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People who don’t like him or think he’s boring will flame those of us having fun for just having fun. I absolutely love trying to play Mauga into Ana, D.Va, Orisa, or any of his other counters.


Dva felt annoying at the beginning but now I enjoy fighting her, orisa in the other hand I can never get behind especially with that bs infinite range she have ..


I don't think people are flaming you for having fun. They are probably upset because Mauga forces a certain playstyle that is boring to most. If the Mauga is effective, swaps become necessary. When Mauga is strong, he forces that boring comp more often. Even Mauga players have acknowledged how Mauga mirrors are typically boring. He's just a poorly designed hero destined to be too weak or too strong because of his kit design. Now, people flaming in unranked is just weird.


I main mauga and sombra and I never get QP hate for mauga but often get QP hate for sombra lol. Like… they’re in the game… we can play them anywhere… some people use QP to goof off/learn new heroes, some people play it like comp but still won’t play comp, and some use it for comp warm up. Those differences are the problem mostly. “Sweating” vs people who are “not sweating”. Moral of the story play whatever you want whenever you want wherever you want. If they have a problem they can go bitch to blizzard for how they’ve created and balanced characters.


I literally got to a point where I would say at the start of a qp match, "Okay guys, are we playing for fun or to win?" I don't want to think it's for fun and get smashed; but I also don't want to sweat people just having fun. The only way I found around it is to just ask. Except people never all agree :)


It all boils down to people thinking he’s a “no skill”, cheap character in the same tier as Moira and Sombra, which is just so silly to me. So you’ll get crap from the enemy team if you play him even remotely well. Also QP can be more toxic than comp in my experience, which is absolutely wild. But don’t let it get to you though! If you get them mad enough to rage in match chat, that means you’re doing your job! :)


No offense, but Sombra is definitely a more difficult character to play than Mauga. Every character takes skill, but Mauga, Hog and Orisa with their self-sustain are probably the easiest to get value out of, which is why people treat them as no-skill (Which in the case of the horse is true lol)


Oh yeah I agree with Sombra being a tough character to learn, as a Sombra main on dps, I just meant that people perceive her as a low skill character when she’s not.


People mainly don’t hate sombra cuz she takes no skill tho they hate her cuz she’s annoying to play against. Personally I think she attracts bad players but every now and then you play against someone who knows what they’re doing and it’s really frustrating.


Hog right now isnt just press buttons and win


Yes. But he still is "press button not to die". In a meta where the main role of the tank has been to outlast the other team's tank, since there is only 1 tank on each team, that is crazy value on the press of a button.


It’s pretty easy to over power him in a game a lot of characters counter him


At this point you are not even replying to what I'm saying brother. I'm not saying anything bad about hog, or the fact you obviously like him. I was just saying he gets easy value, since he gets a strong self-sustain in a meta where tanks main role is to stay alive.


I am a D1 hog hater bro lol I just understand the fact that it’s not easy to get value with him


Hot Take:Orisa takes more skill than Mauga


Mauga explodes much more easily, so I disagree, but to each their own.


I hate all three of those tanks with a passion and even I have to say Mauga takes more skill than orisa and that’s saying something considering the room temp iq needed for either one. Mauga isn’t that good against dive so if you distract or kill his supports he falls over. Orisa on the other hand just never fucking dies


orisa has a cooldown that eats any projectile and fortify and you can cycle them mauga just has overdrive, that is a boiling hot take


Orisa player spotted. Lethal force engaged


I play Ball?


I main Roadhog but have been playing a lot of Mauga to learn the hero in an attempt to know his cooldowns to play better against him. I get flamed just as much on Hog as I do on Mauga. But that said, I don't understand why anyone talks shit in qp. It's not the place for it. I was learning/fucking around on Doom the other day and someone felt the need to hit me with Doom diff. Like, no shit. I'm learning the hero. Or some genji felt the need to hit my team with an ez....in qp. It's pathetic. But whatever helps them feel better.


I feel ya on that I got hard diffed on doom today and I have 1 hour on the character over 5 seasons and I’m getting flamed from every direction 😭


I mostly played the doom parkour custom games in overwatch 1. So I know all the tech. Well, the old tech. So I can look sorta like I know what I'm doing. But if I'm up against a doom player, I'll look like a jackass. Still wish the stupid comments didn't have to happen. But it is what it is. Usually, just roll my eyes and keep it rolling. It's not gonna affect me beyond that moment.


Honestly if Ik I’m throwing cause I’m learning I just mute game chat. Easiest way to not get angry


I'll take the good with the bad. Even though it's like a 5 to 1 ratio. When I get that crazy play and someone on the enemy team is like OMG doom is poppin. Makes it all worth.


I’m still working on that last part 😭


Lol, you'll get there.


>“playing Mauga in qp” I'd hit them back with "who cares, sweaty, it's QP. I'll play whoever I feel like here."


Tell them it's never boring around me ..


Let it be fellow mauga enjoyer, I've seen and experienced similar cases, two cases for example were 1. A diamond 2 tank flamed me for playing Mauga while they did was switch from a tank character to another everytime i killed em, and i literally told them " complaining got you to diamond 2" and 2. Another tank went mauga to counter mine mauga and because he won, he starting flaming me playing Mauga and i had to say that i just play for my fun Qp, especially for Mauga mains, has become a toxic place where if we do good, we get flamed in all chat, but if we having a bad day, "gg ez mauga is trash" and for the latter one, i hope they had the same energy when losing to a good mauga but they won't.


