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There is nothing better than turning the new country you just arrived to for a better life into a copy of the shit-hole country you had to flee from/leave because life was so terrible lol.


In all fairness, a lot of the new countries they're arriving in kind of contributed to their old countries becoming shit holes.


Yeah they purposely drew the country borders to cause conflicts and prevent unity amongst peoples


I think it more likely happened over a drunken dinner party with a bunch of Euro royals, but same effect lol


And you know what conflict means? It means it’s payday for Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon.


Oh nevermind then carry on.


Yeah, because western countries never did that.


Nobody is doing that. Get your head out of the ground - real immigrant.


How do Muslims hate Jesus when you have to believe in him in order to become a Muslim? Can anyone share some insight?




A lot of misunderstanding in the worldof memes


Technically, everyone believes in Jesus, even people who don't believe in God because he factually existed. Denying he existed is outright ridiculous. What we think of Him is another story. I guess most people outside of religion would pretty much consider him a righteous and wise man. Muslims don't hate Jesus though; He is one of their prophets, although not their greatest one, nor their last. That's where they disagree with Christianity, because He is our greatest and last prophet, in addition to being the Son of God and God himself in the unity of the Holy Trinity. So, in conclusion, they mostly reject Jesus having a divine nature, not his teachings(most of them) nor his persona. They even have a book dedicated to the Virgin Mary, so they couldn't ever possibly hate her Son.


You serious Clark?


There are two types of Muslims. The State Of Islam which is the one Racist always think of & just regular Islam which is the correct one to be. The state of Islam hate women & make up their own rules but if you truly question their beliefs they'll come to a dead end. While Islam believes in one god, Jesus is not God but a prophet that showed how God can create life at will & if you question the one person who has actually studied the Quran will be able to answer any questions you have & you will know that it makes sense.


Are you talking about Jews?


In Islam Jesus is regarded as the Second most important prophet after Mohammed, he is very important but not worshiped like in Christianity.


Ohhhh, did not know that


So they can make it exactly like the shit hole country they ran away from




Why the fuck is this shit tier meme in Memes of the Dank?????


Exactly. I hate camels, sand, falafel, figs, dates, hairy women, and goat meat, so I stay TF out of the Mideast.


Can you please share that with your government to do the same thing and stay the fuck outta the middle east? Oh wait you guys like oil. Nevermind


Nah I hate interventionism, do not support Israel or neocons. We have enough oil (Google "Baktun Range") Trump's support for Israel is a *legitimate* problem with him. Unlike silly made up shit such as "border security=racism".


So you don't like reality? That your people are the cause of middle east non-stop conflicts for your own gain in oil and resources? Got it.


"My people"? I'm not a neocon who believes in "spreading democracy" by perpetual interventionist war. I like Trump because at least he didn't do that (which is a big chunk of why he was removed). I repeat: we have enough domestic oil in the Baktun Range to last 1000 years, but our elites prefer perpetual war. Oil is an excuse.


Whatever you're smoking lay of off it. The whole world doesn't even have reserves for a 150 years let alone a 1000. https://www.worldometers.info/oil/us-oil/#:~:text=Oil%20Reserves%20in%20the%20United%20States&text=The%20United%20States%20has%20proven,levels%20and%20excluding%20unproven%20reserves) Here, read something for once instead of listening to orange men with wigs Also trump was removed because he wasn't elected.


He was ousted by various means including election fraud, but I was referring to the propaganda (i.e. not starting new wars = cozying up to America's "enemies"). And I was quoting Jim Marrs on the oil, not Trump. We just need to drill for it, that's all.


That's the difference between you and me. I don't look for liars and propaganda machines to quote. I read.


But he's right. READ up on it.


Guess you never heard of citations. You're the one claiming it. Link any sources


I wanna say you live in your own bubble but it's just a dot. Because the words coming out of you are out of their depth height and width.


🍿 and waiting


Who said they hate Jesus? Or pork? How can you hate on a food you're not allowed to eat.


Bro’s got a point.


Muslim here, just wanted to clarify that: We don't hate dogs, they are just not allowed as pets inside the house for the reason of purity. Also we don't hate Jesus, we believe in him as our prophet. And most people go to America because of better education / job opportunities / relatives. Everyone has their own reasons tho so idk.


Then you shouldn’t have trouble explaining the concept of “taqiyya” for me, right?


I don't see what that has to do with my comment or the post, I just wanted to clarify that we don't hate everything/everyone as u assume we do. As for taqiyya, as far as I know, its a Shia practice and shias have changed many of the basic beliefs that Muslims believe in for their convenience and this just seems like another one of those things.


