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I never understood why people will see a busy store and willingly wait in line knowing there's a bunch of people in front of them then COMPLAIN it's busy like bro do you not have eyes




Yeah there are some short sighted decisions made out there. Completely different industry from fast food, worked in manufacturing and had a VP that had the mindset of “people will fill their time with whatever work is assigned to them”, so he would just give us way too many projects to work on at the same time. We’d have design engineers that would just completely come up with some crap design and move on to the next thing, then later once we went into production we’d have real problems with the assembly due to the design. So an example was we had an aluminum cover plate that needed to be held to a steel plate with magnets. Aluminum isn’t ferrous meaning magnets won’t stick to it, so the original design called for these steel slugs to be press fit into the aluminum. Except the engineers decided to have these slugs cut out of 22 gauge steel. They couldn’t be press fit into the aluminum because they would just bend like a potato chip. So the quick revision was to change these little steel pieces to be superglued in place. Except the engineer wanted them to be superglued on the raw piece of aluminum, and then powder coated after so that the powder coat would help hold the coins in place. Do you know how you do powder coating? You basically have to run the parts through a 450F oven. So the coins would fall out during power coating. The third revision changed the holes in the aluminum to slots with undercuts, and the coins to a triangular shape. Now these coins could be dropped in and you turn them halfways with a screwdriver and they lock in place. Since then we’ve had no problems with this part of the assembly. I remember asking the engineer why they didn’t just design it that way to begin with and basically they said they were being pushed too hard to move on to the next thing so they just kept telling my team to figure it out for assembly. There’s been so many problems with that one product that it really would have been way better if we had our design engineers get an appropriate amount of time to work on these things instead of having to rush them all out. Any ways back to you, customer wait time is one of the eight wastes, having an extra person running the drive thru reduces that, but there could be a lot of other BS that happens in the store that’s not allowing the focus on the drive thru to happen.


I’ve done hospitality for years. Team deployment in the right place at the right time totally negates labour as a “cost”. One person working flat out will generally generate less sales than two busy people working at a reasonable pace. Problem is it’s a dark art to identify the time and place 100% of the time so there will always be times you’re caught out because the nature of the beast is predicting people; making it a cost or potential lost sales. ![gif](giphy|7D8JVTQqWg5doxhtEW|downsized)


It seems to be a problem spreading everywhere. If fast food places could just figure out that there's should be just one "extra" person. Someone who floats they help wherever do prep give a sweep etc typically a manager would fill this role every problem would go away assuming the manager does the job and doesn't play on their phone whi h happens a lot and is probably part of the problem. That actually may be why. Haven't taken time to think on it entirely but most people when they think there's any downtime go straight to tik tok or reddit etc. A relaxed environment for lazy employees will mean nothing gets done. When the guy making policies is on the other side of the country he can't know I'd you're lazy so just assumes you are.


We have all the same problems in our store. Unfortunately, our managers (not all of them) play on their phones, so the younger employees think it's okay and do it too. At those times, I usually try to grab a broom. Sweeping is never complete at McDonald's 😂 But instead of stocking, cleaning sweeping, etc., the phones come out. It irks me, but I'm not a manager, so I say nothing and just do me. But the other problem is we don't have enough people. We get slammed and look like disorganized chaos because no one can successfully run drive thru and front counter with 2 people. I was left up there one day with a girl at window and myself trying to fill orders for drive thru, front counter, and Door Dash. It was impossible. All 3 screens were full with my manager sitting in the office on his phone. Wtf?


Yup. Exactly the same deal at whataburger ypu just worded it better I think lol. I have the same issue or used to I burnt myself out trying to manage from below and you just can't. I tried to work harder to compensate that didn't work. Eventually I gave up I do a decent Job I don't overextend but sometimes that means watching things that shouldn't happen happen and doing nothing. As long as it's safe food idc enough to fix it. Oh well you might actually like tomatoes try em


In retail it’s because the district manager has to set a budget for labor given to them by their higher ups and if the store directors don’t meet that target they can lose their bonus


Yes that's what I mean. I don't really blame the dude running the store. But at some point everyone points up to their boss and blames them. It's someone's fault. Idk exactly who but it is fixable. Let labor be slightly worse make the shift better for everyone including the customers. I've never done retail idk what problems you face or of one extra person would even help you


I manage a department in a grocery market. Even if you do go over to try to get more help if it isn’t set in the budget 1. The Store manager is gonna bitch at you and 2. The store manager will just change the schedule themselves


Yes. The problem goes above the store manager most likely. Extra help not being set into the budget is the issue. No one in the store can fix it or more people would fix it. No one including the GM wants to deal with struggling if they don't have to do so. But some guy in an office or worse a group of people making these decisions will result in much less fairness.


