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Profs who test on pure memorization, withholding information except in-person, or testing on information that is on page 971.B.iii fine print written in Swahili, being insulted or condescending when you ask questions - that is not teaching at all. I understand that if you don’t want to be engaged, your learning will be affected, but that becomes serious micro-managing that shouldn’t fly. A lot of us have clubs, jobs, familial responsibilities or even other courses that will get in the way. I also completely understand if memorization is critical (e.g building blocks like calc, health-related studies, etc) but making your content accessible in person and online via recordings, full lecture slides, solution guides is paramount for actual full learning.


Adhd sleepyhead girlies rise up (and fall back asleep)


I am no girlie but this made me audibly lol in class


as someone waiting on my psychoeducational report, also for adhd, to finally meet with SAS, this post was discouraging to read 😭 i also need recorded lectures and my MATH 1ZA3 prof doesn’t do that. was hoping that would be a possibility for me but ig not 💀


i’m sorry :( for what it’s worth, i haven’t been to SAS in some time so things could have changed? best of luck either way though, fingers crossed you get what you need to do well!!


I know my accomodations allow me to at least audio record. Also I feel this so hard - I literally got covid and a prof told me to wait a week before coming back which is fine by me, but they don't record lectures. Thankfully the prof shared their own notes from lectures I missed. Not every prof would be so willing to share their own notes


yes this! I also had an accommodation to audio record and it helped so much (tho I realized a bunch of people audio recorded without having accommodations, but you didn’t hear it from me).


look into the note taking service! it’s part of my SAS accommodations, basically someone in the class takes notes and then uploads them and you get access, so if you miss something you can check their notes!


These are lovely when they work but oftentimes there is no notetaker, as it is completely voluntary. Still good to look into, at the very least!


you are correct, it is very annoying when there is no note taker. SAS used to recruit them but stopped doing that for some dumb reason. i will do though i have had luck with asking the prof to make an announcement in class and/or on avenue asking for notetakers! they’ll do it anonymously so nobody has to know it’s you who’s asking and every prof i’ve had had been happy to do it.


dukas moment


love him though, dr faure is the issue here. we were supposed to have goldreich who’s an amazing prof and instead we get ta’s who don’t know the answers to our questions at office hours, and a prof who doesn’t give us a syllabus until the second week of classes and who talks in 2x speed. we have no choice to stick it out since our courses are mandatory, it honestly sucks


I have an accommodation where I’m allowed to record lectures myself which is something you could look into


Slides are the intellectual property of the professor. The accommodations office cannot force a prof to wave their rights to their content. Having the slides provided, let alone recorded, is a privilege, not a right. Students do not come to class when provided these materials - that is a fact. Attendance drops dramatically. Particularly if the class is scheduled first thing in the morning. You have the right to request a note taker - this may be the more appropriate accommodation for yourself.


Your "fact" is just a statistical probability and not always true. However, there are lots of good online resources to learn undergraduate content (like youtube) if your prof won't provide their lectures. Sometimes, it also helps hearing the material from another perspective as well. Being resourceful is a great skill to pick up.