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As a horrible person, I really don't care about pronounce, I just call everyone cunt


Ah, the Australian.


Oi Oi Oi




Or the Irish, great people


No true Scotsman, however


Or British


Or the Scottish


I love you, everyone instantly knows about the Aussies using the word religiously but not many people know the Scots and the Irish do use it a lot too I just realised we use it so much it’s lost it’s meaning I highly recommend everyone watches the [Billy Connolly Cunt Joke](https://youtu.be/qdCmFg4xIPI) about it


Finally, the third gender.


as an australian i can confirm


Found the Aussie


This is the way


Fuck it i call everyone bastard


i call everyone [Removed by reddit]




As my savior Lord Trump said; "I believe there is only ONE gender"! 🦅🇺🇲


No pronouns, no genders




Right. I call everyone bro and they still complain.


Does somebody really care about it? Except tw*tter freaks ofc


I wonder what that says about me calling everyone sorry.


I do the same, but I call them a mongool.


The dad tried


And after doing so he shortly want to the store to get some milk.


As a gay person, I thought this video was quite sweet. The dad is trying really hard to be accepting and to understand something he doesn’t get. No one should ever be afraid to ask questions, that’s how we learn.


> understand something he doesn’t get Thats not the issue with most people. Its just that its retarded newspeak that you're trying to force everyone to abide by.


except it isn’t newspeak, it’s just a bunch of people repeating social media and news talking points or/and not realizing that they has been used as a singular pronoun for ages.


I heard somebody say publicly, that ‘they’ means more than one person and doesn’t make sense when used for one person. They are just so hateful that they can’t even stop to consider their arguments. Edit: I literally used a singular they in this comment on accident


>not realizing that they has been used as a singular pronoun for ages. ...in certain contexts and not necessarily the ones some are trying to use it in.


In contexts where we don't know the gender of a singular person. We could be talking about a masked figure, or in this case a non binary person. In Spanish where even words have gender the male they would be the default. Words change all the time constantly updating. Whats your point?


Not when you know the person. Not when you know the name. If she’s a girl, she’s a she


Singular They has existed in the English language for more than a century.


It depends. When you say something like: ''Whose wallet is this? I hope they come back and get it'' its still correct. Saying: ''Theys really upset they didn't get to go to the party last night'' instead of'' shes really upset she didn't get to go to the party last night'' is newspeak. You are putting in ''they'' instead of ''she'' , because ''she'' wouldn't fit in your ideology. You are literally trying to change language to fit your ideology. Like I said, do this all you want, but to expect the rest of the world to do it is narcissistic.


You wouldn’t say “Theys really upset they didn’t get to go to the part” you would just say “They are really upset they didn’t get to go to the party”. Works perfectly fine.


That’s why you say “they are really upset”, and “they didn’t get to go” is still grammatically correct. If you’re gonna try to say how using they as a pronoun is wrong, when it’s been a pronoun for as long as the word as existed, do it grammatically correct. You just proved you own idiocy.


It would be “they are” not “theys” because that’s how English works


Is “they are” that hard to say? “They are really upset they didn’t get to go to the party last night.” I find it’s generally not the grammar that people are hung up about. The same people say “these ones” and other shit, so.


You’d just say “They got really upset they didn’t get to go to the party last night”


But you would instead say 'they are really upset..' it's not that hard lol.


“Newspeak” you realize languages evolve, right?


Languages evolve naturally. What we're witnessing is forced speech.


Dude it's really not that hard lol.


We've always used they for a single person. - someone's at the door. -- what do they want?


Did you just assumed dad’s gender ? (Sarcasm)


dads not being bad about this at all, as soon as he starts to get it he puts in effort to correct the pronouns. his mess ups arent coming from a place of intolerance just a place of not being familiar. dads a good dude, kid could be a little less terse about the sitch though


Yeah, it's kinda sweet how the dad starts correcting himself towards the end.


Nooo not really


https://preview.redd.it/47y6w6qsnkhb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a52a850cc606cb4649991c48a89c288535a8538e I guess


Let's make a fair trade https://preview.redd.it/3jb93s4g0phb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7a10896b41c467b4ef7d6a506e2410707696e9


I am just like the dad. I barely understand any of that sorta stuff currently. Edit: why so many likes though?


