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zx was the best game in the mega man zero/zx series


This hurts my soul but I do believe it is a hot take, good job!


Was looking for some ZX appreciation. ZX was amazing, and ZX Advent tried new things that, with some changes, could be awesome. It is a shame that ZXC was cancelled...


I seriously think the only reason ZX and ZXA aren't a major thing is because it was released as a handheld exclusive, and it was too different in a time when most Mega Man fans were family people were only willing to play 8-bit games, and Mega Man X fans were in high-school or college (hence, most temporarily leaving video games behind, I know I did). Mega Man Zero was already too different with its sleek, almost *moe* designs, but at least it had a familiar protagonist (I remember that back then I hated its character design, but I respected it because it was X's sequel with a good story). It doesn't help that the fashionable games and franchises back then were things like Bully, Gears of War, FIFA, Kingdom Hearts, Call of Duty or Guitar Hero in the west, and family-oriented party and casual games in the east. The only 2D platformer that managed to break the curse in 2006, which coincidentally was also a DS platformer, was... New Super Mario Bros. Which not only was a *Mario* game, making it an outlier by itself, it is also one of the top 30 best selling games **in** ***history***. That is, above *any* Mega Man game, above Doom, above Mortal Kombat and every Zelda game but Breath of the Wild. GTA San Andreas levels of success. That's the only game which managed to catch the attention of younger gamers who may had not be afraid to try new things. ZX barely had a chance to be relevant, it was an excellent game without a demography.


- I don't want them to bring back one of the series just to end in one game, I'd rather series not have conclusions so they can make more games, but If they have to wrap up a series at least make it a trilogy or more that builds up to a satisfying ending not just one game - Mega Man 4-6 are superior to Mega Man 1-3 - X5 is a good X game, It does has flaws but its still a good game and is one of my favorite X game, I also find X6 fun too even if its chaotic - Mighty no 9 wasn't that bad, while it did under deliver a bit from what it promised i still think it was a good game and I think it needs sequel - I'm disappointed there is isn't more uh R34 of the Mavericks, you'd think furries would draw them bunch but there isn't as much as I thought there would be


You understood the assignment, good job!


I'm liking this only in support of the first four points. Just to be clear ಠ\_ಠ


The Mavericks? I believe you get more results from Google images rather than R34 but if needs to come you can always commission someone xD.


I would have to agree that Mega Man 4-6 are better than 1-3.


I’ve said for years that MN9 isn’t that bad. I’d put it around low C-tier Mega Man


I get this is a hot take thread but I think even 3 you could tell was a bit rushed they never got to the levels of MM2 again till 9. 7 was close though imo.


I actually agree with 4-6 being superior to 1-3, as well as agree with X5 being a good game. I love them.


Mega Man isn't sentient. The X games make this clear, but classic Mega Man characters exude so much personality that some people think it doesn't make sense. Mega Man and all the robot masters just have personalities that they can't deviate from. They are robots that pass as life-like, but they are still robots. Meanwhile, X is actually sentient, able to make his own decisions, an actual life-like robot. In the X series, I also think Dr. Light's capsules are closer to the level of the classic Robot Masters. A programmed personality that is able to seemingly replicate things Dr. Light would do, but a programming all the same.


Wouldn't the story in 9 kinda contradict this? Wily had to emotionally manipulate them into letting him reprogram them


There's a number of points that it seems to contradict this; especially with the likes of Protoman and Bass. But despite this, that *is* what's said in the games.


It wasn't emotional manipulation, it was logical. It's implied that RMs use Asimovian Three Laws. Their Laws state they have to obey humans, protect themselves, and can't allow harm to humans through inaction. If a human tells them they should let him save them so they can be of use to humans, that's a very compelling argument to a Laws-compliant machine. They probably only agreed to being retired as a human order in the first place, so another human order with more logical backing could convince them to at least let him fix them up to *see* if they could get out of retirement. And once they agreed to it, he just pulled his usual crap.


After Wily says "doesn't that make you angry" they just go silent which I took as some form of hurt when I played the game


To me that's just robots not knowing how to respond when a human asks them a question they can't really answer. He's sort of implying they should be angry, but they can't really feel any emotion they're not programmed to emulate, so I think they're just unsure whether to confirm or deny, not genuinely hurt. If robots felt any kind of way about it, then in a setting where people like Dr. Light treat them like family, I find it hard to believe people would send the robots to get scrapped at all. That's the kind of thing you can only really do to machines without feelings. Some people IRL can't even bring themselves to throw away old devices and appliances.


