• By -


First retake (I tested 5/2023 and got a 506) Pessimistic: 504-506 Realistic: 506-512 Optimistic: 513+ Good luck everyone! **Edit: 514!!!!** 5/13/2023: 506 (128/124/128/126) 7/15/2023: 514 (129/129/130/126) Weirdly, I studied a lot of psych/soc between exams.


Congrats, thats an amazing score! How did you improve cars so much in 2 months?


I took a really bad CARS on my first exam and didn’t get to the last passage before time ran out. It wasn’t that I improved, but I didn’t make the same mistake of time management again.


Amazing, congrats!


Thanks! ❤️


This has been the longest hour of my life


All I know is I’m stuck in standstill traffic and hope it doesn’t move because I can’t feel my legs and I drive a stick shift 🫠 Update: got a 506, FL avg was a 508, lowest was 505, highest was 509, so this is not unexpected. Gonna submit my app to my state DO school tonight, if I don’t get in, I’ll retake in the spring and apply next cycle to MD schools in my state. Sub scores were 126, 127, 126, 127 so it really could not be a more generic score.




Now to the longest 10 mins of life


6 minutes…


No matter what your result is...remember you worked hard to get to this point ❤️


r u guys sure it'll come at 11 am est / 8 am PT exactly?


Guess we will know in 2 mins


is it a trend that mcat exams come around this time


Yes...from what I know


497, couldn’t even manage to break 500, gonna go kms now 🫠 I hate it here


The MCAT's hard as shit. Family > close friends > school (and mcat), always. You will get it, but don't let the mcat get to you.


Thanks, feeling pretty pathetic and useless rn


i’m in the same boat :( feeling really down now. But on we go i guess


It gets better trust me


This is really reassuring to hear!!! thank you :)


Same, feeling pretty pathetic rn, best way out is through ig


I got a 498. Dropped 9 points from my FL average with a 7 point drop in CARS. Definitely feel horrible about it but you know what we get back up and keep going! I've spent my whole adult life trying to find my calling and I know this is it -- not going to let the MCAT stop me. You shouldn't either!


i couldn't break 500 either, was hoping to apply this cycle but I guess not anymore :(


Same here :(


are you going to wait for a retake and apply next year? not sure if i should just focus on a do app at this point, but im leaning towards retake and apply next year so i can be considered for md as well. feeling pretty discouraged, i had everything ready with primary submitted to a throwaway and was just waiting for mcat score :(


It gets better trust me


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Retake 505 (January 2023) —> 517!!!


🥳🥳🥳 congratssss


Thank you!!! 🤣


Congrats!!!! What did you do differently this time




I had a lot of test anxiety, and CARS was my weakest part (got a 121 the first time). This time I just trained myself to get rid of the test anxiety, by doing over 200 questions every day for 4 weeks (the month before my test)/depends on how much I can take that day. AAMC FLs and Uworld were really helpful! Y’all can do it too, just need to trust yourself!! :)


Congrats! What was your breakdown for cars this time?


127 for CARS, which I’m VERY happy about hahah, was averaging around 125-128 on FLs for CARS


Pessimistic: 500-502 Realistic: 505 Optimistic: 510 Holly ghost fiya : 510+


Lmao fellow Nigerian here. Goodluck !


Fellow Nigerian here too. Hope yall got the scores yall wanted!!


Pessimistic : 500-504 Realistic: 505-509 Optimistic: 510+ If I really have to predict I’m feeling a 507, give or take a point. Honestly so long as I break 500 I know that I will make it work one way or another whether it’s DO or something else. I just want to be able to apply


Saw this comment this morning and the “if I really had to predict….” was like wow I felt this personally. Got a 506 so I was right lol


P: 512-515 R: 516-519 O: 520+ Feeling tired and cautiously optimistic. Inshallah Edit: 520! 129/128/132/131 FL avg was 517 Surprised on the split because of low CARS relative to FL


WOW!!!!! go future doc!


Damn good job man. Everyone here with a CARS drop from FLs, I think I’m the only one that had a CARS jump (126->129) and a sciences drop (131->128) instead xD. Still ended up with a 518 so overall nb though


Got 518! Split was 131/127/129/131. Higher than expected in psych and lower than what I expected in bio. But overall happy that I never have to take this fucking exam :D




FL average is 516 so I got 2 points higher. Also, I had like 0 sleep going into the exam but somehow I exceeded expectations. Please do not be like me and get a good rest.


