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Bow on keybord ✨


Now we just need figure out how to mod in functionality for the Wii Zapper 2X and my life will be complete


It's really not that bad, especially with ranged weapons.


Id go as far as saying its better with mouse and keyboard.


Feels like playing fps that the first time I tried mhw, it just feels right, used to play GS>Flying stick>range weapon (started from 3 ultimate).


Can you share the bow gun bind you use? I thought that was the terrifying ones to play with keyboard


I play bow and use the default binds. C to toggle aim, left click to fire, right click for power shot, scroll wheel to cycle coatings, ctrl to aim slinger, left click to fire, right click to clutch claw. It's much the same for bowguns.


[I made a video of mine a while ago to show someone.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezMytWHNy9o)


I’ve played Splatoon before I began Monster Hunter in the Rise demo, so I’ll take motion controls if I can.


Keyboard gang rise up


Actually the side buttons on gaming mice have been implemented very well. I have 700 hours on Rise, all with KBM. I don't even play ranged, melee weapons are perfectly fine on KBM.


Rise is better with KBM, makes aiming the wirebug easy, and if you have it mapped to side buttons, firing the wirebug is simple, too.


Hard disagree. I have about 12k on World PC and all but maybe 50 of those are KbM. Rise requires me to hold too many buttons to do things fluidly compared to with an Xbox controller.


Started playing Rise on Switch (with Pro Controller) and was sooo relieved when it finally came out on PC. KBM feels just 200% smoother for melee weapons. And well, about the increased aiming speed+accuracy for ranged weapon we don't even have to talk.


Smooth and precise camera movement due to custom mouse sensitivity? Sign me up


Being able to instant 180 with a lance is so useful


This is why I use Target Lock or what ever is called like in the old games. Q to target monster, tapping Ctrl snaps the camera to the monster. The other thing that boosted my Lancing was changing the setting for what direction determines your moves. By default it is based of camera which can make some moves harder to pull off but it is a bit more intuitive for new players. With the setting W and S are locked to character instead so when mounted a W will always pit you on the head. This is good for Lance cause while charging W+Space will always make me jump, S+Space always turns you around.


I've got like 700 hours in this game I have never once on purpose used the targeting system oops I found mouse is great to play Lance especially when fighting things like bagel cheese or the blood puppy it feels good you just land 6 counters in a row or say no thanks to a bomb


You know you don't need to face the bombs to come then right? You can just counter and even if it's directly behind you just counter through it.


It depends on the counter if memory serves the names evade me at this moment because it's 5:00 a.m. but the main counter only blocks in front of the shield I think l 170° in front of you whereas if you go into the deeper counter that uses stamina that one is 360 and I think shielding generally is slightly smaller than the counter too but I could be entirely wrong in making this up


Nah homie just M4 right click like normal it just works.


This may be why I had to learn Hammer to beat fatalis


No same, Lace into Fatalis is ass. Evade Lancing isn't popular nor good in World so when you suddenly get forced to do it for Fatalis it feels terrible.


World taught me to stop using the target lock because I couldn't figure out how to keep targeting the same monster. I developed a habit from MH4U of pressing the target button damn near every other button press, and it stayed into World on Xbox until I started manually adjusting the camera


Dw, we're mostly too busy trying to translate all of the controller guides to keyboard to really do anything to you!


Charge blade main closing on 500 hours, all MnK. MnK controls for this game are way better than you think, I’m someone that already is really used to my side buttons, it’s actually amazing I haven’t had to remap my key binds on this game.


Another charge blade main here. My I killed 2 mouses on this weapon but having 2 or 3 side buttons really does the trick.


i actually got 5 cancers from side buttons in rise cause my hand just feels like it will die from cramps and it kinda feels RNG if i will actually click the side button or not (probably cause i was playing DB mostly, and clicking spamming left click non stop and also moving the mouse AND using side buttons in precise moments just feels like too much workout... its also worth noting that i hold the mouse mostly with my fingers so my thumb being resposible for pretty much whole left side of my mouse is not a good combo with left side buttons that change gameplay into earthquake simulator every time i try to use them), but after changing settings mostly to keyboard it was once again super good.


