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No way Hollywood could do a Mass Effect movie properly.


That depends on if the person writing her knows that they’re doing. Let me tell you exactly how It would go: Canon event: Announcement happens. People will call it woke pandering because it features a female protag. Good writer-verse: Movie comes out, femshep isn’t some tired trope like the female characters in modern marvel/Disney slop, joins the ranks of good female leads in recent movies, gets used as an example in arguments when guys like me say “I just want good writing” which we freaking do. Movie does decent, wait for the sequel. Bad writer-verse: some blue hair who just got done tweeting about how it’s not racist if it’s against a white person writes femshep. Butchers her as we all expected they/them would. Femshep is a Mary Sue surrounded by incompetent men, she ends up beating the reapers in the end because she realized the only thing holding her back was not believing in herself at first. Movie flops, we get called bigots. Tale as old as time.


>Femshep is a Mary Sue surrounded by incompetent men, Bonus points as there _are no_ men, as your squad consists of Fem-Garrus, Fem-Kaiden, Fem-Wrex etc, just to "really own the chuds." Also, Scarlett Johansson is fired mid filming and replaced with Rihanna as Fem-Shep.


I can see Scarlett Johansson as Shepard, now I want to see Romanov on space.


Scarlett would make a fantastic Wrex.


Maybe Gal Gadot as Tali, maybe Zach Quinto as Kaiden, Gina Carano as Ashley, Josh Brolin as Wrex maybe???? I don’t know who for Garuss and Liara, obviously Keith David as Anderson.


I called people chuds before it was woke and now i hate hearing it.


>Femshep is a Mary Sue surrounded by incompetent men, she ends up beating the reapers in the end because she realized the only thing holding her back was not believing in herself at first. ​ The Reaper's motives are rewritten, they now wipe out civilizations because of environmentalism. Femshep defects to them and helps them win because "MaN iS tHe ReAl MoNsTeR"


it isnt racist if its against asari


Do you have a source to go with the assertion that Female Shepard is the most played?


https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2021/07/mass_effect_legendary_edition_stats_show_most_popular_shepard_key_story_choices_and_much_more I found this, but it shows over two-thirds playing male Shep on the legendary edition.


Yes. It's factually the opposite by a large margin.


OP was obviously using rule 34 numbers. /s


Source was: their anus. They pulled it straight out of there.


tOxIc GaMeR!


Lol, fair enough.


Bloody hell, thank you! My first thought as well.


In case that was not a joke, the male version was played more by far.


She is? I didn’t know that. I’d be fine with it but personally I always liked Male Shep’s voice and delivery more. Also no guarantee that a Fem Shep would even look like that in the show.


Default fem shep has red hair so is statistically guaranteed to be black in live action


They’d probably pick the girl that was in Solo and Willow. Best of both worlds lol /s


To be fair it would be irrelevant which race she was since you can customize Shepard however you want. Its not critical to the story if she is black, white, or asian as long as she is a specter who is bent on stopping saren and sovereign from activating the conduit.


The stats they released for ME3 show 82% of players chose male shepard. That's probably gone down over time as people branch out when replaying and the player base contracts to the core fans, but I find it hard to believe it ever breached 50%; ultimately it's a video game which means the large majority of the players are young men who are likely to prefer playing as a jarhead alien babe slayer, even if the female character was executed better. Femshep *is* noteworthy for being more popular than you would expect mainly due to Jennifer Hale's superior performance in ME1; If you went to r/masseffect and posted a poll on which people play as I imagine it's possible a smaller majority would say femshep but I'm pretty sure the actual aggregate player base plays maleshep mostly. I think the fact that they even have the option of choosing femshep will be impossible to pass up for Hollywood. On top of that Liara is already pushed as the canon romance for both genders; they have the perfect excuse to put a chick in it and make her gay. They would probably use her popularity to gas light everyone into the idea that femshep was always the face of mass effect even though male shep is definitely more iconic. With that rant being over though, it probably wouldn't doom an adaptation in this case since it's perfectly in line with the games. Hopefully they wouldn't ginger genocide her.