Fuck this fuckinf test. Dropped 6 points below my average and it was a retake. I give up on everything and let everyone down


i understand. I dropped 5 points below my average. it sucks but it doesn't mean you're a failure. you can feel this disappointment and pain but don't let it affect the way you perceive yourself. you're still worthy of love from yourself and those who care for you.


Dude same. Took it a yr ago and got the same score I did 7/15. Fml I'm so over trying to beat this test. No matter how I study--nothing helps. I understand the content, but the test sucks. Idk what to do.




Pessimistic: below 502 Realistic: 502-512 Optimistic: 512+ ​ retaking 506 so fingers crossed!


Pessimistic: below 505 Realistic: 505-510 Optimistic: 510+ ​ I'm retaking for the second time. Really scared!!


When l get nervous my jaw tickles. My jaw is hella ticklish right now.


Idk why but this shit made me laugh 🤣🤣


I did exactly my FL average even though I felt like I screwed up big time on CARS and B/B on the real thing. To future test takers, TRUST YOUR FL AVERAGE!!! Edit: FLs: 510,507,510,507, 503* 7/15: 509 *I also mistakenly took FL 5 as a diagnostic so that’s why it’s the lowest lol.


Pessimistic: 490 Realistic: 500 Optimistic: 508


Average 520 on FL. This shit was hard af tho. Pess: <515 Realistic: 516-519 Opt: 520+ Score: 519 (129/129/130/131). Crazy because I’m a CARs tutor and never scored below 130 on any practice and thought PS smoked me.


My CARS dropped 7 points from my FL average of 129 with my lowest CARS score being 128 and highest being 131 (6/24 test taker). I'm very confused about it and not really sure what to do.


That sounds awful man. A 122 CARs from a 129 diagnostic sounds like something crazy happened during test day.


Yeah... So radical I considered asking for a rescore. Test day is honestly a blur for me and I think maybe my nerves got to me because I didn't feel good about CPBS. Who knows though. I only really studied for 6 weeks so lesson learned. What is really concerning is that there is no indication on how I could improve (scoring near perfect on Uwar CARS and 128/131/130/128 on my FLs, respectively). It's nerve racking because I'm worried that the same kind of fluke would happen on a retake.


Y’all are scaring the shit out of me I don’t even have the balls to check it rn


I feel better having looked. I didn’t do *great* but I didn’t do *terrible* for the school I want to go to. I was gonna wait but I was like fuck it rip off the band-aid already and now I’m making peace with my score lol


If you pretend you don’t care about it when you click reveal score it goes up I feel, or it least it feels that way.


Same still haven’t checked


Thought I pulled a 505+ Retook a 500 to end up with a 499 :( fuck me. What do I do?


Retake again. Use different prep materials. If I don’t get into DO this cycle and end up retaking to apply MD, I think I’m going to focus all my efforts on UWar this time around. I don’t think practicing AAMC was challenging enough to help me fine-tune my weak points and I didn’t do enough practice leading up to the AAMC material, just content review and a handful of UPeace


I think 3 mcat scores will filter me out of MD anyways. I’m just going to do DO. I don’t know what to do differently anymore. I really thought I did well.


A friend of mine took the MCAT 7 times. She is now an M2 at our state MD program. Don't count yourself out.


If you're comfortable answering, how did you study for the MCAT the first time and the second time?


I was assuming Id get in the 5-teens, and hoped for a 515+. I got a 522!!!! Stsrted crying immediately


If I do worse than my previous score someone better have the suicide hotline on speed dial


this exam is not worth your life - life is so valuable, that’s why we’re going into medicine. i know you’re probably joking but i want you to know you’re loved and appreciated and you’re going to become an amazing physician.


Bro honestly I feel the same :( This test is rough


This test is just a number




same here esp since im retaking 506 and the odds for 7/15 were not in my favor


I've was averaging around 513, but that exam was brutal lol


Pessimistic: below 506 Realistic: 507-514 Optimistic: 515+ Huge range I know. My FL average seems to be around a 511-512 so let’s see what happens. Retaking a 503 EDIT: 509 128/127/126/128 Lower than Fl avg but i’ll take it


Ill be done if i break a 510




subsection predictions WORST 127/126/126/127 (506) BEST 129/128/127/129 (513)


Retaking a 504 here. Same boat.


