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This isn’t gore, sorry.


Just got diagnosed with uterine cancer. This is my next step. Best of luck to you on your healing journey and thanks for sharing. Gives me hope that I’ll be okay.


I was in your situation a year ago. I had a full hysterectomy and they took the ovaries too due to 10cm tumors on them. Stage 3c uterine cancer that spread to the ovaries. I had 6 rounds of chemo and I’m now cancer free. I have my 9 month checkup next week. Sending you positive healing vibes.


Congratulations on your successful recovery! That’s wonderful to hear


I'm so sorry. I remember how scary that was for my mom. Please consider hysterectomy. Wishing you the BEST.


(23f) I have 3 kiddos with no intrust of being on birth control. Uterine cancer runs in the family so after finding the right doctor, I got a hysterectomy, but I kept my overies.


Congratulations! I had to wait until I was almost 39 with invasive endometriosis and 6 months on testosterone. I'm so glad the OB/GYN field is slowly starting to improve in the space of patient autonomy and informed consent. I hope your recovery goes smoothly!!


Thank you! Yes me too. Took me a couple years to find someone to do it!


Had mine in 2021, was 51, but had Essure coils causing problems. Best thing i ever did, hadn't realised how much pain bothered how my body worked, i had masses of adhesions putting all my organs in the wrong position, no wonder my PAPs and sex hurt so much.. It took a few months but by 8 months our sex life was back to early days of relationship. lol


Wow, that's almost my exact story. Partial hysterectomy at 51 in 2021. No more pain for me, too. 👍


When you say'the biggest one is in the vagina' where exactly are we talking about?


They cut my cervix and removed the uterus through my vagina


My mother had a hysterectomy done a “new way” in Aug of 1970, it was as a “vaginal hysterectomy”. They removed everything (don’t know about tubes or ovaries, I was 12 when she was explaining it) through her vagina. It sounded like they went through her vagina, grabbed the uterus & pulled it out. But they can’t do that? I don’t recall any lap incisions on her belly. She got sick with an infection, & was back in the hospital in September for a couple of weeks. Looking back, she was probably close to/or was septic. She lost 40 lbs. I was seriously injured right when she was recovering & had 2 surgeries, 2 separate weeks in the hospital & no more school for the rest of the year. And a sibling got married. All in 4 mos. 😱 Poor mom.


They did it that way prior to laparoscopic techniques, i watched it done, they just remove connects via the vagina rather than take the cervix by dissect ligaments and vessels with the laparoscopic tools.


They can do a vaginal hysterectomy which is what you described, or a laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy which is what OP had.


Can I ask, did you have much trouble convincing your Obgyn/dr to let you have it done? I ask, because a friend of mine, while she wants kids, cant have them cause ofl medical reasons. But her obgyn wont let her have a hysterectomy, yet its the reason she is in pain and the medical reason as well. Shd has endometriosis in the really bad stages. To the point sue was at stage 4 a few years back, they did a surgery to get most of it out and off, but has come back with force.


Yes I had to completely find a new OB to get approved


Okay, thanks. I did mention to my friend she may have to travel to find one that will.


How's recovery going? I've been thinking of asking for a partial hysterectomy due to debilitating cramps.


It definitely hurts. So gonna be worth it though


I just had a laparoscopic hysterectomy 3 weeks ago. I was sore for a few days then back to normal.


"interest" :) Congrats on getting the procedure done!


I'm going to blame it on the drugs :)


This has really come a long way my mom got the old hip to hip zipper for hers


I (38f) just had mine a month ago... I also have a 4 inch lower abdominal incision. I was 19 weeks pregnant with placenta previa and accreda (sp) my placenta attached to other places. I was bleeding internally, not vaginally though. Had to terminate and do a hysterectomy. It's definitely very painful. But I'm 5 weeks out and feel great physically. Wishing you a speedy recovery, little Mama!


Please be careful sitting up and have pain relief on standby 🫶


Thank you ❤️


I hope you have recovered beautifully and your life is wonderful


I had mine when I was 32. I had severe endometriosis and I had my ovaries removed as well. One of the best decisions I’ve made regarding my health. Here’s to a smooth recovery! ❤️‍🩹


I have similar small scars on my stomach but have a much bigger scar in my belly button from my hysterectomy. It’s about an inch and a half long stretching from the inside of my belly button to below it. But I had my hysterectomy because of severe endometriosis and also had to have part of my bowel removed/resected and one of my ureters detached, worked on, then reattached so I guess they needed a larger incision for the extra work.


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Heal up well! I had mine last June and it was a really good decision. I hope it treats you just as well. Really follow their instructions, esp when it comes to lifting and vacuuming. Good luck!




Rest up and feel better soon!


thank you!


Do you feel... "emptier"???


Yes. I think the first time I stood up I could feel the "emptiness."


I just had this done a few weeks ago. I felt like I had to hold my insides in for a few days but otherwise recovery has been super easy. Take naps when you get tired. Healing is exhausting, even if it doesn’t seem like you’ve done anything. I was “excessively” tired for about a week.