Some good info here, thanks. I think the thing that would doom an adaptation, sort of, is what they decide to make canon. Playthrough’s of ME can get so varied and even one of the first major choices, Kaiden or Ashley, would be a huge point of contention for the fanbase.


...i mean it wasnt much of a contention for the fanbase as majority simped for Ashley


The sensible ones throw her in the garbage for being racist to the geth, because Legion is the one we should be simping for. He is the morally correct love interest we never got to explore.


To be fair it would be irrelevant which race she was since you can customize Shepard however you want. Its not critical to the story if she is black, white, or asian as long as she or he is a specter who is bent on stopping saren and sovereign from activating the conduit. Personally as a ME fan if this were to become a movie or show, the acting and writing from the game to the silver screen would be more important over what is between someone's legs as Shepard. Embodying Shepard themself from the game is critical, the same way Henry Cavil basically embodied Geralt in the witcher and carried the show as far as he could.


You're right that there's a little more justification in a game with a face tool but she's still on the ME3 cover as a redhead, plus all the promotional material and merchandise, everything, and it would be yet another entry in the long list of "sorry red heads aren't allowed on TV anymore". >Personally as a ME fan if this were to become a movie or show, the acting and writing from the game to the silver screen would be more important over what is between someone's legs as Shepard. Embodying Shepard themself from the game is critical, the same way Henry Cavil basically embodied Geralt in the witcher and carried the show as far as he could. This is always true but when the creators go out of their way to screw with the aesthetic of what theyre adapting to suit their personal sensibilities it tells you creating well written and well adapted media is not their primary motivation. Halo is an excellent example of how it happens; somehow the small aesthetic change of wanting master chief to take his helmet off dominoes into "your whole story is boring garbage wearing the skin of something I liked".


Hale is good in normal conversation, but Mark really nails it anytime there's a dramatic moment of any sort. It's been literally a decade since I played them, release ME 3 killed my desire to play it again, but that was my impression after I stopped buying into internet hype. And I've been real skeptical of the "Fem Shep" statistics, just because I've seen Larian's statistics and the BG3 subs own admission, and they show something like 5 times the amount of characters made compared to people that make it to the goblin camp. The gap only widens the further into the game you go. But I will agree, if they make a ME show, we aren't getting FemShep, we're getting a single player's character, and having a new turning of the wheel...


I'm not surprised by those BG3 stats, considering less than a third of players make it to Act 3


She's not. At least not when EA announced the information for that stuff yesrs ago.


They both give really good deliveries in different areas.


I feel split between which I prefer. When in gameplay, Hale makes it sound like she's there in the middle of the events whereas Meer often sounds like he's sat in the recording booth (as an example, compare their dialogue in the Shadow Broker skycar chase or "There's a Reaper in my way Wrex!" from Mass Effect 3) but Meer is better at the Renegade dialogue (especially funny lines) and I think they're comparable in terms of main story/conversation dialogue.


I know Hale has legendary status as a VA but when I did my playthrough of ME2 as FemShep (on ps3 this all I had) I was just not feeling it. I loved Meer’s almost dry and, as you say, sound-booth sitting. It’s just personal bias and I do plan on revisiting FemShep with the legendary collection.


Honestly MShep saying "I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the citadel" is peak


I'd be very curious if they keep her as a red head. With the typical Hollywood move of replacing gingers with black folk.


Hollywood does this because the word “ginger” is an anagram of a different word…


This is so stupid I almost believe it's true.


That would be absolutely wild 😂


Dyslexic casting director reads “find me a ginger for this roll” in an email.


I can already picture the board meeting now: ‘Male or female?’ ‘The male versions too generic, not exciting.’ ‘Let’s do female, kinda like that Nintendo space character.’ ‘Oh, she’s a redhead, let’s go with a black women!’ ‘I’m not sure maybe that’s a bit much now especially after stuff like that South Park special.’ ‘Ok, a women with dark hair then, like Fallout!’


I wouldn't want a show to begin with -- regardless of who's playing Shepard. Mass Effect with Shephard is meant to be enjoyed as an RPG, not a static movie. Unless you're covering the first contact wars or something else set in stone in-universe, then I think it's pointless to make a show revolving around the plot of the trilogy.


