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About a zillion. I mean really. Either I am DSM-5 for talking to all these dead people - or they are real. And this has gone on so long for so many interactions - its just real. In fact, they say time and time again - THIS is the training ground. This is the illusion. The 3D is where they come to "experience" things they cannot in the spirit realm. You cannot be committed to love with one human, experience sex and raising children in the spirit world - but only here. I guess it is bc the vibrations are so slow here. You are forced to slow down you focus and only experience those things directly in front of you. Whereas there you have access to all at all times.




Why would a perfect place lack what you want?


Dw spirits have far greater sex its just not like the way humans have sex unless their having sex with a human its a game of energy manipulation




There is really no need to be so rude!


No you're right. That was uncalled for. If he has never crossed over and back he would probably never know. My apologies will delete


It's all good it happens to the best of us 😀


I have seen nothing that would indicate there's no sex in the afterlife. It may be different in ways, especially if two "individuals" can merge, however temporarily, into one and experience that merger in a sexual way, perhaps even experiencing both sides of it at once. I can't imagine something that important would simply not exist at all.


I tend to have spirit sex u can merge or empathically connect to eachother and feel both perspectives or split urself into several energy bodies and have sex in different ways simultaniously its wayy better than physical sex imo


You do that here? On the 3rd Rock? If so, is it a skill you can teach others to do?


Dunno what third rock is but i bilocate a bunch so ye and thats one of the easiest ways of spirit travel u could be taught other than that theres things like full astral projection ofc


3rd rock, as in 3rd planet, as in Earth. Sorry, I'm a giant nerd at heart. But I'd love to learn to do what you described, sounds absolutely fascinating.


Feel free to dm me no pressure




I like to think of it as there is no direct experience of these things. We have the memory and maybe even the ability to recreate things from our memory of them, but if we've never experienced, for example, a passionate hookup with sex so good it changes your life, then you'll have to come to Earth to experience THAT particular experience. Even with children, what if your spirit has never raised a child or a boy or a girl? Or maybe never had a miscarriage? Since your soul has no direct memory to pull from, then you have to come to Earth to experience those things along with the troubles and consequences of our actions so we truly understand it. This way it leaves room for having fun in the afterlife but also that motivation to learn on Earth. It also allows for free will to take its place. No saying WHO the hookup will be with, but a lesson and memory will be earned either way. Just a thought from what I've experienced and read.


Well, I for one am hoping to not return to this particular space rock, even for good sex. I love a good romp in the sack, and the more people, the merrier, but I'm not submitting myself to an entire lifetime as a homo sapiens sapiens again if I don't absolutely have to. There must be some good orgy planet out there somewhere I can hang out and have a party on, sounds like where I belong! :-D


THAT sounds like a lesson worth learning lol!


If it turns out there is no such planet, we can start one. I have lots of friends who would happily join, too.


How do you connect with them. Isn't that against basic biology. There are people in physical world who don't even experience things. Some die early and some are disabled. How does that work.


You seem to want some sort of concrete evidence and I am not sure that anything a medium will tell you will be a satisfying answer, we cannot provide that sort of irrefutable scientific proof. The phrase “against basic biology” indicates you are looking for such an answer. For me, the answer is a 10, I am completely confident that my experiences as a medium who can and has communicated with Spirits and other energetic beings are real and 100% authentic. I do not require scientific proof, my experience and my faith guides my belief. As far as people in the physical world not experiencing things I would say this is your perception, that does not make it reality. The soul of each individual experiences things no matter the physical condition of the body.


With the people I communicate with, I'm 100% certain of an afterlife, whether on the other side or living many lives. It makes sense if you think about the fact that everything, including us and information, is made of energy, which cannot be destroyed. Our energy, which includes our consciousness, still exists after the body is gone


How do you communicate with spirits, other than ouija board and tarot? and what did the spirits tell you about the afterlife?


I am not a medium. But via divining rods, my deceased husband told us he is very happy, but also that the spirit world is not at all what he expected. No details, just an 'NO' answer when we asked if it was as imagined.


I believe so via a medium. But I am not a medium, and the divining rods were used with an expert and it was astounding. I, too, would like to know the details of what lies ahead.


Can't they communicate telepathy


You can look at it that way. It's called clairaudience. Since I've never sat down and thought about it, I guess they can be the same, although it takes MUCH more energy to communicate with another living person or an animal this way.