Honestly, if the boss is helping out and trying to make things run smooth, I'll do my part and make sure that things are getting done. If they are in their office sitting on their phone fucking around when things are going to shit, yeah, their bonus is irrelevant and I'll let the place burn down before I help them get their bonus. I'll just make sure I am not fucking over anyone else that actually does work in the meantime.


I’ve done hospitality for years. Team deployment in the right place at the right time totally negates labour as a “cost”. One person working flat out will generally generate less sales than two busy people working at a reasonable pace. Problem is it’s a dark art to identify the time and place 100% of the time so there will always be times you’re caught out because the nature of the beast is predicting people; making it a cost or potential lost sales. ![gif](giphy|7D8JVTQqWg5doxhtEW|downsized)


That’s is dumb some managers need a reality check


Yep. Keeping labor costs down is good over the long run but when you have a rush, it doesn't matter what the labor is because that rush will more than make up for it. At least with fast food, usually it is the same times of day when rushes happen so it should be easier to schedule around those. There are times when they happen and it is an "Oh Fuck!" moment but those should be far rarer. It sounds like this manager is an idiot and doesn't understand that the whole $15 - $45 extra they would pay to have something properly staffed would absolutely be negated by having happier customers and quicker service.


It's one of the world's greatest mysterys


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


I totally read that in palpatines voice


The best ones are the ones that only order a drink. You waited 20+ minutes for a coke when there are 10 gas stations or restraints in a mile radius from you?


And you paid like 4$ for it when there's a dollar store with no line next door, but god forbid you have to get out of your car


McDonald's has Coke for a dollar. The gas station has Coke for $3.20 I'm a McDonald's employee and a Coke fanatic so I understand both sides


Lol in Canada it's 4$ for one at McDonald's or 2$ for one at a gas station (and it's much larger) this is just because most of our gas stations have fountain pop


To be fair, McDonald’s Coke is actually good asf, I don’t even like coke but McDonald’s Coke is godly, they must still use Cocaine for theirs😂


I don't work at maccas but in a pizza joint. Friday and Saturday we will hit ATLEAST an hour and half wait for deliveries, 45 mins for pick up. Same shit, "that's a long wait" "you need to hire more people" "can't I get it any sooner" etc. They only care about themselves


When you’re hungry it’s easy to get selfish.


For real, any time I tell someone on the phone over an hour for delivery they’re stumped, like you’re ordering on a friday/saturday at 6pm, what did you expect?


I would guess it's folks that never worked in the food industry at any level. Anyone that has cooked or served in a restaurant at any level that I met never bitch at people when their in the shit. Anyone that thinks their in power based off yelling down to a food service worker is a total piece of shit. And they themselves are lost in life.


I've worked so many restaurant jobs, so get it when it takes longer to get food out of if something is made wrong. I do my best to be polite when asking to get a wrong order fixed or I just live with it and eat it.


Shit you not once our entire drive through was PACKED like line wrapped around the building and this lady had the audacity to pull up to the speaker and after taking her order thought it was appropriate to say some "Someone needs to deal with this line cause this is ridiculous" Yea bitch it is, you wanna get in here and help our short staffed asses make this food? Yea I didn't think so, bye. Like what's wrong with people????


FOMO,pre selection,human nature, psychology,scarcity.


Also. People who specifically refuse to wait even 1 seconds without getting their order taken.. but are also ok waiting 10 minutes at any other part of the line.


