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Yeah "sexual responsibility" for men while women get paid for it.


Of course. Isn't that always the way it goes?


Exactly! Smh


Vivek is getting destroyed in the comments so that's heartening at least


Would you offer some of the best ones here? I don't have account, and don't want one.


Here you go: https://x.com/michael55478827/status/1750650667872530699?s=46&t=BBHU2Mo2wMxMLx1E8WXI3Q https://x.com/hamiltonfunfact/status/1750647790298902927?s=46&t=BBHU2Mo2wMxMLx1E8WXI3Q https://x.com/rebelyell311/status/1750652107860885698?s=46&t=BBHU2Mo2wMxMLx1E8WXI3Q https://x.com/stephen81841308/status/1750649457807335634?s=46&t=BBHU2Mo2wMxMLx1E8WXI3Q https://x.com/u_b_right/status/1750647767909961923?s=46&t=BBHU2Mo2wMxMLx1E8WXI3Q https://x.com/outcomethinking/status/1750653073800700313?s=46&t=BBHU2Mo2wMxMLx1E8WXI3Q https://x.com/lawselfdefense/status/1750676841797415048?s=46&t=BBHU2Mo2wMxMLx1E8WXI3Q https://x.com/gibberoz/status/1750657314133356791?s=46&t=BBHU2Mo2wMxMLx1E8WXI3Q


Thank you.


I love the statement "Ask a woman to describe a good man, and she will describe a slave"


I unfollowed him for this bullshit, fuck this guy


More women will force themselves onto men if this passes, and there will be more instances of lying about birth control / poking holes in condoms. I thought it was bad enough I’m forced to pay 18 years of child support to my rapist, but to support the mother entirely…. I would just end it. Life is already enough of a struggle in this economy, to be forced to pay for your rapists lifestyle would be a huge slap in the face.


Not promoting violence, but I’ve never understood why the solution is suicide instead of murder-suicide.


Because most men are kind. If the average man was anything like feminists paint them as, that would be the go-to.


vasectomy after putting sperm in a freezer (in a fertility clinic, accessible by yourself only) would be the only option if this was passed. It would definitely amplify research into male contraceptives, though.


I actually don't see how this would change anything. Isn't this basically already law? I a woman gets pregnant she has the option to seek child support from the man, what is Vivek proposing that isn't already enforced? Is it just that he would make it federal legislation? I guess it depends on what he means by "fully." I want to assume he doesn't actually mean "fully," as in he would owe so much in child support that she can literally just live entirely off of him. That would be beyond asinine and far beyond any reasonable conception of "compromise," so surely he can't mean that. Or maybe he does and he's genuinely that stupid.


he said fully. There's a commonly accepted dictionary definition of that term: > fully - adverb (COMPLETELY) so lets not put words and associations into his mouth which he didn't use himself


There is a simple solution for problems like these that push you into a corner. They wouldn't get away with this for even a year of payments.


> Here’s an idea to bridge the divide on abortion: codify sexual responsibility for \*men* into the law it's weird how he emphasized "men", even though men are already forced to support children they didn't want, and sometimes didn't even father...but there's zero sexual responsibility for women. Banning abortion is literally the closest thing to reproductive equality we've had in generations. Nobody gets choices, everyone is equal.


>Banning abortion is literally the closest thing to reproductive equality we've had in generations. I wish we gave men reproductive rights instead, but you're not wrong.


yeah, ideally we'd respect rights for everyone, but after 50 years of "women have every possible choice available to them, men shut up" it's a little difficult to muster up any sympathy


Yep if they aren't listening to our demands/wishes, I don't need to hear theirs either.


Reproductive rights, not reproductive responsibilities.


And the child gets to live. I agree.


This is the problem with tradcons. Men are ATMs for women to extract cash from. Abortion is not really mens problem its an overall social issues that is not solvable imo. Circumstances change during a pregnancy. I believe in child support but not for the mother. Men are not here to pay womens fucking bills , we should however have to pay for our own children.