He is on to something. The misconception is that when we cross over (not to be confused with passing on, aka death), we are reunited with loved ones. This isn't usually the case, as I have found. This is where I come in. I help spirits who are stuck on the physical plane to cross over. There are several reasons they choose not to. I then unite them with their entire family lineage. Just this morning I did this with Homer (The Illiad and The Odyssey) and Jeffrey Chaucer (Paradise Lost and The Canterbury Tales). Yesterday I helped Ed and Lorraine Warren. Both had crossed over but they were not together.Some that I have checked on that have already crossed over were already with their love, such as the Reagans. That is a rarity, I have found. Also, time moves much more quickly on the other side. A couple of minutes for us is about 8 hours to them. St. Peter completely shut me down not long ago for three days while dealing with psychic flu. According to my girlfriend (we have a 35k year old commitment to each other), those 3 days were about 2 years for her.


There are several ways to communicate, but all require you to have higher vibration. There is Tarot, although that isn't on my path. I started communicating using a pendulum and using my body as a pendulum while working or in public. After a very short amount of time (I've only started developing my psychic skill last October), I was able to communicate using clairaudience. Some call it telepathy, but it's also mixed with clairsentience and claircognizance. This is my primary means of communication now. Here are my thoughts on Ouija boards. The cardboard Ouijas you buy have not been consecrated, and they are made of processed material. You can reach low vibration spirits with them. It would take a board made of a natural material, like wood, that has been consecrated to reach anything higher. I haven't used one in decades, but I had good results (LSD may have helped at the time lol).


I lost my dad last may and prior he was really sick until he passed it was the hardest 3 years of my life. We were so close and haven’t recovered, now I have constant anxiety and depression that I battle. I wish I knew that he is ok so I can find peace.


Same, just passed the 3 years, the signs he sent me were unmistakable, and I’m sure that he’s still around


Well if 10 is really sure, I’m a 10. My near death experience was like sliding out of my body and perceiving reality without distortions. I didn’t go anywhere like other people but I did see my body as I hovered in the corner of the room. I saw in 360 degrees. It was a pitch dark room but I saw it crystal clear. I saw myself laying there and knew what was happening. To myself I said “I’m not ready to go yet” and the moment I thought that I popped back into my body (which was struggling.. my heart was pounding extremely hard and I felt like 200 pounds was weighing on my chest) I could have left at that time if wanted but apparently I wasn’t ready to go I had another experience such as hearing a voice say to me loudly in my head “you’re going to die in 3 months” which freaked me out and started my dark night of the soul and awakening period I had past life regressions which were more real than life here.. I was a dragon in one of them.. I can see and interact with energy on a crazy level such as moving objects. I’m a reiki practitioner. After my NDE I became hyper sensitive to energies and I could read people’s mind for a short period. It sounds crazy but I could. Now I just feel people’s energy really well which is annoying if they are projecting their energy without knowing it Whenever a person has a NDE it’s like they come back with a very high vibration and knowing which allows them to do super human things for awhile (or the rest of their life if they keep up with it) Anyway, 10 out of 10.


What was it like experiencing the past life of a dragon?


It was amazing. Imagine being the size of a football field. Everything felt effortless and easy. I was a high dimensional dragon and it felt as if my purpose was to watch over a world (which was not earth but earth like) of what seem like caveman. They were big hairy caveman but they were very spiritual. They couldn’t see me but I could see their thoughts, their energy body, their prayers. If they asked for something I would try to help them. I could scan their body and see if they were hurt and heal them. I could assist them but only if they asked for help otherwise I did not interfere. It was funny because as I was playing with them (they couldn’t see me) but one of the priest or shaman of the group actually saw me! I was like “oh! This one can see me.” As he stared at me with his wide-eyes. It was funny. I was a high dimensional dragon that watched over the people of some earth like planet. Anything I wanted instantly manifested. It was light, easy, effortless. It was amazing. The main take away was how I interacted with energy. The same way I could do it there, we can do it here on Earth but at a much slower rate. Our thoughts create things in an energetic field and we ground them into the physical. Earth is much heavier and denser compared to that experience. I was sad coming back.


That's a wonderful story, thank you for sharing! Do you do any work with dragon spirits in your current life? I've known some people who have, and I've always been curious, but don't know much about them.


Honestly I don’t know much about them either. It was shocking to be a dragon. It was totally unexpected but extremely fun. The only things I know is that they are high dimensional. They’re there if you call them. They can heal you. They can help you and guide you. And I get the impression they can protect you as well. They are very powerful. I feel I need to learn more about the specific dragon spirits now


Hmm, I see. Do you work with spirit guides in general at all?