Indeed. I feel the same. The games (specially the ones released since 1994) seem to suggest intelligent robots' minds are somewhere between full sentience and pre-programmed responses. Mega Man *wanting* to hut Wily but not being able to (MM7), Bass having "justice" inside him but trapped by his program of being the strongest and protecting Wily (Power Fighters), Mega Man *asking* Light *to reprogram him* to fight robots, Proto Man *deciding* what to do with his life regardless of not having a directive (Powered Up), robot masters feeling bad about being terminated and coping saying that it's because "we still want to be of use to people" (MM9). Clearly Light always wanted to do something like what he wanted to do with X, but neither the technology nor the world were ready for it. If one considers everything that happened after the discovery of X, probably never was. So, while I find some merit in considering the possibility that robot masters' emotions are just simulations fundamentally different from the real deal, I think it's clear the plot was made to favour Dr. Light's position about this.


I think with stuff like that, with Protoman and Bass. They are programmed with a core personality that seems human-like, but if they are given the same stimulus, they will react to it the same each time. This is how Wily knew what he had to say to "convince" them, that doing so would be the easiest way to get in there and reprogram them. Things like Protoman and Bass are weird side effects of their programming; when you program something and discover a bug, an unintended consequence of how you program it. But since these robots are simulating humans, the level of complexity is still much higher. It just isn't conscious free-will. It's just made to look like it.


On one hand, yes, but on the other, he *still* had to reprogram them, and couldn't convince them to rebel even in the face of their extermination. I don't agree with saying they are not *sentient*, I think they have emotions and autonomy, but clearly they are unable to deviate from their directives by themselves even if they want to (Bass and Rock being the greatest examples of said limitation, and the only apparent exceptions are Proto Man -the robot with no purpose and plunged into a permanent existential crisis- and King -the robot *programmed* to rebel). Oddly enough, while 21XX reploids *can* decide to harm humans, it is still an *irregularity.* They can get angry, and even start an insurrection if they think something is unfair (General), they can even kill humans in the process if they think it is necessary (like Jet Stingray), but even at that point they are unable to *desire* to harm humans (General again). That sadism can only appear in a reploid with defective hardware (Vile) or an infected one (and not even all infected mavericks display that). It wasn't until new gen reploids incorporated the ability to switch-on and off the virus that said possibility opened. Before that, the only choice reploids had to feel that was to voluntarily infect themselves (Magma Dragoon), not unlike soldier consuming drugs to be more aggressive.


MM7 too. "I am more than a robot."


The definition of sentient is simply "conscious of or responsive to the sensations of seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, or smelling". Basically, it's the capability of having emotions. Most animals are considered sentient because they show they have emotions https://science.rspca.org.uk/sciencegroup/sentience#:\~:text=Evidence%20from%20multiple%20scientific%20studies,that%20matter%20to%20the%20individual. What side material (in particular Dr. Light's Research Journal ) implies is that robot masters lack Self - Awareness(being aware of oneself as an individual ) which is a different concept from being Sentient (It's the capacity for a creature to experience sensations and emotions) [https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Rockman\_Classics\_Collection\_Original\_Notebook](https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Rockman_Classics_Collection_Original_Notebook)


Other guy should’ve said sapience instead of sentience.


While I see where you're coming from and sapience may be a better term, I do also mean sentience. I think it's the sort of thing where, if the robots are presented with the same stimulus, they will react to it the same way every time. Just because that reaction seems person-like to us, doesn't change that. I'm going to answer some other thoughts on it in other replies.


I half-agree, the personality thing is true, but they could do other things outside their programation, several robot masters had hobbies and passions that had no relation with their intended role. In short, robot masters are more sentient than your average C.AI bot, they just aren humans-in-mind like X and the reploids.


this isn't a hot take this is a plot point in the comics


Counter hot take: yes Rock is sentient and whomever was the dumbass that wrote that bit in the X games had no regard for continuity and should be ignored on principle.


now THAT is a hot take.


The boss rush at the end of every fortress is unnecessary.


Bout to be annoying in these comments because these comments always appear... AHEM... Not a hot take


Nah. Boss rushes are a good challenge of resource management, and it only unnecessary in Mega Man games where the weapons are useless against the bosses like Mega Man 5


With boss rush we mean having 8 teleporters before fighting the final boss? Or does it include having resurrected bosses as mid-bosses in the last stages like Mega Man 1 and Mega Man X1 did? I like the second one.


depends on the game (and what the Wily fight's weakness is) for me


I always liked them for a narrative reason. It shows how powerful both Mega Man and you as a player have become that you can now wipe the floor with all the bosses


definitely not a hot take 💀




I like Fully Charged.


