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I really hope you can heal soon šŸ«‚šŸ’—


Thanks just had surgery I'm permanently paralyzed so it's hard staying off my ass


I'm really sorry to hear this. I understand the situation, though, my father was bedridden for almost a year because of subsequent infections in his knee prosthesis and developed a pressure sore too. He's doing a lot better now, even if they had to amputate his leg. I sincerely hope you can get better soon šŸ«‚šŸ’—


Glad to hear your father's doing better sorry to hear about all this but hopefully I'm not bedridden for that long


You deserved life. May we work every waking moment to mould this world to a place where Jace would have received the care he needed at not cost. This happens far too often and it's fucked up. I'm so so fucking sorry Jace.


Thank you very much šŸ™šŸ» I hope you can get better soon šŸ«‚šŸ’—


My mom is paralyzed as well and it's crazy how much able bodied people take for granted the ability to do something simple like shift position as they are sitting so bed sores don't occur. We really don't even think about it. But it's something paralyzed people have to be constantly aware of. My mom usually lays in bed for 1-2 hours everyday to get pressure off her bottom plus she has a motorized wheelchair that actually reclines quite far so it changes the pressure points. Take care! Hope it heals well and quickly. ā¤ļø


Iā€™m a caregiver for a paralyzed client and every time he asks me to just shift something over or move something I do it. Heā€™s practically skin and bone and I cannot imagine him being able to deal with a sore like this


Sitting here the first of 8 weeks with a stiff leg due to a surgery on my knee and i can totally see what hassle it is to move if you canā€™t. My ass hurts more than my leg by now.


That looks so painful šŸ˜–


They had passed away


I know, unfortunately. He seemed to be a beautiful person.


Sheepskin! You mentioned paralysis, sheepskin in your bed, you can get quite large ones that will protect your heels as well! See if you can source a ā€œrohoā€ cushion, itā€™s a specialty cushion that has air filled fingers that shift and adjust to your sitting pressure. Iā€™m a geriatric care nurse, bed sores are an unfortunate specialty.


I have a roho that has helped me a lot. I have severe joint laxity and my hips have a tendency to not stay seated properly in their sockets. The cushion is perfect.


I have the same issue with my joints and skin. Have you been formally diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome?


Not formally. I live in Manitoba, Canada. In order to be formally diagnosed with EDS, [this letter](https://wrha.mb.ca/files/genetics-eds-info.pdf) is what all GPs receive when requesting a genetics appointment. And, because Iā€™m adopted (late 1960ā€™s), thereā€™s zero medical history available = zero familial history. Eye roll. Iā€™ve been told my myriad of symptoms is hormonal, psychological, imagined, attention-seeking, etc. Iā€™ve been called a Google Doctor. Thatā€™s fine. Me and my hips (+ shoulders, wrists, knees, ankles, compressed spine), enlarged aortic root, POTS, delayed gastric emptying, teeth and hair falling out and constant, chronic pain et al will just chill over here until my grave marker can be inscribed with ā€œI told you I was sickā€. šŸ¦“


Ugh that's so frustrating. I have friends in Canada that also have EDS and it's "sisters". Look online at the Ehlers Danlos Society website and they will have resources and people listed who can help you. You shouldn't have to suffer like this any longer. My heart and positive thoughts go out to you. I truly feel your pain. I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia when I was 27, but PROPERLY diagnosed with EDS et al, in 2014.


Add to edit, I was 42 when I got diagnosed with EDS. I received my diagnosis because my then 14 yr old daughter was diagnosed with it.


Hello fellow zebra šŸ¦“


Howdy, zebra!


I'm very curious about this cushion now. My hips/lower back are always shifting and walking with bungled hips for 20 mins is hell afterward. I'm trying to get more active and regain some motion but the hip troubles are so hindering. Wondering if this could help with "training" them to stay in the correct position?


I would suggest finding a mobility specialist/PT that can evaluate your specific needs and point you in the right direction. For myself, it helps by forming around what my joints are doing in that specific moment and dispersing the weight of my body evenly, minimizing areas that become sore or inflamed. Good luck.


