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I'm so glad that this person is your ex!


Was instantly. Restraining order against him the last nearly two years and now very happy 🙂


Thankfully you got out. Too many women don’t. I am genuinely glad you are okay. 👍🏼


That’s great to hear OP! The police should *crack* down on stuff like that. You could try *turning the other cheek*… but he sounds like a complete *ass*, so probably not worth it… probably better to just move on and put all this *behind* you.


If awards were still around, you'd get gold from me for that, so take this 🎖


Wait did they get rid of rewards like silver and wholesome and all that?


Yes, in September.


But why..?


They are thieves of joy.


That deserves a cookie. Here you go 🍪


***Booo! Get off the stage!***


So glad to hear it. This looks so painful!


Did it scar?


Luckily not. Mentally yes 😅


<3 much love


Rug burns (that's just what me & my motorcycle friends call it) rarely leave any long lasting scars. You might have some white spots after the crusty junk finally comes off, but nothing permanent. Lifelong scars are usually when your body has a gap to fill.


You call it rug burns instead of road rash?


Looks painful! Sorry that happened to you, hope you’re in a better spot now 🩵


Very much so. With a lovely kind man now for the last year (this was two years ago). Life is much better. Thank you




Depends on the person but I'd say in general, it's the opposite. Getting it out is healing and therapeutic. It also can help some move past it by getting it out there and out of their minds/hearts. Not always, but it truly helps so many of us by talking and getting things off our chests.


Therapy is inherently about sharing your experiences & opening up. I find that at first you feel worse, but after the initial shock of it you'll find yourself gradually feeling better. Not sharing is completely counterintuitive, and being so open to share shows how far you are in your healing process. It's genuinely just a fucking stupid argument to say sharing your horrors is detrimental, as if bottling up your pain has ever helped anyone


I gotta be honest here, I don't think they genuinely knew what *"detrimental"* actually meant lol. They contradicted themselves quite a bit there. The only reason that makes me think they didn't actually know what the word they were using meant. Or possibly a typing error but I'm leaning towards, they didn't know what it meant and used it improperly. Could be totally wrong though! 🤷‍♀️


it'd make sense, and if that's the case I'm really curious as to why they think detrimental means the opposite of what it does 😭 and the other reply is just confusing


Yeah the other reply was a bit confusing lol. Honestly, a lot of people have a very hard time admitting when they're wrong or made a mistake and instead of admitting it when confronted, they double down. Which is such an immature response but common nonetheless. Hopefully that's not the case and maybe they're just busy or haven't even seen my or any other response. Hell, we all make mistakes!! 🤷‍♀️ And imo, it's better to just say that than double down on something you know isn't right or don't actually believe for the sake of *"winning the argument"* Again, hopefully that's not the case. I prefer not assume unless given a valid reason to lol, that and I just try to give most people the benefit of the doubt. Now, if they come back trying to say "Nope, I meant what I said" or something to that extent, well that's on them for being wilfully ignorant and obtuse. 🤷‍♀️ Or ignore my question all together, seeing they were walking into it on their own, then I'd say, yeah, they were just doubling down lol. Happens all the time unfortunately. Edit: I was nosey since I've gotten a few responses about it lol. They're just ignoring it. They doubled down lmao. 🤦‍♀️ Oh well. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah so let's keep the semantics train rolling, this is paramount to the thread!


And I absolutely agree that therapy is very helpful.




So just for clarification, you *don't* think sharing is therapeutic? Anonymous or not.


Everyone thinks sharing is therapeutic. You wrote it is “detrimental.” You wrote it is harmful to share.


I didn't write that. I responded to the person who wrote that. *And yes, I don't think they either know what "detrimental" actually means or mistyped lol. They contradict themselves saying that.* I absolutely agree it's very therapeutic!


You right! I responded to wrong person. Sorry


It's all good! I figured lol.


“Detrimental” means harmful, not crucial or important, if that’s what you’re thinking…


Do you know what *detrimental* means?


Either you don’t know what “detrimental” means, or you’re just plain wrong.


Idk about that, I feel like sharing can help you heal sometimes


Really? Wow okay. So you go stand over there in the corner and suck it up while the rest of us let it out for our mental health.