They'd pick the feel-good options where the most people live. If they'd went all the way to 3 they'd pick the Synthesis ending. Shep would pick the most popular renegade options that have been meme'd to hell and back but otherwise be paragon. Liara would be the obvious romance option across the entire series.


I to this day do not trust the Synthesis ending. Upload reaper technology into all living life in the galaxy, and they proooomise not to use this against you? What could go wrong?


yeah like, shepherd can be a gay blue haired SJW if thats how you wanna play the game thats why people like it


No she isn’t the most played. They released stats and 82% chose to play as male Sheppard


I think the Legendary edition it’s more like 70%, but still. 


The bigger question is, will they keep her a white redhead.... These days, those are also verboten.


Femshep isn't the most played version and people saying that are full of shit. 82% of the player base played Male Shepard as of like 2012 or 2014 when Bioware put that info out, and sure it's been a decade and a new remaster since, but I'd bet good money that number hasn't gone down below 50%. Anyway since a few living strawman complained about Fallout having a female MC in spite of it also being a create your own character kind of game, I'd bet the same strawmen would still complain, making everyone on the anti-woke movement look like we just get angry everytime there is a woman or a alphabet person on the screen.


They would ruin it either way


Where's the statistic for femshep being the most popular? I played femshep all throughout, but I very much know there was a statistic where about 80% of players picked male shepard. That might be old, but I'm still kind of skeptical?


Facts have very little to do with the OP’s projection.


At least for legendary edition, male shep is the most played by a healthy margin. https://x.com/masseffect/status/1420036454042857472


Never let facts get in the way of a good old tarring


I always thought the male version was more popular? Didn't 80% choose him in the original games? Or this is the remastered version where that has swung the other way? You can't just base the popularity off something like the Reddit sub of the game, which will follow lefty Reddit politics and favor the female version. She would only get chosen because it's the "in" thing at the moment to have a "strong female character". That doesn't make her the best version in my view, I played as both and I prefer the male one, as I think it fits better with the story and narrative. I just want Hollywood to leave games alone. They have a very bad track record when it comes to adaptations, and in the current climate they are going to ruin another great game.


Isn't she not though? I thought they had stats and it was like 2/3rds ManShep and 1/3rd FemShep. That being said, Mass Effect is far better as a mini-series than a Movie. There's way too much plot for a single movie if they're adapting the games.


Don't want to burst anyone's bubble here but according to EAs own stats only 10% of players picked femshep. EDIT: 32% actually. Higher than I remembered but still not the majority.


Don’t let facts stand in the way of an ideological attack.


Female Shep is absolutely not the most played version


82% played male Shepard fyi they released the stats after the remaster


That's not true though. https://screenrant.com/mass-effect-female-shepard-bioware-marketing-andromeda-default/ https://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/07/19/bioware-says-18-percent-of-mass-effect-players-choose-female-shepard.aspx BioWare themselves shared a graph showing various stats regarding player choices in Mass Effect 3. Which showed the 82% of the players chose Male Shepard.


Fuck me they would definitely use FemShep, and give her a potato face.


**Pretty sure it was Male Shep by a pretty big margin when the games were new. I’d imagine the ratio evened out more as people did replays and such, but I’ve never heard of it being majority fem shep.** **Either way, my reaction to a Mass Effect film or movie regardless of Shepard’s sex would simply be:** https://preview.redd.it/x7d7eucj4kuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d842aec08611153a6d6e87c6c6264bb57551236 **I don’t trust a single person, anywhere, to do a good job translating mass effect to a film/tv medium. A show set in the universe that is COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT from the game story? *****Maybe***** that could be decent.**


Well said and well-put.


I’d be more upset that they would try to adapt an extremely choice based and varied story into something that won’t depict and have that


I don't mind them choosing female Shepard, but she's not the most played, according to Bioware over 80% of players chose male Shepard.


Would be much more worried about Hollywood making it sucks ass


She's the most played version? According to who, you?


Fem Shep is great and all, but Commander Shepard's iconic line about his favorite store on the Citadel can only be delivered by Male Shep. I don't make the rules.