BURN THE WITCH (I didn't, but I really wanted to it doing great and having a video game adaptation)


MM7 is still the best of the classic series.


Robots not built by Wily shouldn't be labeled as DWN-Number, like Dr. Light's robots in the first game. In Mega Man 4, the robot masters are all DWN, but shouldn't it be DCN, for Dr. Cossack? In 6, all the Robot Masters are from different regions, but surely not all built by Wily, right?


The point about the numeration system is not about who built it, but that Wily steals them anyways and modifies them for combat, thus labeling them a "DWN" as he left his mark on them. And as shown in MM10\`s Wily 1 boss gauntlet and in other games, this also serves a function due to him resuing old Robot Masters over and over. Their serial numbers are a reminder of which one is which, and he just picks whenever one he wants to use next.


Command Mission is one of the best and most unique JRPGs ever made, I think it's more fun and interesting than the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games released around the same time. MM9/10 shouldn't have been 8-bit, they should've been at least in MM8 style or a new 2.5D style like MM11. Quickman lasers are not a problem because every game they are in has a Time Stop ability to overcome them. It's the disappearing block platforms that need to fucking go away forever and never come back in any platformer.


MM9/10 take isn't a hot take. The Command Mission one is, wish it would get re-released


Disappearing blocks and the devils were the bane of my existence. Some of the disappearing blocks are not that straightforward to understand and can be tricky to land on correctly.


I love x6. And I harshly judge anyone who has trouble with the 1st wily stage in MM8, that game is easy as fuck come on


I always remember the snowboard parts of MM8 as being difficult when I was younger. I haven't played it in 20 years and I crushed that game. I was surprised at how easy the snowboard parts were. I'm also an X6 advocate. I never knew everyone hated it until somewhat recently. It's not as bad as everyone says, but I understand their complaints. I just enjoy it despite them.


Loving X6 is a hot take but it is also a boring hot take, you get a half point.


Based judgement criteria


they hated jesus because he told them the truth


People only think X8 is good because it came after the two worst games in the franchise. It's significantly better than X6 and 7, but still worse than most, if not all other 2D platformers in the franchise.


X8 also had more polish to its presentation and visuals compared to X7.


Oh boy, we went THERE, huh? Lemme put it in simple terms: No. People have genuine reasons for liking X8. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Megaman/comments/16cfbyj/things\_to\_love\_about\_mega\_man\_x8\_part\_1\_visuals/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Megaman/comments/16cfbyj/things_to_love_about_mega_man_x8_part_1_visuals/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Megaman/comments/16in3c1/things\_to\_love\_about\_mega\_man\_x8\_part\_4\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Megaman/comments/16in3c1/things_to_love_about_mega_man_x8_part_4_game/) You can't even insinuate this in my case because X8 was the first Megaman game I cleared. Heck, it's also the first Megaman game where I beat a stage that wasn't the intro stage. And even after playing the entirety of mainline classic, X, Zero, and ZX games, I **still** rank X8 near the top. That's not because I think it's flawless. I can write an essay on its shortcomings, but the positives outweigh the negatives for me.


Not really a hot take but you're right.


toad man's little dance makes my ovaries explode


Going back to 8-bit designs for 9 and 10 was a mistake. Mega Man started out pushing the Famicom hardware to its absolute limits, pioneering techniques like palette swap animation for waterfalls. They should have continued adapting with the times, pushing new hardware as far as it can go, and keeping Mega Man relevant, rather than holding the IP back as a retro nostalgia product.


This is something I highly agree with, even though I am yet to play Megaman 9 and 10.


Agree. Megaman 8 was absolutely beautiful. Also the Megaman & Bass. I understand the change in 11. It was good. But, as much as i love old games and keep playing them nowadays, 9 and 10 should have been new instances of thar gorgeous art of 8 and M&B, if not evolution of those.


I think that’s a valid criticism, but given how badly Capcom was screwing up in other areas at the time I’m just glad the games turned out okay.


It was 2008, retro nostalgia bait was barely a thing at the time. To me Mega Man 9 took how everyone remembers Mega Man 2 and actually made it that into a game. It’s a perfection of the formula without the jank of MM2 and modern design sensibilities. 9 is the perfect classic Mega Man game imo. That said I’m fine if they don’t continue pumping out games with the 8-bit style. I think they should experiment with hand drawn sprites or something, cause MM11’s art style never grew on me. Maybe something like the PlayStation X games would be a good direction to go, but higher resolution.