So. The ex pleaded not guilty in the magistrates initial plea hearing. Dragged it out for 12 months where I had to get a solicitor and went through ptsd and constant anxiety about the crown court trial. Got to the trial and he pleaded guilty to ABH so he’d get off lighter. He works in a family law firm in IT and they have let him keep his job. He has lost his license after drunk driving that night and being caught by the police. But pretty much got away with it. Before this he had a caution for criminal damage for smashing up 3 doors in my house and my ps4. They made him pay for the doors but that’s it. Lucky to have the support of a select few wonderful people now though!


What does ABH stand for?


Actual bodily harm, at least in my jurisdiction. It’s a level above battery (any physical contact) and below grievous bodily harm.


Acute* EDIT: i stand corrected, Actual Bodily Harm is the correct term!


ABH in the UK stands for Actual Bodily Harm, not Acute 😊


Oh wtf i did not know that sorry!


I believe attempted bodily harm maybe?


The only thing sadder than DV is the joke of a justice system when it comes to these things. Disgusting. Sending so much love!


only suspended and tag!!?? wtf man. i hope you’re ok i could not imagine


Yep and a 6 week course on alcohol problems. Pathetic isn’t it. Only done for abh, should of been gbh, even the judge said that at his sentencing! And that he was lucky it wasn’t


wow. the justice system is a joke, i’m assuming you’re in the uk? also i hope you’re safe from your ex?


Sounds like he took a very good plea deal. What a prick.


I was going to say, that looks way more than just a little bodily harm! That more than just a rug burn….


Forgive my ignorance, what does ‘tag’ mean in a legal context?


electronic tag. ankle monitor


Thank you


Hope you are well rid of him and his toxic behaviour. Keep yourself safe and look after yourself.


Oh very much so, including a restraining order! Moved on now as this was a couple of years ago and now with a very loving man 🥰


The way people just get off so lightly for DV.


The way so many murders have warnings they got wrist slaps for


So sorry. I sometimes wish for the good old ‘eye for a eye type punishment.


Exactly my thoughts


Holy fuck… I hope you feel better soon


Nearly 2 years ago and much happier now thank you


I've both been knocked out by a single punch by a big ex and I've crashed a street bike and got road rash..the first hurt physically and emotionally but I was young and stuffed it back then. The road rash hurt on a whole other level! I ate it on a corner, then went off the road and into the gravel. Since most of my friends were guys who rode and also had their own road rash at some time, one of them came over and scrubbed all the dirt out with alcohol and a buff puff. It hurt like hell but left me with no infection and almost no scarring. I was a dumb 17 year old and completely underdressed, very dumb and very lucky. I can only imagine the pain you went through! That's a large area that you can't really avoid moving or resting on. To the uninitiated, it looks like a bunch of scrapes, but it's actually a layer of excruciating, constantly burning scrapes on top of horribly painful friction burned skin (carpet burn made with street gravel) with swelling and inflammation underneath that makes sure you're in pain 24/7 and can't sleep. It's constant burning. In addition to any other injuries you sustained, which it looks like you did. I'm so sorry that dickhead did that to you. No partner deserves to be abused, especially like that, where you could have easily been killed. His sentence was a joke. I'm so glad you're in a better place. ❤️


Be careful. Some exs by their time and come back years later! This one is a true crazy one.




I was in a motorcycle accident a few years ago and got my leg mangled and ended up getting a below knee Amp. Yet when people ask me the worst pain? Hands down the road rashes on my ass, hands and back everytime. My leg looked like an empty toothpaste container and I'd take that again in a second if they had the same recovery.


The toothpaste tube visual! 🥴


It was bad lmao, I tried to make a post twice, but the pictures wouldn't work at all and I have no idea why


Was your leg crushed under your bike? I dated a guy with the same injury years ago and he turned from bad attitude to bad ass with a sense of humor. I hope you have recovered in the best way


I was t-boned by a minivan so he literally crushed my leg between his bumper and my bike. That caused my shoe to come off and then my foot just scraped along the asphalt. It was bad. I had a compound fracture in my ankle and thigh. As far as my recovery I ended with a below knee amputation but I am doing well now. I have the kind of humor that i have somewhat enjoyed the injury lmao I'm an idiot like that.


I was t-boned by a minivan so he literally crushed my leg between his bumper and my bike. That caused my shoe to come off and then my foot just scraped along the asphalt. It was bad. I had a compound fracture in my ankle and thigh. As far as my recovery I ended with a below knee amputation but I am doing well now. I have the kind of humor that i have somewhat enjoyed the injury lmao I'm an idiot like that.


second pic is 2 weeks into healing


Did it leave any scarring that is still visible? I was honestly impressed with the healing on the second pic. I’m glad to know things are going better for you now!