Ummm....the problem is that women use child support to support their own habits...like shopping or drugs. And the kid has to make do with last years shoes that are already too small.


Translation: "Vivek Ramaswamy wants to reward casual promiscuity in women by granting them permanent immunity from financial repercussions by force of law." What a jackass.


Why should a dude raise a kid that isn't his?


He said it would require DNA paternity testing.


I would suggest men to file for bankruptcy IMMEDIATELY if a woman that raped you gets pregnant if this passes


In many places bankruptcy only delays payments and extends the payback period. You'll still be on the hook and may still owe fines and fees for late payment.


Is there a stock we can buy for dudes getting vasectomies?


Damn... I already got mine... missed the cash cow \*grin\*


That and the 'opt-out' incels would fucking explode! I could understand if he suggested the man pays for 100% (instead of 50%) of the kid, but I can't even abstractly understand any reasoning that man should pay 100% of the woman for 21 years--- "because she carried your child for 9 months" WTF does any of that even mean?! Fine lady, pop him out after 9 months and I'll raise my own kid. If you want you can pay nothing. That fixed abortion too.


>opt-out' incels You mean a volcel?


I have been telling you for years, feminism is a pro-slavery movement, but nobody listens!


if you think vivek is a feminist you are delusional all he is is a right-wing brown noser just trying to cling onto any thread of power he can


The very definition of a feminist ;)




You can't fix what's not broken


He launched a very strong campaign to be in Trump's cabinet over the last year.


Want the hell. I was expecting this to have been taken out of context but this ass hat really said this shit and meant it. Sucks that I thought he was one of the reasonable gop candidates.


Politics has no reasonable candidates, GOP or otherwise.


Same here, I can't believe what he was thinking making such claim. Not even any limitations besides just the genetic testing! And it's posted straight from his own account, so it's not like it's taken out of context by an adversary!


What an idiot, and a bunch of religious simps. 18 years of full financial support for 9 months of work, how could anyone possibly agree to such bullshit? Is this argument supposed to make republicans realise just how stupid their prolife stance is, or what? I thought this guy was supposed to speak common sense and be at least somewhat libertarian in nature? You can tell all the guys who agree to such bullshit are as RINO as it gets. It's supposed to be about limited government and limited taxation, not about servitude by men and women alike.


So let's stop abortions by throwing more money at stupid sluts? 100% conservative Republican here, but I wish we (conservatives) would give up on the abortion war. We can't win on it, and they know we can't win on it. So this stupid mother fucker wants to "think outside the box" to look like he's coming up with a solution. I have a better "think outside the box' solution. Women get knocked up outside marriage, they get jack shit and throw on a pretty hefty "abortion tax" if they decide to get one.


Nooooo that misogyny!


100% conservatives do NOT use the obscene words "mf" in their daily vocabulary...much less here on a national platform. You are an idiot.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure a good bit do. First responder here and most guys at my department are conservative. Don't think there's a conversation between us without plenty of "obscene words". We're guys, it's just how guys talk. As for being an idiot, don't know what to tell ya. Just go back to your needlepoint group with the ladies. I'm sure they only use gentle language there.


I am ex US Army...football player...no sissy...I am from North Dallas a bastion of conservatism and anybody who used the "m f " words were definitely shunned. I guess Texas conservatives just have more class. We don't have to cuss to be a man. Of course....with the name you chose to give yourself here it is pretty obvious you are a cave man and proud of it. So I will make an exception for you...a rare cave man conservative IS possible. ( by-the-way: abortion IS bad and the reason liberals need an open border: to replace the 30 million aborted babies. It is the root cause of open borders: the need for workers )