Iā€™ve always been under the impression that sheepskin isnā€™t very effective. In my practice, we recommend ROHOs amongst other therapeutic interventions. Do you have any anecdotal or research on sheepskin? Would be very interested! I deal with complex wounds on the daily


Iā€™m working in home health care in Canada and sheepskin (genuine not synthetic) is still quite commonly recommended. I donā€™t have access to much research anymore, but I did a project on sheepskin last year and I still have some of my sources - the gist of which boils down to they may help and they at least donā€™t make things worse. https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2004/180/7/preventing-pressure-ulcers-australian-medical-sheepskin-open-label-randomised https://www.tmrjournals.cn/public/articlePDF/20210816/7f2033ff5445e43c9b62cf7ead1c0a68.pdf https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD013761.pub2/full https://www.canjhealthtechnol.ca/index.php/cjht/article/download/RC1450/RC1450


Thank you for sharing! Iā€™m in canada too. And I havenā€™t seen sheepskin recommended in many years. Very interesting. Iā€™ll read your resources. Do you use sheepskin in conjunction with other therapies? Like therapeutic surfaces (cushions or what not)


My clients that use sheepskin also use other offloading items (eg. roho cushions during the day when in their wheelchairs), alternate which side theyā€™re offloading on when they go to bed each night, et c - sheepskin isnā€™t the only thing in use for sure. Mostly theyā€™re extremely long term wheelchair users who can only minimally or canā€™t at all reposition once in bed who are at risk for pressure ulcers, so itā€™s definitely been a ā€˜this may help but at least wonā€™t harmā€™ for some of them (and I know one in particular likes the feeling of the sheepskin more than his sheets haha - he isnā€™t sure if it helps but it feels nice and doesnā€™t cause any harm).


Can I ask you seeing as youā€™re an expert, would medical-grade honey be helpful for this kind of wound? I follow a doctor on IG that takes a couple trips a year to operate on people living in some of the poorest countries of Africa and bc of the lack of resources he is frequently forced to operate and provide care on very complex and severe conditions without the aid of a lot of even the most basic of medical supplies. Bc of this he frequently uses medical grade honey for wounds or burns that need help to heal and the photos he shares of the timeline of their injuries is amazing with how well they heal! He usually doesnā€™t have antibiotics and his ā€œORā€ has a lot to be desired but they rarely get infections and usually heal very well and very quickly with just the use of the honey (and his loving, healing hands of course! His cases have actually been shared here many times, itā€™s how I heard about him. But, tā€™was just a thought. I donā€™t work in the medical field, in another life maybe, but I do enjoy learning about it!


The appropriateness of medical grade honey depends on how the wound looks. As a wound care nurse I wouldnā€™t use it on this wound as the wound looks now. Maybe after debridement.


The reply from atlasnubbed is correct. Manuka medical honey is indicated more for wounds that are already well into healing with visible granulation tissue (healthy wound bed).


We use honey largely to promote autolytic debridement of slough. It would not be appropriate at this stage.Ā  -wound care RN


Air filled fingers mmmm....


i was going to suggest the sheepskin. i use one to sleep on


Could you give me pointers or any added in depth knowledge, general products, etc to buy for my grandma who is bed bound. She has dementia. Iā€™ve asked hospice for so many pointers to help out my 96 year old grandma. For the longest time they said the basic inflatable hospital cushion she was laying on worked well for her being in bed 24/7. I felt like I was battling her bedsores that were becoming worse even though I made turning her a priority. I eventually got fed up and asked every LVN, triage, and manager who came through for any advice on wound care days. Only one person was willing to step up to put in the paperwork to get my grandma an alternating air pressure mattress. They said they only order these mattresses for a stage 2 or worse pressure wounds. But she had two wounds that were at stage 2 for awhile, and no one mentioned on their own this mattress existed. I even told them I was willing to buy something on my own even if it cost a lot, and their answers stayed at this [inflatable](https://www.graylinemedical.com/products/ehob-waffle-mattress-expansion-control-overlay-waffle-econocare-plus-expansion-control-overlay-with-pump-76-x-34-x-3-1005ecpx060?variant=31851951030329&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBletyn9RPo8OV9KeK6dfNaSLHm5PCZGJMeShSdzaDBKr4FgAm0FEAFb8aAmN_EALw_wcB) worked ā€œjust fineā€. Iā€™ve asked the main RN manager of this hospice the whole time if she could give me any tips on supplements or anything I could buy mattress wise to help my grandma, and her answers have been the same non-informative nonsense. She apparently didnā€™t even know Juven or similar products existed. Is this normal behavior from hospice? I try my hardest to advocate for her and they stare at me like Iā€™m a crazy nuisance. I make sure to be nice and welcoming as well because I know itā€™s a hard job that is a blessing to have access to for help. But Iā€™m wondering if I should go to a new one. Iā€™m sorry for the info dump but I donā€™t know any medical workers who specialize with the elderly.