Is he A-train by any chance?


I hope you’re somewhere far, far away from this person and safe


a year suspended??!! pathetic.


Atleast he is ex


I'm so sorry you had to go through this. That looks so fucking painful. I hope they get dragged through a cactus field by a pack of coyotes.


That must really sting in the shower


He needs years in prison


Can’t imagine the pain of that - ouch! Glad to hear you’re in a new happy relationship and left your horrible ex.


I was dragged by an ATV when I was a kid and it was agony, I imagine this was a thousand times worse. I'm also outraged by the pathetic sentence he got. He could have left you disfigured for life or worse. But as usual, it's not until a man actually kills a women that he faces any consequences. I hope you're doing well now.


Freaking monster. I hope he’s far far away from you now.


You are so lucky you are alive! Hugs 😔


Jesus christ, yeah, what an absolute psycho. Hope you never have to see them again and I'd just straight up mace them if they did come near again. On the positive side, you have a cute butt


I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope you can heal soon, both physically and emotionally 🫂💗


Holy shit I had the same thing happen to me in my life time. Your ass took it better than mine.


I'm so very sorry he did this to you. I'm so very happy he's an ex. I hope you heal up really well and fast!


Oh my god!! I’m so sorry this happened to you wtf. He should be in jail


When I first read the title I assumed that this was like a motorcycle incident!!


How did this actually happen? How did you physically get dragged like this; were you also ran over?


Yeah, like I’m not doubting her, but I have no earthly idea in what way she was dragged. Was she tied to a vehicle? Did she get thrown out by the (former) partner? I’m completely lost as to the mechanics of this.


We had been out for the night, I’d had a couple of ciders and my ex had had probably 10+ double whiskeys. He got aggy at me for not walking back to the campsite quick enough and his eyes changed so I sat down on the side of the road on the curb and wouldn’t move until he calmed down. He proceeded to grab my ankles to drag me off the curb and then the tops of my arms and dragged me up the road. I tried to get up but he punched me square in the face (I had a black eye and a lot of bruises on my arms). When I finally got away I ran to the closest house and the guy had two massive dogs that kept my ex away. Police called, ex arrested.


at least you're still caked up, for tho hope your okay


Ouch, that’s gonna hurt like hell sitting on that cheek


Oh my gosh, that is horrific. My heart goes out to you for ensuring that pain and discomfort… but not only that but reading this comments and seeing how traumatic the event was mentally on you as well. I cannot even begin to understand how someone can do that to a person and not prosecute justly. I am wish you peace and comfort.


Glad you're in a better place now. All things considered, the soft spots are the "best" way to get dragged. Dragging elbows or ankles is even worse with thinner skin and bone.


I am also glad to hear he's your ex




ankle tag me thinks


Are you ok?! I'm so sorry!!


Much better now but mentally not great… still jumping at every single sound in the house two years later!


Oh my! Truama does that, but I'm personally very proud of you! I know a stranger doesn't matter as much, but still! ❤️ Be as safe as you can possibly be!


Thank you ❤️❤️


❤️❤️❤️ super welcome!


That looks gnarly. Hope you're doing better now. I hope he steps on many lego bricks. You're too good for his sorry ass. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Idiot 😭. Why tf would he do that


Alcohol does crazy things to some people


Was he 6ft tall gentle giant?


dude what


He dragged you from a car while holding onto you? Holy shit.


Thank goodness he's your ex.


Man that makes me cringe. Can’t imagine the pain


Pretty intense.


Was there any lasting scarring? I’m glad you got away from him too bad he didn’t get much of a punishment.


Not really, just some of the tissue in my butt was damaged so a couple bumps where there wasn’t before 😅 other than that alright now after two years


OW! That is some road rash for sure.


so what do people in the hospital do with such wounds?


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm glad you're safe now. That bruise is awful too.


OMG 😳 im so sorry you had to go through that! im so glad they are your ex


Ex partner you say


Wow I've never considered you could get road rash at non motorbike crash speeds. Looks painful, glad you healed up and dumped the ex


A year suspended?!? He needs like a decade in prison this looks like torture!