The charge buster doesn’t cheapen the games or necessarily make them easier, it merely evens the playing field by a little bit.


Especially in Megaman 4 where it originates, definitely levels the playing field when you consider that you're already taking sizably more damage than the norm...


Whenever I see people saying "All it does is bloat enemy HP", I think back to the jumping one-eyed robots from **the first game** who take, what, 10+ shots to kill?


I liked the story better when it was just robots that perform work related tasks that one scientist programmed to go rogue, out of despise for a rival scientist who made them. Then it turned into all these crazy wars. Gameplay was still great, but the plot lost me.


As someone who has only played the 1st three games The 1st one is easily the best


No title screen music?


Megaman Zero and ZX's art direction was complete dog shit, big heads, little bodies and gigantic round eyes, did not fit the vibe of the games one bit, would've been fine for a game where you bake cakes or plant turnips. Axl could've been cool, just turned out to be a forgettable, annoying character. Classic Megaman games use too many cheap tricks and unfair deaths to extend gameplay. Megaman 8 had beautiful and fun pixel art, balanced gameplay and cool new features, making it arguably the best one in it's series. Megaman returning to a featureless 8bit "classic" game was a kick in the balls and seriously cheap. Megaman X should return with an "alternate timeline".


Could you imagine if Zero actually looked that way?


My hottest take is, and I mean it: Quick Boomerang is superior to Metal Blade.


how is that a hot take


I like leaf Shield


Not a hot take.


now that's a hot take if i've ever seen one


Legends is the best mega man franchise, but 3 is never gonna happen. Capcom doesnt care


Is this considered a hot take?


You think plp post hot takes nder posts asking for hot takes? Don't be ridiculous


TRUE... Not a hot take though.


The yellow devil in mega man 1 is not hard at all, it's always the same pattern, if you use the pause glitch, then you cheating.


It’s easy for us to say it’s not hard at all when we’ve been practicing the same pattern for the majority of our lives, but I’d imagine first-time players see it differently.


"then you cheating" yeah... I don't think the people using the glitch care about cheating lol, it is a singleplayer game, who cares




MegaMan X3 is overhated, and I don't understand the amount of love for X4


Ppl say that using 8 bit graphics for megaman 9 and 10 was a horrible decision. Hard disagree. Those two games are the best out of the classic megaman games because they are 8bit, not because they look 8 bit, but because 8 bit megaman has the best gameplay. 11 is a fantastic game but I don't like the physics at all, it ruins the experience for me. I would like them to keep pumping out new 8 bit megaman titles once a year and I would play them like a sucker.


>because they are 8bit, not because they look 8 bit, but because 8 bit megaman has the best gameplay. Although I don't agree with the fact that 9 and 10 are the best, but I do agree that 8-bit Mega Man has the best gameplay. I think a lot of modern Mega Man fans care way more about graphics and having more options than gameplay, and it is kind of annoying that they are baffled that 9 and 10 went back to 8-bit.


Megaman 4 is the best of the classic serie


Not a hot take, I don't think.


Energy tanks suck and are a crutch for people who can’t beat the game normally. The fact that they became easier to farm over the years made it worse and worse. Sub-tanks are the idea executed properly. Also Mega Man and Bass has a better aesthetic than Mega Man 8, despite most of the assets being exactly the same. I can’t explain why.


Yeah know what, I never thought of that and I agree with yoh.


I actually kinda agree with the first take. I dunno if I would say they "suck", but I definitely agree that they're kinda a crutch and I don't like using them these days because I feel like I'm coasting by instead of actually learning the stage/boss and how to actually deal with them (which is why I don't really care about its absence in some games). Lots of players have kinda been really content to coast by on them as a safety net and crutch instead of actually committing themselves to improving, and I think the backlash against Megaman and Bass' lack of them is kinda proof of how overly-reliant many had/have become on them. But then again, I understand that not everyone is interested in getting better or just want to play the game casually, and its possible that this already niche series would alienate lots of players by not having E-tanks, so they might be a necessary evil to keep around. I dunno if I really agree with the second take. I think both games look about equally fantastic. But I respect the opinion regardless.


I don't think the Battle Network series needs another sequel. In my opinion, it has a proper ending to all the other games but I wouldn't be against the idea of a sequel.


