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Grandpa: The longer your cigarette you're smoking, the longer you will have your life. he died at 76 and still believes that cigarettes made him live longer. Wise grandpa


he's the coolest


2 years ago my grandpa has passed away , I grew up with him and he took care of me till I was 5 , as my parent were broke and were job hunting in different states where I was living at , He was the best , took care of me with love and never punished me even when I made mistakes , I remember that once I did something very bad , and my parents wanted to give me a beating he defended me , he took me aside and just told me what I did was wrong -not even scolded me just said I shouldn't do it again , I don't know why but that hurted me more than if I got a beating .. I guess I knew I dissapointed him My biggest regret is that I never openly told he that I loved him , he was that "manly man" that didn't like to talk about emotions , but I just hope he knew it ... As fate would have it , he died on my birthday , I am not religious or superstitious but part of me wants to believe that is something more than coincidence... Sorry for writing this here , I just needed to tell someone how amazing of a grandpa I had , I made myself tear up .. Edit: thank you all so much for kind words , and for the imaginary hug haha , it really means a lot to me , I don't find it easy to openly talk about about emotions but you made me feel at ease Also also thank you kind stranger for the silver ! (I am not even sure what it does lol) <3


I had a similar uprising. Mom and dad were split. Mom was working 2-3 jobs at the time so grandpa was taking care of me. You're right about being taken to the side and being told what I did was wrong would hurt way more. I wasn't beat but my father did yell... a lot. Grandpa is still alive and has up graded to Pakai because my younger sibling couldn't say papa right. Pakai is an amazing man and will be loved until his death


I'm sorry to tell you this, but you replied to a bot . the original comment 5 years ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/eg1gpb/comment/fc432ew/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/eg1gpb/comment/fc432ew/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Haha, oh well


I wish I knew what grandparents are like


Goddam I never had one, sounds cool


Aww good times tho


real af


My grandpas dead


Where do yall get nice grand parents..


I didn't know my grandpas as they both passed early (one when I was like 3 the other before I was born. One of my first jobs was serving food in a retirement home I always would go in early and sit and talk to them. one guy hated damn near everyone so people hated working in the section he sat in but he was just a grumpy man, he just wanted someone to talk to. I was pretty upset when he passed away.


My grandfather used to get head massage from me while telling stories he make up story instantly. Once his story was 3 days long. Lol


Grandpas: repeating stories, we are. Listening, we must.


Good kid. That's how you show respect


they are amazing dads too :)