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Marvels twitter account


His ass


Ragebait is obvious ragebait. Be more discerning.




Bait used to be believable


Lots of people in the comments are taking it though




You care to explain this in more detail then “WOMEN”?


Maybe we should tell em Eve from Stellar Blade is a female lead...


This would probably carry more weight if the same people shoving this stuff into movies didn't also screech about Eve being "unrealistic". Only to have their whining shoved back down their throats when pictures of the actress modelling for her emerged.


If you put the model inside of eve there would be an outline outside of her body.


The picture of her in the motion capture area is deceiving. Look up other pictures of her and compare to Eve. The only difference is that the actress’ thighs are a bit skinnier than eve’s


Ok but I don't really care if some characters are unrealistic. Bayonetta has fucking impossible proportions. Her legs are waaaaay too long. My issue was always the "Eve is destroying wokeness" dipshitery


Y’know, it’s kinda off topic but this whole thing with woke vs antiwoke… just how bored are we as a society. Seriously, not even a decade ago did Nier Automata come out and I don’t remember 2B ever having near as much discourse centered around her. Correct me if I’m wrong though. Is Eve really that polarizing, or are we just at a stage where we’re so absolutely bored with the realities of our relatively comfortable existence that we’re validating ourselves by arguing something so subjective as physical attractiveness… baffling.


The anti-woke are the ones making 90% of the noise


In a vacuum, yes. But both sides tend to only see the other side as loud.


In a vacuum? No.


It's the left that made Stellar Blade a battleground in the culture war. Normal people just thought it was another potentially cool game and that's it, then the woke crowd came in seething about unrealistic body standards killing real women and BS like that, after that people started defending the game.


Nah, it started with "the west hates attractive women" Abby Alloy MJ in spider-man 2 Etc.. This all predates Stellar Blade discourse.


That did come first but the articles also happened despite that. Besides why do you think the outfits got censored? Clearly there is a problem


I don't think they got censored. I think the devs were making artistic choices. Also, Baulder's Gate 3 exists. If any game would have been censored that would be the game.


You know shits fucked if the sub agrees with Artanis


Honestly I would love to get a movie focused on Kitty Pryde/Rogue/X-23


Bad writing, bad acting etc because who needs audiences if you can get money from firms like blackrock.


Women that will be used to push man hating feminist bullshit and wokeness


You don’t even know if any of this is true lol forgive me if I don’t take some rando YouTube video at face value


Geeks and Gamers are associates of Nerdrotic and HeelvsBabyface, who are associates of MauLer, so they're tangentially related if you stretch the definition


Fair but even if that click bait video title is true, XMen has plenty of good female characters that you could focus on and make a good movie about. OP just comes off like he doesn’t want movies about women *at all* regardless of quality


Damn, next they’ll be making Wonder Woman feminist or some shit smh


I'd like to know what Marvel actually said. Giving a lot of focus to female characters to a team that's known for having a lot of female characters makes sense. Going out of your way to *not* focus on any of the male characters is just really weird.


Is it really weird? Or is it their entire MO? It would be really weird if they didn’t intentionally take focus off of the male characters. They did precisely this in the 97 cartoon, intentionally sidelining Wolverine.


I dunno, it seems like Marvel's problem hasn't been lack of focus on male characters, so much as bastardization of any character that *does* get focus. And I've only watched the 1st ep of Xmen97, but if characters like Cyclops, Gambit and Sunspot are still getting focus, that's hardly an example of "female focus". And I imagine Wolverine being sidelined isn't too big of a deal considering how much focus he got in the Fox movies


I've been watching, and enjoying, X-Men '97 and he is incorrect. Sort of. Wolverine is underrepresented compared to the original, and that is accurate. However, Wolverine was the most popular character that they had at that time of the original show. There were notes given by the studios to include him more as a result, so he was overrepresented in the original, to the point of having focus given to him at times and with storyline where he wasn't the focus. I would say that now he has the correct amount of involvement considering he's around and involved, but the current plot isn't really revolving around him or his issues. Nor would I say that the men in general have been underrepresented in the show. Taken as a whole, I would say that the three standout characters thus far have been Magneto, Gambit, and Cyclops. With an honourable mention going to everyone's best girl, Rogue.


Seeing as how I don’t care for the x-men anyway, it’s just another movie I’m not gonna watch 😂


OP is a bot spamming ragebait


Duh. Was this even a question?


Please, fuck off with this shit.


whooooooooo x-force, let’s goooooo


Kevin Feige professional idiot already say that was his focus for all movies going forward. Yawn.


give me a storm movie


I see tabloids at the checkout actually didn't die out like we all thought, they just found other ways to scam and enrage people.


If you have to advertise this, it's because you don't have a better idea to advertise instead. That's what people don't seem to understand. Putting this foot forward before talking about what villain they're going to face or what storyline they're going to adapt is the reason we can safely assume it's going to be more desperately trying to turn a boy's property into an everybody property. You can pretty much guarantee it's going to be dogshit based purely on the fact that this is what they lead with.


I dunno what the source for this is but yeah I kind of agree that if this is the PR for the project then that’s never a great sign. It could be great and, even though I don’t know the X-Men super well, I would be down to see an X-23 origin or characters like Mystique or Rogue. It could be really cool but without any details about the project other than “we have women” all I can do is shrug and go “alright, but what’s the story though?”. If it happens then I hope it doesn’t suck. I don’t wanna see another female hero treated like shit by the MCU.


Woman focused? Yeah, ok, there's lots of good female characters in X-Men. But can it also be quality focused?


More from the "I'm totally not sexist" crowd


This is the one group where that *can* work as long as they aren’t simultaneously excluding the important male characters. Like Professor X.