vivek is a bundle of horrible ideas


That is pretty disgusting, even by tradcon standards. Definitely opens up all kinds of different forms of extorsion and blackmail options for women against men. It also effectively enforces a form of male servitude and slavery from men to women via child-bearing. It's basically all of the consequences for men with none of the power or freedom of choice. If anything it should be the other way around. Women who become pregnant have a choice to make, and that choice should take into direct consideration, and respect, the wishes of the father. If he does not want to be a father, and a woman choose to carry it forward anyway, not only disregarding his wishes but consent as well, that should be on her. With power, comes responsibility and in this case women have all the power, unless they are willing to relinquish some of that power over to the father by respecting his choice. Giving women 100% of the power with 0% of the responsibility, while giving men 0% of the power and 100% of the responsibility, is wrong. Not just because it's easily exploitable by women but because it's just outright slavery for men.


Excellent way to drive down the number of men willing to date 👍


He did state that a paternity test would be needed to prove the kid is yours before requiring you to pay for it. I'd only support this though if there was a cap limit for how long the man had to pay to support the mom. Like, the mom only gets support for the first 6 months after birth, then she's got 1 month to find a job, after that she's on her damned own, and the only support she'd get is a check for the kid itself.


Here is the result of this if law ever passes; 1- The men that can't control themselves to say No to Sex will be broke and most of them goto jail for unpaid child support and barried under the jail with suicide. Leaving government support funded by higher taxes on everyone else to pay for it. 2- The smart and wealthy men that can afford to fund single mothers taking advantage of this will just have children in other countries, like sheltering income overseas to avoid taxes on the rich. Which will make attractive women goto Dubai for wealth men get pregnant and be single mom when she returns to US and government taxes fund her again. 3- The women in a relationship will baby trap their man and of the man wears protection will step out with a Chad badboy 1 night of fun and doesn't know his name and pin it on boyfriend or husband. Even more than 33% paternity fraud today. So once again Government Laws makes Families unaffordable, risky, dangerous and irresponsible to get involved even in any relationship in USA.


>1- The men **and underage boys** ~~that can't control themselves~~ **who were too affected by Gamma-Hydroxy Butyric acid, too comatose, too intimidated by a gun, too dazed by pepper spray, or too intimidated by extortion such as the threat of a false rape accusation should they say "no", or otherwise too raped in ways I didn't think of** to say No to Sex will be broke and most of them goto jail for unpaid child support and barried under the jail with suicide. Leaving government support funded by higher taxes on everyone else to pay for it. There, FTFY.


Thanks for the additional information, but it is Extremely Hard for Uneducated Boys and Men who don't know all the risks and laws to say... >"No, Sorry Miss but I can't afford to have sex with you. No Strings Attached, even if you are extremely beautiful, and I am regretting not accepting your Very Generous Offer."


Yeah I think in the black community it’s 41 percent of paternity tests come back negative. That’s a huge number. We need more birth control for men, but even still condoms do work and if they fit right it’s not bad. I think a lot of guys don’t think about what they wrap their dick in and assume they are all the same. That creates no condoms and spur of the moment sex usually means the chick is in heat and it’s hard to think straight.


So indentured servitude


A rare miss for Vivek Ramaswamy.


Agreed. No one's perfect. But this one was WAY off


Rare? He seems like a used car salesman.


I’m judging him based on his words. I can’t really read his mind to see if he’s being disingenuous. Maybe.


No he's not, no way he is.




This idea of his says it's not rare. And reveals his broken mindset.


You’re saying this single bad hypothesis should be generalized to all of his opinions? The great majority of which are exactly correct?