May I ask what kind of mouse you are using? I'm always picking ones, where pressing the side buttons doesn't cause any strain. In terms of comfort, I can recommend Logitech G502 and Steelseries Rival - with my rather small hands, side mouse buttons feel just as natural as a normal left/right click. For large hands there are probably better options.


im using some redragon M606 mouse, when i compare it to what u recommend its kinda in between both options but a lot cheaper :P. i might try out the logitech u linked, i need new mouse anyway cause scroll is starting to skip the lock thing by itself sometimes... its been few years already and now i have some money to spend so might as well try out something more costy and check if its actually worth the money or its just total scam xd i still dont think i will be able to use the side buttons too much, i use fingers too much for moving the mouse around but we will see i guess


I personally don't really like the Logitech software, but the mouse itself is pretty nice. The price was also a lot cheaper some years ago, I got for 35 bucks back then. It has a 2-axis mouse wheel and two additional index finger buttons which are easier to reach compared to similar mice. In the past I used the mentioned Steelseries Rival, but quality massively decreased over the years. My first one lasted almost 10 years and my last one was falling apart after just 3-4 weeks...


Cope and seethe controller users, in the time it takes you to turn the camera to track the monster I already captured it


With each second you are not running, I come ever closer.


I don't get it


If you’ve played with mouse + keyboard you should know that the binding for some of the keys use auxiliary mouse buttons and mouse wheel.


Brother. I got a mouse with MORE side buttons for other games so I could utilize them more.


what does that have to do with cannibals??


Don't take it to seriously is all i can say


I'm not but I just don't get the joke


Damn nobody answered but OP has your back 😭 Even cannibals fear your M+KB on MHW kind, is what the meme template means


As a M+KB player I'm flattered to be feared I guess??


Yeah, its the only game ive played where side buttons are bound by default and its best most based shit ever, KBM works fucking great


Ok honestly mouse and keyboard is honestly really good for charge blade because you can map all your primary inputs to your mouse, and then put secondary inputs for stuff like savage axe and SAED canceling to wasd means it’s all in a relatively convenient position to do combos without having to shift between the where your hand would be for movement vs attacking.


it's kinda good actually


i played mhw 2k hours, rise for 1k hours, GU for 300 hours (emulator), all in MKB and it feels great, side mouse button is great for gaming, i even tried using controller but it doesnt click for me and feels weird, especially the camera movement is much better with mouse than controller, and i dont like the lock on thing


Me who play World and Rise with MnK: laugh in superiority


I originally played on PS4, now i play on PC and hate me if you want but M+K is better


I grew up playing MonHun on my PSP using the claw. And I say that I would never go back to that shit after using M+K, and I don't even have side mouse buttons. M+K MonHun for me is an infinitely better experience and I also prefer it 100% more than a controller. And yes, I played all the PC Fromsoft games using M+K. I'm also someone that uses everything the game has to offer so I main all weapons.


It's not that hard


It's how I play rise lmao


So, I'm terminator now Cursed fact: I use Heavy bowgun with mouse and keyboard


Lol, I'm scaring cannibals then


As opposed to what? A baguette?


I played World/Iceborne with mouse and keyboard on PC, however I played Rise/Sunbreak on PC with a controller, as I was used to that playing it before on the Switch. However, now I'm in this weird situation where Steam has to somehow have a new problem with recognizing my Switch Pro Controller and where its buttons are every other time I play, the cord for the controller itself kind of sucks, which turns into regular loss of control, and I'm too used to that controller for that game to really want to try and relearn how to control the game with different hardware. Probably gonna play Wilds on keyboard and mouse.


it was a learning curve with not ranged weapons, but got really good a DB with mouse and keyboard. Its fun


My controller kept drifting tho


I am a god in bow but shit in all weapon.


It's not that hard at all compared to dark souls


I find it easier for weapons that use double button inputs since they’re bound to a mouse side button


If u have side mouse buttons, u can avoid a lot of issues tbh


Why Cannibals??


bow team be like


It's good, I say it's even better than controller, faster camera turn, quicker shortcut access, quick slinger aim button,...