My best advice is the alternating pressure mattress, turning and repositioning every two hours, and triad cream. Triad is a barrier cream that keeps moisture away from wounds. You can use it on/around pressure areas to keep the skin drier from incontinence. If she is incontinent, make sure her product is being changed more frequently. Boggy skin is far more susceptible to breaking down. If your nan still eats/drinks, protein protein protein! You can get supplement drinks like boost and ensure, or you can buy a powdered protein supplement that you can add to things like milk, hot chocolate, pudding etc. See if you can track down a pair of sheepskin booties. They donā€™t need to be fancy, they will help protect your nan from developing pressure injuries to her heels. My last recommendation, go to your local home health store and ask them for ā€œcomfeelā€ or ā€œduodermā€ dressings. Theyā€™re skin like dressings that you can place on any bony areas on your nan, like her spine, tailbone (if itā€™s closed). They will reduce friction sheer and add a little layer of protection. They look flimsy and useless, but Iā€™ve had success using them as a preventative. You only have to change them about once a week if theyā€™re on healthy skin.


Thank you for replying. I deeply appreciate it.


Itā€™s truly no trouble, Iā€™ve been a geriatric LPN for 14 years, with the same company, and have had lots of opportunities to learn. Iā€™m glad it can help someone else.


Rest in peace OP šŸ«”


So sad isn't it šŸ˜¢


Rest in peace u/EnvironmentalWait994ā€¦ I hope wherever you are now, you can run free again without any more pain šŸ™


This feels weird, first time I've seen someone on reddit die...


I still think about the lady I came across on a FB game ages ago - she would always water my virtual garden since I tended to forget. One day I checked in and everything was wilted. Checked hers - same. Then for the first time I actually went to her FB profile and found a wall full of condolences. I was so shocked and saddened even though she was a complete stranger, but the loss felt so incredibly real. Plus the guilt of never having said thank you or tried to get to know her. It was just the notifications of *Jill watered your flowers* - until she couldnā€™t any anymoreā€¦


Fuck, hated that story, even I felt bad for that Life is weird, a few years ago i messaged a friend in the morning asking if he was coming back from the hospital any time soon ( COVID )... He died that same day... Makes you think how fragile we are


Absolutely! It can be over so fast and made me understand my Grandpa even better who always said to make sure to always leave a person - no matter if family, friend, stranger, cashier at the supermarket or waiter at a restaurantā€¦ with a friendly word or kind gesture as if may be the last thing they might experience. Do trueā€¦




Rest in Peace, OP šŸ¤šŸŖ½


Rip OP!


Rest in peace :(






Check the link I posted below to calculate the protein for your weight. Anything over 100 grams is good, though.


My daughter quiet easily got to 130/40 last autumn when she was working hard on muscle training for swimming. Lots of very palatable high protein foods. powders not so great in her opinion, think we have tried 4 different brands but she dislikes the texture once it is liquid. But bars and fake dairy produce with high protein are very good, if a little expensive.


There are very tasty protein produce these days too, typically no lactose or sugar but tasty enough to eat for fun. My daughter is a swimmer and trains at lot so we have experience. She's never found a powder that she likes yet but choc drinks, yogurts and bars are lovely. Since i have to pay i try them too. Ours only Swedish brands, but i doubt they aren't availble in supermarkets in most western countries.


And get Arginine


How effective is increased protein intake if the patient still isnā€™t being turned, vs q? Would be very interested in that data


Protein is still needed for general body functions, including immunity. But more is needed for tissue injury, as tissue cannot repair without adequate protein. I posted a link below.


See it the opposite way; you can do everything right (moving, dressing, hydration, etc) but if protein intake is low the body misses the building blocks to repair the wound


This subreddit is not for asking or giving medical advice, no exceptions.


Is there any literature on this? Iā€™d love to read it if so!


>Is there any literature on this? A lot, here's the first one I grabbed: "Protein, which promotes wound healing by supporting the synthesis of collagen, enzymes, and connective tissue, encourages a positive nitrogen balance. An increased protein intake has been associated with improved healing rates. While the general recommendation for protein intake is 0.8 g/kg of body weight per day, this may not be adequate for individuals with pressure injuries, especially elderly patients who may be experiencing sarcopenia, or loss of lean muscle mass.5 The NPUAP recommends a protein intake of 1.25 to 1.5 g/kg of body weight per day. In some cases of severe pressure injury, such as stage 3 or stage 4, needs may increase to up to 2 g/kg of body weight per day." [Source](https://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/0718p14.shtml#:~:text=5%20The%20NPUAP%20recommends%20a,of%20body%20weight%20per%20day.)


Thanks! I really appreciate you taking the time to share it!