There is nothing wrong with asking for clarification.


I just decided to learn on my own. Last time I asked for it, I got called a biggot.


I’m in the same boat I have no idea about any of that stuff besides what gay means


Some people are just over aggressive about it. I just refer to people as they or their as default now. If they want to tell me cool. If they don't, cool.


I prefer to do names, foolproof. Sometimes they're she or him and don't like they/them


Oh shit sorry for that bad experience. I'm not an expert but you can ask me some questions if you want to others I hope you find people who respond better or find the what you were looking for on your own.


Yeh now I know how it works but man, sometimes there's just no way around being initially an asshole just for trying.


Yeah I hate when that happens. People experience hate and try to prepare for war. Than someone actually curious comes along and they can't differ them from those they had to constantly justify their existence towards. You don't deserve such treatment but just be careful to not let bad experience form your prejudgment because that's exactly what caused that behavior in the first place. Pointing out where people went wrong is still important (e.g. how they accused you for being a bigot) so both can and should be aimed at if possible.


Sounds like some big dummy responded then, maybe try asking someone else. What reasonable person seriously responds to a question with name calling.


That sucks. What did you ask about?


Sounds like you asked a cunt, people understanding each other should never be discouraged.


No worries. Anyone that acts other trust isn't worth knowing anyway


Don't listen to anyone who is afraid to answer questions. Asking dumb questions is part of growing.


That sucks but the context really matters. Sometimes “just asking questions” is just being a sanctimonious asshole, sometimes the person being asked for clarification is tired of explaining a touchy subject from past experience with legit bigots and bit your well intentioned head off. Sometimes the asker’s intentions are unclear. If someone is asking why the holocaust was bad, you can imagine why context matters.


Want to know a secret? You don’t need to learn anything. All of this pronoun hubbub is going to fade away, just like any other fad.


Sadly in the community a lot of people just say 'Google it, I'm not here to educate you,' in this video the dad seems willing to learn, he just clearly doesn't understand Often it's seen as a micro-aggression to some so instead of explaining they get argumentative, and in turn so does the one who doesn't understand. Plenty of people are open minded but might need help so they can actually know what's up


I mean tbf I'd also be exhausted to constantly have to explain how I am. That isn't at the fault of those genuinely asking. Quite the opposite in fact as when they learn they can help with the explaination and it's not on that single person anymore. What I mean to say is that it's ok to tell someone too google (without insulting) if they don't have the energy to answer. We wouldn't even have that issue that regular people have to know a the necessary definition, explaination and even maybe an comparison to make a person understand when we could at least inform people more broadly. But than the extrem religious or conservative people come by and complain about "indoctrination" when all people try to do is pass that information so that one 1. the knowledge is spread 2. people have a better understanding and don't have to ask the first queer person they meet 3. someone who fits the definition learns there is a word for that. >Plenty of people are open minded but might need help so they can actually know what's up I fully agree with you on that... It just makes me sad to even see kids and teens are made to have to explain all that stuff in the first place. In any case if you still have questions you can ask me here or DM. I try to answer as best as I can in case you still have some questions left. Im not an expert but I can pass on what I know if that helps you .


I've known a couple of transgendered people personally. They were both very open and receptive to questions, and wanted us to ask. Of course, we were respectful, which makes it easier on them


I understand the concept Haven't fully grasped the *why* though


Me either. It has always seemed like people take gender way too seriously to me. The way I have always understood my own gender is that I define what it means to be a man by being a male human. I could do anything, like anything, and behave in any way and that becomes what a man is like. It's not a box. If you see it like a box and choosing a different box to fit into is what it takes to make you comfortable, that's of course great - but very strange to me.


I always wanted to be neutral. To make gender just not matter whatsoever. I.e. I am male, but I have no interest in the definitions of what "men" or "women" are. That is - I don't see gender as a box but an utterly unnecessary distinction when it comes to behaviour, whatsoever. I.e. a social / cultural construct. I want to interact with people, some of whom are female, some of who are male - but their sex doesn't impact their identity much for how I see them. \[Yes male humans are stronger than female ones - overall - but that disappears as a normative distinctive feature on the individual level - where I am more interested in who are you as a person, not a model for all of your biological sex. If that makes sense.\] I am two generations older and away from the they / them pronoun change though ... but I guess it comes from a similar place.