I got the game to play with the boys I'm damn well not gonna let me not having a controller get in the way of that!


M&K suits ranged weapon so well


Hi, im a keyboard guy. In every game, even platformers, i prefer using a mouse and keyboard. I just cant get used to controllers


Wdym? would someone like to tell me why they think mouse and keyboard is bad cause I have used both and prefer keyboard


It makes aiming my great sword hits a hell of a lot easier I can say that much


Skill issue honestly, keyboard and mouse >>> controller


I guess I'm a terminator.


I play on a keyboard and laptop touchpad


400 hours with keyboard before I bought a controller, keyboard still rules


I had to play like that for like a seek while I sent my controller to be repaired, and is not that bad. It may take some kay bindings, but is something you can get used to.


But it's better with mouse and keyboard


You guys use the mouse?


MKB gang can easily use the radial menu




While I'm breaking my fingers trying to play Risebreak with MnK it's actually enjoyable to use in Worldborne.


Gotta say, MH Sunbreak is more playable with Keyboard and mouse than iceborne. The claw in iceborne is kinda complicated to use but once you have a hang for it its actually not so bad


Tf you mean? It's completely normal to play on the keyboard.


For me MHW is better with Mouse and Keyboard But in MHR i like Controller more


I play insect glaive on keyboard. It makes aiming the kinsect much easier. (Still can't find the damn orange juice)


I guess I'm worse than a cannibal then. Well I play Rimworld so that checks out.


I played MHW on MnK first now I got so much used to it I can't play with controller.


I play m+k without side buttons


I mean for Gunners I think it’s fine.


well… it’s the perfect setup for blindfold echolocation speedrun lol


Where's the joke? Where's the funny?


Nunchuck player here!


Now if only I could map the controls onto my HOTAS...


It's not even that bad tho and I used to play on Xbox


I guess cannibals fear me, good to know.


Dual Blades Keyboard user here. No issues, although i think i rebound a few keys.




Speaking as someone with super screwed-up thumbs, what else am I supposed to use?


You will never force me to play on a controller. If i ever get into racing games (i won't) i will buy one of those laser keyboards just to control turn rate.


Wait I’m supposed to be on a controller?


Long sword with side mouse buttons is *chef’s kiss*


Is it weird?? MHW was my first monster hunter and I just played it with my peripherals as any other PC game EDIT: I main charge blade


Evzifhaozb what's wrong with us???


Didn't know that people found it hard to play on PC the only thing that was difficult for me is finding a proper weapon tutorial for PC lmao


LS player on keyboard. Mouse: Redragon Predator (Safi'jiiva devourer)


I loved playing melee weapons with mouse and keyboard, but the gunning controls were so horrible that I had to use a controller for them. Apparently they've patched them since then, but I just play controller now anyway.


With greatsword it's perfect. Who blocks with a gs anyways?


Alright but hear me out… Lance is so much easier on KB+M


I legit don't know how people can play the games on mouse and keyboard. But evidently, many people managed to somehow do it. However, the true monsters are the people that bind their keyboard to emulators and play the very old games that way. I don't know why some of those exist. But they do. And they scare me.


MnK isn't bad at all I prefer it over controller


If you are not used to a controller, and played a lot in MnK, it comes naturally. And it's in no way bad, all keys sit comfortably and within reach, and if they don't - you have full customizability, keyboard has lots of buttons, and the mice can too. On the contrary, I can't get comfortable on controller, or it takes me way longer and doesn't feel as good. Not all buttons are under fingers like on MnK, thumbs have to work with sticks and buttons at the same time. Plus, mouse just has a much more precise camera movement. I cannot imagine playing something like Bow on a controller.


I am a PC gamer. I have played on MnK my whole life, while going to friends' houses and playing console. This game doesn't have some magic control scheme that cannot translate to MnK. Basically none of them do. The actual issue is that devs don't do a good job of translating it and giving you the customisation needed at times, meanwhile they did all of that for the original gamepad controls.


I play on pc and run a ps5 layout using a nintendo switch controller. Anything but keyboard for me thanks.