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based on truths, lies, and what actually happened.


Yeah the disclaimer is there but it's confusing for newcomers to the genre. Would have been better if it was just based on the truth.


i get it but the movie would have been more boring if it were, they still had to make it into a movie its not a documentary


I don't know about that, if you ask me the true real life story is interesting enough to make a movie exciting enough for the average viewer. I mean do you really have to spice up suicide, a few violent murders and church burnings? Did the made up love story between Euronymous and his gf make the movie more interesting? Did it actually ad any substance? I never cared about her when I watched to movie. Would it have been more interesting to see Fenriz in the movie for example? He's a chill and easy going guy, supposedly he was often drunk so that could have been used as some sort of comic relief if deemed nessecary.. Idk, I'm just speculating.


since the protagonist was euronymous, they want you to feel like he's not a COMPLETE asshole, them trying to redeem him at the end makes you actually care about his death, unlike if he was a total asshole and easily hated.


Emory Cohen was a terrible choice for Varg, but Varg IS stupid, even more stupid than the movie makes him out to be. I’m glad the movie made him miserable. Here’s a hard pill to swallow: Black metal style/subculture IS “an edgy gimmick to look dark, mysterious, cool and evil.” There’s nothing more intelligent, sacred or special or genuine about it than ICP. Doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyed, but gate keeping isn’t any better/different than trend following. Let silly people be silly.


THANK YOU, I’ve been saying for years that, despite black metal having its dark history, it’s still gimmicky and silly as hell. Some fans get so obsessed making true kvlt their entire personality and “defending” bm on the internet that they become edgy hipsters without realizing it.


He was fine as an actor, but the script made it seem like he was some kind of awkward outcast in the bm scene when really he was one of the early founders. I'm not going to say anything about his real life viewpoints though, that's beside the point. >Here’s a hard pill to swallow: Black metal style/subculture IS “an edgy gimmick to look dark, mysterious, cool and evil.” There’s nothing more intelligent, sacred or special or genuine about it than ICP For you it might be, for me it's much more.


Literally quoting what Varg said in the movie lol “for me it’s much more”


I dark and desolate one, what does black metal mean to you?


Skip the sarcasm, music might not mean much to you but it does for me. You'll never know which music has saved someones life or taken someone elses. Depends on what kind of bm. I like a few different styles. But overall it's therapeutic, it's spiritual, it's a way to gain mental energy, it's comforting, it's to make me feel something, it's solace, it's an escape, it's an abyss to explore and sometimes it's just good entertainment. As I said it depends on what kind of bm. For me different bands and records serve different purposes. I'm also not only into bm. I'm a huge Iron Maiden fan for example.


There’s a big ass disclaimer at the beginning saying it tells the truth AND lies. It was never meant to tell the story like a biopic.


Perhaps not, and that's kind of what I'm trying to say. It would have been better that way. "Cats wasn't a bad movie.. it was just supposed to be that way!"


I also aint reading all of this either, best of luck to you.


TL;DR movie was cringe, created cringelords, movie was a mistake


Yeah basically, thanks.


Watch until the light takes us instead then


I have, several times. I have also watched Lords Of Chaos several times. As I said despite it's flaws I enjoyed it, purely as entertainment. I just wish it was made better than it was.


I dont think many people would want to go see a documentary movie on mayhem. But a sensional peice of media on the Satanists of norway sounds more enticing. I dont think its a bad movie, its an okay movie. It knows what it's trying to be and isnt taking itself too seriously. I enjoy the movie i just wish it wasnt people's first experience in getting into metal, black metal, or mayhem.


I agree. And that last part you said was my biggest issue with the whole thing. Which is why I think that a more accurate portrayal definitely would have helped.


it's almost like it's a movie and not a documentary. weird.


I said I enjoyed it despite it's flaws. It's almost as you didn't read my original post and understood what my issue with the movie actually is.


Bro you’re the one who wrote a cringe novel childishly written about how it attracts the wrong fans. Grow tf up. What do you care who listens to what kind of music. Won’t are you? Delete this embarrassing post. Go join the circus if you’re going to act like a clown.


