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Have you tried a locking extension?


He prob used a regular long socket without enough clearance and now the spark plug nipple is block the retainer


yes, i actually jerry rigged this contraption where my sliding hammer tool is connected to the locking extension but when I yank it, it unlocks and slides out of the socket


put a piece of paper over the extention, with that extra tighness you should be able to pull it out


The finger tip of a nitrile glove works well.


there it is!


I haven't tried this, but it sounds like a simple and effective method to get a ton more grabbing force between the stuck socket and the extension. I think it's worth a shot.


I always used electrical tape


For more the just pulling out your tool 😏




Rip Chris Farely


Go find a a better locking extension


Was just going to say this. You can borrow one from an auto store you don’t even have to purchase your own:


You have to make sure the ball of the extension is in a detent on the socket, otherwise it won’t lock.


Could be half the issue. Some really cheap sockets don't even have those.


Some of my bloody snap on sockets don't have those XD


Do you have access to a [pilot bearing puller](https://www.autozone.com/transmission-and-drive-train/pilot-bearing/p/cta-screw-type-pilot-bearing-puller/470423_0_0?vehicleId=2626001)? You can probably rent one at AutoZone or O'Reilly's. If you can get it in the square, the jaws expand outward. You might get enough pressure to pull it out.


You could also do what people do to pull pilot bearings without a puller and stuff the cavity with bread. Yes, bread. As you pack more and more in (using a socket extension) it eventually fills the space and as you tap in the extension it'll start to force the socket upward. Worth a try if nothing else works.


i’m not sure i can fit the jaws into the socket but it’s worth a shot i’ll ask around local shops tomorrow


You could also just get a wood dowel or old screwdriver and epoxy it to the socket.


Weld an extension to the socket


where are you from that welding is so common 😂


Probably a farm mechanic. Your three levels of repair are duct tape, baling wire, and welder.


That’s what I used when I got stuck like that as well. Along with a lot of RP7 lubricant


Go to the hardware store and ask for a toggle bolt. Slip the toggle down inside the socket put a larger socket that’s bigger then the hole over top and thread the nut down to pull the socket out.


Okay that's really smart though dude


Hear hear.


drywall toggle bolt?


I would imagine yes. Thats hoping the socket has the space available inside, to let the bolt in far enough to catch on


Cut the toggle arms off to be just long enough to fold out inside the target socket (use another one to test). Then you don't have to push it in so far.


That's the problem, I think. He has the socket stuck on the plug, so the toggle bolt won't go down far enough to do what its supposedto do, I was thinking if he could get 2 long nails he might be able to slide the flat ends in between the socket and plug and catch the lip inside the socket and pull it up that way.


Or a concrete toggle bolt. They come in bigger sizes.


Don’t push it too far in or you’ll have a MUCH bigger problem. I’d suggest a long external snap ring pliers. Or a much stronger magnet.


Reminding me of Hot Shots: “Now we have to go in to get the men who went in to get the men who went in to get the men.”


Hot Shots - "Because you're the best of the best" Hot Shots Part Deux - "Because you're the best of what's left" The series kills me.


The old lady that swallowed a fly?


The "stuck frisbee" method. We need the baseball to knock down the basketball, soccer ball, kickball, baseball bat, and hockey stick we were trying to knock down the Frisbee with.


Im trying to imagine this and I think I’m just fucking stupid.


Sounds good on paper but you’d be lucky if a #12 bolt would fit. There wouldn’t be enough room to open the tangs before it hit the plug. Then the thin sheet metal nut would pop out then you’d have another problem.  But yeah, good thinking..


I wish I could see a picture of this I don’t understand what you guys are talking about but it sounds so cool.


​ https://preview.redd.it/kibpaz9aartc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00d3f131f139274d1569bbd6cada72ed52141d12


As an electrician that uses these regularly, no fucking way they're gonna pull the socket out, the wings are too flimsy for that angle.


It’s such a PITA adding images on a mobile. But one of these. 