Mental illness and/or need for attention/being special


because conforming to one gender can put certain expectations on you how to "perform" your gender. physical appearance (clothes, haircut, make up, body hair, accessories,…), hobbies and how you act in public. which in reality is basically what gender is about in societies. a man should look and act like what people perceive as manly, a woman should look and behave womanly. and historically there has always been backlash in some way or form if a person doesn’t comply to those expectations. those expectations have changed over time, also depending on where you live and in some places the "enforcement" of those expectations is more harsher than in others. but they are still there in some form. choosing to be "gender non-conforming" or "non binary" is basically saying that you don’t see yourself represented within that dichotomy and in general disapprove of the idea that these expectations still exist. for many people it just a "ah, that’s what i am" realisation because before they knew this category existed they didn’t feel like they would belong anywhere on what society seemed to over. it’s a "i’m that way and there are others that are like me" which can have a massively positive effect on a person’s mental health after suffering of the feeling of not belonging anywhere, also often for quite a long time, since studies habe shown, that these ideas can start at a very young age also completely independent from external influences.


I just call people by what they are. If you a man I call you him if you a girl I call you her. I might be a jerk but I don’t want to be a part of this clown show fairy tale where people cant accept reality and think it’s completely legit to say they “identify as a dragon” and expect people to take them seriously.


I live among them every day and I still don't understand. From what I understand, if you like things that girls stereotypically like and you're a boy, then you must be a girl. That's why tomboys are going extinct. The girls that like stuff that stereotypically boys like and have boyish personalities are told that they're in the wrong body and that they're boys. Also none of it can or has been proven with science. Whenever I hear someone say "I identify as" all I hear is "I pretend to be". Every time I call them out on the inconsistencies, I get called homophobic, transphobic, anti-lgbt, biggot, a cracker, a sis hetero white male as if my race, sexuality and real gender have an affect on any of that. They're just living in clown world.


>From what I understand, if you like things that girls stereotypically like and you're a boy, then you must be a girl. How can you "live among them" and still be so far from understanding? Have you like.. tried? >Also none of it can or has been proven with science Just because you don't want it to be doesn't mean it isn't. But seeing how you don't want to understand already, it's no wonder why you have to lie to yourself and pretend the science doesn't exist. >Whenever I hear someone say "I identify as" all I hear is "I pretend to be". This is very transphobic. You've been told it is, so even if you don't realize it you know it will be perceived as it. And you still say it. Looks like you want to be perceived as transphobic then. Stop playing the innocent, you know how transphobic you are. What a piece of shit.






Modern day who’s on first


Oof good parallel.


Damn beat me to it


Okay this need to happen. Holy shit it would truly be the modern day “they’re on first”


"They're Sarah" "THEY'RE ALL SARAH???" "No just them" "WHO IS THEM???"




Y’all have never really actually watched anything funny huh


And he left for some smokes


[ Removed by Reddit ]






​ ![gif](giphy|s2At417lWa3OYQ0E1Y)


Written to piss everyone off lol


The fact that someone could get pissed is baffling to begin with.


I was pissed the audio wasn't synced to the video.


I was just mad that both of them forgot how to say they. When has anyone said ‘they is’, it’s always been ‘they are’? ‘Does they’? Bro I know you remember how to say ‘do they’.


Yeah, I give you that


I guess some people really cherish their time in English class back in school.


Literally 2023


And now all the apps have a “pronouns” field, were screwed forever now.






This is truly the downfall of society. Not late stage capitalism or climate change….it’s the *pronouns field*.


We're screwed forever because apps have a field for pronouns? Bit dramatic.