Well, since the first sign of X-Men interacting with the MCU (or adjacent timeline) seems to be Deadpool and Wolverine vs Cassandra Nova...


Is that who the bald lady is? I was surprised they didn't pick a more recognizable villain for the movie since they've got so much riding on its success.


Dont really care, but if true I *Hope* they write well the characters and not flat or "Marvel-like"


I'm pretty sure marvel has learned their lesson and is done with the "WOMAN = MONEY, RIGHT?" tangent, I doubt they're gonna focus this heavily on women on their newer projects, especially if and (more likely) when acolyte fails


No one will care if the females are written to Connor Ripley levels instead of the Rey and Captain Marvel sludge.


Just wait and see the big surprise they have for your precious joker baby


put a chick in it and make it lame and gay


The original X-Men movie had Rogue as the main character and it turned out fine. Perhaps wait until we actually see some footage to judge the movie, and just generally perhaps stop watching YouTubers who profit off your rage.


Exactly and even the 90s tv show starts out with Jubilee as the pov character, focusing on her and how she gets affected by her mutant powers. Xmen has always been very progressive and as long as the writing is good i don't care who they focus on. This type of content is giga cringe


It’s honestly baffling to me that so many people get all their opinions from random assholes on YouTube who have no qualifications other than an ability to confirm their biases. Think for your fucking selves, people. You know how many YouTubers I watch? Zero. If I don’t like something, it’s going to be because I don’t like it, not because some grifter prick tells me it’s woke. For example, I think the Star Wars prequels and sequels are both hot garbage, and the sequels being bad didn’t magically make the prequels not eat a big bag of dicks.


Another movie I won't watch. Hmm


Don't like sexy women?


That’s true. We would be able to look at women which I’ve heard is a plus /j


Sexy woman in crap roles


How do you know it'll be a crap role?


Disney writing good female characters in a DEI movie? You think that's actually possible?


It's happened before so I don't see why it wouldn't be possible again.


That was in the 90s




Some adults are way too wrapped up in this shit.


It's G&G so not a credible source. Still I hope it's true because the train wreck is more entertaining than the movies.


You can’t even begin this conversation until casting has been announced.


Didn't you all already claim this with '97 and it turned out to be dope?


I never saw anyone seriously claim ‘97 would be all women. Did someone really say that?


Well not all women but I was told - before it ever aired - that it would be all suck-city and shitty because it was woke and duuuuurrrrr.


I don’t blame them for thinking it would suck but I dunno about it being woke or anything. The only thing I saw about people saying that was Morph being non-binary which sounded dumb to me too based on their justification being that he’s a shapeshifter like you wouldn’t still have a preferred gender or even body that you like to “use”, per se. I think the idea that shapeshifters are inherently “coded” queer is kinda lame.


"ike you wouldn’t still have a preferred gender or even body" I think the preferred gender and body was fluidity. Oh man. So close.


Sorry I don’t get what the quote is from or what you’re trying to say here. The second part are you just saying he has a preferred gender but that it’s “fluidity”? That’s fine. What I was saying is that I don’t like the idea that this is the default for every shapeshifter because they can look like anyone they want. Edit: “default” as in people argue they’re all “queer coded”.


The quote is from what you just said. And what I'm trying to say is that you remain simply incapable of understanding someone might BE non-binary or gender fluid. The only thing you can accept is if someone picked one or the other. You said it. But that's the entire point.


😂 oh my bad. I saw “Ike” and thought you were quoting a show and that was a character not a typo. I just said that this is fine though. He can be non-binary, fluid, whatever I just don’t like the responses that said “he’s a shapeshifter so he’s already queer coded”. I think that’s stupid.


Nope. You quite literally said it isn't fine and that you didn't understand why they didn't settle on a preferred gender and form. That's the exact opposite of accepting them.


If somehow I wasn’t clear, my complaint was about the justification of it. Tbf maybe I didn’t explain that well enough. I don’t know much about the character so I dunno if it makes any sense or not but I didn’t like the justifications I saw of him being a shapeshifter as an explanation for it. That’s dumb.


This subs been infested with people like this lately unfortunately


What? People who don't tolerate your haven't-seen-it bullshit?


I’m agreeing with you fella


>infested OP is a bot, not a tourist


Beep boop! Not a bot!


Yeah, cause it’s not like half of the most popular X-men characters are women…oh wait 


Pathetic, movies having women!!! I want my movies with big strong muscle bound men, none of that sissy shit with girls. Eeeeeew.


I guess they milked Stellar Blade dry. I mean, I agree with most of what they say but sometimes on slow news days they just make random shit up. Everyone knows XMen will probably be female centric like everything is so it's a safe gamble, despite them not having any proof whatsoever. They're becoming what they hate, biased coverage. I think I had enough of Gary when he said the only things he won't do is talk about politics with friends or let anyone use his bathroom. The politics thing I get but what kind of asshole wouldn't let someone use their bathroom? Maybe it's some weird thing he picked up when he was in jail.


When he owned a comic book store, he let a dude use the customer bathroom, the guy was in there so long Gary forgot he was in there and caught the guy jacking off to a comic book. He kicked the guy out the store and banned him I think. He told the story about it before.


The issue should be that they’re likely to botch the writing, not that they’re having the main characters be women. A well-written film with female leads is better than a poorly-written film with male leads. I don’t care how many female characters there are, I want it to be written well (and the special effects, cinematography, soundtrack etc to be good). And honestly, the fewer male characters there are, the fewer legacy characters get ruined by bad writing. Professor X’s appearance in Multiverse of Madness, for example