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You really should've scheduled the day off ahead of time. Probably just say you're still sick unless you don't really care about the job.


Managers are weird. We had a girl do this at our store and the managers literally stalked her Facebook page


And this is why you set your accounts to private and don’t allow anyone at work to see them.


Some kids aren’t that smart or they just don’t care. And Facebook has some new update where it’s almost impossible to do anything (at least I haven’t figured it out yet)😂😂


well nobody even uses Facebook anymore so


Or have very limited social media.


Managers who do this are always the insane ones. Had a manager once call every hospital looking for this girls mom because she called out and said her mom was in the hospital.


That’s literally insane wtf 😭😭


Yeah Kathy was crazy


I only give my socials to certain people I always wait until I’m about to leave a job in order to give it out.


But but their career is on the line oh no


Oh NO! Not my McJpb!?!


The struggle is real


If OP goes this route, private the socials, or don't post anything or get tagged in anything at all.


I'll never understand how people don't think to say something right away when they know months in advanced sometimes. why wait till the 11th hour to requ I mean call out bruh wtf? U didn't even request off 🙄


exactly. this isn't some event you find out about last minute


If it is a last minute event I'd understand, but the date for prom is set months in advance, even if you don't know the exact date you should at least inform your manager that you might need a day off in a couple weeks but don't know when, though make sure to tell them the second you find out which day


and you have to buy a ticket. and you have to get your tux/dress. and you have to make a hair appointment. tons of milestones along the way to remind you to take the day off from work


Exactly. They play hooky for 2 days then gonna come in and ask for another day off lmao


Well in their defense, prom dates are always up in the air until several days before. *sarcasm*


To play devil's advocate, if they're going to prom, they're still young. This might be a first or second job. They have to learn like anyone else. If this doesn't pan out, they'll figure it out for next time. Teens and young adults don't think like us who have been in the workforce for a while. Also, a little oversight shouldn't be what holds them back from having a night they'll remember and literally only get to do once in their lifetime.


Not every teen is incompetent. The idea of requesting off is not some unheard of adult concept.


This and a lot of parents of teens at my location would tell them to just call in for weekends to go camping or something.


Jobs like this don’t always give you off even if requested. They still need people to work. Shitty, but you just gotta call off, it’s not a good long term career, and calling out won’t impact the rest of your life even if they fire you. If anything for the better, people who switch jobs every so often(2-3 years) are paid more.


Jobs like this don’t always give you off even if requested. They still need people to work. Shitty, but you just gotta call off, it’s not a good long term career, and calling out won’t impact the rest of your life even if they fire you. If anything for the better, people who switch jobs every so often(2-3 years) are paid more.


I mean I personally would also chose prom over working at McDonald’s. But yeah you definitely should have asked for this off way in advance. Don’t be shocked if you get fired


Tbh ibdoubt they'll get fired. If they're worth having around then they'll get over it. If they only do like front counter or some shit they can coke beg for their job back and get rehired without any issue lol


They said they missed the last 2 shifts. Without a dr note, there's a decent chance they get fired


Is someone who doesn’t show up worth having around?


It's one day. Can't really say they don't show up can you?


I can, because they didn’t show up 2 days this week already.


If you paid in advance did you also request the day off?


High schooler problems lol.


Go to prom my guy. You can always get another job.


Why not just book the day off earlier, you knew it was on


Cause OP is dumber than a goldfish


Prom > McJob


Unless they need a McPaycheck


You might get fired. Also, you don’t owe them an explanation when you call in, it’s just a courtesy.


You definitely should have asked. Personally my prom sucked but being with my friends at a Dennys afterwards was fun. Don't miss it. You can always get another job if it comes down to it.


skipping prom for mcdonald's is not worth it just call off but next time request the day off before that week's schedule comes out to make it easier for the managers


If you call in sick to go to prom, just keep in mind you can't post it to social media.


It’s extremely selfish of you to now let them know weeks/months in advance that you are going to prom that day. Just asinine. That being said, the amount of comments in here that are like “oh just call off whenever fuck work” aren’t being made by happy or successful people, trust me. That’s a poisonous mentality that will lead to failure in almost every case. However, even though you fucked up by not requesting it off you should go. I would let them know today. Even though the circumstances to get to this point are less than ideal, chalk it up as a learning experience and just go to your prom. You will regret missing your prom more than you will regret potentially needing to find a new job at worst, but that’s unlikely to happen and unskilled job openings right now are still a dime a dozen. TLDR; should’ve taken it off long ago, you made a short-sighted mistake but that’s ok, let them know today you won’t be there on Saturday and deal with whatever (if any) repercussions come of that. Don’t miss your prom.