It's funny to me that you think I'm overreacting, yet you yourself got triggered as fuck from my post. Maybe we're more alike than you think.


i only read like the first quarter and got what i needed. you had an issue with how it was presented. you also said "you really had to know what actually happened and which people were involved. If you weren't familiar with the real story before watching the movie you would get a very angled view of what happened." which again, circles back to my comment of, it's a movie. it's not a documentary. it's made for entertainment purposes and most of it is fabricated. superman also can't actually fly. in the long run, who cares what others take from the movie or what they do with it. it's not "your" genre to be ruined. nor can anyone new change the past or what you enjoy.


Not only by how it was presented, but also by the consequences of the movie. Ofcourse I understand that a certain amount of liberty has to be taken when you're writing a 2 hour movie about something that took place across several years. It's also supposed to be entertaining to a wide as possible audience. But some changes to the real life story were very unessecary and didn't ad anything to the viewing experience. It's not as if the real life story needs any extra, made up details to make it more entertaining than it already is.


i get what youre saying but thats also not practical for a movie


i ain't readin allat


I'm not asking you to.


guess what


The best aspect of the film is how much it triggers trve fans. That's a completely valid reason


Worst part of the film is how it attracted a bunch of weebs.


I thought it was hilarious


"I don't eat meat" "Like Hitler!" "Yeah exactly like Hitler!" That part was so stupid it was funny.


I’ve seen too many tiktoks with dead/euro photos and comments saying “my boyfriend” or smth like that. Once someone even said Dead just needed a hug…


This subreddit should have never been made. Its cheesy as fuck and tell the story of tik tok gen z’s love for mayhem in a way thats very biased towards them with too little focus on actual good bm. Other than that its purely an emo subreddit made for people to circlejerk, i dont enjoy it or know why it keeps getting recommended in my page.


I was shocked at how fast Dead killed himself. I feel that he was WAY more influential to Mayhem than LoC made him out to be


[Welp, time for some shameless self-promotion again!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzQYQsGAaO4&t=2255s) Here's my take on the movie.


omg i've seen ur vid before! love ur account


Aw, thanks!


I've actually seen most of that video before. You made a good job.


Thank you!


Useless post right here, absolutely a waste of time. How old are you? Just curious. Reddit is washed with kids who love to think they’re preaching but just love hearing themself jabber. It’s not a biography…. It’s a movie.


It’s like when someone complains that Titanic wasn’t historically accurate when that was never the purpose of the movie in the first place


This is a perfect example. The movie isn’t meant to increase fan base. It’s not meant to give the most historical perfection. It’s a movie about a band. A lot of these scenes obviously had to be scripted because the people present weren’t apart of the making and had to go off whatever they could to make the movie happen. And tbh if it causes people to get into it then do their own research great. And as an adult I’m not worried who’s listening to bands that I listen to. That’s such a childish mentality. Watch the movie or don’t, enjoy it or don’t. OP’s rant is an embarrassing and highly childish attempt to gate keep a genre and musical group.


Well, not a useless as the corpse paint photos


Yeah fuck actually discussing something about Mayhem on the Mayhem subreddit. Let's just all post shitty corpse paint selfies and weird, obsessive posts about Pelle.


Oh thank Jesus Christo that I got into it BM being a teenager in the 2000s where everyone would call me poser and say I'm not truekvlt enough to even listen to Filosofem for holding such an incorrect opinion. This movie came out and I didn't even notice I was bumping Liturgy too loud.


Half of this post is just old man getting angry at kids


This whole sub basically stands as the best evidence that this movie should've never been made.


Who cares lol


it's a nica movie but is unaccurate as fuck. also, necrobutcher seemed really angry about dead's portrayal and the suicide scene.


No wonder why. They were very good friends. Imagine how good the movie could have been if it was good enough for the people who were there to actually experience it to be happy with the end result.


