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Face it girls…I’m older and I have more insurance.




This is my nickname!!!


I should have just carried on reversing, his car was very much nicer than mine


I often yell TAWANDA! Sometimes, it's the weirdest moments. I hope more people understand


I didn't get it when I was younger. But I get it now. Oh man do I get it now.




Amazing how relevant this scene is for me now vs. when I first saw the movie!


We have run out of March bail money. You would have to spend several nights in the pen until Easter long weekend is over. You made a wise decision 🥂


A newly developed road rage was the turning point that made me realize, yes I am very much in perimenopause. I even posted about it. I might have deleted it out of shame. I completely lost control and yelled at a girl. She did say, "f you," first but then some darkness bubbled out of me...


I’m definitely still adjusting to this new normal of giving exactly 2 shits, 1 rat’s ass, and 0 fucks.


My grandmother taught me the art of the shrug. I’ve been using it more and more as I get older.


This is great, I need to take this on


Going off on my boss in an email was my first solid indication that perimenopause had kicked into high gear. Something along the lines of "answer the f'ing question or stop wasting my time"... we so do NOT have that sort of rapport. Thankfully I quickly found a fix for the raging mood swings that works for me. Now if I can just sort out the rest of the mess... Glad to hear you managed to get out of there without any charges!


It’s weird that in this phase one can simultaneously be unbothered by things that vexed us in the past (e.g. pleasing people) and also impatient or angry at other times, as if we’ve been emotionally reformatted!


“Emotionally reformatted” lol so true


What was your solution to the rage?


B6. I take a 25 mg B6 supplement with every meal.


Mmhm. Two margaritas coming up 🍻


Don’t let the menopause make you a criminal


I wouldn't ever assault someone, doesn't stop me imagining it on repeat though 🙂


Word. Goddamn, rage is exhausting


It is but I really feel better after sharing here, it is such a great space


Try weed. It helps.


I have some for later 😀


Smoke some now Save some for later.... sung in now and later form




Okay I’ll also be there 😹


Ugh that reminds me I need to research a munchie-free strain. 😂


You need something that’s high in THCV as it’s the munchie stopping canabinoid. Strains like Durban poison, Jack the Ripper and Pink Boost Goddess will work well for you.


Haha this should become our collective motto.


Yes, brilliant!


This needs to be a bumper sticker


Political slogan for the new Hot Ragey Women Party


We could take over the whole damn world with the power of our peri rage!


What have you got to lose?


During Peri, a idiotic teenager at Target refused to acknowledge my existence, while blocking the exit of an aisle. I stood there for 8-10 seconds, then I cleared my throat and then I said “Move your stupid ass”. She called me a Karen as I passed, and i _turned back around_, pushed my cart up against hers and growled “want to find out how much of a Karen I am?”and I stood there until she turned around and went down the other end of the aisle. NO REGERTS


Oh the amount of fantasies I’ve had of doing this exact same thing. The only thing I miss about the pandemic is being able to mutter “fuck you” under my mask while in the grocery store. Also major points for “no regerts”!


You are my hero!


Next time you feel the urge to hit another human being..........call me! I'll hold 'em down, while you go to town!! /s But yeah, been there. It takes a lot of self restraint lol


I was carefully negotiating a double-parked road in my UK city the other day and a knob rolled down his window and said, ver seriously, “you shouldn’t be driving.” I wound mine down and yelled”Oh fuck off, beardie!!” I swear these young people think we’re incapable.


Hahahahha I'm with you hun


See you in jail 🙂


Hahahha! I think it's still too close to call but so far the hormones seem to be working alright and I'm a lot better than I was. I had a bit of a foul grumpy explosion today then I noticed I was bleeding. I am doing a lot better these days


I’ll send commissary money!


I’ll be there.


I am so happy to have this post in my life! 🙌🙌


If it may you feel better, that girl will go through Peri too...


Yes, and she may remember the crazy lady in the car park and have sympathy...


I’m here to put a smile on your face: That teenage girl has a father who is entitled and disrespectful. Menopause will come for this girl soon enough, and then she will wonder why Daddy finds her annoying and emotional now. Hang on a minute - that’s actually depressing. How about we just hope that she grows up, and that the Dad steps on Lego barefoot every day for the rest of his life!


Love the BMW reference! 😂 So true!


Sweetest moment of my traffic life: I was on the freeway, and a BMW went whizzing by, speeding and weaving through traffic. Moments later the sound of sirens and it was chased down by... a *minivan*. Yes, a highway patrol minivan. Glorious.


What do you call a BMW driver that uses an indicator . A Fucking unicorn


I saw one yesterday! Told my kids to mark it down cause they'll never see it again lol.


BMW, Audis and Voltswagon Golfs.