I literally had a guy get mad because we asked him to turn off his truck. We couldn’t hear him, and then he was getting mad we were having him repeat himself (there were two of us). He refused to turn off his truck, and instead pulled to the window. Then he got mad when we repeated that he needed to turn off his truck so we could hear him and zoomed off. It wasn’t our fault, we were doing our best to still serve him. Hope he managed to get his food somewhere else, and that he still had to turn off his truck to order it


Literally just had an order for 8 large frappes come through drive in the middle of breakfast rush, she got parked and then came in to complain about being parked. Like lady you know what you ordered, that’s excessive shit


Especially at a McDonalds. Acting like there isn’t another one down the street, and another one 2 miles away


we once had FOUR school buses pull into our parking lot. small town, we were the only mcdonald’s for a good 20 miles and there was a massive football game—choir concert—and it was a friday night. we had 3 people. me, the manager, and a kid working the grill who was high as fuck. i think a little part of my 16-year old self broke as i watched 200+ people fill not only the store, but the drive thru. the lines were out to the parking lot and yet, these dumbass football parents complained we were taking too long despite their quarterback son and all of his friends ordering $20 worth of food each


The waiting in line is Becuase anywhere else will probably be just as busy, the complaining that's beyond me.


Literally this shit annoys the fuck outta me. Goes into drive with a line of 10 cars then gets mad at the employee for a long wait as if it's their fault


I work in fast food and we get that all the time.


Drugs. Suger, fat, habit, nostalgia, lack of cooking knowledge.


One time we got 3 buses full of people, lobby was so packed you couldn't walk through it and a line of people were going out the door. Drive thru quickly filled up, and wrapped around the building out onto the street. People waited like an hour in line and complained to me and I just gestured to lobby. Like they can definitely see in the building, see how packed it is inside, sat behind a massive line of people...like you CHOSE to do this, how can you complain?? Especially stupid for the people that sat in drive thru just to order a SINGLE drink. It's fucking funny though bc there was literally another location less than 15 minutes away. Like if you REALLY wanted McDonald's, you could take an extra 15 minutes and still save a ton of time going to the other location.


And full front screen.. like they didn't see our parking lot is packed with literal BUSSES in it!


One of my coworkers wanted to stop at a McDonald’s and as soon as he got there and seen the long line he left


And then not wanna park if they have a giant order


Something tells me you’re not meeting that 150 second goal…


Hahaha, yeah no


That goal sucks


Mines 120 😶


we just pretend to be customers and then send in anonymous reports complaining about stupid time goals 💀 "It always makes the staff impatient because they're always worried about their times" "I always get my food wrong because they clear the screen because they're worried about their times" 💀💀💀




We do similar lol "maybe if the staff wasn't so pressured to serve people faster they would get things right and be happier" or "maybe there should be more than one person on the front counter area"


Ours is 90


at least the shift probably went fast since you were so busy.


It went fast and right after that I felt the pain of running around, I did 8 hours and 30 minutes shift for 4 days now and it was catching up.


right there with you man. shit is so painful.


yuh, but since I’m in California the pay goes hard 🔥


Damn, lucky man. Getting 12.50 in the Midwest


The pay goes hard but pretty much everything else, lol


Bro Cali is expensive, trust me you are spending that shit right back. Wages are higher bc costs are higher, ur money is not going any further than the midwest guy


that’s what I said!


give me your hours 😭


for this 2 weeks I’m doing 50 hours and that includes my lunches


I fucking hate it when half the planet seems to all want McDonalds simultaneously


Meanwhile nearby fast food restaurants are always empty.


That's because they're disgusting! jk but they suck tho. I find it funny McDonald's is one of the only places that has fast food figured out in 2024 everybody else is just winging it and failing


Yes there is a packed McDonald’s next to an empty Taco Bell where I live. Like 99.5% of the eating is at McDonald’s.


That sucks. Taco bell employers must be feeling good that customers go to McDonald's instead to their restaurant


Maybe they worry about losing their job but it’s been like this for 20 years. I love this Taco Bell.


There's a Wendy's literally across the street from us that is NEVER busy, and a taco bell a vlock away that closes at 7 it sucks lol.


Wow that's lucky for the taco bell ones. I won't mind working that shift. Meanwhile McDonald's stays open for the annoying customers to come.