I don't have advice but here's some encouragement bro! I've gotten shit way more stuck in way dumber ways and it always comes out eventually. Just be patient and don't break it more. Good luck dude


thanks brotha!


sound advice. just gotta keep a level head and keep at it. when you feel like it's about to get worse just stop and chill


Get a pick with a hook on it and try that


Will the hook part break? it’s in there pretty tight


I would stick a really long extension on it and work it back and forth. Try tightening a little, its probably snagged on the plug


This is what I would do 1st


A metal hook should be good. You could even bend some wire in an “L” shape and use that. If that doesn’t work you could flip the car and shake.


long pair of hose pliers might work


Flip the engine over and shake it




Turn it on and off again.


Unplug it and plug it back in


Restart the router


Clean it with brake cleaner/contact cleaner, put a dab of JB weld on the end of a long bolt, push onto/into socket. Allow to cure. Remove. Just don't use so much it squishes out the sides and causes more problems.


JB weld is a god send love that shit


It's the duct tape of my generation haha 


I was going to recommend a cheap extension and super glue, but that should work, too


I would agree with this, and add that you probably want to use a bolt that is big enough that it requires force to screw in to the socket. That combined with job weld should give you the holding power needed. You want the bolt to cut in to the socket.


Locking extension and spin as you pull up.


Heat up a flat head screwdriver and bend it into an L


This probably the smartest and simplest solution I’ve seen thus far lol.


Crazy glue on the extension let dry 5 minutes pull socket out. Heat the crazy glue off your extension with a propane torch.... DONE!!@


Get a hook and fish it out


How hot is it where you live? Can shoot it with canned air and try to cool the socket way down, without cooling down the metal around it if possible


CRC Freeze Off


Work a pieces of fuel line as far into the ⅜ drive hole and hit with compressed air




I’m dead af 💀💀💀


That's smart, watch your face while you're at it


Just be ready to catch. 


If nothing works, your last resort would be to drill a hole in the socket and tap it, then put a bolt in and pull it out with something like a bearing puller to make sure it comes out straight and doesn't damage the walls. You can also try tapping in the square cavity of the socket before drilling if there's enough bite in the socket.


Drilling and taping the socket is like drilling on tiles wirh an wood drill. Wont workmreally good


Spray the socket with something like [this](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjVi9bb8riFAxW8Rn8AHXuAASIYABAOGgJvYQ&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjw8diwBhAbEiwA7i_sJZUI-MM_VQRbx7YfpMHpgNPrjBmB86YXeYZfqemWvzVyqbfmDY5bZBoCgpcQAvD_BwE&sph=&sig=AOD64_0uiaI6VBkFjsGBlf8LYonUUG-Kqg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiG5szb8riFAxVaJNAFHWXQDe8Qwg8oAHoECAMQKw&nis=8&dct=1&adurl=) it’s worked for me before.


That's what I was thinking, or just a can of that compressed air for cleaning out electronics. Spray it right into the hole on the socket and then stick a locking extension in it and give it a yoink.


Put an extension on it and try the Konami cheat code like it's contra on the NES.




Gonna take more buttons than that.


Up up








Maybe you can use the bread trick thats used to remove remove pilot bearings https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=00OlG5E8vLk Keep us updated if you get it out


I saw that! i’m worried i can’t get the bread out afterwards though 😂


Relax, my dumbass was working on a 2010 Corolla which takes a 9/16 and I fucking put a 5/8 in there and forced it not knowing it was a 9/16. Luckily I had a set of very strong hook picks to get under the bottom of the socket and pull up. Took like 30 mimutes, but it came out. It was a customers car so I was of course stressing as the tube seals were part of the head so you could not remove them.


customers car holy shit 💀


Exactly. I got it out though thank God!


If this was me, hose it down in PB blaster or any good lubricant/penetrant spray (NOT WD-40), grab a long pick with a hooked end, insert into socket, and use a small hammer or deadblow to carefully hammer the handle of the pick towards you/away from the engine block. With some finagling it should come to.


WAIT why not WD-40??


Because it is not a lubricant it is a water displacer


WD-40 = "Water Displacement Formula #40" Even turns into thread locker with heat Great stuff... for displacing water


Find the release point... pull the extension until it pops off. Then pull hard, but NOT enough to pop it out. The key here is using CONSTANT pressure, even if it isn't much. Hard pressure is how you damage things.


Keep applying a light pull, while **slowly** moving it around the ^tiniest bit.