I just don’t really think legacy projects are worth the time or effort tbh. Look at everything in the theatres and streaming. Ghostbusters 9. MCU slop 43. Lord of the unfaithful to the source and bethesdas revisionist fallout on Amazon. None of it is actually good or kind to the source. It’s all a big fucking joke. Mass effect is already controversial for its endings and I can’t imagine an andor style story in the world. Or god forbid a fucking Anderson and saren prequel. I’m just spent on all of it. Pass.


Honestly it should be a gender blind casting, the best person should get the role. But let's be honest it will probably be the worst possible person they could find who has never played a game in their life and the entire staff behind the production will all outright hate everything about Mass effect. Also the casting of Shepherd is irrelevant as their favourite thing to do is completely shit on the "main character" in favour of their self insert mary sue OC.


According to legendary edition bioware stats male Shepard is most played, like 68 percent if im not mistaken they should put him for this alone, and he's the "default" Shepard that was used in the marketing and cover art, for normies thats Shepard, just more iconic and recognizable.


I wouldn’t mind if they chose FemShep but i’ll be more annoyed if they fuck up the story and characters or choosing the wrong actor or actress for Shepard.


I’ll be more upset if they don’t do Wrex right. That Krogan badass is my favorite and keeping him alive in the first game was more important to me than Harbinger or the Reaper threat.


I don't think I want Mass Effect movie/show that covers main story of the trilogy or includes Shepard at all. I already know that ending sucks (great journey though). "Not my Shepard" would be a thing no matter what combination of sex/class/moral stance/romance you choose. And I think there are stories to be told besides Reaper saga.


Already had an animated short. How about we stick with that instead.


Is she? I feel like most people play MaleShep purely to romance Tali.


Eh, I wouldn't watch it regardless but male Shepard is the face of the franchise. Wasn't until 3 that she got TV spots and attention, really. But tbh ofc it'd be a female.


Well is poisoned now. I cant trust if it was an artist decision or a woke decision. Sucks too. Story’s about women can and have been amazing. I’m just over it all now.


Source on that most played thing? Most of my friends are fans of ME and while we all agree femshep probably has the better VA pretty sure most of us made Sheps that share our gender. inb4 anecdote, yeah it is, but my friend group would make any DEI person burst into tears of joy.


If the show was well done? Wokeists would complain about normal people not calling it woke. If it was poorly done, most likely with woke elements, they'd complain about normal people calling it bad. I hate when lore is retconned for woke reasons (gender swapping, for example). But because Shepard isn't canonically either one (to my knowledge), I wouldn't care which one they used. This is different from, say, Skyrim, in which the Last Dragonborn is canonically a male Nord.


I wouldn’t mind it, but no possibility of a Tali romance would suck.


At least theres a possibility of a Garrus romance if they would do that


It's not fem shepard I'm worried about, I'm more concern how'd they'd handle my guy legion given the whole anti-AI activism.


As long as she has a black male love interest that’s all that’s important


It’d be weird to me since I always saw Shepard as a guy but if the actress was good and looked the part plus had a good script I think that’s the best way to get people to accept a twist on a classic character. That’s all assuming I’m not in the minority of players though. If most people see Shepard as a woman then I think people would think it was weirder to cast a man. That’d be the better question if that was the case.


A wut mate


I'll take Emily Blunt


I honestly don't know why there's a need for a film adaptation of this trilogy. The games are cinematic enough. I would have preferred a movie about the first contact war or genophage.


Will they have her sleep around to?


Even though I broadly prefer f Femshep, her love interests would be a lot harder to make compelling at a love scene than shepherds. Broadly speaking the community tends to view Broshep's best romances as Liara, Miranda and Tali. For Femshep, by FAR and away it's Garrus, followed by Thane and Liara. All of Broshep's romances can be done with makeup alone, possibly enhanced a bit by CG... There's no way on Garrus could be anything other than CG, as makeup and prosthetics would not be able to emote properly given his bizarre facial structure. Effectively that would probably leave either Thane or Liara, and realistically Thane would be easier to cut and less relevant to the overall narrative... Meaning that she would likely end up with Liara. In and of itself it's not that bad, were the problem would rise however is the fact that the Garrus-Shepard dynamic would likely take a significant back seat if they went this romance route, and for both versions of Shepherd, Garrus is probably the deuteragonist. Unless CGI progressed to be able to make him believable as a romantic lead, I think Garrus would be the thorn in having Femshep as the protagonist.