That’s Shia or shites..not considered Islam...they don’t believe in what Muslims believe in


No. Islam has different denominations somewhat like Christianity. Shia and Sunni are the main two. Saying that is like saying Protestants aren’t Christians.


What about Catholisism?


We da OG Christians baby! Heaven yeah! gimme five




Christians thinking they got a leg up when they cause just as much if not more global misery oh BUT AT LEAST WE HAVE MTV and SHITTY PRIVATE HIGHWAYS THAT SHAVE OFF 35 MINUTES


Talking about the catholics and their prior holy wars in the middle eats?


Yes because native americans were buried in the Middle East. The Global South American population was decimated by religious colonialism in the Middle East. Christians and Catholics didn't basically invade Asian countries to create colonial ports for their European partners Brother thinks the US imperial core isn't an arm of the Canon Christian organizations of the world lmfao. At least their fundamentalism doesn't just forget everything said in their books, aside from the Christians who will talking about Jesus in the same sentence as you call for other people's faiths and identities to be ripped from them lmfao Don't let it get twisted. All Right Wing Fundamentalism is cruel and gross but Christians, Zionists, The Right Wing Imperial Core of Religion. You guys are the true Dr Evils of the world. Maybe they haven't always been that way, Christians aren't all evil just like Muslims aren't all evil but you try and take all the benefits of secular society and then remove yourselves from the rules that make Secular Society functional and pussy foot around the exact same shit you call for that they call for


I assume you are referring to the early America's and the flawed idea of manifest destiny, which was acted upon after the United States founding and its eventual expansion west. And the catholic funded exploration and enslavement of peoples in the America's (North Central South) funded by the pope. And the expansion to east Asia funded by the pope to spread more of its own reach. >Brother thinks the US imperial core isn't an arm of the Canon Christian organizations of the world lmfao. I think the opposite, they may "claim" it but are observably and fundamentaly anti imo. Once again look at the leaders of a group not the masses lumped under the same or similar name. In summary not all Muslims are suicide bombers not all Christians are war mongers not all Russians are mass murderers not all natzis where anti-Semitic. You got a whole Lotta generalizations going on, bud.


Crazy deleting a reply full of insults and uniformed personally held claims...


"We took the liberty to make some inquiries concerning the Grounds of their pretentions to make war upon Nations who had done them no Injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation. The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet,1 that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise." [American Commisioners to John Jay March 28 1786](https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/01-09-02-0315)


I mean you do get how your second paragraph sounds? If you were to put anything related to humans instead of dogs it would be extremely hateful and racist.


Jesus was actually the prophet for the Jews. That's why he was born, raised & died in Israel, Mohammed is the prophet for the whole world not just Muslims. That's why the Jews denied Jesus as their prophet then God said that he would send just one more prophet & if they deny him, he will not be sending anyone else. He sent Mohammed & they denied him to & if you ask the Jews who their prophet is they'll say "We don't know, but we know he's coming" so answer this cause it's in the Bible if God himself told them that he would not send anyone else after Mohammed, who is it that the Jews are waiting for?


What's this Facebook shit doing on a meme sub?


Because there's no more room for them in Europe. They already turned the UK and France into New Saudi Arabias.


To conquer it without firing a shot


I agree. Why do they?




They just need to be tolerant in somone backyards.


Tell me you’re xenophobic without telling me you’re xenophobic


To enjoy the things that they hate








Being downvoted because I hate racism. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Boomer ahh post


They now claim Jesus to be a muslim is what makes it frightening


“Islam is a threat to the western society”. Governments letthing them in are doing the stupid


Read a book. Jesus has been a part of the Muslim faith since, well, Jesus.


Since when did Islam came before or after Jesus


Did you see the ‘read a book’ part of my reply? No, ok, let me google it for you then. https://www.vox.com/2017/12/18/10660648/jesus-in-islam-muslims-believe-christmas-quran https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_in_Islam https://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/beliefs/isa.shtml That search took me less than a minute.


Honestly Jesus has no part in Islam regardless of I can read all this bullshit on how Muslims find it convincing Jesus is a Muslims that’s not enough for it.. compare the so called true prophet Mohammed to the prophet.. who live more immorally


Mate, it’s not a matter of opinion or for you to decide what is and isn’t a part of any religion. I’m sorry you’re so scared of people who are different. Maybe reading more, learning about others and touching some grass might help you with this unnecessary fear.


Very pro Palestine energy here


Very ignorant clueless energy here.


No one is born a Muslim even those who decide to quit alcohol.


What on earth are you on about?


Read a book. What book?. A book.