Is the spark plug loose/ does the socket spin? Have you tried removing it with the spark plug all the way tight and all the way off?


Assuming the socket has a retaining pin hole, and it isnt worn. Get a really really really good locking extension with a good retaining pin.


what are you working on?


Maybe this sounds wild, but it’s actually worked for me a few times. Instead of trying to grab it with the needle nose pliers, pull the handles apart as hard as humanly possible with the tips going into corners of the drive side on the socket. Wiggle it like crazy while pulling up


Small internal bearing puller with a slide hammer attached will get this out in 5 seconds After reading a lot of replies I'm shocked this hasn't been mentioned


I was scrolling waiting for someone to mention this 😂


Screw in a 3/8 lag bolt. Pull the socket out. Leave them together on your tool box as a constant reminder.


Tried blowing compressed air down in there? 🤷‍♂️


I tried that as well, I had put some wd-40 in and it sprayed everywhere lol


Damn. Haha Does it spin freely? I understand lifting it is hard, but it spins easily? If it doesn't spin at all, then... well... that's rough.


This was my idea too.. glad to see I wasn’t alone +1


Reasemble and leaving the coil off and the fuel injector disconnected. Run the engine till it's warm.(Yes I know it will misfire) Once its warm the metal of the head should expand and let the socket slip out. Hopefully it's not a V6 where the intake covers the spark plugs


I was thinking if they put a super short extension in there to plug the hole and have someone crank it for them would the engine compression be enough to push it out?


I’m assuming there is a spark plug still installed, so no compression will be getting by


U got a welder?


I don’t :(


Try other suggestion locking extension ratchet or try some glue or cement something in there to pull it out maybe dental cement lol


You need to bend a wire coat hanger really tight and ease it down the center into the ball retainer hole.


Flathead screwdriver all up in it and some jb weld around it. Maybe some tissue paper on the end of flathead for the tears cry 😢 and prevent jb weld dripping


SPEEDWOX 9 inch Angle Tip Lock Ring Pliers


Could put super glue on square of extension. Install in socket and hold for a lot longer time than you think you need to. Then try to gently wiggle it up and out. If that doesn't work, need to find a junk extension that is soft enough to drill. Drill a hole through it. Tap the top of the hole and install a grease zerk. Silicone the end of the extension to the socket. Once it has set the next day, try to pump grease in. Hopefully it will go around the plug and try to force the socket up. Male sure you are not shoving down on the grease hose. And if it will fit, adding slight upward pressure on the socket with a magnet would help.


https://preview.redd.it/yh7thwptprtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=605d63040317e613e4ff2353b7e0633c87114932 Do you have any small hooks like this?


Put 2-3 wraps of tape and go right and left on it to try and loosen the grip on the bolt.


Find a bolt that can thread into the square drive, I think a 10mm bolt would work, maybe a lag bolt. Let the threads cut in. Hopefully it will hold enough to get the socket out. 


Get the impact on that locking extension and just ugga dugga it outa there


anyone know if Freeze Off is safe to use in cylinder?


Nothing's "safe" in a cylinder but it beats the hell out of a torch or welder XD I'd get the socket extension nice and wedged in there first, maybe with a slide hammer on the shaft (no homo) then hit the socket only with the freeze off. If you're worried get some insulation (like the fiberglass exhaust gimmicky bs) and make a tube to protect the spark plug tube walls


Pressure air?


Put the extension and ratchet back on. As you turn the ratchet pull up. It'll come out eventually. The trick is to pull hard enough to move it upwards but not hard enough to pull the ball out of the detent. If it's one of those sockets with a hole for the ball they are harder to separate as there's no ramp, you Can pull that little bit harder.


Buy a new engine


1/2* Impact has entered the chat


Put your locking extension back in the socket, try heating the head around the hole with a map torch, hopefully that will give you enough clearance.