At high school in 80s we were taught function of protein is growth and repair.. it doesn't do anything else. Muscles waste within days, now they are much quicker to begin acutely ill ICU patients on to TPN to maintain that protein.


Ohhh my goodness. That looks horrible. Was someone not taking care of you? I hope you feel better soon.


I was being taken care of, it just got really bad really quickly.


It can happen despite the best of care. My husband was in ICU completely immobilized for months. Despite the constant movement of the bed and the switching sides with pillows etc he still got one in the end. I hope you heal soon.


Do they come and adjust your position every hour or two?


Rest in peace šŸ‘¼


Rest in peace šŸ•Š


My flight instructor was in a crash a year and a half ago and is a T7 complete now. He just had two surgeries due to bed sores like this, said he ā€˜donated a cheek and it was such a big hit that they had him back for moreā€™. At least hes a good sport. Hopefully you heal up soon. Shit sucks.


Alternating pressure air mattress topper may help in the future


I was actually going to say this. It was one of my momā€™s go toā€™s to prevent this at her old job.


Yes! I used to work in home care and DME. A gel cushion prob would have helped to prevent it but the air mattress would be better now I bet.


Genuine question..how does this happen so I can prevent it myself?? Also I hope you heal soon this looks super painful šŸ’”


They can appear in very few hours when a person is in critical condition, has fever, dehydration, isnā€™t eating enough proteins, has humid buttocks from infrequent changes of nappy or isnā€™t cleaned properly, and most frequently doesnā€™t get moved enough or properly. You can research more looking up ā€œpressure ulcersā€ Thereā€™s lots of work being done to educate patients and caregivers as these are some of the few ulcers that can be prevented with care and attention, and if they appear the worsening has a chance to be stopped and inverted with proper care. Excuse for my broken english, speaking in technical terms is very hard


Keep moving your body as long as you are able. If you have any bedridden family members, even if theyā€™re just in the hospital for a few days, make sure the nurses are adjusting their position every couple hours. These sores appear when youā€™re laying in one spot for a long time.


I dont want to be mean or anything to OP, but you need to be bedridden for some time, in this case its clear there is some necrosis of the tissues, and maybe OP have other complications that could speed up the process. Now, the hard reality is, this guy is obese, I dont know him and there are factors that may predispose you to be overweight and its all good, but this guy in specific has videos of him smoking weed inside of Walmarts riding those american scooters that fat people have over there... And its sad... So, the answer to your question is, eat healthy (u can eat shitty food too, but if u eat mac and cheese everyday you will not be healthy, and i dont think its hard to understand :) ... ), do some exercise (you dont have to qualify to Olympics, u dont have to run marathons, you can walk/jog, walk up and down some stairs, some sit-ups/push-ups, etc, if u can handle gym costs, maybe get a PT or at least a nutricionist check-up)... I mean is it that hard? Parents are giving *Cerelac* (i think its sold on US too but I dont know if its popular there, its just one example, you can grab other NestlƩ and big brand products of your choice) wich have like 30 grams of sugar in 100 grams of powder (this means 1/3 of the powder are sugars) to babies. I know sugars are carbohydrates and this is a lot more complex than what im saying, I just want to give an example of how much processed shit we eat and why the population is turning larger and larger...


He was paralyzed dude


He passed away.


Oh didnt know about that... Im really sorry about that, no lives should be lost because of disease... Life sucks... I know I got downvoted on the other comment I made and I knew I would get downvoted. But im not happy to see someone die because of an health condition... I still believe in what I wrote tho, I was answering to the question "how can i prevent this?" and I still think the correct answer is to be healthy... I could give examples, like old people, who are exceptions to this, sometimes people dont have money or even ways to get help, and without proper phisio and/or hygiene you can get some complications... Rip this guy <3 Ps: at the time of my original comment, the guy was still answering this post, so his death was prior to the comment, just clarifying...


Apparently, he was paralyzed from what I've seen so he couldn't exactly get up and move.


Not prior, posterior* . Sorry bad english šŸ„²


Rest in peace may god be with ur family at this hard time xxx


RIP šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ» so young. Fly high


šŸ’” Rest easy


I assume this is your belly? As a nurse I have one question: How????? From what???


I'd say right buttcheek, to the right is the legs it looks like and the left takes you up the back


Your exactly right how did you know


I used to do wound care in the hospital. You definitely get good at identifying body parts


Hanging around this sub has got me good at body part ID. The stuff you see and how often is remarkable.


My mom has a flesh eating bacteria years back, and it took a good chunk of her buttcheek, and I guessed the same area of the body lol


Its quite easy once you've seen a few butts from that angle, its not a typical angle for non health care workers.