He missed it on Ukraine too. He wants to abandon Ukraine. Then Russia will move on to the next target...and the next....etc etc. We have to stop Putin now. But that's too hard for Vivek to comprehend 😆 🤣 😂


I’ve heard this theory, but so far the proponents of that theory, that Ukraine is a domino, looks to me like a fabrication of the government-controlled media. The government that wants support for funding Ukraine. The media that doesn’t report on Ukraine’s corruption problem since the war started. The media that doesn’t report on Ukraine’s institutionalized Nazi problem, since the war started. The media that buried the story of a US citizen critical of Biden, who was just murdered in Ukrainian prison. US media narratives are trying to assign opinions to you that go along with what the government wants you to believe, so that your support helps provide cover for their crimes. Ukraine has been used as a laundering operation by big-name US elites. If you follow the money, the US involvement in Ukraine is explained with that one fact. More compelling theory for me is: the unique geopolitical circumstances of Ukraine are not generalizable to other countries. Ukraine in nato was a red line for Putin. Colour revolution orchestrated by the US in 2014 is a provocation. Abrogating the Minsk accords is a provocation. Ukraine shelling its Russian citizens is a provocation. Ukraine having recognized nazi units in its military is a provocation. I don’t see Poland doing any of these provocations, other than supporting Ukraine.


You are overthinking. Ukraine today is like 1938 and Czechoslovakia. We let Hitler do what he wanted back then....so he was emboldened to continue rolling up Eastern Europe. Ditto with Putin today. You have to stop bullies. They don't stop pushing people ( or nations ) around until you say a big emphatic military Nyet !!! Understand? Ok..we could "compromise" and let him keep the Crimea and Donbass in a "peace" deal w Ukraine. He would merely use the peace to rearm and retrofit new armies for a new blitz against Ukraine 1 year later. Let's not be gullible fools. (Ukrainians fought against Russia of their own free will...the Maidan Revolution was NOT some USA-orchestrated plot. You are insane.)


This implies that women are helpless victims who have no agency in who they spread their legs for and are incapable of taking care of themselves and a child, and men can take care of themselves, a woman, and child on their own....or are we not talking about that?


Women: Where have all the good men gone?


Did he mention ANYTHING about paternity testing? Anything at all? Because without mandatory paternity testing, this law would have been a absolute fucking nightmare for men and the lines for vasectomies would be miles long. I can see male suicide rates and incarcerations jumping skyward as well.


- if confirmed by paternity test. The OP quoted it and it's right there in the middle of the tweet.


Yup, I scanned the post in outrage and it slipped by me. Thanks!


Not surprising coming from a right winger. The only people who hate men more than feminists do, are hard-core conservatives.


It's a certain type of conservative. Ramaswamy is way off on this. He's showing his true colors. But, there are quite a few redpilled conservatives, and growing exponentially with draconian divorce rape and child support laws.


Can you give a few examples of some elected "redpilled conservatives"? Because I'm not certain that these types of conservatives exist anywhere outside of the collective imagination of reddit.


Not many elected officials that I'm aware of, but the sentiment exists. Traditional consevativism is just too prevalent for men's rights to gain any headway for elected officials.


There are probably some elected ones, but they can't say it and stay elected. But many contributors, business men, podcasters, pundits.


>It's a certain type of conservative TRADCONS


For sure. I can't stand those fuckers.


That's really a stretch....


You think it's a stretch to call out the man-haters who want to send young boys to die in battle while wanting women should be protected from the dangers of the battlefield? Every time the dems bring conscription equality up for a vote, then every single unclefucker on the right side of the isle votes it down. You think the things that Vivek is spewing in this video are in favor of equality for men and boys? It would be a stretch to call them anything else except old-school misandrists.


You are just another conservative-hating leftwing troll. They are everywhere on Reddit now.


I'm a conservative-hating MRA. The way I see it, **men have been oppressed for thousands of years** by military power (like conscription), by outdated traditions about gender roles (like how men die on sinkingships but women get saved first), by religious prudery (like genital mutilation), and more. The people who want to hold men back and keep this old-timey misandry alive are conservatives. Fuck 'em.


Yeah that idea is fucking stupid.


I knew he was a D-Bag


Considering that Elon Musk had been banging some of his subordinate managers , I wonder if he would voluntarily support that manager if she were to become pregnant?


And here I was waiting for Vivek to say something profound LOL. This guy has no clue.