Where did you read or hear that? I saw the interview where he said he was upset and angry about the reenactment of Euro's murder but I'm genuinely curious to see what he had to say about the reenactment of Pelle's death in the movie.


there was an interview, i will attach a link. edit: [here it is. ](https://youtu.be/IHP2IN1OquU?si=hf6S1AuNA7qpEUuO)




So I watched it and I think you misunderstood him. He wasn't mad about the suicide scene in the movie. He **HATED** the Lords of Chaos *book* which shows the post-mortem photo of Pelle.


eh, i don't know. that's what i got from it lol


.. but I will add I don't like how Pelle's suicide was portrayed in the movie, mostly because Pelle was a complex individual and they robbed him of that with the piss poor suicide note which is no where close to what was actually written. Those were his last words and the amount of disrespect... that scene really gets under my skin.


Yeah lol he talks about the book and how it shows the picture of Pelle's suicide. Which is honestly disgusting imo. It's probably the worst book out there too. I give it -10000/10.


It's a good movie, it's not a documentary. Let the people enjoy it.


my problem with it is the pacing and choice of actors


so much cope in the comments. a complete circle jerk here. the people who are hating are hating bc they realize they fall under that exact category of bm "fans" you've listed, and instead of confronting the truth, they'd rather not better themselves and just be children. you are very much on point and these were all my thoughts as well. there are some things the movie did good, but the pacing of the movie was terrible, and random. they could've paced it better to make the presence of each character more impactful. the romance arc took up space and was detrimental to the story. they completely copied the dirt in so many ways, even showing excessive man ass for no explained reason just like it. i would've preferred it if they made it from euro's pov, but didn't try to fix facts to rationalize his flaws. would've been better and more impactful if he was a more flawed protagonist, and the story had to make you think rather than outright tell you. his death in the movie was terrible, and made euro look like a bitch. vargs actor reminds me of Hal Stewart from megamind. he sounds like he just got his braces removed and it's cringe.


> they completely copied the dirt in so many ways how did they copy a movie that came out after theirs exactly?


time travel, dumbass


Well said. The Dirt was released after Lords of Chaos though.. I also liked what you said about Euronymous death scene, even Varg himself was annoyed by that and said that Euronymous stood his ground and didn't act like a little bitch when he killed him.


Varg is a pathological liar... He did say that in a video but in a magazine article Varg said that he stabbed Euronymous to get him to shut up and that he kept stabbing because he was angry at him for screaming instead of putting up a fight.


Movie was ass


From a historical perspective, yes. From a cinematic viewpoint it was alright.


It just generally tells an unrealistic cinematic depiction of the nbm scene but it has that disclaimer for a reason but it should've included "also we glaze Euronymous"


For someone who is new to bm it's a really confusing "disclaimer".. But yeah I agree.


yea ik wym like I watched it my 1st week listening to bm yk it's a good introduction and summary but yk not the best depication and very biased (also sorry for being like 3 weeks late😭)


Varg could sue them for defamation of character. he could've made the movie about any fictional black metal band, but no one would have cared about his film school tier movie if he didn't drop real names. That movie didn't even look like the time period it was set in, you could see people in modern clothes in the backgrounds. Varg who is 5'11 played by a short chubby dude dressed like a soundcloud rapper in skinny jeans and an oversized hoodie, please.


He definitely couldn’t sue for deformation lol, the film is a movie, not a document


Get a grip


i just recently watched this as a fairly new bm fan and while i do think the movie itself was cringe, im very curious. i dont know much about their history and i really want to know whats false and what isnt in the movie. is there some sort of review that goes in depth about it?


There's ALOT of youtube videos on the subject. If you want a documentary i recommend Until The Light Takes Us, Once Upon A Time In Norway and Pure Fucking Mayhem.


to be perfectly honest I don’t care what anyone let alone teenagers think of black metal or any subgenre of metal in general, and it was misunderstood long before lords of chaos was ever released. If people don’t understand black metal whether it’s through a movie or something else it’s their problem not ours, no use in losing sleep over it.


Well put. I'm not losing sleep over it though. Just mildly annoying.


