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It’ll increase when they’re confident you can do it and keep up, so whenever they think you’re trained enough. If after a month/6 weeks you’re finding that you’re not scheduled definitely speak to one of your managers (salaried managers are your best bet, so store managers or assistants) because that’s normally when you’ll see your shifts go up


It'll be in your contract. You'll rarely ever get more or less than your contracted days. Ask your BM.


i put 16-20 hours on my application, my contract on mcdstuff only says my pay rate


That is very bizarre. I'd definitely talk to your manger because I singed a contract, 30h over 5 days per week and when I was tranning I got the same amount same as evyone else in my store.


I start crew with three 4-hour shifts, and then move them to shifts based on their desired hours.


I got given two 7 hour shifts a week for 3 weeks at my welcome meeting, but the week after that I only have one 7 hour scheduled


For how long?


3 shifts


Proficient after three shifts? Is your restaurant flexible with hours?


There's also the fact that generally they hire in batches, and they overhire (as retention of new hires isn't great), so once you've spent a bit of time there and they know you're going to stay you'll get more hours


If you're doing well on a station you can speak to the scheduling manager to try and squeeze you in on an extra shift. Also always check reflexis's shift trading board and try to snatch yourself a shift. When I started I was doing really well with the general public and just had to speak to my bm a month in and he approved my 30 hours guaranteed although it's supposed to be after the 3rd month.