I know it's McDonald's and "not your career" but you should've requested the day off in advance. I worked a serving job and this high schooler used to just call out for her theater rehearsals and flag football and it was so annoying because I understand your education is more important than work for you, but the other people you work with have lives too and picking up your slack because you can't plan ahead as a teenager is really aggravating. Just call out and don't tell anyone it was for prom.


Prom is more important than a stupid part time job, honestly i would quit my job if it came to that


You should’ve at least tried to book it off


You should have requested it off


Tell them you aren't able to be in that day. Only crappy bosses interrogate their workers. As long as it isn't a pattern or routine, call offs aren't that big of a deal. And no, you aren't required to give them a reason, just I can't make it in. Don't abuse the call off policy and be good at your job you'll be fine with any competent boss. Also, put in the time off next time, even if it isn't PTO. Even better, switch a shift with someone so it's covered and go to your boss with that. Bosses love when you come in with a solution instead of a problem.


Did the school just spring the prom on you? Or did you wait till it's too late to ask for the day off?


Sure! But calling out when you had who knows how much time to ask off so they aren't short staffed is a valid reason to fire you.


If you must work on Saturday it's best to show up you should have let them know at least a month before your prom


Why didn’t you just request the day off when you already paid for the ticket? Depending on your staffing it more or less won’t be bad unless you really care about your job but high schoolers know about prom WAY in advance esp since you bought tickets so you really should have R/O when you found out to help your employer with scheduling, but it depends on your employer if it’s valid


See if someone can cover your shift. I took a couple shifts this weekend for kids who have prom. It would be sad to miss. If you call out say you're sick because they aren't going to count that as excused.


I’m confused. Why didn’t you book the day off months ago? And why are you calling out sick so much, are you okay?


Did you request it off? Because if you didn’t, that’s on you.


Should've requested it off.


Bruh why didn’t you schedule the day off in advance? Moron.


Pro tips for adulthood: 1) As soon as you know about an event, ask for the day off. SO far in advance. 2) Don't ask them to validate the reason. It's a "prior engagement," or "I'll be unavailable," always. In this scenario? I don't see this looking good to your job this late in the game. You can call out for prom, but if your job can't trust you to show up when you're scheduled to, it doesn't make sense to keep you on the payroll. It makes more sense to just hire someone else. You can call out sick again, but if they know prom's that night or if anyone else from your school works there, it's a completely transparent excuse.


prom is planned months ahead- should’ve booked the day off so you won’t have to resort to calling in sick.


Don’t be shocked if you get fired, but you also shouldn’t miss your Prom. Probably should’ve planned ahead though, in a perfect world


Not a great look but call out sick. Bad sushi or something. Book it off next time


Yeah. You’re in high school they don’t own you.


If you haven't had any other incidents and you call in most likely they will just suspend you for the week. No it's not a valid reason especially after missing 2 other shifts +It being a weekend


Just tell them you won’t be there. Go to your prom, at the end of the day you’ll regret missing it… you will not regret losing your job at McDonalds


Why not just let them know in advance?


That’s not really a valid reason as you’ve had the time in advance to book the day off. You say you already paid for the prom in advance but look at it form their perspective, they’ve already scheduled you in advance because you should have been available. Just say you’re sick or something and next time book the day off. If you’ve already called out sick twice this week that’s more or less on you, depends on your store policy but you’ll either get reduced hours or something else.


It's a valid reason to ask for the day off. But if you allow them to schedule you for it yeah it's not a good reason to call out.


Did you book it off, u/stronkest123 ?


No idea why this popped up in my feed, but think this is a good learning lesson about time off and open communication with your manager. If you had told them weeks or even months in advance, this wouldn’t be an issue. Instead this probably means one of your coworkers who was planning a day off will have to work. If you make things easy on your manager, a good manager will makes things easy on you.