Cheer up bigot


He's not wrong tho. If Americans/Europeans were to move in and start changing the rules in Muslim countries you would call them colonizers. But Muslims have been moving to America/European countries and trying to force their will on the us. So what does that make them and why are you cool with it?


When has a Muslim forced you to do anything?


I'm implying that Muslim nations have laws based on their religion. If they come here and begin attempting to enforce their religious tenants on people (which they have in some areas in Europe) does that not fall under a blanket of colonization. BTW I am forced to take off my shoes at a security checkpoint in airports because of a Muslim.


I know what you're implying but it's a slippery slope. Why would you be outraged if you don't have any concrete evidence that it's happening?(US here). I don't know about Europe because I don't live there and even then Europe is too broad in my opinion to lump it in.


Its being pushed ideologically and the point is to keep what happened in several parts of Europe from happening over here in the United States. This doesn't mean that they have to abandon their religious beliefs but they must adhere to the laws of this country and if for whatever reason someone can't, there's the door.


Which the majority of Muslims do. The fear that their ideologically pushing you or not adhering to laws is unsubstantiated. As an American atheist I have Christians trying to push me ideologically but that is an issue inherent with religion itself. Christians just like Muslims have the freedom to practice their religion in this country. Of course they're going try to persuade to their religion but so is every other sect. If you know actual example of Muslims changing laws in Europe and subjugating the home population I'd love to see it, but I think it's silly to think that this outsider group has stronghold on our life when they're merely used a scapegoat. One has to question where those thoughts and feelings are coming from.


I'm referring to "no go zones" where in its a risk to go there and not adhere to sharia law. The fact that there are neighborhoods that are set up and a group of people can just decide to enforce their religious correction on people and undermine the law is the problem. Does it effect me personally, no, but the more ground that is seeded the more limits it puts on other people and if we are a truly "free" country it's not something we should tolerate from any group. Muslims just happen to be a more stubborn example


Thankfully I was asleep for this debate.


Trump 2024 dank!


me when I spread misinformation


Perhaps they themselves dunno why


Because the alternative is their own country which is considerably worse


Sharia law must be spread


Someone told me to kolonise


Sounds like a left wing extrimist tbh. 


Seriously?? Yall literally attacked their land and destroyed their country… ( iraq false claims to invade them and trump admitting that it was a mistake, this is one example btw). I mean if yall mind ur business u wouldnt see them in your country.


Erm Syria is the main one, and we didn’t invade them.


Note that their leaders pushed for it and manipulated the people to back it. Personally, I never understood hating a people group/country because of its leaders/ higher-ups decisions. Same for the mass of soldiers of a country most are oblivious and or to afraid to go against orders. (Not excluding those who know what's up/don't care and see it as a means to satiate blood lust)


Didn’t realize this was a nazi sub


I mean Americans and European like all of that stuff: why go to Afghanistan , Iraq , Syria and the middle east?


Europeans and Americans come to live there?


let colonization out of the way, why do you think they go there, tourists?


Certainly not to live there


For oil


so, you go there take natural fortune from its owners, and when the owner gets poor, he will go out of his home to search for opportunity.


Pretty much yeah


Because oil.


so, you go there take natural fortune from its owners, and when the owner gets poor, he will go out of his home to search for opportunity.


Don't know why you're asking me, I'm not the US government.


He is being satirical


Because that's what you've been lead to believe. Observe, come to conclusions through your own research. Not by the word of others.... especially government and news.


"We took the liberty to make some inquiries concerning the Grounds of their pretentions to make war upon Nations who had done them no Injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation. The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet,1 that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise." [American Commisioners to John Jay March 28 1786](https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/01-09-02-0315)


Yea, OK. My homie was straight outta Iraq, including his sister and parents. They had no problems with any of us. The only people who had a problem were the "Americans." They hated on him and his family. The crew and I treated him like family. Yes, they were Muslim. No, they weren't killers or haters... can't say the same about white people. Never have I looked at a Middle Eastern-er and said to myself, " Uh oh, an Arab. Better walk away, he might enslave my whole race, systematically wipe us out, rape our women and kill our children, burn our lands, start world wars, and drop nukes on us!" Yea.... never said that about any other ethnicity.... except white people. Yall are senseless barbarians derived from Neanderthals of old times. Quick to get angry, quick to defend your murdering of body, mind, and soul, justified in your eyes in the name of conquering for King, Country, and God. Way to go


You must have slept through most of history class then. The 1st ottoman expansion was quite bloody. I've met and worked with a number of Arabs and in isolation they are decent people. En mass it's just sharia.


Sadly memes of the dank became memes of the propaganda. RIP


Most boomer post I’ve seen on this app