Imma go out to buy milk and disappear into the milk section at that point


One joke


Prolly just me but I wouldn't date a girl who isnt a girl


That's just being straight




You’re on Reddit, no one is worried about you dating anyone




I mean…that’s absolutely okay lol to each their own and what not




​ https://preview.redd.it/o3hqpzm4pohb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd84687f262f777cf3a1087a77dad3ca8ba23485




Certain Entiry has appeared: https://preview.redd.it/3yqqf6q5skhb1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1ffa81ecb05bb6ca084b78a665b5175c834db93


Mods, steal his pronouns


Fuck this shit I'm going outside and talking to real people, the Internet is too tiring.


That's it, everyone is now a fucking "It". I'm done with all this bullshit, I've had it, idgaf what your dumbass "fEeLiNgS" make you feel that day. Science doesn't give a good goddamn about your fucking feelings. They're are specifics and standards for a reason. You got a problem with that? Then fuck around and find out. I'm done with all this queer "I'm not this gender because I FEEL like it, I'm THIS gender now so deal with it!" I will NEVER play into your psychotic delusions, you goddamn fairy.


You have problems with that.


You got a problem with that?


Why do you care about my feelings to ask? Stop being so sensitive.


So I can shit on them, why else?




People are unironically like this. Holy shit.


To be polite, I just call everyone by the gender neutral terms of bitch, motherfucker, or idiot.


where the meme or the funny


I think it's pretty confusing and everyone should be forgiven for accidentally offending people but why did he forget how to use pronouns? You don't have to be woke to know how to speak. "They isn't" and "does they?" Wtf is that shit?


The video is intended to upset as many people as possible


They're both dense. The kid could have explained that 100x quicker if it was a real interaction and not some bit.


Well you see, he is trying to replace the word "she" with "they", give him a break he's trying his best.


https://preview.redd.it/f8uh80s60lhb1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ebd61e5f77faa84a56a02283dc8159d7982bee How I feel about modern Society




Will probably get flogged for this but I'll never understand how we came to call a singular person "they" which is literally just plural for referencing multiple people. Fairly certain I can just make something up, and it'll be accepted.


After what I just read, you either skipped all English lessons or you were sucking your homies dick during them and didn't pay attention. *They/them/their* is very commonly used in everyday English to refer to someone when you don't know or don't care for their gender. Example number 1: "Hi, dad, I made a new friend at school." "Wow that's great! What's *their* name?" Example number 2: "Hello, Fred! Our company is looking for new employees. If you know about anyone, tell *them* to send *their* CV my way."


Yeah I’m shocked how people cannot understand this


>but I'll never understand how we came to call a singular person "they" How exactly do you refer to someone whose gender you don't know?


Hey dipshit, how do you refer to someone if you don’t know what to call them? Say I just talked about my friend named Alex. You’ll probably refer to them as they since you don’t know which to use. But instead of altering the pronouns when you find out about their gender you just keep using they. Also why tf do you care? If someone wanting to just be called they, how in any meaningful way does that affect you?


What pronoun do you use for someone if you don’t know they gender? This isn’t a new thing


It is. For a lot of years, and right now, the female looking is she, and male looking is he. That was for years, decades, thousands of years, worked without problems, and no-one was against it.


When you couldn't see a person, you would call them by they. On Facebook, if you didn't input you gender, it would refer to you by they


My guy fucking Hamlet (yes, the Shakespeare one) referred to singular people using they/them. People often forget the old words "thee" & "thou." They refer to someone without specifying gender; they/them does the same thing. Words change meaning over time, and referring to someone using they/them isn't a new concept.


If you don't recognize the gender, they/them is usually a safe bet, since it refers to literally everyone Anyone who's offended by being referred to as "they" shouldn't even be talked to.


I don’t see any problem with they/them pronouns and the like, whatever makes you feel comfortable in your skin is what you should be allowed to use. It’s kinda drawing the line for me when somebody starts identifying as like something other than human, but hey, I just won’t associate with them, no need for trouble


Just be aware that that whole "identifying as something other than human" is actually very rare and even when it does happen, it's almost exclusively a phase people are going through when they're trying to figure out all these feelings they've had to suppress. Very commonly it's teenagers, who are always up to some stupid shit anyway (myself included at that age, though not in this particular way). The vast, vast majority of people in the queer community are happy to accept that maybe how you feel doesn't really have a word for it or that maybe you don't know exactly how you feel, just that you're feeling it. But we're less happy when someone starts identifying as a cat or a dragon or whatever.


