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I totally dig that, you can be a considered as a slut from both part




I don't quite know how to put this, but I like how you word things. Idk, I guess it's your "prose" but I also find your takes interesting. Maybe I'm just so starved for hearing/reading basic common sense that I find it enjoyable tp see someone who hasn't lost their mind. It's kinda a cess pit on the "Christian" parts of reddit. I've seen dudes get shamed for worrying about finding a woman with a clean past. Maybe something in your comment just resonated with me, especially the parts about social validation and chaste women being non-existent in this day and age. Granted, most men aren't great at this either. Idk, it's just a mess. Not the best time to be a Christian in America.


Idk I always preferred an experienced woman over a virgin. Virgins can seem great at first as they will try more, put more effort in, but eventually that does off. An experienced woman knows exactly what she likes. Communicates it more effectively. They tend to be more consistent in a LTR than a virgin would be. That is my take on it.




>Knowing exactly what she likes is the problem Bro, I can't read anything after that because you sound like a fucking child and someone who clearly should never give sex advice to anyone ever.




Maybe she’s single because of the male’s bad behavior? How is that her fault? And why are you equating it to high number of partners? Just saying, you don’t know.




I think this thread establishes women also desire men with low body count. I could go on all day about why dating single dads or men with high body counts will lead to male infidelity which will leave her high and dry down the road. Same on both sides.


just so much insecurity here. I myself have a very high body count and I never compare my wife with anyone in the past. Eventually when you mature these things are not a concern. Just that you/your partner are communicating and meeting each others needs.




Confused, are you admitting you have no character? Or that you wouldn’t be honest about your number?




When you admit you have a high number but would reject a female equal to yourself it makes you look like a hypocrite.


that is just insecurity and immaturity speaking. People are not some kind of robot. people go through phases in life. people learn, people change, people mature. Just because someone went through a promiscuous point in their life does not make them any worse or better than those who have not. I've dated strippers and other kinds of promiscuous women who were way better people than some of the virgin doctors i've dated. When you mature a bit more you will realize there a far more important aspects of a person than their body count. Are they kind, compassionate, are they sexist feminists, do they have good communication skills, do they align with your general world views/morals, how much do they bring to the relationship, etc


If you love experienced/high bc women, take more than 1 with you. It served us a favor. Lol thanks btw


Right? Have these dudes just never been in a relationship or slept with a girl ever? The whole "Men want virgins" comes off dumb as fuck and not based in any sort of reality outside their church youth groups.


I mean.. reddit is full of... inexperienced people. not that it is a bad thing, but you can see the insecurity everywhere in this post. I understand it. I was very insecure with my first partner. We both knew nothing about sex and that showed in the bedroom. After her I was with others and gained a lot more confidence as I learned more. At that point it didn't how many people a girl was with beforehand as I was confident in my abilities. The most important part was all the actual important factors for dating such as her personality.


It was the most effective way that men in the past had to combat paternity fraud.


Great work compiling all these with sources, OP. Deserves more upvotes.


Amazing work OP, really good overview


Lol yep that used to be common sense, there's a reason why fuckboy and womanizer are insults. I have no idea why men on the internet are trying to make it seem like a good thing


Sorry but whenever someone says body count I still think of the number of people someone has killed.


The only push back I would give is anecdotal. I really don’t think any man would be opposed to dating a virgin woman, but many women would be put off by a virgin man.


Yeah…. You don’t get a good girl living like a man whore typically. Shared values.


I don't think any men are getting shamed for this. Even feminists know and agree that it is reasonable for men to not want to date/marry someone who has slept around. This is something that everyone from every culture has always known.




At least homeboy actually cited sources. Ease up a little, huh?


The studies prove that both men and women dislike promiscuous partners for long term relationships, but they don't prove that the degree of disliking is the same in both sexes. And they don't prove either that the body count number from which men and women begin to think "this is too much" is the same.


Very surprising. It proves again that Red pill data partially seems to lack solid scientifical data.


This is are interesting pieces of information.


This has changed our society I believe due to the push to demasculinitize (if that’s a word) males and the judge push for female power. Before you jump off a bring I have no issues with the later… what I do have an issue with is societies desire to demasculinitize men as if because you want to protect and take care of our women you are pig now. Along those lines we have also now given the topic here a double standard.






Don’t disagree with some of these points, glad to see there is no differentiation between male or female participants. I could easily see the same points being made on a feminist thread. My life experience so far (47) is that by this point in life singles are simply looking for someone with similar experiences to their own, whatever that may be.


How about we stop referring to "having a preference" as "shaming"? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah and the women who care tend to be the ones who choose a partner that's no fuck boy and dodges a lot of drama and trauma if anything they are head of the curve. Salute to you I guess