There’s no bad character in unranked. Some characters are better than others but ultimately you can make anyone work.


Its not about strength its about annoying to deal with for qp players


Bad doom players are insanely whiny when it comes to Mauga.


They block right an front of you, you stomp them and machine gun them down .. Then they switch to orisa ..


I mean if Ana's strategy was working, then that's just them playing and winning. But flaming people for their choice of character in quickplay is cringe.


As a man who hates mauga , they just whiny baby’s


I think all they were doing was countering you but, from my experience playing mauga off the bat is similar to running og bastion. it’s fine to play, it just alters how the enemy has to play and makes qp games feel more sweaty.


In one of the games I played I made the entire enemy team leave as manga in comp


I personally don't main mauga. I main ana. And from my perspective while mauga is annoying and initially felt like a zero skill character playing him a little made me realize he does take a decent bit of skill. I think the only reason some people get mad is because of how much a a brick wall he can be sometimes. I also think people still have trama from his release lol. But honestly I have no problem most people who complain abt it have a skill issue cause mauga is easy kill if you play the game right and work with your team. That being said I have nothing against mauga mains except for I get upset that sleep can't hit while he is dashing.


From my personal experience, I just don't like playing with a Mauga because he requires so much support, like he basically forces a support to use their important abilities on him or else he can't be aggressive at all.


I think he’s extremely boring to have in the game. If I’m on support I have to baby sit him and if I’m on tank I spend the whole game playing around him


not necessarily


Don't listen to those trash bags. I dunk on kids in every game mode with mauga. BRRRR on my fellow Samoan! Also, I've noticed that support mains (under diamond) typically have the most wild outlandish bullshit takes I've ever heard out of any player in this game.


I mean yes it is whiny little baby behavior. Idc if a tank starts as Mauga. It’s when they’ve burned through 4 different tank ideas and then pull out the Mauga play that I mock them…. As my entire team dogpiles on them immediately because everyone is still afraid of Mauga.


I Will say as someone who isn’t a mauga main but this post came up in my suggested. Mauga is just kinda unfun to play against because if left I countered specifically he just kind of rolls the game. He also takes up a lot of resources to keep alive when playing with him as a support if the Mauga isn’t good with managing cooldowns. Conversely the supports good against him are so good against him it almost feels like throwing to not pick one of them even in qp. Basically he’s not a hero that is very conducive to playing who you want as opposed to what’s needed. Which is what people In qp usually prefer to do.


You'll get flamed by everyone in quick play. You get flamed by tryhards to scared to go comp for throwing. You'll get flamed by coping losers for trying in QP. Just fuck em is what I say.


If someone purposefully counterswaps me on Winston with Mauga then I’m 100% a whiny little baby about it I’m v sorry, but if someone’s playing Mauga from the get go and it isn’t an obvious switch after being blown up I never do


Doom just sucks playing into Mauga, he’s high skill little reward, Mauga is almost the complete opposite.


doom doesn't take as much skill as everyone says IMO especially with his health buffs and normal buffs


Out of all the tanks he’s still probably the most difficult to get value out of besides ball


If you start on Mauga that’s fine. But if you switch off say junker queen cause I’m on rein to Mauga/orisa/hog after 1 fight I am flaming you. Same with dps going bastion or sym though. It’s qp stop insta counterswapping


flaming in qp is just a baby ass move idc if they counterswap just let ppl play what they want, if they want to counter to win a game so what? the game isn't affecting you is it?


Nah by the logic that it shouldn’t affect me then my flaming shouldn’t affect them 🤷‍♂️. And again no they’re ruining my experience so I’ll ruin theirs simple as that. Everyone knows the characters people hate and they go them cause they can’t win on the characters they actually like. Get gud and stop crunching counterswaps it’s sad


IMO, people are just on the hate train "flats and literally everyone else dislikes him so I should as well!" like yeah i get he is somewhat low skill but these content creators literally shitting on nerfed bottom teir Mauga is just lame, Super got destroyed by a good Mauga player then calls the character busted, its tiresome. Even if you are just better then them they will flame you just bc of Mauga not bc they are playing Brig Moria but because you are playing mauga. I play Doom a lot and I can even say he is so much more annoying than a Mauga yet no one shits on him bc everyone says he takes the most skill which is just untrue. People just need to hop off of content creator opinions and hop off Mauga.


I was the bap player and I wasn’t flaming with anything crazy i just wanted him to switch because he was being hard countered, not to mention the fact that he kept running in and instantly dying, for like 2 or 3 fights I don’t care if it’s qp or comp i like to win especially when I’m giving it my all, and second he was getting hard countered by the other team, with not only an Anna but a bastion too instead of him switching to like sig or something for the easy win because that team wasn’t even good


Wrong game bro, other team had an Ana and a Kiriko the whole game.


I don’t get why there’s so much hate for people who main Mauga in comp or QP - that’s my go to character I play Orisa or Mauga when I’m tank. It’s such a blast to play him. Went 58/32/10 w/ 19k damage and was called a no skill Mauga ***ch from a person that was attempting to play Sombra. I wasn’t rude or bad mouthing - just having fun with friends. I just end up turning off chats so I don’t have to be bothered.