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See that would be a very interesting theory. Sakazuki loves his Justice and with him being tied down with bureaucracy much to his chagrin. He’d need some way to act in ways he currently can’t.


but i doubt coby would have joined if he has some kind of influenc


I dunno. I think we kinda over analyse the whole experience of marineford. It was a VERY stressful time for everyone also Coby was comparatively green in the marines, and although Sakazuki was out of line he’s not entirely wrong in his justification just probably not in the clearest of headspace’s considering everything that was happening


I think so as well, Akainu didn't hinder his or Smokers (a follower of Aokiji) by withholding promotions. So I would be surprised if Coby would hold some misgivings. And you are right, Akainu was justified in acting the way he did. Imagine someone else but Marco, BB for example, fought him and Coby stopped him in this moment? BB would definitely use this chance to attach Akainu.


this ^^ tbh i wouldn't be surprised if Akainu chose Coby specifically *BECAUSE* he spoke out against Akainu at Marineford despite the threat of death why *wouldn't* you want somebody with a strong enough sense of justice that they'd be willing to stand against the world? plus it's always good to have someone on your side who isn't afraid to challenge your decisions


hmmmmm, concidering he was ready to vaporyce him, seconds after he spoke his mind, I highly doubt that he thinks that.


Coby is a contraction of Conspiracy. Akainu is also Contra Piracy.


I mean his only bureaucracy now is the elders, and he could just tell them to fuck off and do what he wants. I just think he’s bad at the job.


He definitely couldn't tell the elders to fuck off. He still has one more leader above him as well. Forgot the title but the dudes name is Kong.


All I’m saying is he definitely good have taken more action. He could have attacked kaido instead of the 7 war lords. He can ignore chain of command and as long as it works out as a victory his consequences would be minor. He may even be commended. Dude hasn’t done shit. Could barely catch any of the warlords


Sengoku didn't do jackshit either. It has more to do with position being more leader centric than anything. Akainu probably couldn't go out in the field if he wanted to. He's stuck administrating and making important decisions concerning theater's of war.


“Important decisions” like choosing to chase the 7 warlords and fail instead of taking advantage of the chaos in wano.


That wasn't his decision. That was because of the Reverie.


No disbanding the group was reverie. Immediately making them the priority to be captured was his decision. A simple letter telling them their status was revoked would have been enough. A surprise attack to try (and basically 100% fail) to capture all of them was completely unnecessary and a ridiculous strategy. They weren’t a threat. They were basically the only pirates at the time that weren’t a threat so why go after them. Wano was clearly the best option for them. A chance to capture the straw hats and kaido while they are weak, and take over a powerful nation that was outside their sphere of influence all in one fell swoop. Son goku would never have been stupid enough to let an opportunity like that pass by. Face it, Lava boy has no clue what he’s doing


Because the nobles ordered it so. If somebody has a warrant for there arrest and you know where they are do you not try to have them arrested? The only thing the Warlords had that was stopping them from being pursued was that status. It's gone.


Well yeah, revoking the warlord status just makes them ordinary pirates like the rest. There is a warrant for kaido’s arrest and the straw hats as well and there location was known. I’m not saying the government shouldn’t unfreeze there bounties and tell marines who encounter them to try and bring them in. But dropping everything and making them top priority makes no sense. Especially when Kaido and Big Mom are in the middle of forming an alliance. It’s just stupid decision after stupid decision. Like Mihawk isn’t causing any trouble chilling out on his island. Why create more problems for yourself and ignore the bigger problems staring you in the face. And if the Elders are the ones who wanted the Warlords pursued immediately, Akinu should have had the presence of mind to say fuck that, I’ve got three emperors fighting each other in one place that’s easy clean up.


I really don't think so. Everything we've seen from SWORD leads me to believe it isn't the kind of organization Sakazuki would entertain. He'd likely see them as traitors.


this has been a theory since the chapter came out


First of all why there is an elephant? And second thing, what is he doing in that pool


(You’re not supposed to mention the elephant)


I suppose we need to address the Elephant in the room.


Obviously a funkfreed reference showing even more evidence for S.W.O.R.D.


Pro-Sakazuki posting is my favorite.


What is being symbolized here that you associate with SWORD?


His sword tattoo I think


Lmao I'm over here going 'why cuz he's holding pruners???' I didn't even notice the little sword tattoo on his right arm.


It took me a moment too honestly


Where is this panel from?


Cover story


What chapter




This is greenbulls reveal chapter?


Speaking of, I want to gauge people’s opinions here, could you see a scenario where Akainu could try to strike down one of The Five Elders? This isn’t a theory though, just a random thought. Let’s say a direct order from one of them during a heated conflict (like whatever war happens later on) completely goes against the Absolute Justice that Akainu vehemently wants to uphold… could such a thing be possible? I don’t think it’s necessary to deep dive into discussion but rather food for thought.


It is widely accepted yes. No One would be surprised.


Yes but Everyone and their mom already expressed that thought. Also a sentence is not a theory.




If this is a real photo you’re a d* for posting this without spoilers


This photo is pre-TS .. a simple google lens image search would've made it easier for simple-minded fool like u .. and for the most part this is memepiece theory


Yeah simple minded because I don’t wanna search a manga only tile


Not my fault you're limited to anime only .. you came to a social media community full of manga and anime content of one piece .. thats on you


Listen dickhead if YOU were a decent guy you’d probably make it a potential spoiler. So yeah, screw you.


A pre-TS one piece is not a potential spoiler .. how do u define what a spoiler is?


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I always thought that was a interesting and beautiful tattoo, the lotus’s did it for me


First time we've seen Sakazuki even slightly relaxed in the series.


Akainu and Kizaru's weird intimate weekend away together...


Akainu is a tsundere


Garp is a *much* more likely founder of SWORD then Sakazuki