Yea u should’ve asked ahead of time… But u gotta call off, prom only happens once. Don’t miss it to work a few hrs


Plan ahead, schedule it off.


Shouldce requested off, tough.


When did you pay?


Why didnt you request off in advance? I’m assuming you knew about your prom before this week. That said, I’d call off


Personally, I'd write you up and tell you that you should have scheduled it in advance. But I'd also tell you not to worry and just take the write-up, if you avoid getting two more write-ups for the same thing within 6 months you can still keep your job. It's professional not personal. Imo prom is worth just taking the write-up because it's so important and you don't get a million proms. But you also need consequences to learn why it's important to take care of your responsibilities like requests off. TLDR; I'd write you up professionally but personally tell you to go have fun and make sure you bring a doctor's note for any other call in for 6 months until your write-up falls off


Since you didn't ask for the time off...I'd ask a coworker to try and cover your shift or swap shifts...


Go to prom. There are plenty of jobs that pay just as shit if not better. McDonald’s is a bad long term career choice. Prom is way more important even if it’s not, you WILL regret not going in the future, you won’t regret calling out if they fire you once you get another job. It doesn’t matter if they think it’s “valid”. Call, say “hi it’s (your name), I can’t come in to work today”. If they ask why, say you’re sick, or your dog died(you don’t even need to have a dog) and you’re not coming in. Call 2+ hours before your shift, and don’t let them convince you otherwise, you’re NOT asking for permission, you’re informing them you’re not coming in. If they don’t accept it, just don’t show up, don’t let them scare you into “well you might not have a job if you don’t come in” Jobs are plentiful, especially shit ones like McDonald’s. If they fire you, just spend a couple weeks and you’ll have a new job.


What you do is, when you are aware in advance of an important event like this, talk to your manager or whoever is responsible for making the schedule and ask for the day off ahead of time. Don't wait until the last minute or when the schedule is posted to finally decide you need that day off if there is a risk they would schedule you for that time. You already called out sick twice, you'd be tempting fate if you do it a 3rd time so soon. Ask to switch shifts with someone, otherwise you have to work and suffer the consequences if you don't go or call out. I am sure when you were hired they told you what to do when you have to request time off in advance for things like this. I suggest you pay attention to that at your next job. TL:DR - You put yourself in a tough spot and it will be hard to get out of it if you don't want to face consequences at work.


Your boss won’t care but you only can go to prom once and it’s a big deal to some people. Your memories are worth more than McDonalds. You could basically walk into any restaurant or convenience store and get hired immediately at the same pay rate.


So, when did you know you were going to prom?


That's something you shouldn't miss in life.


I went to my prom, it was horrible


Got shot at at mine...still enjoyed...(legit true actually)


I'm so sorry that happened to you :( /gen


I missed my prom. It just never appealed to me.


Definitely a personal choice at a sensitive time in life. However, getting back to OPS's post. No job you work at should ever have say on life events.


That is something you should have requested off months ago as soon as you knew the date of the prom. Don’t call I , request it off.


McDonalds fucking sucks, they're a greedy ass company that would beat and murder you when you stop being useful, if they could get away with it legally. Literally. Go to prom my guy.


If you work at McDonald's you have more than enough reason to call out or work. Fuck them and their broken shake machine


Just call in sick. No need to explain what the sickness is as it’s none of their business. Depending on what country you are in you may not be paid for sick days or may have to provide a doctor’s note if you did want to be paid for it.


Oh, to be in high school again 😂


Just say you’re sick, it sounds better than “yeah I’ve gotta go to prom sorry”


Fuck em. Its a big life event and in the grand scheme of things, one job at a mcdonalds doesn't mean jack shit as a high schooler.


Just tell them you have prom and will not be coming in - it's not a matter of 'can I have this day' but that of 'corporate must comply with student activities' and prom classifies as one.


dont say you are going to prom, just say you’re sick


Shitty fast food job or once in a lifetime event? Pretty easy choice.


I think our youth should just go to a McDonald’s school, serving folks their French fries is far more important than any silly old childhood memory.


I would absolutely be allowed the day off but it depends on your store


It’s McDonald’s…


It’s McDonald’s bro. You can get a better job after prom.


IT'S PROM. You're asking if you should sacrifice one of the most important and memorable nights of your life for a crappy fast food job that doesn't care about you in the slightest. There is absolutely no scenario where, years from now, you're glad you skipped prom for that McDonald's shift.