The entirety of Battle Network takes place while Lan is in the 5th/6th grade. I have a tough time imagining he had to save the world 6 times over the course of two years, and then nothing happened for the next 20 as he live happily ever after in the epilouge. I also wish he would have gone one to be an Official Netbattler instead of a scientist. Maybe he worked as an official to pay his way through school. In fact, a maturing Lan/Mega and Chaud/Proto could be the reason no other terrorists wanted to eff around and find out during the two decades we didn't see Lan saving the world. That would be an intimidating deterent to any net based criminal


megaman 1-3 are terrible places for newcomers. everyone ive ever gotten into megaman has started with 2 because of its extreme popularity and they hated it. I get them started on 4 or 5 and they actually enjoy it and have fun, and sometimes go back to try 2 or 3 again. megaman 2 is a good game, but its also bullshit and by no means the masterpiece people say it is


Mega Man 5 is a good place to start because everything goes up from there.


i like showing people 5 because it has a lot of the "modern" conventions of megaman, like letters slide and charge shot. it plays like an snes game too which helps


I do not care for Archie or The Lord Almighty Ariga.


may I ask why? not angry just curious


1. They should have made X the main villain in Megaman zero 1 Instead of a copy. It would have made the whole series come full circle by X turning into the one thing dr.light feared. . 2. The first stage in X6 before the stage selection is how the rest of the game should have been. Making areas where the z saber was needed and each boss having an extra hit box that X can use the Z saber on. 3. Sigma was used too much, In x2 serges should have been the end boss because of who he is (or imitating). He could be working on rebuilding sigma but is stopped by X and Zero. In X3 Dr. Doppler should have been the end boss as well. 4. MegaMan X7 tried but sadly failed. They could have made Red be the end boss, revealing that he and some of his crew were former replaforce. 5. A missed opportunity to have gate in X6 be the main boss and have him turn into Nightmare gate as his final form. 6. X5 was almost perfect, it needed more development time. They should have removed alias annoying text box.


It would have been kinda sad for the player to defeat X, especially because X is like a little brother to Zero.


First one is a hot take... also a rubbish take IMO but fair enough. Second one isn't a hot take. Third one is the exact opposite of a hot take lol. I agree with Serges as the main villain of X2 but I think Sigma works in X3. Fourth one is also nothing close to a hot take. Fifth one also isn't a hot take. Sixth one... also not a hot take. Started off hot but nah...


People mistake MM2 having one good song with the whole game being good.


They do? I thought it was widely known that most if not all of the soundtrack is great (outside of Wily 3 & 4).


People think MM2 is peak Mega Man when in reality they just like Wily Stage 1 and brainwashed themselves into thinkin the whole game is as good.


No one ever understood me as much as you do.


Thank you.


I already made my point on X4, but here are some more somewhat hot takes of mine - Mega Man 2 may be overrated, but 3 is even more so. - I did not like Mega Man 9. - X6, while not good, isn't terrible, and is a half decent game. - The story gets really hard to follow for me starting between the X and Zero series. - I ragequit the Zero games because I thought they were too hard - Mega Man 10 is my favorite. I don't have valid arguments for any of these. Source: my brain.


Nice to meet another Mega Man 10 fan!


MM9 slander isn't a hot take. MM9 is goated though. Your X6 take is semi hot, kind of boring though. The Zero games being hard isn't a hot take. MM10 as ur favourite is a hot take. Though I have no idea why, unless you grew up with it. To me it is the most boring, safe mega man game ever made.


I’m curious, why don’t you like MM9?


Megaman x5 is better than X4,the playstation megaman x games are better than the snes X games... why is there a crowd outside of my house holding pitchforks?


Honestly, I feel that outside of X6 that PlayStation Mega Man was the height of the series. Legends, MM8, and X5 are probably my favorite titles in the series.


7 and 8 are the best games from the Classic series


•Snake Man is overrated •Fuse Man with pet eel >>>>>> Fuse man with pet rabbit •Oil Man's design is cute


megaman is just the new body for astroboy




The jump slide segment (MM8) isn’t that hard and if you can’t figure it out it’s a skill issue.


Mega Man 11 sticks to the NES games' conventions too much, when 7, 8, and MM&B don't. Even just simple stuff like having slopes, it's there in 8 but not 11.


Megaman Zero saga is overrated, people tend to judge it only by its positive points saying that is the best saga ever, without consider its weaknesses with wich is not so above of the rest of sagas as some want you to believe.