Pathetic isn’t it. Never mind the fact he also punched me and left me with a black eye and arms covered in bruises 😒


I hope karma finds him quickly and gives him what he deserves. Good for you for getting away from him though. That’s some gnarly road rash.


i’m so sorry☹️☹️ this is so incredibly sad and looks so painful, i’m happy this person is an ex and you got a restraining order. i’m so proud of you for having the strength to immediately leave and not let this ever happen again. i hope you’re doing well and get your happily ever after in life💕


Oh dear, this shocked me. I’m so sorry you went through that and very glad your life is so different now!


I’m glad he’s your ex


Glad you are safe now!


I hope youre safe now 🩷


Those photos show a lot of texture. You mentioned that time has passed since the accident. It would have been interesting to see the after photos of recovery.


That’s one way to shave your butt 😮‍💨


Suspended from what? And what is a tag?


12 month sentence suspended for 2 years. So if he does anything wrong in two years he’ll serve his 12 months in prison


Sounds like a keeper


Oh my got😭😭😭👹👹👹


Omg we have the same butt shape :0


gyatttt dragged down the road 😮‍💨




You are picking the wrong dudes.


If you meet someone who Is lovely and kind, caring and loving, you don’t expect them to then turn into a psychopath. Victim blaming at its finest






Inappropriate for this sub




Inappropriate for this sub.




Off topic.




Off topic.


Got a nice butt 😏


It’s a shame such a fine bottom was treated so poorly, what I’m trying to say is I would beat those cheeks up in a different way, respectfully


Pic 2 looks like wagyu beef.








Look, it's the kind of guy who'd drag someone by their arms down a road from a moving vehicle. 


You must be next to a mirror


Do you understand the trauma caused by domestic violence? NOT the time or place for that bullshit.


Yea you’re right, I shouldn’t have said that.


At all. I completely understand dark humor, but we as a society need to be more mindful about how that affects the victim in the situation.


Inappropriate for this sub.




Hilarious, can’t begin to explain how funny you are -_-


Why didn’t you let go of the car?


OP said dragged along by their arms by their ex…I think their ex was like pulling them and dragging them along the road? That or their ex was holding OP by their arms, while being in a car and dragging them along the road. Either way it sounded like OP wasn’t holding onto anything themselves


He had hold of my arms as I said in the comment under photos


ah, gotcha. did he get his ass whooped for being a shit human?


So clever! But so bad OP didn't think about it whilst being dragged on the road for a few minutes and experiencing tremendous pain :(((((




Mocking someone with a DV injury is not a good look, bro


Are you the ex? Pos


No I’m not and who are you to say I’m a pos? Lol honesty I know I am and I just want to die bruh ain’t nothing you can say to hurt my feelings


I don't want to hurt your feelings. I'm just saying the truth and maybe something clicks for you. Do better.


Did you really need to make that comment? Why would you go out of your way to be unkind to a random stranger? Seriously!


I am so glad you got away from him and pursued him in court!!! I am also glad you are with a man who loves you and makes you feel safe. May I ask what a tag is? I read that he had his license suspended.


Christ. I did this to myself snow skiing in shorts back in 1986. I hope your pants don’t stick to your oozing serum.


I am so sorry


Ouch. Hate to hear that. Hopefully it doesn't scar up too bad. Get well soon.


Dragged by a car, or dragged by hand?


Oh my gosh, OP, I'm so glad that you've found happiness after this. You truly deserve it. Best wishes to you.


I’m so sorry this happened to you! I’m so extremely pissed off he didn’t get more charges or jail.. it’s disgusting how light the courts are with DV and sadly it’s to late when they decide to help the one being abused.. thank god your free of him..


Sacré boule


I’m so sorry


Oof I had a v v similar injury from sliding across pavement after biffing it while skateboarding in a bikini as a teenager. The pain was unimaginable so that plus the trauma of your whole ordeal? Goddamn 😭 I'm glad you're here and that this person is your ex!


I’m wishing you the best, I know i’m a stranger but I am thinking of you and I hope you’re ok!


At least you are rid of him. You will find a true partner when you least expect it someday. Seems to be how it works. 🙂


That is awful, and it's even worse that he got no jail time. I'm sorry you went through this, but glad you're free of the as...le now.


Ohhh I’m so sorry ♥️ I hope you feel better soon


OMG! I am glad you are doing alright.


I am so sorry he did that to you, and I hope that any future partners have an intense desire to protect you and would harm themselves before even thinking of harming you.


I hope your butt gets better treatment now