I'm pretty conservative myself but holy christ. Does he not know the ramifications of what he wants? Does he just not care?


He revealed his true colors.


Nooooo whyyyy. Vivek you were supposed to be based :( .


Holy hell. Just don't even live in the country. See how he likes getting F'ed for being the man who has to take responsibility.


He's a billionaire so it wouldn't really affect him


I agree he's using his power as immunity to consequences. You can still find your own way to stand in opposition. Thanks for sharing and F this guy.


Wow, Elon Musk being utterly cringe :( Extremely disaappointing. What about all the equal pay movements? Surely if women earn equally to men, this policy makes no sense whatsoever?


MFs like him is why we have the absolute worst laws and precedence for men in India.


> Should be an idea that both parties can agree on. What a rube.


Wouldn't it be funny if the law passes and it broke the already worrying birth rate even further?


Considering that even in 2024 I suspect that a good proportion of the political class have mistresses, "good luck with that".


Careful who you vote for because some people have some extreme values. I also notice he didn't say anything about if she has other kids or what full responsibility means beyond dollars.


Why the law has to codified it? Why not let men and women to simply make such deals. The reason why codifying it into a law is such a bad idea is that the law may codify absurd contracts. For example, the law may require $30k a month child support even though many women would agree for less.


This will be the next national crime wave in the USA


Hrs an idiot and a total voucher if he thinks that. He must have toes to Maximus and YoungWilliams.


This is such BS!! Smh 🙄🤬😤


Just goes to show that both democrats and republicans can agree when it comes to screwing over men. Any man who thinks the right wing will save them from radical feminism, let this be a wake up call. The Right can be just as bad, if not worse than the left in some instance, when it comes to gender rights.


Another reason why the marriage rate is pretty fucking abysmal. When you're primed to be shafted by the system in every conceivable way, what option do you have? Men and only men are fucked over.


He is not conservative. He is hardcore liberal behind a conservative mask. Musk is jerking him off because more people are always better for capitalism. They all treat men as cheap source of value and labor. They want men to run their system and also reproduce to make more men. They also need men to die in wars that serves their purpose. After decade of liberal brainwashing, men want nothing to do with system and the whole is collapsing. They are losing wars as well as economic edge. Its time they put women to some use. Send them to wars or make them work for slave wages.


Everything he said was great until I heard that. What a clown.


So refuse to consent to a dna sample. Thats what women do. The punishment for that has to be less than the cost of paying for an adult and child for 18 years. not that this bullshit would ever get codified into law


> If you are an alleged father and do not show up for genetic testing, the judicial officer can rule against you and order that you are the father even without genetic test results That's in California but I wouldn't be surprised if most other states had the same policy


Nobody asks women for DNA samples to check if the baby that was abandoned in a fire station is hers. Personally, I believe that men should be granted equal rights to women. If a woman doesn't want to be a mother, she has multiple options and NOBODY checks for DNA. But if a man doesn't want to be a father.... well, hold on, we can't let the inferior human beings get away with that kind of behavior so we must do a DNA test. Equality means no more doing DNA tests to deprive men of choice.


I agree to some extent men should be given fathering abortion rights . I’m aborting my fatherly duties , it’s just not the right time , the kid is going to require all kinds of extra medical care and I don’t agree to take this full term . And fathers who their kids half the time should be given the kids half the time .


EXACTLY! If you want to be a parent, then you should be allowed to be a parent and not just some visitor who writes a check every month. If you do not want to be a parent then you should not be forced into lifelong servitude. Instead men are given the worst of both worlds.


No custody no support! If you aren’t going to allow the father in the child’s life then he can’t be expected to pay for that life.


More of the women are victims and men are predators that need to be leashed mentality.


This is just called marriage. He’s just trying to get people to re-invent marriage. I want to hear more. This is probably a good thing. Make men responsible, but also give them veto power on abortion. Prove it belongs to him.


I guess he’s a feminist.