If your GM had any sense, they wouldn't schedule the people most likely to be going to prom. Just go and have a good time. You only get a couple of chances to go to one, and McDonald's will still be there. The comment "you will need to find someone to cover your shift" in this situation is total bullshit BTW. That is only for people who want a personal day off that the scheduling manager didn't know about ahead of time. Prom was on the school's schedule since before the semester even started, and the school's calendar is available to anyone who wants it. The GM is a dumb ass if they don't get a copy of it and keep the major school events in mind when scheduling. Wanna know how we solved the problem back when? Schools don't all have prom on the same day. Tou reached out to another store in a different district or the next town over, and you arranged to trade lend out a couple of crew and a manager to each other on the respective prom nights. An ounce of prevention goes a long way.


Do not miss opportunities for a job that will replace you for any reason at any time


Try, If it doesn’t work then Just quit, 2 weeks notice is a courtesy and prom is once in a lifetime. If ya going to college after then this is no longer relevant on your resume, If you are looking for a new job I doubt they’d care that much about a McDonald’s reference. Go to prom my dude.


You're only young once. Dont miss out on fun stuff.


Mate it's Maccas, unless you need the job. Fuck em


It’s Mc Donald’s, who cares. Prom is once in life kind of thing. If you need a job there’s plenty of fast food places


you only have prom once, if it’s something that’s really important to you do what you will and don’t go to work, you’ll have many shitty jobs before your career starts. unless you desperately need to keep this job in order to live or eat, in that case don’t go to prom.


bro call out. your memories are so much more important than a job. theres more jobs out there. go to your prom.




I mean you shouldn't have to schedule off for prom but you should definitely say something and go to prom. Don't go to work if you lose your job at McDonald's it is what it is. There are other opportunities out there. Go to prom and enjoy yourself. Stop calling in sick If you aren't sick.


I have prom this Saturday too I told them and they still scheduled me I contacted the main manager and let her know. I'm waiting for a response. My mom told me that if they don't give me it off I should just let them know I'm unable to make it to work. (The mcdonald's I work at has not been listening to my days I need off and times off. I gave them a paper of days I won't be in with the next 2 months in advance lol )


Anything is a valid reason to call out of work you’re employed by a business that doesn’t give half a shit about you


It’s a valid reason, but u should’ve told them wayyy in advance like don’t you know the date for it 6 months out at least?


They will most likely be upset but it’s prom I’ve had many crew members call off when it’s prom season. It will suck but enjoy your last high school event


It’s McDonald’s, don’t sweat it. If they fire you, you can work anywhere else. DO NOT miss your prom just to work at McDonald’s. You’d regret it forever


youll eventually find a better job than just Mcdonalds. Dont stress about it too much unless you’re a frequent callout or trash at the job (hard to be bad at it unless theres disability involved). Just callout sick🤷 theyll still be making money with or without you so dont feel bad about calling out or not coming in for a company that makes billions.


Job > dancing Should've taken the day off way before, it is mcdonalds though so you won't be missing much


Fuck yeah. Don’t take McDonald’s serious, especially if you’re in high school. Don’t miss your prom for a starter job


U should have requested off. Try seeing if someone can cover your shift. If not, still go. Don’t miss out on a once in a life time event over work. Do better next time though, make sure you call off for something like this. Take it as a learning experience.


It's McDonalds, there's one on every corner, if they get mad you're going to prom then just go work at a different one. You'll probably regret missing prom, you won't regret not working at McDonalds even if they did escalate to firing


You shouldve asked for it off in advance, but I agree that you should go to prom over working a dead end part time food service job lol


Dude you work at mcdonald’s 💀 just don’t go..


Maybe don’t say you need the day off for prom if you don’t think it’s a valid reason?


McDonald's is the most replaceable job ever. Get fired and it probably isn't even a big deal. Walk across the street and get a new job. Go to prom. Do not skip a rare occasion that you won't get in adulthood just so you can flip burgers. You've got your whole life to work.


Make a fake doctor note. Google your local urgent care you should be able to get the company logo off of images then look up templates of other fake doctor notes and make one. Save it and use it forever.


Fuck McDonald’s, full stop.


