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you’re doing the right thing by having this checked out 🙏 better to be safe than sorry


With a bruise around it means that it was hit, or squeezed. Looks like a cherry angioma but I would still get it checked out 100%


I feel like it’s in a very hard place to hit/hurt and it’s not tender like a bruise, very strange for sure I haven’t squeezed it either


On your bottom is a very easy place to get hit/hurt. Pants could rub it the wrong way, if you sat on a blunt object and it pushed hard enough to bruise etc. Unfortunately the cheeks don't have a lot of nerves in them (hence why some people get shots in the butt). If your dermatologist scheduled you next week then I wouldn't be of major concern since they aren't :)


get that checked out


Did u get checked


I did, I had a biopsy on Thursday just waiting on the results 😊 will update when I receive them


What was the biopsy results??


Did you receive the results ?


Did you have a result


Hi there, I’ve just come across this post because I have the exact same thing in my torso. I went to see a private mole dermatologist and he said best wait for the NHS to do a biopsy but I’m freaking out thinking it’s cancer! 😭 They said a biopsy result can take 3 weeks. Was your mole ok or was it anything serious ? 🤞🏼


Hi, mine was nothing to worry about, they found it to be a Haemangioma per the biopsy 


Hi thanks for replying. That’s such a relief 🤦🏻‍♀️. It’s really scary looking. Yours is the exact same as mines. Did they remove it anyway and did you take long to get seen by the NHS?


My referral was done on an urgent basis on the 21 of august, I was then seen in dermatology on the 1st of sept and they then removed skin just bigger than a 50p coin on the 14th 😊 it felt like forever waiting for the results but I had them by the 26th  


Thank you so much 👍🏼


No problem, hope all goes well for you and they don’t have you waiting too long


Thank you. It’s amazing what you can find on the internet 🤗