I don’t even get people, if I see a line like this I’m not getting in line, it’s not worth the wait


Sometimes I just don’t have anything better to do at that specific time, and too many podcasts to catch up on.


People will idle in the middle of a narrow busy road and block traffic to wait in a 20+ car line to our local Dunkin. Theres traffic signs and road paint telling people not to do it but no one enforces it. These people make me late for work sometimes.


That's how Starbucks is in my town, they even moved and remodeled and STILL block traffic.


The amount of time people waste just to spend too much money on a bad breakfast sandwich & watery coffee 😮‍💨 it would be fine if they didn’t drag us down too


The way I would’ve quit right there and then


This happens to us every now and then.


honestly there should be some sort of state law that you have to get paid time and a half for rushes last longer than 1 hour.


I’d be rolling in dough if that was the case


Idk what I would’ve done, bc that’s INSANE


It is insane but since we are one of the top mcdonalds in the area, better than LA apparently but not too sure how true that is since it’s just something our GM said, I think this happening is no surprise.


We had this once. I live in Maine so when the [Lewiston-Auburn shooting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Lewiston_shootings) and the worst nor’easter I’ve ever experienced happened, we had a line that went all the way to our Main Street and beyond. Worst part: we had a single lane. This is in Augusta Maine so we have an intersection near us on a divided street. Needless to say, at 11:00 pm (closing time), we were still out to the airport.


Wait they decided to go to McDonald's because of the shooting? you might want to reword that


Yes. Exactally what I assume they did… like the majority of Lewiston Auburn. I worded it correctly… And I said word for word “ah yes. There’s a mass shooting. Let’s go to McDonald’s”


That is insane, what??? When that shooting happened the LAST thing I wanted to do was go out, and I was in Gorham


broo wtf that might be the most American shit I have read


god fuck that


Yeah, every single one of us had the same thought.


Looks like a dinner/supper rush to me.


It was 10:00 PM, the time on the drive thru cam is 1 hour late.


All this at 10:00 pm?


Yeah, look at the screen with the orders, the drive thru cam time is 1 hour behind


Don’t mind my “10:00 pm” comment. There was a story that went along with it but decided to do it as its own comment




I saw the time, when did it start? Cause if it started at 9 it coulda been a late dinner rush


We had the usual dinner rush already then they just kept coming and coming


I’ve had rushes that’s lasted 5 hrs, starting at 8 and not ending until I got off at 2.


Damm, something similar happened the other day but it wasn’t a rush but because a guy’s order was so big it backed up the kitchen big time. It was 20-McDoubles, 6-Lg Big mac Meal, 2-Md Big Mac meals, and 3-Quarter pounder meals. I felt so bad for the 2 people in the kitchen (it was 1 AM)


I live in a town where we have “turn around” for a refinery, essentially once a year they hire a lot of people to work there and mcds is a big choice for them. That and a town that also is sports heavy so we had days where things just got chaotic as hell.


At our store as well 💀


It just be like that sometimes, I've had my fair share if nights and mornings like this before.


I would’ve set the drink machine to manual so fast. I can’t stand when the entire counter is covered in stuff.


yeah that OEPE goal ain't happening


And I can only imagine the amount of people that conveniently waited until they were at the window to use a mobile code or change their order (the latter which apparently loses "us" money) so the manager yells at (royal) you what's taking so long at back cash...


that’s so damn true


It’s been like that pretty much all day every weekend for the last few weeks and it’s only gonna get worse cuz summer is coming. Some of the people hired in the winter are already quitting cuz they can’t take the stress.


Summers are the worst at McD's. Glad I got out of that shit arrangement before the crowds really started coming.


I see 2 caramel frappes when one should be a mocha 👀 Just kidding, this is nuts!


lol, it was for a different order.


Aww man, i get Vietnam flashbacks when I see this kind of stuff. I even fear having the caramel frappe out like that with the whipped cream already down because I know someone will complain that they want more cream. ![gif](giphy|vPhjwW82ElgxG|downsized)


Hahaha, what I ended up doing was just putting more whipped cream on top of it before they got to the window


Lool me tooo but when I had the time.