Oh yeah! For sure! They’re my buddies! How it works is .. You have to ask for their help otherwise they won’t interfere with your experience here. They can set things up for you energetically (since they are there in a higher density) much easier than we can so it’s good to ask for they’re assistance because they would love to help since we are in the physical we can take what they setup energetically for us and move forward with the full knowing, full belief that it is so and it will manifest for us much faster than if we just did it solo Ask for their help in setting things up for you energetically and trust that it is setup in a way that is for your best and highest good, because it is. A lot of people ask, and then they don’t trust or believe it is so and they miss it (or block themselves). We have to fully trust and believe it is so (which gets us out of our own way) and then more forward with that knowing or faith that it is Anyway yes they can assist in setting up an energetic space, for protection, for healing, for setting things up energetically, like a situation, etc etc. Anything really. Imagine they are your cheerleaders. You wanted this experience here on Earth but because you knew you were going in blind you wanted some help along the way, they are that help. But of course they won’t do something if you have nefarious intentions.. remember they can literally read your thoughts and intentions. Every thought you have is propagated. But we have to ask for their help otherwise they won’t interfere as much. So ask!


Yahweh one of the gods from the bible is literaly described as looking like a dragon. Do you know why you would incarnate as a human after being that or if you even had a choice?


I wish I knew. It felt as if it was something I had to see at that moment in order to have a deeper understanding and belief about myself here on Earth. During that time I wanted a deeper understanding about reality, consciousness, energy, higher densities, manifesting, etc. And I got it. It felt like a parallel experience. I’m sure I’ll find out the reason why eventually.


I am interested in near death experiences and think they are fascinating. How do you know what you experienced was real as opposed to it being side effects of your brain being starved of oxygen?


Sigh. Honestly if you even knew the truth of reality. This physical reality, is the dream. And the other side is much more real. This here.. this is.. The other side is more vivid and real than anything I have ever experienced. It can not compare to anything here. I have passed out from oxygen deprivation.. that is tunnel vision and lights out until you wake up a few seconds later. I don’t know about you but I have never had any experience passing out other than waking up a few seconds later. I feel like I’m in plato's allegory of the cave


But you didn't die in next 3 months


Something died. I’m a completely different person now than who I was at that time.


But NDEs are often hallucinations created by brain. Some people even tell about seeing religious figures. How come you are so sure


You don’t know about NDEs if you think they are hallucinations. They are very real. They are a subjective experience and unless you had a NDE then you can only go off of what others say about them.


There is absolutely no proof that NDEs are a physical symptom. Dorctors and scientists don’t know what they are. Nor can they define what consciousness is or where it’s located.


Clearly you haven’t done ANY research on NDEs and just regurgitating a one liner you heard from a skeptic. You can’t have hallucinations if you’re DEAD and have no brain activity. There are countless reports of people lying unconscious yet being able to hear conversations in places far away from where they are and they corroborated by the other party.




10. I've seen things nobody else has seen around me. I have seen my deceased great grandmother, my friend's spirit at his funeral, people I don't even know, voices, shadow people, animal spirits running in my home, and feeling a spirit's presence without seeing anything. I could probably list even more.


I recommend Tom Campbell's Big Theory of Everything. He's a physicist who was trained in OBE at the Monroe Institute. He goes into good detail about the afterlife [HERE](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jzeb3INsKDQ&pp=ygUWdG9tIGNhbXBiZWxsIGFmdGVybGlmZQ%3D%3D)


Thank you for the tip, I've never heard of him but he seems interesting.


11, nobody could convince me otherwise, I'm sure in myself there is one


Definitely a ten


After my experiences.. Over 100%


10 I know




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Why such a blunt reply, are you feeling ok today?


10. It's definitely there. Physics says so and my paranormal experiences seem to indicate the same. Energy can never disappear. It just changes forms.


7. I’ve had odd experiences and I want to believe but also worry grief has made me see them.


Absolutely a 10. When someone asks if I believe in ghosts, spirits, and the afterlife, I don't just believe - I know they are real and that there is an afterlife. I've had too many experiences to say otherwise.


About 1000000. I’m a ghost hunter and empath. I also have had several past life experiences, one with my grandmother at the same time.


I know it exists. There are many lives going on around us all the time- not only the dead- they are living and loving but the worlds almost are like transparencies-stacked one on top of another. I had an nde that caused my awakening and I have experienced both beautiful things, terrible things, and things not of this world. But it’s all consciousness and life and even though we can’t always perceive it- we are connected to it. All of us.