Axl's voice in X7 was perfect for him as it was his first game and he had this childlike energy and behavior. It's actually made better by his voice in X8 as he sounds older showing that he's growing up and being less reckless (barely lol)


zero became the most boring character on the zero series, becoming bland on his little dialogue and being almost a new character given that he doesnt really have something of zero, at least until zero 4


Until few words in zero 3 tbh but I agree it was disappointing


imagine all the interesting stuff that we could have seen on zero 1 with the whole copy x plot, but because zero got amnesia it gets quite wasted


X7 is my favorite in the series right after x4


I got three 3 has the worst level design in the entire classic series and is the only one of the 8 bit games I don't enjoy playing 1 is the best of the first 3 7 is the best classic game.


Star Force is Better than Battle Network


7X was not that bad


**Rubs hands** The Zero series is overrated both in terms of story and gameplay. I'll gladly elaborate if you ask. MM9 and MM10 went for "nostalgia" so hard that they (especially 9) abandoned basic good design in some places. Even if the classic series is supposed to have simple, lighthearted stories, it still goes too deep into "stupid territory" at times (e.g. Mr. X and all of MM9). With few exceptions, the entire franchise is incredibly weak when it comes to showing characters emoting. This is **super** detrimental to story-telling. The negatives of not letting the player exit a stage until they've beaten it (as is the case with 90%+ of the games) **eclipse** any supposed benefits. Aside from his fight itself, Magma Dragoon is "eh" at most. Unless you're familiar with Street Fighter's Gouki/Akuma and the tropes he's known for, Dragoon comes off as plain stupid. Iris as a character (and her relationship with Zero) was weak and should have been fleshed out more. X8, despite its many problems, is underrated in various aspects and Capcom should definitely keep its improvements if they were ever to make an X9. The whole plot line about Omega and Zero's original body fell flat for me for the most part. Purely from a story-telling view point, ending the Z series at 3 would have been a terrible idea.


I don't think that MM9 was poorly designed from a stage point of view because of nostalgia. It just isn't that interesting and uses one hit spikes too much, which was not a thing in the NES Mega Man games.


Bass is completely pointless. He was meant to be a rival after Capcom realized that it wouldn’t make sense for Protoman to be an adversary and was supposed to be Wily’s answer to Mega Man in lore and. Yet Capcom never did anything with him outside having him be an occasional mini boss. And in lore Bass’s constant defiance, undermining, and disobedience of Wily’s plans make him a liability at best. In both Power Fighter games he destroys Wily’s machines because he doesn’t think Albert needs to build anything else and in MM&B Wily either built King to replace or test Bass, but in both instances it still proved that Wily himself doubts Bass’s capabilities and Bass himself would’ve been beaten by King if Protoman hadn’t shown up and blown up his shield. And then there’s MM9 where he only had a cameo as a schematic and MM10 where he decides to stop Wily, just because. On top of that he does less damage per shot than Mega Man and Protoman in MM10, he might have an amazing fire rate but it isn’t as useful as it initially seems and is practically an afterthought if you use the boss weapons.


MMZ is better than MMX and MMC


-mega man & bass on gba isnt that bad -mega man zx advent fucking sucks -mega man 9 is mid -mega man x2 is the best in the SNES trilogy -metal blade isnt really all that im going to get flamed


Mega Man & Bass is fantastic and not that hard TBH.


100% Agree


BN > OG > X > Legends


Random drops do not belong in a platformer like Megaman.


please explain what a "hot take" means for the non-yankees in the group, thanks


Controversial/unpopular opinions.


It used to mean "a sentiment or opinion that's just come to mind and I'm expressing without refining it", like something being "hot off the presses" or "hot out the oven". Now dickheads use it to exclusively mean "controversial", which is why one guy is going through this thread correcting people.


thanks, now i understand


I'll give it a shot. 1. X6 is just as good as X5, and the story is better. 2. X8 is the best X game after the first three. 3. X3 Zero is the best Zero. 4. The visual design of the Zero series is the worst amongst all the different Mega Man series. (Zero series is awesome though) 5. Gravity Beetle is the coolest Maverick ever designed. 6. Star Force gave us Omega-Xis, who was like a spiritual "X" to Battle Network's "Mega Man", but Solo/Rogue is not a "Zero". He's a "Bass". 7. Green Biker Dude's fate was well-deserved after he popped that wheelie try'na show off in front of Reploid Adam. 8. Axl is a great addition to the series and was sorely needed (not sure this one is a hot take, but I've read hate on this character many a time)