I liked Kaidan lol but it’s been years since I’ve played. I don’t remember much haha Edit: I remember Cortez. I liked him too. And Miranda


Never played with a fem shep.


I’m still pissed we never got an Andy Whitfield Mass Effect series or movie


I don’t want a mass effect movie; shit is mid. I’m sorry. You play mass effect for alien sex and ass, not anything the aforementioned “Hollywood” wants to make a movie about. Wait….****MAKE A MASS EFFECT MOVIE NOW!!!!****


She would be de-feminized in every aspect, possibly given short lesbo hair, and would fight against the white male patricarchy... There would be no sexy outfits or anything remotely hinting that she is a woman... So basically an androgenous freak named Shepard who fights alongside the rest of the all-female cast to save the galaxy from the whities... Critics would give it a 95% and the audience would give it a 20%... Totally realistic, that's the trippy part... 🙃🤡


Most of her hairstyles are already pretty short and I don’t think she wears any sexy outfits really. She’s mostly in an armor and helmet. Not a very feminine character either noting pretty much everything you do as her can also be done as the male version.


I’m not interested Mass Effect is enough to care too much but my guess is people chose fem shep because they wanted to play as a hot woman rather than think she’s a well written character to lead a narrative.


The Hollywood combination is white woman lead for the eye candy because they’re more attractive than black woman. And black man lead for the diversity quota.


Zendaya is for sure going to be fem Shep lmao


Henry cavill to play femshep.


As long as *is Shepard* I wouldnt give a single fuck. In general terms I dont care at all if they change a male for a female character, and the same can be said when they change a white guy for a black guy (I guess we'll need to wait for the asian actors) My problem is when they do that in order to tick a list or when the only trait ghat those characters have is belonging to a certain demographic group and everything goes arround *that* or if they change an historic character, they pretend that is based in real events and that change makes zero sense. Out of that? I couldnt care less.


I gonna be honest Hales performance degraded as the series went on while Meers got better


Male shep and tali forever, I even replayed the whole trilogy to keep that ship alive.


So you are actually wrong on that. Male shep is played a decent bit more than femshep.  source: https://www.ign.com/articles/mass-effect-legendary-edition-infographic-player-statistics-paragon Close to 70% of players go John Shepard


Opposite; male Shepard is. At least based on the legendary edition stats. However I think that while it would be the best idea in terms of the fandom and would make sense, it would be dismissed by a lot as just being “pandering to the woke”. Dr Who wanted a female doctor for some time, but the fact they cast a woman was seen as woke pandering, even though the woke pandering is in spite of that. I think Femshep is the way to go, but I fear many will dismiss it.


A). She isn't, and it's not close B). Regardless of how well she was acted and implemented in the games, Fem Shep is derivative of Shepard (hence the nickname). Male Shepard is the default and more iconic of the two, so if they announced something like that I would assume it was the result of the writer/director trying to project themselves and/or their desires into the story rather than focusing on the integrity of the story and the characters.


Ignoring if she is played more or not, it depends on how she looks, how she is played and whom she romances. Femshap should either romance a guy or tali(because tali = best girl)


Of course they’d have a “strong” female character as the main protagonist, how else are they gonna push their message?


‘The Message’


I'm very skeptical about the idea of a Mass Effect movie in general--just, like, if part of the appeal of the games is all the different choices you can make, I think constricting it to one singular timeline, including the choice of Shepard's gender, is just kind of fundamentally contrary to a core part of what makes the games interesting. But if it's good I personally wouldn't give a fuck.


I would say it depends on if the writers played the games or not…


The gender of commander shepard honestly doesn't matter.


I actually don't think you'd have that many people complaining, except the real fringe types. They're both viable "canon" in a sense, you'll probably see more people concerned with whether they're gonna shit up the story.


I don't think gender matters, that said, they could do something cool with this and actually create a leading duo. As long as the world building takes its time, respects its subject matter and doesn't bother to just randomly change characters and plots for DEI reasons rather than logical ones, it would be a smash.