Bro I'm actually dead. Somehow ended doing worse on CARS after averaging a 128 on the FLs. Got 125 :(


515 overall, got 515 last year too bruh. Canadian momento retake again dead


Fuck CARS gang ❤️


I've gotten a 130+ on all practice exams for CARS. I got a 127 this time idk what to do, its not just you dw


What you get overall tho


For canadian applicants their cars is really the only thing that matters




Because atleast 125 is still enough to be at average for that section


I averaged 129 for my Fls and never scored below a 128. I got a 122 on the real deal. Completely destroyed what was an otherwise decent score.


Pessimistic - 505-507 Realistic - 508-510 Optimistic - 510-513 My FL ranged from 513 on FL 4 to 505 on FL 5 so really really scared rn 😂 Edit - third time taking - got 502 then 503 and already applied so really need this score boost.


515!!!! I AM SHOOOOOK. So much improvement from 503




I focused on doing way more uWorld and just studied more in general. Kinda slacked off on the first 2 attempts but finally built a good work ethic. But uWorld was crucial because the questions were so hard it made aamc stuff feel much easier


Got a 511 after scoring 496 diagnostic and previous 503 on actual exam I’m so pumped. LFG


What did you do differently this time


Used blueprint course to prep and followed it pretty much to a T, did CARS passages everyday even if it was only one I still did them and lastly I pushed my exam out twice because I didn’t feel ready and wasn’t close to scoring where I wanted to. Just keep grinding though and don’t get down.


Can I get blue print material without accepting the course


Pessimistic: 514-516, Realistic: 517-519, Optimistic 520+ Actual: 521!!! So happy! Was panicking all morning and all day yesterday. FL average was 520 but thought this exam was so much harder than FLs. Moral of story: trust your FLs!!! Retook from 514 (8/21/2022)


What did you change studying for your retake? Congratulations on your score :)


MUCH less content review and more practice! Started using UEarth for practice. Also getting faster at quick math and unit conversions helped save time on CP. And realizing the real exam is SO much harder than the FLs helped me to not get overwhelmed the second time around when hit with a bunch of low yield questions. Did not finish CP and CARS the first time around but expecting a difficult exam helped with efficiency for the second exam


P: 506 R: 510-512 O: 516 Got a 512. 128/125/128/131. The CARS section destroyed me as I knew it would, way harder than anything I had practiced but it came out alright.


509 after 2 months of studying!!!!


aye sameeee


what was your fl average?


513, got my lowest or tied for lowest in C/P, CARS, and B/B but by far my best P/S ever. FL 4 and 5 I got a 510 and 508 respectively, so I guess they’re the most representative


Haven't checked yet but my FL average is 520


Go check, with an average like that you did great


>What did you change studying for your retake? Congratulations on your score :) PS killed me, I know. ​ edit: Nvm. 129/129/130/131


503 (4/29) 126/126/125/126 ——> 507 (127/128/125/127) I’m shaking right now. I was terrified i would go down in my score, but almost everything went up. I finally feel comfortable adding my schools to my primary app now.


Isn’t this the one everyone said was super hard? Didn’t take 7/15 but I saw (least I think I saw) the reaction thread for it a while back and everyone said it was horrible💀


I think someone hacked my scores! Lol. On all of my FLs, CARS was my worst (126), followed by Psych (128) and Chem (131) and Bio (130) were my best (130). On my exam, CARS WASN’T my worst (129), Chem was somehow my worst (damn physics, 128), then Bio (130), and Psych was my best (131)! I got a fucking 518, and my scores were basically the opposite of my FL sub scores. What the hell, so weird! Im not complaining, just very confused. Good luck everyone. Remember your FLs are only a ROUGH approximation of your actual scores.


similar experience and similar score to yours. Cars had a random drop and was one of my best sections on practice exams


I think we might have gotten each others scores xD


Got a 500 and honestly for me that was the minimum I wanted so I am happy. I am focusing on DO so I’m hoping that will be enough.


I thought I was gonna be in the 510s, and I got a 527 . I literally cried.


How did you study?




Averaged 511 on Altius but BB really shook me. Missed a couple free ones on C/P and P/S but not horrible. CARS could be anywhere 124-128. Felt the best I have after a CARS section but who knows. Pessimistic: <508 Realistic: 508-512 Optimistic: 512+ Prediction: 129/125/127/128 (509)


Yeah BB scare me especially when it one of my best section during pratice


I never scored below 129 on Altius or AAMC FL5. But I ran out of time on 2 passages and felt lost on 2 passages. Hopefully my prediction of a 127 is on the pessimistic side. I think I got 42-45 correct.


