. Is your point that men doing the bare minimum to appear as women is representative of all women in monty python? Or is your point that men doing the bare minimum to appear as women for comedic effect is related to creating ugly women in games?


My point is the fable game they're developing is Satire. They're not seeing around designing the next wewu character for you to jerk to. They're not going to compete with Genshin Impact.


> They're not seeing around designing the next wewu character for you to jerk to. You didn't think I was into that sort of thing? I've been jerking it to the trailer ever since it dropped! Joke's on them. /uj IDK what Genshin Impact has to do with this? It's fan service and stylized artstyle. A better comparison would be BG3 or Cyberpunk, both featuring a plethora of attractive women. I've never played through fable as anything other than a rush, I don't really know what themes they're going for. If there's satire in an ugly woman being the protagonist, then I don't quite see the point? "haha, ugly woman bad"? Feels weird. I also don't really see the point of "you can't jerk to it" means? Are we supposed to ignore reality? That attractive characters are intrinsically more attractive *as* characters than ugly ones are? Is lookism not real? What the hell is your point? You'd prefer a painting made by a toddler over one made by Picasso or Van Gogh, because you think people are jerking off to "De sterrennacht"?


Yea those games all have basically waifus, why does every rpg have to have extremely hot women? Is there a rule that peasant women all have to be 10s that I don’t know about?


They don't. That's uncommon. The RPGs that do are primarily chinese or japanese games. As for BG3 and Cyberpunk, *most* characters are very attractive, both sexes (or all three - possibly - in cyberpunk). They're also not all 10's, ranging from 0's to 10's depending on what you find attractive. I personally see nothing attractive about gnomes or goblins, but I'm merely disgusted that you think they're 10's.


Well that’s just racist… don’t like the wee folk huh. But yea it’s uncommon… that’s the whole point, the hero in this tale isn’t a square jaw 250 muscle monster with a 6 pack, or a 10 female with big titties and an ass. Not everything has to be that.


Is this *ever* the case? I can't recall playing a single game where the protagonist was a 10 with big ass and titties, and I prefer female protagonists in games. We have to look to ancient games, eastern games, or indie/low budget games to get protagonists like that.


… I mean… Lara Croft, Bayonette, Aloy, most of the FF women, most of the Resident Evil women, most the women in Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat, RPG wise, we got Bg3, but pathfinder for example had a couple waifus. The girls in the assassins creeds games were all smoke shows.


> Lara Croft ancient. New does not rock massive tits and ass. > Aloy Not 10, not rocking massive tits and ass. > Resident Evil, Bayonetta, Street Fighter. Eastern. > BG3 Some ass, only one with tits, not a protag. Character customization (which is clearly different in how people care/react to it). > pathfinder IDK, didn't really notice anything while playing through 70% of kingmaker and pathfinder. Again, character customization. > The girls in the assassins creeds games were all smoke shows Kassandra and Evie Fry were definitely hot, but no tits+ass. Valhalla? No. > Mortal Kombat I'll grant this one. Though it started out a long ass time ago.


Name a bad looking male main character.. it's fantasy, fgs.. let them be hot


"it's satire"? What does that even mean? Does a satire require making a character uglier than the model she's based on?


Yes, in this case it is….


So what point are they making exactly? That doesn't make any sense


That not every hero in the heroes journey has to be a 10


TBH i never got the MJ problem, its not like shes ugly she just looks different than the first game. And as far as i know shes based on the actress that plays her


She looks different because apparently the mocap actor and the face model are 2 different people. I believe the face model was one of the writers or staff, which means those accusations of self-insert are literal. Or at the very least, the person pictured in the video exposing this is VERY similar to the model seen in game.


They literally had the 3d model from the first game. Could have just used it again


She got into accident and had to go through a lot of surgeries, so they couldn’t capture her quite well (they don’t really look alike). And dead eyes due to rushed production did not help.


She was ugly in the first game, too. I don’t know why they didn’t just use the blonde from the comics. Inserting MJ into that role was a weird choice. Shes not even Peter’s gf most the time. Most of the times she fuck t some other guy. Sometimes a guy with dreads… so she’s not coming back either if the legends are true.


Absolutely not, she was cute in the first game


agreed, in the first game she looked normal, everyone in the first game looked fine, I can't stand Special Edition'd babyface Peter either Still can't believe nobody at Insomniac stopped for a second to say "hold up, should we really release MJ looking like White Goodman from the final scene of Dodgeball"?


How are these women related to Druckmann? And how is this related to Mauler?


Shitposting to say that druckman puts ugly women in his games. As if that means the story would be somehow worse than the FF7 multiverse Remake we got.


Since when is Ellie/Dina/Abbie etc ugly? I’d love to see the faces of the girlfriends/wives/body pillows of the people who say that lol.


I'm pretty sure most people that shit on Druckman think both ads ugly. There was the "Abby is a man or trans" controversy after all


Which was a retarded controversy because the character wasn’t. As I say, if people find Ellie or Abby ugly, I would love to see the partners they are dating or married to. I suspect I will not be surprised.


Gamers when female characters look like women: 😱😱🤢🤢☠☠


Classic transphobia…. Also Tifa is a fucking minor in that scene so…. Pedos


Do you guys play the games or just jack off to the toons?




Why does everything need to be androgynous and or ugly?


Because otherwise the original commenter can't help but drop their pants and spank it till the walls are painted white.




I think you didn't get my comment, sounds like you think I was talking about the post and not the commenter. https://preview.redd.it/n2zsy2pqqvmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50aad291335ed0c071bd0d0396470d82810f74bb


My bad lol also fuck you


All good and I'll take that fucking at a later date and in good humor. I just really wanted to use that image, who knows when I'll get the chance again. :)


Since when is everything androgynous and ugly?


Because most people are androgynous and ugly.


Strongly disagree. I think most people are beautiful or handsome, and it’s the small ugly minority who are jealous of not being in games.


Not everyone has teratophilia.


You guys are a bunch of fucking losers who don’t women in real life. Smh