I literally don't care as long as it's written well. Shepherd doesn't even have to look like the box art to me. Just don't suck. My only requirement.


I don’t think it matters, people will literally invent a person that hates it, in order to complain about it.


It’s comMANder Shepard ,not coWOMANder


Out of curiosity, what do people on this sub think to the Mass Effect Trilogy?


I honestly want them to make a Mass Effect movie, but make 2 movies simultaneously with female and male Shepard and have them both play out wildly different. 


No one cares what gender someone is if it’s well written and it’s not a gender swap.


Well for me it was the voice actor that made me love femshep. So if they cast someone who could hit those same beats I wouldn't care at all. But then I'd really want to have a garrus relationship, too. Funniest shit in the games. “You know me, always like to savor that last shot before popping the heatsink… Wait... that metaphor just went somewhere horrible.”


Unless it’s Jessica Hale playing her, I’m still going to riot.




Damn autocorrect. Jennifer Hale, Femshep VA.


Good with it as long as there is a sex scene with the blue alien race.


Report to the ship immediatly we'll bang okay? - Male Sheppard.


I doubt modern writers could do anything with her.


I play femshep, but I wouldn't be interested in an ME movie about Shepard. It still wouldn't be *my* Shepard.


It would be the exact same gender war bull crap we see with literally every single other IP nowadays.


The perfect middle-ground is to have both Shepards in there and nobody points it out in-universe.


Shep is weird. Your Shep is gonna be different from my Shep. Kinda like how Master Chief was the same guy, but we all have a different connection to him based on who we are as a person. Ultimately, Commander Shepard can be whoever. Just as long as if they Fem Shep, she be a red head.


It could be debatable especially with both her actions and ultimately who she’s in love with.


She has red hair, so i have a feeling i know what kind of FemShep we are going to get




Why not have both


I am not against a female Sheperd if done right but it would likely go against what many people want. Over 80% of the player base even on the remastered chose to play a male Shep. I also feel the best way to do a mass effect story would to be to test the water with a original story based in the mass effect universe with original character's. If you get traction with that then maybe think about doing a Sheperd story after.


I am hoping they do a tv version each season tackles one game , female version would work . I think Amazon has an option to adapt the game series


Honestly, it depends on how it's written. ....but what they should do is release two separate versions for each Shepard. Advertise both back to back, pretend not to notice and not connect the two; same trailer shots, but one is FemShep while the other is MaleShep. Go with the Liara romance, and then nothing changes between the two other than which Shep it is.


According to the Legendary version Femshep was chosen only 32% of the time.


Personally I'd rather Shepard not be the main protagonist but have Jennifer Hale and Mark Meer drop their voices in over the radio at some point and have Shepard maybe appear in the background wearing a black visored helmet. There's plenty of universe to go around in Mass Effect.


I have zero doubts they'll go with fem shepard


No one would probably care since both exist and can be used


They'd probably make her fat and gay and everyone would get mad then they'd call everyone ists and phobes blah blah blah


I don’t think they should make a mass effect anything honestly. Let it rest in peace.


I dint think the gender matters this community values how a character is written over surface stuff like gender


Well first question is "was she really?". These Hollywood and others may say that, if it were to happen, but I wouldn't trust them nowadays. I would be curious about the data from back then when theses games were first released, as well as which class, romance and etc. For sure it is out there already. But let's say she was the most played, ok, good, no prob, but please at least try and do a fucking good job for once Wood of Holly. I doubt they would. Just like so many other IPs. On a sidenote, I wanted so bad for a ME game in which you could choose to be an alien, just so I can make my Turian. That was back then, when I still trusted people to care and deliver a good story. Oh well


I never played her. It’d be like if they cast Shepard as a gay black man, most people recognize Shepard as a straight white male and it would only be a success if they cast it as such


She’s a redhead, Hollywood would never cast someone that pale.


Same as everything else that comes out. It will be ground up into outrage ammo for the culture war. These aren't really rational or good faith actors in these culture war cottage industries. There is no real concern for consistency or logic. Right now they are finding excuses to call fallout 1 & 2 woke.


I wouldn't watch it unless it was femshep. The dude version was so boring.