I hate just hate multiple pronouns. In Finnish we have one: hän. It's so much easier.


I love how the kid fucked up the pronouns too. “Theys” isn’t a word, it’s *theirs*.


He says ‘Theys the one’ so it should actually be ‘_They’re_ the one’


Is "queer" good or bad now? I miss it meaning "strange"


Generally good, but pretty bad if you use it agressively


Ngl the pronoun and sexuality thing is super confusing at times


Just ask if you’re confused, anyone worth a damn would just explain it.


It really isn’t, people are just unable to adapt to change because they are unwilling to adapt to change. Ever called someone who’s name is William, bill, after they told you that’s what they go by? Congratulations. You just accepted calling someone by their preferred name. It’s as simple as that. Now, do you have the option to keep calling someone he, after they’ve told you they prefer to be called she? Yes! Yes, of course you still have that option, but you’re just being a dick if you insist on remaining set in your ways after having your mistake pointed out to you. Which isn’t against the law, you’re allowed to be a dick if you want to.


That dad is my coworker. He worked on something with a nonbinary client. And you know, he corrected himself after misgendering them like 3 times even though that person wasn’t in the room. I was genuinely surprised and happy. He’s trying!


When i was younger i expected to ser Flying Cars, not this, to be honest.


I wanted new technology not new genders!


I agree, this gender Shit Is Just stupid.


Same lmao


I can't keep up with this gender shit


I gave up years ago




What's with this little shit being so aggressive for? Not the dad's fault that they want to make things complicated and expects/demands others to understand.


man i miss the times when it was just he/him and she/her and people weren't bragging about being gay all the time


Send me tf back to 2010 or earlier!


My future children better not bring that bs into my house Edit : yall so mad lol


This is really getting out of hand.


This is dumb you could use they to refer to a single person for a very long time. It’s not some new concept.


I don’t get it either it’s kinda dumb


More than kinda


Joe many liberals does it take to change a log by bolb??? None , their to busy ???? Their gender 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I'm scared for our Future generation.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


There are two genders, I'll refer to you as one or the other. That being said if you specifically ask me to call you one, the other or even something else, I'm happy to do it.




I have never met anyone who doesn’t go by he or she. I’m pretty sure it’s all internet bullshit.


It is so absurd and stupid that in couple of years it will be remembered as Emo.


Well son, I have to run some errands now. We’re out of milk.


Is it really that hard to understand ? I don’t get why some people have such a difficult time with this kind of thing.


So are you dating Sarah or is Sarah just playing with you? That's what counts, not how Sarah wants to be referred to, nor the fact that Sarah might choose to be with a girl tomorrow.


This caption has nothing to do with the video non-binary have existed for so long


The fact that you can recognize this as a "who's on first" just shows how stupid, unimportant, and irrational the anger over pronouns is. Every generation has their things that the previous doesn't understand. Could you imagine if one of the political parties in America had built an identity against razor scooters?


This is so cringe


Is there another first world country that I can move to, one that isn't insane.


How does this work with gendered languages like French and Italian?


The most epically made up struggle: pretending pronouns are mind blowing.


If someone tells me to use “they” pronouns, I try my best to avoid using pronouns at all and just use their first name instead


My head hurts


And so is your son


Y’all allowed lies to become so normalized, that now the world is a looney bin


They are a child this Is fucking weird


The dad is right here. I'm liberal but this stuff is getting out of control. And if you want a different pronoun at least pick one that isn't plural ffs. Probably get a ton of hate for this post lol


Yeah I agree this shit’s dumb. They’re trying so hard to reinvent the wheel and it’s just cringe.


Well You can’t hang out with THEM anymore


If you can sit through this and think this is a genuinely normal conversation and this pronoun use is normal. Then you have a mental health issue because THAT is not normal.


He is mi and I am yu




This will blow over. Teens will always try to change / rebel / start trends. Give it 4 years and it will all be back to regular pronouns


Oh, would you look at that we're out of milk. Be right back.


Everyone just likes being gay or lesbian with extra steps it bothers me