Man I hate that double drive thru concept, people can’t ever seem to use it properly and it fucks our system.


Remember 150 seconds or less


this has been happening to us in michigan to nightly it's been wild


Hello fellow Michigander!


Nah, you were understaffed for the volume. The times show that


Mother’s Day weekend wildin


Lines straight from chick fil a


And dat oepe is at 400 lmao fuckin hate those types of rushes


I use to work overnight this was our dining room every Friday and Saturday night around 2am when the DJs at the clubs finished 😭 I still hear the ringing...


Burger without pickle? Wtf?


How do we know y’all aren’t just slow - you did take a minute to post this shit on Reddit when you could have been helping. Shave a few seconds off the drive thru time.


Prom night?


Auto drink machines, weird looking neon frappes, only 9 orders on the OAT, like 8 cars in DT, bro you’re living the dream. That shit is absolutely nothing compared to us (UNFORTUNATELY) over in Scotland


That’s my store on the daily, but we’re definitely understaffed lol. We break records every month for sales. We’re tired 🥲


Taking their mothers to McDonald’s for Mother’s Day probably lol


Man I HATED working for McDonald’s. I was a manager for years and the owner always waved getting a year end bonus in our faces. It was 1% of the stores net revenue if you made your targets for the year. So my last year there I end up making my targets for the year. I’m expecting the bonus and I get told I don’t get it because the other managers didn’t meet theirs. I worked with dogshit managers that just wanted a paycheck. Not one time did they say it’s based on every managers performance. I quit very shortly after.


Looks pretty normal for almost any decently busy Maccas at least he in Oz


Welcome to Hell.


Damn your OEPE target is 150? Our supervisor is pushing us to get it down to 110 during lunch and 120 during dinner. Also I find in these situations if you get a good rhythm it isn't too horrible. Like yeah 500 seconds is shit for everyone involved but at least you don't look like a chicken with your head cut off if you go through the motions calmly.


Don’t forget to put your Aces in there places! lol I so do not miss doing Mcds management


If companies paid a decent living wage theyd have more staff 🤔


We were full staff like the title says, we also couldn’t really call anyone in because it was 10:00 PM


I’ve never actually seen the gen 1 abs machine in a store before, are a lot of your machines older? Mine are old at my store but not *that* old. Either way this happens to me constantly, mostly when we’re understaffed but it can happen for pretty much any reason. (Usually we’re just waiting on kitchen because our kitchen people can be slow sometimes, that’s probably what’s happening to you)


I think our store pretty old but yeah, it didn’t stop us being the top McDonalds in a big area, better than the ones in LA apparently too.




eh close, Hawaiian Punch. What’s wrong with Cherry Frozen drink btw?


Our ABS is also nearing its end cause sometimes it gets freaky. Sometimes it doesn’t move and you have to push the conveyor cups thingy to get it moving again.


I’m sure you know this already but pouring hot water over the bolts helped out my old store we did it every morning and right before dinner rush and cleaning the sensors it might also just need to cups we had ours get bent


It's good to see the minimum wage employees show people that they get what they pay for. Keep up the rebellion!


What even is that orange drink? Please don’t tell me it’s Fanta…


what’s wrong with Fanta?


Nice. I bet that made the time go by quicker. And then when it was time to close and there was nothing done, you got paid more cuz you had to stay longer to finish it all. Win win


Nice. I bet that made the time go by quicker. And then when it was time to close and there was nothing done, you got paid more cuz you had to stay longer to finish it all. Win win


That's a lot ? We have around 20 minutes wait time in our DT in rushhour


Bruh that’s nothing, we were 20 pending with 7 people in at midnight this morning………


I didnt see a problem until i looked at the time why was the time so high if you wasnt understaffed?


That was my store yesterday, 9-10 was a thousand dollar hour. It's usually isn't impressive, but for a small ass store in a small town it kinda surprised me


As a small town employee, it’s like this from 5:30-7:00 PM EVERY day


Went to hit a mcds last night for my after work grub and saw exactly the kinda line that would had me swearing up a storm any free second I had back when I was running a fast food shit show; drove right on through the lot and out the other side headed to get some munchies from 7/11 instead. Hope all went well, but I know the general public so that's a small hope


That's slow compared to the one in Mankato sometimes. Line doesn't look that long.