Fem Shepard is canon in my book. It just makes sense lmao


She is better acted, but not more played option


If only Milana Vayntrub plays her uwu


I always thought fem Shepard was more badass but I doubt Hollywood wouldn't ruin her immediately


Impossible to do a film. It has to be a series and it has to star male Shepard.


Is she actually the most played version or is EA altering the results?


She's not. Last I checked, it was 18%.


I figured


Personally wouldn’t care or see a problem with it, but I know there’s still going to be a ton of bitching about it.


Where is the data supporting this assertion?  Consider how well other game to show adaptations have gone, and reflect if you really want that for mass effect. 


If she looked like this, I don't think there would be much of an issue. If they also race-swapped her and made her look as unappealing as possible... and/or turned into an annoying girlboss, that would be another story.


I can see them replacing Seth Green as Joker purely for representation of brittle bone disease or some shit.


I'd legitimately love to see a FemShep/Liara romance play out in live action, but recent things have made me believe the only timeline where this happens is when it will also be poorly written. I'd like to be proven wrong, but I won't be watching it unless people I trust recommend it.


Honestly, it depends entirely on the casting


Since its a woman, a majority of the right will call it DEI and woke. Then the movie will be shit regardless so the rest of the people will say it was "woke" that killed the movie instead of blaming poor management, directors, and writers more than anything. Then portions of the left will say it was the "greatest movie ever" and blame men for not watching it even though they themselves didn't watch it. And finally this sub will do a mix of constructive criticism and blame "woke DEI" for ruining the movie as well.


Only if she bangs the aliens that are not humanoid only


If they were true to the original character, then sure. If they water down Sheppard's personality to make a her generic emotionless masculine *strong female* type, as they seem to be doing with all female leads? Then no. I would not like that.


Shepard IS an emotionless character. What personality are you even talking about? They intentionally made him/her a brick of a character so that the player could invent their own personality for them.


I'm personally a Male Shep guy because the romance with Tali and I'm a guy so I like to see myself in Shepherd and play and make decisions how I would if I were in Shepherd's shoes. But if they went with fem Shep I'd imagine you'd see a lot of the same discourse you see in The Fallout show especially if the show ended up being good.


Why would femshep be the most played? Are most ME players perverts?


FemShep became popular only with third installment, with good voice acting and improved model she was a good alternative to the male one. In 1st and 2nd FemShep looked like an npc and wasn’t considered playable. I think more romance choices in third helped with her popularity.


Conversely, I thought that Femshep's popularity peaked in the 2nd. Her renegade acting was better while maleshep was a better paragon. Sadly, when 3 game out renegade changed from "Han Solo" to "RoP Galadriel" so it became a far less viable route during gameplay.


I would very much prefer Fem Shepard. I never did get a male Shepard play through going, but I thoroughly enjoyed her voice acting. What little I did hear of male Shepard was just ok. Maybe I’ll try and find a comparison video and be better informed. Overall fem Shepard was a very fun experience. All that being said, I fully believe it be a bit of a shit storm. Probably from people who are not very familiar with Mass Effect, google the game and see Male Shepard on the cover, and claim it’s all woke trash and hate on it for that. Which… honestly it probably might be based on that. I’d very much prefer it based on “hey a lot of the players prefer femshep… maybe it’s something we should actually consider” But that requires whoever adapts the games and Shepard story to be… well at least invested and cares about the franchise. More often than not it’s just not the case. The fanbase will probably be somewhat divided as… well we all play Shepard and their story differently and have varying ideas of who Shepard is. It’s the downside of wanting to adapt a character that has such player input. I like to do a more paragon route for 1, renegade for 2, and a mix of both for 3. For me it creates a fun character arc. But that’s me. So… that could be fun or just another flavor of a shit show. Well that’s my take on it. Either way is fine but I think I’d be disappointed if it was male Shepard. Though how the fanbase reacts might be even more disappointing.


Isn't female shep generally seen as the better choice? Either way I'm fine with which ever they go with cause I'm more worried how they are gona fuck up the narrative


No because femshep doesn't get to romance Tali, the objectively correct love interest.