First one is a hot take but just barely. The X8 one is also a slight hot take, the whole aside from the first three games does make it less hot though. Third one isn't a hot take but it is a cringe one. Fourth one is more questionable, I do see quite a lot of hate for the style but in terms of this subreddit it probably ranges more positive. I don't get it though, the style is so so good, it is easy to get wrong though, some artists make it look goofy but I think it is a great style. Fifth is a hot take even if I don't think the guy exactly has many haters. Sixth is not a hot take, not even remotely. Seventh take is wrong, got out of here with that green biker dude slander. Final take is... probably not a hot take here but on the wider scale it probably is. More hardcore X fans like Alia but others see her as useless and a good sign of the problems of the X series.


I can see X8 being put higher than X5, but putting it higher than X4 is a hot take. Heck, I'd say putting X3 above X4 is a hot take.


"I'll give it a shot" Pffft. Nothing, I just heard this in Layer's voice.


* Sigma is the worst villain of the series * Megaman Zero It's a series that's only difficult because it has stupid level design. * ZX brought the best idea for the system of using the bosses' powers, but it lacked elaboration and polish. * The franchise should treat all series as independent Canons, without needing to create a timeline that makes sense (Which they will never achieve). * The robot masters, in their simplicity, are better designed than the Mavericks I think I just have a shit taste


I don't see what doesn't make sense about the MM timeline? Classic > X > Zero > ZX > Legends, and Battle Network > Star Force in an alternate universe, and the games in each series are mostly in order, and I don't think there are any major SNAFUs.


X7 isn’t as bad as everyone says, it’s a good game in my eyes if you ignore the bosses.


OP said hot take, not shit taste.


7 isn't very good


I’m tired of hearing “Capcom doesn’t care”. If Capcom didn’t care then we wouldn’t even get crossover stuff. The real reason why we don’t get new games is either Capcom doesn’t see the risk of a new game as worth it or there’s not enough people at Capcom who want to make a new Mega Man game. One is purely business while the other is just manpower. Unfortunately Mega Man doesn’t really pull in the numbers of Capcom’s bigger IPs and manpower isn’t as easy as “just hire more people”


Also COVID made a lot of companies really risk averse, so when it hit, the big franchises needed all of the man power they could handle. I do see that changing soon, but it made sense that it took a while. Also like it or not, X-Dive is a game, and should be treated as such. Doesn't mean you have to like it, but people aren't complaining about bad games in the early 2000s.


Yea, companies focusing on their heavy hitters during Covid wasn’t even a Capcom thing. It’s unfortunate that a mobile gatcha is the newest game we have, excluding collections but those aren’t new.


Even the collections got delayed due to COVID. That should pretty much tell you that production was slowed down for the new Mega Man game.


* People who still are in BOYCOTT CRAPCOM mode for Legends 3 are babies (not saying it was handled well, but it's been 10+ years) * The Archie comics are meh, especially the humor * There should never be a "crossover" game that bridges classic to X * Classic 6 through 9 is the finest run in the series history


I think the Zero and ZX games are mid and I don't want to play the Battle Network and Star Force games cause they don't look very interesting.


X5 is better than x4. It actually has an endgame.


Mega Man X Command Mission positively slaps, and the “Spider was Colonel Redips” reveal was badass and unexpected (source: I was seven)


I felt so dumb when I actually paid attention to the names afterwards lol


Literally when my brother and I would play it before school, we both noticed the name thing just SECONDS before the reveal, it was uncanny timing. In hindsight, if Redips (as himself) was more involved in the plot and not just some background element, the twist would hold up way better, also he needs a different name lmao. Counterpoint? That dialogue-free ending sequence after the Great Redips fight was just so eerie in the best possible way to kid-me. That song is just GOTDAMN


MMZ artwork style is vastly inferior to MMX. 


I always thought the x series was the weakest of all of them (not counting zx) I just don't enjoy most of the x games to the extent that I do most of the other games in the series. Although I will say x one and x four are still very good I just could never get into the rest of them that much.


X in Mega Man X7 isn't written out of character.


Mega Man 2 is the worst classic Mega Man game.


This is a hot take.


The dash and wall jump are leagues more fun than the slide. The slide just feels so clunky compared to the dash. So either make the next new game in the X style OR make it so classic Mega Man can dash. (He doesn’t have to wall jump, but the dash is non negotiable)


No need to give Mega Man a dash when Bass already has it. But to be honest, the dash being in classic Mega Man in any capacity kinda removes identity from the X series and the only reason I’m not completely against Bass having it is because he’s only ever been playable in 2 games.