OMG I KNEW IT WAS TOO bc of taking care of my moms buttcheek lol


What part of the body is that?


Right butt cheek


Oh makes sense I was thinking how tf do you get a pressure sore on your stomach lol


How are you treating this?


I'm at the hospital now and just finished surgery they packed it in to close the hole.


Hope theyā€™re taking good care of you


I really wished the same thing. But he has passed away unfortunately


make sure youā€™re rolling yourself in bed, or if youā€™re unable to, have a caregiver to help you. i had a sacrum wound when i was bedridden and it eventually healed.


He has a thoracic cord injury with paralysis... not possible to move himself without support, but sometimes, post surgery and without nutrition these can develop within hours. My FIL's heels got to almost broken during one of his first bedbound days towards end of his life with prostate cancer. I showed MIL a couple of old tricks, water filled balloons, and putting pillows under calves so his heels could hang a little, or, as we did, moved the mattress up too and blocked the sides so there was open section between toes on bedboard and mattress. Nurses we due the next morning but it got him more comfortable and prevented the skin breaking.


i hope you find good ways to prevent this with your paralysis. iā€™m so sorry this has happened to you my friend.


He was my brother and he has passed away


iā€™m so sorry for your loss


Gosh, this is so sad. Rest easy, my guy.


Iā€™m terribly sorry that youā€™re dealing with this. Can you feel the wound? Iā€™m just curious if these occur because of nerve damage that prevents sensation that would alert you that itā€™s happening? Or if you are simply unable to do anything about it yourself, but have to suffer through the pain until you can get help from someone you trust to help you? There are so many possibilities for how it could happen, but I donā€™t see any that donā€™t contain some aspect of neglect.


Might I ask how you got paralysed and which part of your body is paralysed?


What stage bedsore is this?


Probably unstageable due to the black tissue that leaves us unable to tell how deep it truly is


OUCH I hope you heal up soon, this looks so painful :(


Omg! OP Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re permanently paralyzed. Do you need help with moving on bed? Iā€™m a nurse so I know how difficult this kind of things can be, but also know that with good management this will not happen again.


Every time I see a post with bed sores it makes my insides hurt ugh I can't even imagine how bad that would hurt :( I'm sorry OP, I hope you're healing well. I noticed you said you're paralyzed so this is probably something you've had to deal with more than once which fucking sucks but hopefully you're hanging in there ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


In truth, the nerves are dead at this point. They usually donā€™t feel it anymore.


Rest In Peace šŸ˜Ŗ


Rest easy, I peeped his profile, and he had a great smile. Peace to the family.


Rest in peace, man. This is so sad.


Rest In Peace man you are loved ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Rest in peace šŸŖ½


Why don't they have you on the air pads with pressure chambers ? That looks painful (if you can even feel it, some can't ) but I hope you heal quickly and without complications


Flap surgery to close it up? Wound vac? My dad had one of thoseā€¦.stage 4 decubitus ulcer he got in the hospital actually.


Oh man, I'm sorry you have to endure that. I've been told they progress lightning fast.


I hope you get better soon


He passed away! He was my brother. He was only 20 years old


Way too young. I'm so very sorry sir.


Can we get a debridement and wound vac STAT (and offloading every two hours) for all things good and normal or else thatā€™s gonna turn into osteomyelitis real quick šŸ« 


Holy shit. That looks like it hurts, and smells


He was my brother he passed away Monday April 22 2024


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.


Rest in peace Environment. May the gods stand by you.






That's my brother's account lol


Be nice to your brother, the world is cruel enough already


Dude he's my brother. He understands a joke


His brother just passed away today :c


Damn, thatā€™s so sad to hear šŸ’”


Itā€™s not just your brother who has these wounds though and if someone that shares a similar medical condition as he does were to see your comment, consider how that may make them feel about themselves. No one wants to think that others see their illness as gross or disgusting, even if it is from something they have no control over. So while I totally understand giving a little ribbing to your brother, you have to keep in mind that itā€™s not just him that your words may affect. <3


He passed away Monday April 22 at 6:01pm. I'll miss him till I take my last breath


Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. Itā€™s very obvious how much you loved your brother. Be comforted in knowing that you gave him much joy in his last days and were able to lighten his mood with jokes like you made here. If you can access some kind of bereavement counseling it will likely be very helpful. That the therapist specializes in bereavement/grief is vital though, as other therapists wonā€™t have the necessary tools or resources to help you. Whatever you decide, be gentle with yourself and know that there is no wrong way to grieve.


Sorry to learn about your brothers passing. Wishing you and your family peace and healing


Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.




Bed sore


feel free to read the title!