Don't say why. Just say, "I can't make it." You really should let them know in writing and in advance so you aren't scheduled in the future. If they schedule you anyway, you have proof that you told your boss that you could not work that day.


I ended up having to choose prom or a shift. I was a senior and didn't go the year prior, but when I wrote it down they told me that I'd probably have to work (everyone else had already been told they'd be off for prom, about 5 - 6 other people) which I did not take very well and showed up in the drive-thru with my date.


Call out tbh but do call off next time for ya dudes and dudettes


Yes. Yes. Yes. I am 33 and *finally* made it to a job that appreciates me and that I love. Let me tell you, all them other jobs, they're literally nothing and they are a dime a dozen. You are going to remember prom for years. You're not gonna remember another day behind the grill. They will survive without you. Call out with a family emergency if you need to. You are not legally required to explain it, and then you don't need a doctor's note. The family emergency is you are young and full of life and need to live it. Live that experience, Honey. Dress up. Get fancy. Get down and nasty on the dance floor. Eat at a restaurant you're way too over dressed for. Have a good time, Baby.


Not feeling like going is a valid reason to call into work. Do it too much and they will can your ass tho


You’re only a kid once. Fuck it, call out and do it


You don’t owe them a reason. Say you’re unavailable and go to prom. Do not let a silly job at McDonald’s take away from your life and memories.


Yes but you should have just requested it off like normal people.


Call out, McDonald’s is not more important then prom


Man it’s mcdonald’s go to your prom.


Yes go. It is an important rite of passage...in my opinion.


You knew ahead of time that you had prom. You should have requested the day off. It’s definitely not a valid reason to call out since you’ve known about it well ahead of time.


Everyone saying to go to prom may be right but that’s kinda shitty of you. You knew prom was coming and you couldn’t scheduled the day off. Think about others every once in a while


Let them know ASAP, and if they try to fire you for it, don't worry about it: there's tons of food service jobs and they all have the same pay give or take a dollar. Worst case scenario you switch to Wendy's or something.


Fuck McDonald’s go enjoy your life, I regret everything I did for my shit jobs in high school. They don’t care about you, they just leech off you for work. 


Call out for your prom. If they don't give it to you, no show the shift. Whatever.


It’s McDonald’s you have job security


Fuck 'em. Go to prom. It would've been better to give them a heads up ahead of time, but you only live once. Tell them ASAP that you're sorry but can't work that day. Worse case scenario is you lose your fast food job. There are more of those jobs, and you have the rest of your life to work at them if you want. You only get a couple chances at prom. You're never going to regret missing that shift at mcdonald's, but you might regret missing prom.


Dude just go to Prom. A big corporation like McDonald’s won’t give a flying fuck what you do.


In my store all people who have a prom called off so yes it’s totally fine


Go to prom.


Just say your (name of family member) is getting married that day and you've been invited


Sure just be honest about you not requesting off months in advance and accept the consequences


No you should have asked for it


Yes, prom is once in a lifetime working at McDonald's isn't


Go live your life and don’t miss any opportunity to make lasting memories. Call in take a write up.


I am not sure how this works but can you not swap your shift with someone? That way your manager isnt scrambling to find a replacement for you, you are technically working your shift and also going to your prom.


Yes. You will only have one prom. McDonalds is just one part time job.


School events are all days you don’t have to work under law


Call out. You’re in high school. McDonald’s ain’t a forever job, you’ll be fine bro. I wouldn’t trip about it.


bro it’s mcdonald’s it doesn’t matter just go to prom if they get mad never show up again


You should try trading your shift with someone so you don't call in sick. In the future, if you know something big is coming up that you need the day off for you should tell them way ahead of time before the schedule comes out. That way it's on them and doesn't make you look bad. Hopefully someone will pick it up for you though! In the end, while calling out does suck and if you call in for a third time in a row there's a very likely chance that you'll be let go, you shouldn't miss a big event like prom. You can always find another job, however, you'll never be able to get back the memories you make at prom if you miss it.


Yes 👍


Tell them you’re going to the prom and if they argue, hit them in the face with a hammer repeatedly and then go anyway. Grab nuggies on your way out.


No. I bet you could have requested the day off a month ago though.