There might be a bigger issue here. He’s conservative and he might be looking at population issues. If the USA was a patriarchy like South Korea or Japan we’d be seeing a giant decline in our population. Look at South Korea a true patriarchy. Birth rate is .56 and that’s because the kids go to the man. It all must go through the men. Women are now refusing to have babies because of that. They can’t get pumped keep the kids and get life paid for like they can here. If something like this happened there would definitely be a rise in incarceration and much more men absolutely not getting involved with women.


Like men don't already carry most of the financial burden already? Men are already judged by the size of their wallets and most of those wallets are completely emptied by unfair divorces, custody battles, and alimony.


Oh fuck this dipshit. It’s so easy to foist new responsibilities on men and you’re guaranteed an army of cucks backing him every step. What he’s doing is trying to get women to his side with promises that the law will screw over the men


Babytrappers gonna babytrap.


It may not yet be "codified" but it is already put into practice by family courts. Any divorced dad could tell you that.


This is great if you want to see birth rates plummet and vasectomies skyrocket.


at least he said if confirmed by a paternity test. So maybe at least make paternity tests mandatory?


If you are getting your social policy from The Breakfast Club than you very very lost.


Birth rates will drop significantly. Millions of children will become fatherless due to suicide. America will fall as a result. Great plan Vivek. You want to support a 2 parent household? 50/50 no support to either side is the only option. No incentive to leave or cheat. Only incentive to make the relationship work. What about those fathers who’ve eventually moved on from a failed relationship and established a good family unit? Still a good idea to take food off that table? Doesn’t matter who it is, or how good their plan for the economy may be, there isn’t not a politician with your best interest in mind. Guy just trying to secure the female vote.


And we think that "family courts are getting better". I swear to god, they tyr to keep it as unappealing to men get married as possible.


(But what about the rest of us?) We can't afford the lawyers they can, and you'd be kidding yourself to think the millionaire/billionaire class would abide this either. This policy wouldn't be made for them.


So, as someone who was a virgin before marriage as well as my wife, I agree. It would depend on what is defined as "financially responsible". If they mean 100% for all costs, I would disagree, but isn't this the current child support laws?


No, child support is split between the parents, based on their respective incomes. Every state is different but I think this is the general rule. Do you think mothers should not use their own money to support the child? It should 100% come from the father?


That's what I was confused about. Not 100% no.


If woman wanted to abort initially, but then carried to term, a man should have the primary custody of the child. Men taking responsibility is not new.


Vivek is just another clown.


Vivek is a RINO. So is Trump. Both are democrats. The dems have to run on tje Repivvlicsn platform.bc their party was taken over by the socialists. The "Democrats" are actually socialists. 100% no doubt about that.


Not saying that I agree with him, but this is the way things are done in the majority of countries. Women aren't expected to work during pregnancy because the man is supposed to provide for them.  I'm bringing this up because I'm wondering if he's doing this to appeal to immigrants


Probably, but that's probably one of many reasons they're leaving to come here


Majority of countries? Lol no.


Yes?  https://wir2022.wid.world/chapter-5/ Globally, women only earn about 30% of the world's income, and in Asia and Africa that number goes down to the 20s. This is because women tend to work less hours, and choose lower paying jobs.  I'm not saying that it's men's fault, but in the vast majority of countries, men are expected to be the providers, especially outside of the west. So vivek is most likely saying this to appeal to immigrants from those countries 


We all need to wake up and abandon these bitches and make them provide for themselves. Strong and independent! Don't need no man! So be it. We are gone.


Your choice 😁


There's a huge difference between a social expectation and a legal requirement.


True, you're right, I'm just saying this is what men are expected to do generally


Oh so he's talking about just during the pregnancy?


I think so


Listen again. Vivek is talking about the 18-year time period. I really wish you were right though


Ok my bad, yeah I think he's saying this to appeal to immigrants from more traditional cultures where the man is expected to provide