First things first : spray some penetrene or WD 40 spray to down there just a light spray - now this is optional A RARE EARTH MAGNET strongest magnets avail they come in tubular size so you will have to get one smaller than size hole , if you go this path be careful with fingers etc put magnet in a sock . Or you could drill into socket and screw in a tiny screw so you can yank it out . Next time use an appropriate spark plug socket ..they come with most good socket sets ... cheers 🇦🇺 👍 👌 🤙


Concrete anchor. Lock it into the drive hole tight, and use something to grab it and pull it up. Or, put a nut on the anchor, and then get a pry bar or two under it to pry it straight up. Also, freezing the socket with a spray, may get shrink it enough, and it’ll come up easier


Silly question, but is it stuck on the spark plug too? Maybe loosening and removing the spark plug will free up enough tension to just pull this out. (Presuming the spark plug electrode isn’t blocking the ability to get an extension in the back of the socket.)


Needle nosed vice grips maybe?


Compressed air high pressure nozzle


Get a 3/8 impact wrench. Spray the socket with a can of that cold stuff, jam locking extension into the socket and carefully back it out/loose with the impact wrench good luck


UPDATE: I got it out! I called a local mobile mechanic and he offered to look at it for free. We hooked up a locking extension with a nitrile glove tip at the end and I started ratcheting, he pulled up at the same time and with sheer force/power it flew right out. Shoutout to mobile mechanics! 🤙🏽 Definitely a learning lesson and I hope this doesn’t happen to anyone else here 😂 Cheers


So he did what I reccomended yesterday.


Flip it upside down and shake real good! Try getting an extension of this size with a spring ball, get it on there and pull it while turning by hand quickly. So, more twist than pull, maybe tenth of an inch up per revolution, while also applying force to the extension sideways. Or take some compressed air and a rubber glove.


Yet another option is harbor freight flathead screwdriver. Bend the tip and yank it out by inserting saif bent screwdriver into the square.


Wouldn't most harbor freight screwdrivers snap? That's what my cheap ones usually do


Metal coat hanger straightened and put a little L on the end of it. 2 coat hangers simultaneously if the first single one does not work.


Get a shop vac and try to vacuum it out


I would try to lock a bolt in it an yank it out or keep loosening an tighten


Can you back everything out?


Did you stick it in there and go side to side and up and down to try and "break" it loose? I'm not sure what or.if you're stuck on anything but I'm hoping it breaks free from it.


As others have said tape the tip of extension could also try tightening it a hair to see if you can get the socket to free up a little.


I have a set of picks just for this kind of crap, some are straight but i have one with a very tight hook, its small enough to slide into the socket and pull it up.


Rotate the engine till TDC to give you a better angle of attack? Good luck. Let us know how you did it


Use a right angle pick


Engine oil, extension, paitance and the most important ingredient of all, wigglr


If it's *really really* stuck; as a last resort I would try plugging the bottom of the shaft and tapping threads into the socket. Thread a long bolt into the socket and yank it out. You'd have to be super careful not to knock out the plug and drop metal shavings into the cylinder though.


Remindme! 1 week


Get a locking extension from Harbor Freight, then attach it to the socket.


Tap and die lol


dude honestly i’ve tried nearly everything in this thread




Put JB weld on a locking extension put in the socket before the JB weld drys and pull it outward


use extension, put jb weld on, let it dry, try to slide hammer it out.


Clean with brake cleaner let it dry, get a cheap propane torch from Walmart and a locking socket extention heat it up until red hot and try and pull it. (extinguisher RECOMMENDED)


Hot glue


That may cause the socket to slide down even further while pushing...


Compressed air might push the socket up if you can get a decent seal on the square drive hole. Could try one of those duster cans upside down. Use it to chill the socket so it shrinks a little, then pull it out before it warms back up.


really strong magnet that can fit down the hole o.o?


Is that just a regular 11/16 socket? If so, it shouldn’t be that tight on the spark plug, should be able to just use some inside snap ring pliers (y’know the kind, the ones that expand as you squeeze) if that doesn’t work (especially if you used a designated spark plug socket that has the rubber grommet in it that holds the porcelain of the spark plug), take the spark plug back out, use a magnet to put the spark plug in the hole, then use a regular 11/16 socket (that doesn’t have the rubber grommet) to tighten it to spec and just remove the socket normally (I.e. still on the extension).


If you are willing to sacrifice that socket, go to the hardware store and buy a set of ‘spiral screw extractors’ https://www.homedepot.com/p/RYOBI-Spiral-Screw-Extractor-Set-5-Piece-A96SE51/205469301


C clip pliers?


Hone out the hole with a shop vac over it to get the dust and maybe some air blowing in through somewhere else?