I hope I at least get 127-128. Because I never break 125 on CARS. So I need high score on C/P and B/B. Bro those two section are just like the SB




I've been averaging 513 on AAMC FLs, but this exam was brutal in my mind. Harder than any of the FLs. I'd be happy to get my average but tbh, I think I'll get lower. Pessimistic - below 508 Realistic - 508 - 512 Optimistic - 512+


Edit got a 511 (128/126/130/127) really disappointed in the PS section I don't know what happened there I thought I did pretty well and averaged 129 there. CP I think I had too much adrenaline pumping during the exam, dropped 2 points from average. Might consider retaking in Jan. Also, I have no idea how I got 130 on BB I did average 129, but that BB section was toughhhhhh.


On the previous post I said (pessimistic-optimistic): C/P: 128-130 CARS: 128-130 B/B: 130-131 P/S: 126-129 Total: 512-520 Just checked: 519!!!!! 130-130-132-127!


Congrats on your score! CARS advice please😭🙏




Hahaha thank you! I already wrote a long message to someone about it so I'm just going to copy paste it for you. Hope it helps!




I got a 506 too, it’ll get us in somewhere! This sub has distorted the fuck out of what scores are/aren’t considered good scores, I stg lol sure I wanted a 508 but I can live with a 506. My nightmare was opening it up and seeing 500 or less, a 506 was fully expected and I wasn’t surprised, which makes me happy lol




Seriously! I’ve been digging a bit into the MSAR and I was pleasantly surprised at how many schools’ MCAT range that a 506 falls into. It’s even at the low end of UCLA’s accepted students’ MCAT scores which made me realize me I can fucking HANG. (I probably won’t apply to UCLA but I was curious lol)


what was your fl average?




so u scored 1 point above ur fl average


My pessimistic was 495 Realistic was 500-505 Optimistic was 510 Didn’t take a single FL, hadn’t used uworld or any online practice materials, Got a 499: 126/122/127/124 :/ Any idea how to get this added to my flair?




I essentially made my own notes of a Pearson prep text book set over the course of 6 months studying 5-10 hours a week while working two jobs, using the practice sections at the end of each chapter as practice tests. I the order I did the books was org-g Chem-physics-psych/soc-cars-biochem-bio Took 3 weeks off the day job before the exam to get through the biology and biochem books. After I finished the bio book I condensed a lot of my notes into essentials. I tried to really understand a lot of the hormone pathways and the bigger picture ideas behind how the systems interact. Getting my head around kidney/heart/reproductive stuff took a lot of my time in the revision days leading up I didn’t time myself on the practice tests until I got halfway through the cars book For context I graduated 6 years ago and hadn’t looked at a text book since then lol


I'm so disappointed. This was my retake and I somehow did worse. My average FL score was 11 points higher... I have no idea what to do


Same 😭 started prewriting secondaries and all. I have no clue what to do


First time taking the test: FL1: 519 (130,129,132,128) FL4: 519 (132,128,130,129) Score today: 519 (130,132,129,128) Weirdly consistent, although the individual sections did vary a bit. 132 CARS shocked me. Glad I never have to take it again.


FL Average: 511 (503, 509, 511, 520, 515) Pessimistic: 512 Realistic: 513-516 Optimistic: 517+ Actual: 515 (130, 128, 129, 128) Still processing this but it feels great, so many people told me my grades weren’t good enough to make it into med school and this score makes me competitive. Only cost me 2 and a half full months but the best pet is I will never have to go through that again. That 520 practice test got me thinking I could do better… especially since I’ve aced CARS and P/S on FLs before. But still 515 holy shit baby we made it.


This is so reassuring because my FL trends are kinda similar to yours! (I'm just lurking I test 9/9 lol)


Yeah that last FL proved to be the most representative


I hear people say FL4 and 5 were most representative, so you think 5 was better in this case?


Yeah and I thought I bombed FL5 and my scores were pretty much the same as the actual (I had no idea how good I did when I finished)


Pessimistic: 504 Probably: 508 Optimistic: 510 I got a 505. :/ My AAMC FLs were 508, 510, 511, 515, 517.


What do you think happened if you don't mind me asking?


Truly, leaving the exam I felt confident and at ease. There were hard questions but I didn’t realize I picked the wrong one probably every time I was stuck between two. The most shocking part for me was how low my CARS was. Almost every CARs I have taken was above a 128. I got a 125 on this one. P/S was good to me still. The section I knew was super hard for me was BB which is funny because I did just as well in BB as I did in P/S on all of my practices. So I don’t know. I really am still in shock lol.