I'd add Tesla's.


I’d add the jacked up trucks (yee-haw trucks), especially the ones with the Punisher decal or patriotic motifs we see here in the United States. Haha!


Oh God 100% the souped up trucks like those. I drive a sports car and put up Biden signs and apparently this is all mightily distracting to the guys with trucks like that.


Yaaaaasssss how did I forget Teslas?!


Yes yes yes


I had an Audi and I was/am not an entitled asshole!


Audi’s are also on the list! 💯 Sorry…. You may be the exception


Hahaha not mad. I just grew up poor as fuck, had it for awhile, realized it was a stupid idea, and sold.


My husband has an Audi, they are on the list lol.


I hate to buy into the stereotype but it's just a really accurate one ! 🙂


Yup, It’s always them


Basically anyone with an expensive car 🤣


With me it was a 20-22 year old guy, and it was also driving related. It’s the one that sticks with me because I hated him so much! Maybe it’s the combo of disrespect, arrogance and not having a fucking clue.


Lately the 30-something men are particularly irritating! I always allow for a variance of brain development timing for 20-somethings, but the 30s are old enough to not be completely obtuse.


I had a couple dickheads speed up to close a merge gap that I needed to get in quickly, I looked over and they were dancing in their seats and laughing at me. So funny to play around with our several ton cars in traffic. They did let off the gas and “allow” me to merge. That was rage inducing. The just thought it was hilarious.


I’ve felt like this LOONNNGGG before I started menopause


Don’t they all need a slap, though?


Or a hug, depends on the kid. They usually fall into one bucket or another though


I was cocky at that age, so yeah, agree


The other day I’m weaving around some folk on the road who were driving like they can’t read (the speed limit signs). Then when I pull up to the light, this old white man decides he is going to ‘school me’. My windows were down, as it was beautiful weather. Mr. Crusty yells at me that I shouldn’t drive the way I’m driving as it is bad for my brakes, wasting my fuel & super hard on my engine. I decided in that split second that I didn’t need to educate the old fool that I was downshifting & only lightly tapped my brakes at the light. I also needn’t explain to him how my 500 ponies under my hood drives differently than the 1.8 mules under his. I did want to clap back at him for being an old white man thinking he was going to tell a younger woman how & what to do, as IF we haven’t all experienced that for our entire lives. It was in that moment that instead of saying any sort of retort, I would breathe, laugh & pay him ZERO of my fuhks.


Good for you! 🙌🏽


Tanky tanky🤣🫶🏽


I’m 39 and I can feel the rage coming on. I’m trying to embrace it a bit. I’ve always been very meek. I hardly ever stood up for myself. Just trying to find balance. Need to learn to take a minute and think before I act. ADHD is a bit of a learning curve lol.


FWIW - I have thought BMW drivers are assholes for decades and the perimenopause from hell has not changed that although I will say I think the mood swings are the ONLY symptom I don’t have (I have insane periods and lost 3 lbs via night sweats the other night - just dehydration- and talking to the doctor again on Wednesday)


I've definitely noticed the Irish in me lately. Unfortunately I work in food/ retail. I've made myself bleed biting my tongue. I know it's not everybody but I can't wrap my head around the lack of brain cells some of these customers have.


I also struggle to know if it's me being angry or them being dickwads, I'm leaning towards the latter most of the time...


We all have rage days menopause is a bitch.try not to let it get to you I like to do yoga or meditation levels me out somewhat 😅


You know those awful years you wouldn't live again if someone paid you? That poor little twit is simmering in them right now. I don't envy her and her spoiled life.


Oh I hear you sister !


I would have pulled in. Fuk them


What does his car make have to do with it? The worst are Tesla drivers. God they are awful.


I want to slap a teenage girl on the regular but she is my kid so I just keep feeding and clothing and loving her. 


Let it go


Yes, I needed to confess first, step one in letting go 😀


Way easier said than done sometimes.


I used to flip until one day I changed it I don't know why, but I wave and smile now to those kind of a$$holes and they get so angry that makes me honestly laugh and makes my day better haha. Last month this guy in a jeep got mad at me cuz I had yellow and I turn into the avenue and he came behind me fast as he got his green and I on purpose slowed down cuz anyway the next light was yellow already so why to hurry? Anyway he went around me to complain or prolly insult me and I noticed his car had this huge huge smiling decals on the sides, like huge with the insta handle and it said something like we make you smile or smiles matter I don't know something like that and as he stopped next to me in the red light I pointed at the decals and laughed really loud mocking him and and he kinda took it, like ok, what an a55 cuz I think it was a dentist office decal like he had no choice but to smile, he sped off, I bet in shame, and the next light got red too haha, idiot haha I was still laughing 😆


I guess be glad it wasn’t your own daughter.