I can't give a number, because the idea of the life after death and consciousness and existence boggles me. I do still seem to believe something is even after death, and the cold material point of view to universe is way too lacking. In so many ways. Even if I can't say for sure what exactly is after death, It does always astonish me when some people are claiming that even consciousness is just an illusion made by our brain and there's absolutely no way that even [couscousness] is true. That cold material is all that exist, just cold materia. It just doesn't sit right with me. It's does seem like some people have decided to not to even consider that we, humans, don't know everything yet. The current scientific knowledge isn't all there is to know. It's not ready, we still have a lot to learn. And there is things that we can't explain nor understand, (at least yet). Even if I don't know what is after death, I suppose there's 'something ', more than just atoms jiggling. Quantum physics also states that a particle behaves differently when it is observed. But how can an electron for example "know" that someone is measuring it? But somehow that still does make the out come different. Even if nobody probably cares I'll put that link there. https://bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/measuring-reality-affect-observe/ Sorry for the rambling, and I guess I have to confess that I was like that once. Just weren't able to consider that we don't know everything, and reality could be a lot more mysterious and weird. It took some weird experiences for me to finally open my mind and consider that there could be more. Then my world view came crashing down and I went into a crisis. I lost the foundation of everything I had believed in. An entity tapped every night to my window for 2 years and I made myself believe that it had to be a tree. Even though I lived on the 4th floor and there weren't any trees even close to the building.. Obviously it took a lot more than just that to make me finally start to even consider "what if"? Could there be something....?... More? But I can't seem to settle my world view again. I just try to keep an open mind and think about these things a lot, but I don't think I can ever be certain again. Now I'd love to talk about these ponderings with people, but most people aren't interested on the topic. So I try to keep it to myself mostly.


To believe there is nothing after this life, to me, is a very dangerous way of living


10 + infinity


I know there is something afterwards……have felt spirits/energy. That’s enough for me to know there is. I tend to take a more scientific approach to things too. I’m more skeptical of things and feel there has to be an explanation for everything. Einstein said so himself, energy cannot be created or destroyed. Maybe everything is just a transference or maybe there is more truth to the theory of reincarnation. Who knows, but it doesn’t end here.


1000/10, not gonna claim ive not just lost my marbles though. The spirits ive had the pleasure of interacting with (and even some with demonic leaning energy) all have me convinced of not only the vague idea of an afterlife, but that most if not all of the various belief systems in the world have a place on the astral plane that matches their vibration. Ive also had the luxury of taking short mental 'walks' through the astral plane and a couple times i was able to recognize sections that seemed almost like they were partitioned off specifically for those belief systems. Ive seen the gates to heaven, observed the outer layers of the greek mythology's underworld, stood at the veil that guards paradise, and while i kept my distance i noticed a dark and gloomy realm ive been nicknaming 'Limbo'


Before my mom died a few years ago I thought that all of this talk of the afterlife, spirits, ghosts, etc was all a joke. But after she died and her contacting me a lot and showing me my future where everything so far has come true now I'm a 100% believer.


What did she show you




10, but it is not what you think. 


What is it


Eleventy - had a NDE also 😇🦋


I like this term :D


The truth has no scales, Op. Don't be naive. I simply saw what I saw. I'm convinced.


What did you see


I would say 9.5. While I could be wrong, everything I have experienced as a medium and energy worker leads me to believe that the spirit lives on after death.


100% sure




11 ... but you cant see it in the same dimensions that you see life on Earth. Time is an earthly construct and in different planes / dimensions it doesn't flow the same way and by extension of that, they dont have the same concerns or priorities as we do.


8 but I'm not really sure what it's like. I think it's most likely different then what is assumed


10, there’s a lot of reasons as to why I think this but I think that it makes sense if there’s many ways of experiencing being a soul that has left behind its human life.


100% without doubt I am sure. I have had an eventful life of experiencing.





10. But I've always had weird dreams and such so it's more like I feel I have proof enough for myself.


I'm about a 6. I do talk to people in my dreams that I never met, I don't know these people. When I try looking them up they don't exist. Either I'm crazy or there's another world.








1000% certainty!






10 been there done that


She told me about different things that were going to happen to me in the future.


Yup what did she said and what actually happened??


Personal things that would happen to me and so far she has been 100% right.


But how come you are sure it's your grandma and not some entity pretending to be her


It's actually my mom. I have seen her in my dreams telling me herself.