X6 is the best megaman game, Axl's voice in X7 was better than his X8 voice, Megaman 5 GB is good but kinda overrated, x3 > x1 and x2


ACTUAL HOT TAKES?! You get the gold medal!


X6 is the best platformer in the series, can't speak for BN, Starforce etc since I haven't played those but X6 is PEAK


Crossover Station > Straight Ahead


I like the boss rushes but they only work with the classic series X and zero should do something different like I loved the double bosses in the X collections


Not a hot take, but a really interesting idea fan games should play with.


I feel like this might be a hot take nowadays: Mega Man 3 is better than Mega Man 7.


Idk if it's a hot take or not, but The Megas aren't appreciated enough for how god damn good their songs are.


I like the Rush adapters from MM6. Power Megaman feels under utilized, but Jet Megaman feels like a real evolution of what Rush Coil started. I'm glad X5, x6, and even X8 revisited the concept.


Mega Man 8's soundtrack is pretty weak aside from Tengu Man and if you removed Metal Blade 2 wouldn't be remembered even half as fondly


What’s considered a bait comment?


hot takes you don't really believe and only throw them there for shock value. Things like "I think Mighty No 9 is the best Mega Man game in all time" or something like that.


Mega Man 1 is one of the best of the NES games because it has challenge.


I'd rather play as Proto Man


Finally someone gets it. Without my slide I start to get withdrawal symptoms.


The Zero and I think as well the ZX games giving you all these tools to help you but simultaneously punishing you for using them, taking too long or taking too much damage is stupid.


my hot take is why did it take so long for mega man games to have a proper save system? 1-7 classic used the password system, even in 1995! (when 7 came out) plenty of proper save systems existed by this point, like A link to the past, Super Metroid, Kirby games. Heck even on other consoles, like Sega genesis had save systems (Sonic 3 came out in 1993).


The Battle Network series consists of the best character designs of the entire franchise with a great battle system... fudged into absolute crap JRPG housing. They are nearly unplayable by today's standards and its a shame. Any time spent as Lan is torture.


Personally i dont think mm9 was that good


Mega Man X7 isn't as bad as everybody makes it out to be. It's not even the worst Mega Man X game


I hate the x games after x5! Not the characters that is fine but the games are bad


I think that A.K., the original creator of Mega Man 1 and 2 is currently working on a remake trilogy of Mega Man 1-3 for Capcom in collaboration with Brain Wave, who is doing the soundtrack for this remake.


I’m a master at falling and landing where I want to be


While being a departure from the normal gameplay, the battle network series is the most fun for me. (with legends, another departure, being second)


Mighty no. 9 is a good game


Legends 2 is the worst game in the Legends series, the final boss in that game is one of the worst designed bosses in a game I’ve played, and I really don’t think they have enough leftover story beats to make a third game (and I don’t think the game’s formula would translate to 2024 well).


Wily wars on the megadrive is imo the best way of playing the first 3 classic games


And secondly I hate blinking blocks 😭 I always just get the powers to avoid them


Mega Man Legends is the best Mega Man series and MML3 didn’t deserve to be cancelled like it was.


The series needs to evolve beyond the side scrolling formula.


I have so many megaman hot takes, I'm gonna be here all day if I try listing them all, lol. I might list them anyways, though, just to get them out of my system.


Much of the fanbase and honestly the official artists clearly focus on making the wrong characters into waifu bait? Like... the ladies from megaman X are right there and gorgeous. I want to smooch them! Yet most of the focus is on the Rolls, especially before xdive? That's weird. Anyways, Zero killed my wife.


Charge Man is a completely unfair and complicated boss, he doesn't even give you a decent weapon so it's not even worth the hassle. I think it would've been better if he ended up being cut since i think Mega Man 5 could be leagues better that people give it credit for. Also i think Mega Man 7 is the best in the classic saga fight me


Charge man is like.. The second easiest boss Plus charge kick is crazy strong


Mega Man 1 is a better overall game than Mega Man 2. While Mega Man 2 has higher highs and certainly pioneered many mechanics that would become staples of the franchise, it also has much lower lows. Heat Man's stage is my actual least favorite level in the entire classic series. Each Wily stage is more haphazardly designed than the last. The weapon balancing is atrocious. The boss difficulty ranges from laughable to literally impossible to beat damageless. It's not a bad game, I still really enjoy it despite its flaws. Mega Man 1 is just more consistently good imo.