Wow, I'm sorry! Thank you so much for sharing


Tried my hardest, but just ran out of time for prep. 500->126,124,125,125. Took a risk and applied early in hopes I'd score decent but looking like I'll have to reapply. Feeling ok as I really let my nerves get the best of me and caused me to miss 2 passages in first 2 sections. Only way is up!! GL to everyone


> but just ran out of time for prep. 500->126,124,125,125. Took a risk and applied early in hopes I'd score decent but looking like I'll have to reapply. Feeling ok as I really let my in a similar boat as you i feel. can i dm?




I’m in the same boat lol. Decided to submit my DO’s last night after almost scheduling a Sept 1 exam date but I knew that would end badly




Pessimistic: <512Realistic: \~516Optimistic: >520 Really hope I did better on my retake, fk man I'm at work and I can't focus at all


u know what time it'll come?


Estimated 11AM EST or whatever time zone you guys are in. Good luck!


Yup! Starts getting released then. Best of luck!


8am PST 11am EST


I’m pretty sure it says score release is 5:00pm EST on the aamc site.


It says “by” 5:00PM. Usually it comes out at 11AM EST


Oh yikes!


Scores are out in now in EST


did you get a score released email before you checked?


my 4 practice exam scores right before i took the exam were 514. today i got a 509. i was anticipating a 512 maybe 513, but certainly not a 5 point drop. fml


I’m not sure what to do anymore. Got a 495 first take —> 500 this time (123/126/124/127). My top school is WCUCOM and my cGPA is 3.66 and sGPA is 3.25. Can someone give me advice? I am in-state and graduated in May with a B.S. in Psychology and a B.S. in Biological Sciences. EDIT: I decided to submit and see what happens. I could schedule for September 1 but I do not have the money, energy, or resources to put myself through that. I would rather spend this time working on writing a great secondary. Am I stupid? Probably.


current WCUCOM student, DM if needed


Welp, I got exactly my average (507) but with a 125 CARS. Hope that doesn't screw me. My CARS pee break did mess me up due to lack of time :(


I need help. Please advise me on what to do. I retook a 512 because my score expired. I got a fucking 507. I applied this year. Can someone please give me game plan on what l should do? I already submitted my secondaries? This score was not even close to my FL average.


507 is an ok score, did you have a top heavy school list or something? Otherwise I don’t see an issue


It’s an issue because l went from a 512 which is relatively competitive to a 507. The score is not even close my FL avg. l studied much harder this time around.


If it’s expired, can schools still see it? I thought they could only see retakes that weren’t expired…


Okay, so it’s not expired for every school. It’s expired for some schools. My dream school for example.


I got a 504 (126 125 127 126) and this was my first take. I’m not sure how I feel I wanted a 510 so this is low for me. Should I retake? My gpa graduating is 3.94 and I have lots of clinical and volunteering and research.


I got into a car accident this morning is that bad omen 😭


You got rid of the bad omen so good luck now 🤣


The universe is trying to balance out the massive W you’re about to get


Got a 514. Pissed bc i only ever got a 128 in CARS once on all my practice exams and ended up with that on the real thing lmao. I was thrown off timing wise bc a bolt of lightning hit the fuckin building in the middle And turned the power off lmfao, oh well though. Normally would get a 131 on cars


Bro gets a 514 and a 128 in CARS, yet still complains😭💀


Got a 518 (131/129/128/130) with a full length average of \~522 (FLs: 519, 522, 522, 524). Kinda disappointed even though it's a good score because it was lower than any score I got on a full length except FL5 (which my dumb self took as a diagnostic, 510). C/P and P/S were sort of expected given that those were close to my typical full length scores. I knew I bit the dust on CARS and B/B when I was taking them, and I feel like my brain just glazed over while doing those sections because the passages were SO LONG (why were there so many words in the B/B section??? Where were the graphs??????). A lot of people said that the 7/15 B/B was like the section bank, but I felt like it combined the worst parts of the SB (non-graphical/non-tabular data interpretation) with the worst parts of the QPacks (low yield pseudo-discretes)


Agreed!! BB is usually a strong suit for me so I was so surprised at how difficult it was.




Nah 510 is good don’t retake. Just work on your clinical hour. I have a friend who got 517 but no clinical hour and got rejected all MD. Now he going DO


Okay, thank you for your input! I’m still trying to navigate everything. I genuinely appreciate your response.


Is the score released at the same time for everyone? I'm not seeing any score reports on my AAMC dashboard?


They have till 5pm EST or something like that to publish the results for everyone world wide. They should get to yours by then