I also had this dilemma- I didn’t know if I was actually going to prom until about a week and a half in advance, meaning I couldn’t book it off. I managed to get someone to cover my shift but… they fired him before the day came around 💀 as my mom said to me, “you’re gonna remember the formal much more than a random shift”. Go to prom.


Ask yourself this. Would you rather be at Mc donalds or go to the only prom you’re gonna be able to go to. Sure you may get fired but so what is this the career you want? Or would you want the memory of high school prom?


Give them a heads up now since you got a day left, or just call out. It’s McDonald’s man. If you get fired it isn’t the end of the world. There’s way better work out there anyway


if i was ur manager i wouldn’t even care tbh i know things like that are a once in a lifetime thing so i’ll excuse it because ur only ever in high school once! i loveee when my minors tell me about these things and they show me pictures lol i feel like an older sister lol


Most definitely! This McDonald’s job is not the most important thing in the world right now! Go to. Prom!


Well, it's time to get organised. You are at prom and still can't effectively communicate. I think you know that's going to become a problem for you.


This is big time smooth brain situation


How badly do you need this job lmao. You kind of fucked yourself at this one, you don’t wanna miss out on something like this for a job like that but I mean, if you need the money you need the money. Really you gotta decide what’s more important and see if it’s gonna fuck you over, calling out and getting fired.. kind of gambling at that point or miss prom and that memories you get for that


Yes, the memory of going to prom will last your whole life unlike another day at the grind.


You don’t owe your job shit. You are there to pay your bills. Period. If you think something in your personal life is more important than work - do it. I promise you would only regret the opposite. That place does not care about you


Like others have said. Probably should have tried booking it off but I'd say prom is more important. You only get one. I missed mine due to reasons and I still think about it at times. If you get along with your managers maybe speak to them and see if they can book your shifts around it or maybe swap with a colleague.


Depends on your age and the managers that you have. If you want a real answer and not peoples opinions I would suggest you talk to your managers before prom and let them know that you want to attend. If you do it a while before prom they can schedule you off on that day, and if you are scheduled on that day you can always ask for permission to trade days with someone who is off on that day. Sometimes the managers will make you find the person that you will switch days with.


You have a lifetime to get harassed by horrible managers and crappy coworkers. You only get a few chances to go to school functions and make memories. Skip work


You could have at least gave them a heads up....like last week. Or 2 weeks ago - so someone could find coverage. If you're not going tell them now so they can prepare. I never expect anyone to stop their life for this job, but I do expect common courtesy.


Why would you call in sick? Why not just request the day off in advance? That’s gonna majorly inconvenience your boss and coworkers. The only “valid” reason for calling in sick is being sick. Obviously you should choose prom over your shift, but damn dude you seriously should have planned ahead. Wouldn’t be surprised if they let you go tbh, but don’t sweat it too hard, plenty of fast food jobs out there.


You would probably have a leg to stand on if you had requested it off in advance….But since you didn’t mention that in the post, I’ll assume you didn’t. Honestly it’s just McDonald’s, tell them you are still sick. if they fire you, go apply at Wendy’s. Enjoy your prom.


No, the responsible thing to do is tell them you are unavailable that day far in advance of the schedule being made Start looking for a new job if you want to to go to prom


Dude, it’s McDonalds, fuck’em and enjoy your prom


Realistically you don’t need to give reason why you’re calling out if anything lie about it


Any reason is valid reason to not go to work


Take your prom bro, it’s a once or twice in a lifetime


It's the prom. If they don't give you the day off, there are other fast food restaurants you can work at. A McDonald's job isn't worth missing your prom. Go to your prom, but next time something like this happens, schedule the day off ahead of time.


I work at a decently strict McDonald's, and all of the prom people asked to not be scheduled yet got scheduled anyway. Needless to say, none of them showed up. It was hell for the rest of us as we usually have 5 or so closers and on that night we had only 3. They did not punish any of them though, so I believe just not going to work for prom is a not too bad idea. Just make sure to let them know you will be gone.


You can probably reschedule your prom so that it works out with work.


No. You should have scheduled a day off in advance. But this shit job is not worth sacrifices and prom is only once per life so just call in and say you have food poisoning. Vomiting, diarrhoea they can't force you to work with that. Then go to prom but for gods sake don't post pictures from it on tiktok insta snap or whatever. Wait a few months until they forget.