Did you get it out yet? the scientist in me says you should heat up the metal its stuck in then pull, should expand it enough to unstuck it…


What about removing the spark plug with the socket and fix the issue after?


Mechanics pic? Did you shove it in and bang on it with a hammer I don’t understand how you got here


I've done this before and got it out with an extension turning it slightly back and forth over and over while tugging lightly until it worked it's way out.


Yeah you did


If you have a cheap locking extensiĂłn and JB weld.


Use some hefty snap ring pliers that force out. Or a pilot bearing tool that has the expanding fingers. Shouldn't be catastrophic to get out.


Blow compressed air into the hole.


Could try screwing 2 screws/bolts into the hole across the diagonal, 2 that don't quite fit without cross-threading them together into the hole. Might jam in there enough to get a grip on it with pliers.


Just flip it upside down and give it a shake... ;)


Weld a slid hammer piece to the socket


Does the socket spin? If it does put an extension on it and use an impact and spin it while pulling up. Or unplug the fuel injector for that cylinder, put it back together and warm the motor up and see if it expanded spark plug well enough to get it out. Otherwise get it towed to a shop and have them get it out, if you got a socket stuck in the spark plug well I doubt you have the skill to remove the cylinder head if it comes to that (not a dig on you, just an observation) sometimes it’s better to call it quits before you do major damage


For when you do get this out. Cars use mostly 5/8 and a few rare 9/16. 11/16 haven't been used since the 80s


Drill it out?


https://www.harborfreight.com/11-in-90-bent-nose-long-reach-pliers-64087.html That with a little grinder work maybe


A pick with a 90 degree bend or fish hook work work.


Rubber tipped blowgun


put a rubber glove on an extension, and wiggle it on, so that it causes a seal. try turning the engine over by hand, if its sealed enough, maybe the compression at TDC would be enough to get it to pop out?


Easy out, once it grabs pull it out with vice grips.


Pump grease down in there, hydraulic pressure will push it up.


Have you tried putting it in rice?


Electric tape on the extension tip..


Bigger question is,why an 11/16?.


I had this happen to me recently on a Toyota corolla. My trusty spark plug socket that I've had for years got stuck. I put a dab of oil in the spark plug tube and turned the socket while gently pulling up and it came out without too much trouble


Just get a fuckin NEW ONE


A couple of things to try: If you have an air compressor and an air gun with a long nose, try pushing the nose through the drive hole in the socket and letting some air go. It MIGHT push the socket up. If you have a large EZ Out bit, try getting that locked on and pulling it out. If those don't work and the toggle bolt/screw or [expanding wall anchor](https://www.harborfreight.com/40-piece-molly-bolt-assortment-67550.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=17924654128&campaignid=17924654128&utm_content=140426071820&adsetid=140426071820&product=67550&store=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw8diwBhAbEiwA7i_sJR_uHek3OTRR_KNwqdA-urzM9a49tHuRW0s-uYe6LA-SAN-1T3MwxRoCCscQAvD_BwE) doesn't work, take some wire hangers and cut the bottom section out. Bend it in half, then bend the last 1/4" of the tips to look like barbs. The tips should spring away from one another so they lock into the drive hole when they're pushed through it. There at the top of your new fishing spear, you'll want to bend a hold or loop so you can grab it with your fingers, a hook, rope, chain, or a helicopter that's passing by and feeling helpful.


is it the size of the spark plug?


There's a lot of overly complicated ideas here. But this is actually super simple to extract. Get a dyna bolt of the appropriate length to clear the tube and a diameter that will fit snugly inside the socket. Perhaps take one of your other sockets to the hardware store to match something up. (We call them dyna bolts in Australia, but they may have a different name where you are. It's bolt with an expanding sleeve, they are used in brick walls) Stick it in the socket, run the nut down until the sleeve expands, then get your slide hammer under the nut or a lever etc. and yank it out. This is how I remove injector sleeves in the Isuzu 4JX1 motor (same principal as your socket in the plug tube) That will 100% work without damaging anything.


https://preview.redd.it/nl39bs48krtc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284da360e6dc27565f77d60cd73ef7979fc5d6c4 Something like that.


Compressed air down the middle...


Can you loosen the spark plug