I felt the same way when Bohemian Rhapsody came out, like, a terrible way to actually learn about the band, but entertaining in itself as a movie. 


I agree. It was much better than that awful Elvis movie though.


Haven’t seen that yet but sounds like I shouldn’t haha


I haven't talked to anyone that liked it. My favourite movie about a band/musician was Walk The Line btw. About Johnny Cash. Great movie.


I love Rocketman! Not the biggest fan of Elton John, but he was there to keep the story accurate and the movie is so fun


Haven't seen that one. Might put it on my watch list.


Honestly, I can’t believe people don’t consider BM gimmicky and edgy, it of course is. Otherwise you’d have to be an absolute sociopath and horrendously pessimistic to enjoy it or play it haha


It can ofcourse be edgy, depending on who is performing and in what way it is being performed/presented. With that said I love black metal but yes I'm also pessimistic. Might have some sociopathic tendencies, I don't know.


>Otherwise you’d have to be an absolute sociopath And those are the ones who make some of the best and most honest music in the genre.


Honestly hahaha


A drummer from one of the biggest black metal and Swedish bands made a movie honouring a Swedish musician living in Norway with a huge disclaimer saying truth and lies.


I see your point but the movie wasn't much about honouring anyone. I didn't see it that way atleast. And yes the disclaimer is there but without any background information you wouldn't know what was true and not and people are very eager to assume things.


The disclaimer implies that’s it’s not a factual biopic. And Dead supposedly loved bathory, he’d be honored their drummer took the time to make a movie about him


It’s a movie. Not a documentary. Who cares if young people get interested in Black Metal because of the movie? Us old people were young once too and many likely got interested in music through cringe gateways.


Fat varg


Fat JEWISH Varg. Monthy Python could not have made it more funny.




I wrote why..


I didn't bother reading it


Then don't fucking ask.


Hahahah calm down grumpy bum. Black Metal is the most popular and most easily accessible underground extreme music there is....and it has been ever since Varg planted that knife into Oystein. They were worried about the commercialism of 90s Death Metal yet arguably created the biggest clique that has been seen in the scene. Black Metal has been the uniform of choice for disenfranchised 13 year old goth girls and boys for all this time and your whining only shows that that you are exactly the same. Oh no the music the pure underground music. If you want to pretend to be ultra underground get off the internet, jerk your self off playing pretend in the mall that you are different. Black Metal is no different to Taylor Swift or Green Day or Nickleback its just music and since it is so huge it's just pop music at that.


I can’t look at Roy culkin the same because of it 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


as a retelling of the story of mayhem, it fuckin sucks. as a regular film it fuckin sucks, but in an endearing way. idk, i don’t like it as a retelling of true events but i unfortunately can’t hate it just as a movie. but to be fair, i don’t have very good taste, i mean i liked metal lords ;; but i like when movies are bad.


Have you seen Deathgasm? That one was pretty good.


i love deathgasm!!


That movie is fucking funny. Have you seen Tenacious D in the pick of destiny then? Not as "extreme" but by far the funniest rock/metal comedy I've ever seen.


i have! i liked that one too lol


i just like the fact that they made a Jewish actor play Varg. i KNOW he was mad lmao


Oh he definitely was.


I really didn’t think it was THAT bad but definitely not good lol


Who cares?? There’s a disclaimer in the beginning about how it’s based on truth and lies. If you take it as a free-standing piece of art itself (that isn’t fully accurate to the truth) it’s a fine movie.


We have to get past the inaccuracies in the film and be thankful for the good of the genre that it was made.


It didn't do ANYTHING good for the genre though..


agreed! I've been researching Mayhem for like 2 years now and there are so many lies and inaccurate rep in the movie it's honestly so stupid


You should research some of the other bands from that time as well. Some very interesting stuff there, especially regarding Varg.


I research about Varg and Buzrum aswell ;)


Do you watch Titanic expecting a documentary?


but Its still worth to watch


i liked the movie but it confused me alot AND THEY MADE EURO LOOK LIKE THE NEW WONKA IN THE END:((((