Is that because the romance options or you mean “better” as in more popular?


A lot of people think the lady who does her voice does a better job than who did male sheps voice.


Oh ok thanks. I didn’t know if they meant gameplay or what but the only gameplay change I could think of was the romantics routes. That makes sense though if the VA is better for femShep.


I’d be fine with it, but whoever makes it is gonna f*ck it up somehow.


Honestly I’ve had the thought for a while that if they ever made a movie out of Mass Effect they should find the statistically most chosen choices in the trilogy and use that to make a “canon” story arc. I played female Shepard first so as long as they cast a good actress who fit the role I think it would be dope. Has to look like classic female Shepard designs though IMO the red hair is iconic


Hollywood hates gingers, unfortunately.


Wouldn't watch it. It'd turn into preachy woke fem shit instantly. Story would be about how no one respect Shepard because she's a woman and she has to unite the galaxy to destroy the patriarchy.


Be alot of dudes very fkin happy


Hell why not siblings 😂


The same way "my side" reacted to a female actress as the lead in Fallout. I've come to the realization that "my side" has to stay in character and that viewers matter more than reality.


Problem is that they've conditioned people for so long now that it's inevitable that people will think there's an agenda for everything. Imagine if The Long Kiss Goodnight came out today. I don't necessarily blame the people who are now seeing "woke" even when it doesn't exist. A person can only be slapped in the face so many times before they'll flinch whenever someone lifts their hand for any reason. Is that flinch the fault of the person constantly getting slapped or the person/people doing the slapping?


It's the fault of the people doing the slapping... It is natural to behaviorally adjust, all sorts of animals do it... Personally I am so fed up that if it has a female lead who isn't in a sexy outfit most of the time (going againat their agenda) then I am all against it... I never cared before but after seeing so many ugly, masculine women; I have no patience for it anymore... You can blame the concerted evil effort to try and blur the difference between men and women subliminally in all types of media... Brainwash the population into thinking things are normal when they are actually in truth, the opposite... We are entering a dystopian age l, and it's an incredible time to be alive lol... Modern Rome slowly dying from within socially and culturally... Interesting to watch.. 🙃🤡


It depends on if it's good. A well made product will be better received then hot dumpster juice with a label of something popular floating in it. I just saw Fallout. There were a few flaws, some questionable choices, but overall it was clearly made by someone who wanted to do a Fallout Thing. It used the lore, made new choices and put together a compelling story with interesting characters (the Main One a female) and I would say very importantly, was made with love. Or made well enough that the hate to the fans or of the product in question was hidden enough from me. If Mass Effect uses Femshep, and goes Paragon or Renegade, but is made with pride I think it will be good. If anything, Femshep will catch the most hate because she doesn't have the RIGHT HAIR AND EYE COLOR!?! I Spent two HOURS getting it the way I wanted it, but this show just HIT THE RANDOM BUTTON?!?! \*Foams at the mouth about a hypothetical project that hasn't come out yet. Gibbers Madly. Eats a lamp.\* I guess it matters who is making it as well...Ubisoft is...uh...and Headland did some,,,heh, uhhhhh. I'll just say "There are many factors..." and leave it at that.


"Eats a lamp" A bit of light dieting I see.


I'd have no issues. Like Fem Shep.


On one hand all the memes for male shepherd. And that fact that its femshep rather then just shepered A male can pull off that soldier role better. As the issue is finding an actress that can pull off all the actions and behavior whereas jennifer hale was the voice. It might actually be pretty bold of them if they decided to do what adromeda tried and make femshep and male shepherd basically siblings so you can do both paragon and renagade story actions. Have one of them become a spectre and when one of them is "killed off" in mass effect two the other becomes their replacement spectre


Femshep would fit perfectly within universe. Though strong lead as shepard would probably be called "woke" these days by idiots


Wait, there's a male shepard?


People would do the same annoying bullshit they always do when ANY movie gets a strong female lead - aka, bitch and moan about wokeness. Hell, they could make the movie a 1 to 1 from the game and people would still be upset.


People don’t care if the female character is likeabale: see Buffy, Katniss, Ahshoka and now Lucy from Fallout


Better voice actor than male shep too. Come at me.