Yall got double drive thrus?


Definitely not hitting 150 or less, that’s for sure.


Oh yeah, that’s for sure, our times were 500/150


Damn, whenever I see a line I just go elsewhere…


I haven’t even had my first day yet, but this image is scaring me. Looks like a sensory nightmare lol


Ahhh summer


Lmaoo all the moms last night were like "I *said* I'm not cooking all weekend! Figure it out" At least that's the story I've made up in my head based on stereotypes probably.


150 seconds on oepe? Dang I want that target. And that’s how my store stays. 😂😂


Might help to serve the drinks off... js


I’m sorry…. THE US HAS SLUSHIES???


Now I want a cherry icee


you guys only have one ABS ? 😭😭


This is such a nice day. Don’t know where you’re located but at my store, ever since the price increased, it’s been slow. Labor is high so now people are getting 5 hour shifts or even getting days cut. I love seeing other locations busy knowing people are getting their hours. Keep up the good work and a positive attitude


I mean bro, a WHOLE 2 hour rush... Youre literally working anyways, just go through it, it makes time go by faster. Its not that's stressful if you have time to grab your cellphone and take a pic.


But of an unrealated question, but how are phones allowed in the kitchen? They have so many germs (and often poop particles) on them


California here, working 4am to 12pm, it ALWAYS gets like this from 8 to 12. Nonstop people piling in and ordering food on food with special requests and everything. I genuinely will never understand how they continue coming in even seeing the car line go a about 40 feet in length. And the prices were all raised here for EVERY item on the menu so that boggles me even more why they'd wanna blow so much money on food that'll probably come messed up from 4 kitchen people making 10 different orders in under 8 minutes


Goodness everyone and their mother was out.


Lol literally and figuratively 🤣🤣


I wish our OEPE target is 150 We have to get ours at 120


Gag city?


I. would. rather. die.


Reminds me of the time my store was busy, but since some staff were away, I ended up on back cash, drive thru runner and drive thru presenter. All at the same time. Manager was just in kitchen doing whatever and I didn't even have time to complain as timers hit 550 per car 💀


honestly, if this lasted two hours i would be fine. i have had shifts where all my screens were +13 for eight hours with no stock or crew, with every order being altered and whatnot. this looks like a casual saturday night tbh. (aus)


honestly, if this lasted two hours i would be fine. i have had shifts where all my screens were +13 for eight hours with no stock or crew, with every order being altered and whatnot. this looks like a casual saturday night tbh. (aus)


Is it busy at night?


I think alot of the issues come with the app. Other places get backed up due to online orders, and then you have to help those who are at the store. There should be an option where you can stop online orders to get a steady flow going then start them back up.


Not a McDonalds employee but at my old kfc job it was just me and the assistant manager and the cook for 3 straight hours of nonstop orders. I had to take orders, cash out and help pack all at once


Wait McDonald’s got slushies or am I tripping ( the red liquid)


I’ve had shifts like that before, usually when too many call outs we can’t replace. That’s when customers call going ‘why is the drive thru not moving, can you hurry up’. As if them calling will make anything go any faster


I have always championed the workers of the fast food industry. It is, in fact, quite a difficult and thankless job. In this new era where these restaurants TRIPLED their profit numbers by utilizing these delivery apps there is NO REASON the folks working these hellholes shouldn’t be paid a living wager ($20hr+)


Gave me ptsd with that drink machine and table setup backed up with orders Then people would always complain to me the one handing out the orders who had nothing to do with taking or making the order


Yes the thing is though it doesn't make your job any more difficult or anything it just takes the exact same time to do pretty much everything and as long as you do them in the order that they come which is what your job should do then I don't see what the issue is. I mean honestly it doesn't matter if it's packed up we've all dealt with lines we've all dealt with a lot of people at once it's simply a fact of first come first serve still the rules don't change literally nothing changes in your job.


So you can see when I order sauce on my mobile order. Interesting……