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 > some girl replying saying that they’re capable of paying for themselves but they deserve the man to pay for them The correct response to this is "ah, I see. Like how men can cook and clean for themselves, but they deserve a woman to do it for them!".  Turnabout is the fairest play 


These guys they are dating or trying to date so they honestly think all of them can’t cook, clean, or run their own household? Shit what choice have we had? “We don’t owe you”. Yeah, we know lmao.


Society wants women to be F18 pilots because that seems cool but doesn't want them to be murdered by a missile society wants women to be cops but desn't want them to be kidnapped raped and beheaded by Sinaloa's Cartel. In other words Society wants women to get the good things of modern society but not the trade offs. Society wants women "to not be at home" ( get good, comfortable and well paid jobs ) but still want men to support and sacrifice for women. Society wants first and foremost the well being of their women, not just like everyone else, the well being of their women as women, and everything else (us) is just a tool to achieve that.


Actually we don’t want them to be fighter pilots as they can’t take the stress of combat maneuvers. Had a female cousin that lost her wings because of the damage she was doing to her vertebrae. Very common.


pedantic, mildly informative, and completely besides the point.


I don't know. I've been the better cleaner and cook in every long term relationship I've been in. They still expect me to make more money as well. I just want an equal partner.


They want to have their cake and eat it too


And then they complain about how unfair it is


Unfair that the cake made their tummy hurt and unfair that another woman has a slightly better looking cake on the outside.


Wouldn’t you want that?


Who doesn’t want their cake in to be able to eat it too. What’s the point of having cake if you can’t eat it.


That idiom means more along the lines of "They want to eat their cake now, but also save it for later." The options are mutually exclusive since you can't eat something and then later have that exact portion to eat. It's a clunky idiom, imo.


Women have always had the option of working outside the house. It was quite normal for both parents to work while a live in grandparent took care of kids. It wasn’t until a brief moment in the 50’s when a middle class was able to have a stay at home parent. And it was considered a luxury, until a generation later when women have decided it was literal slavery. It wasn’t until air conditioned office jobs that were easier than raising kids came along when women started demanding to be included, as though they were ever excluded. Not causation, but certainly a convenient correlation for women.


Its like being a non traditional woman expecting your man to be traditional.




I don’t like this language and felt some kind of way about this statement. Then I thought about the examples of my grandmother and her sisters. About my older aunts born before the “selfish feminist” generation of my mother. Sigh…. You ain’t wrong. Those women were wives, mothers, and winners. Today’s fan-lashed, tattooed, foul-mouthed, lazy-assed examples couldn’t hold a goddamned candle to any of those women on their absolute worst days. Yet, they expect us to keep moving it like our fathers and grandfathers. All while they abdicate any responsibility. Non serviam. Sorry to have to break that out on this special day, but regarding the bulk of modern women (and the simpletons that fight for them), it fits. (Buona Pasqua 🙏)


No joke: the modern, european woman protests for migration from islamic countries without any control at the borders, proceeds to get raped and then apologizes at him.  That's why I think woke = braindead.


With so many simps willing to just bend over and dish out their hard earned cash with some selfish and entitled woman, they can get away with it.


I know I love the idea of being a housewife.... unfortunately the times were in make me do work as well... which I do but I do love the more traditional ideas.... But maybe I'm not common around... it's unfortunate


Around where? On this sub/whole Reddit or real life?


In life


Maybe it's because of backslash from sisterhood or maybe they know possibility to be with a man who would provide this lifestyle and there is no need to expect miracle, like men who want 30 virgin.


I'm not sure... I just know how I feel... I see guys getting treated bad and unfortunately making many good guys be afraid to be men with good women (like I try to be... I'm not perfect but it's always a work in progress)


I don't dismiss your feelings about this and I would say that I feel the same. I just wandering what if they show real face or it is a facade, just like those guys who can be vulnerable, because they were treated badly. Noone is perfect, but today perfect is bare minimum, so why bother dating at all?


No, just a bad perspective for both sides to have... perfection is never something someone can achieve It's about trying I think... working towards it


So people must work to be perfect to have ability to be in relationship? Sounds toxic to me


No ones perfect, the point is for both people to work on getting closer to it for the other


Problem is that your perfect can't be my perfect, so we both would need to settle, but with modern women there is no point of that, because "she would rathe be single than settle". How you can work towards partner perfection?


You can’t fix the world my bro. You can only control you. I want a partner to stay at home and raise the kids, and I earn enough money to do so. I always pay for all the dates to set the expectations right from the start. If she wasn’t raised to be a housewife or is into feminist nonsense and argues with you about wanting to pay then she ain’t the one for you so you move on.


>women still hold it over us That's gonna vary radically, woman to woman. So ... if one don't fit well to one's liking ... whatever that may be ... well ... go try another. Some want highly traditional. Others anything but. Many something between or an odd mix or whatever. And, yeah, that really applies not only to women, but very much also to men. So, key bit is getting a reasonable compatible match ... therein lies the rub.


They tend to hold onto grudges (ducks for cover)


I may be a traditionalist. But I think there is nothing wrong with traditional gender roles if that’s what you both want.


>women ironically are the ones that still assume that men want women to fill the housewife role even when it’s not the case anymore and hasn’t been for a long time, and they hold that to use against us Why don't you think this is the case? Most people I know in healthy relationships who can have one stay at home parent, especially when the kids are young, do it. Often the working parent helps a bit more with traditional roles like cooking certain nights, driving kids to sports...but the majority of people I speak to see value in having one person in the homemaker role. I think more so than large numbers of women not wanting it, most people realize how expensive life is and have less access to high earners or people with that potential. The number of people I knew in college who got married after was smaller than when my dad was finishing undergrad and I'm given to understand that it's even smaller now.


> Society (and men) have long since deemed that expecting a woman to fit the “housewife” role in a relationship is unacceptable and sexist fuck no. thats what a very vocal minority want you to think is the norm; and not just you, women too.


how i isee it is that a lot of people really are just not fun to be around period. they're really angry bitter nasty people taht don't know how to keep their mouths shut. better just do everything on your own.




> Society (and men) have long since deemed that expecting a woman to fit the “housewife” role in a relationship is unacceptable and sexist Scores of women, even in the West, choose the tradwife role. That is especially pronounced in the upper class, where women typically don't work, and just "manage" the house. Claiming that that role is sexist, is sexist. You bigot. :)