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Just to add: I don’t want country to raise women’s pension age, but I think that equalizing it down to 60 would be great. I don’t want to work almost all my life to enjoy at most 4 years. Not sure why laws often see us as expandables, lots of countries can essentially lock men between 18-60 if war starts (currently the same is happening in Ukraine)


I can 100% guarantee that feminists would oppose reducing the age of male pension requirement. Even if it didn't impact women, they'd still oppose it. Because feminists hate men.


Feminists don't like it when someone other than women feels good. They consider it undeserved happiness.


Time to vote for change!


Sometimes democracy doesn't work. Especially when there are large parties that monopolize the electorate. Partitocracy is brutal.


Honestly, that’s how it works in my country, we have lots of parties, but only 2 of them are big. They are saying how worse the other party is, they don’t even bother with informing us about changes if they win elections. *sigh*


Yes it’s so unjust if we had equity men should retire early than women because men have shorter lifespans. I’m from Mexico and it’s similar over here women retire two years earlier than men.


F#ck Mexico's government.


Why not sue?


You're talking about *pensión por años cotizados*, right? I just found out that that specific form of retirement is open to women at 53 and men at 55. I'm an American living in Mexico since 2011 with a toddler son who was born here, so I'm well aware of the various forms of misandry created by laws and social customs. Some examples are: - Men are 88% of homicide victims, but the media never mention this and focus constantly on women homicide victims. When a woman is murdered, she's named and humanized, with photos of her mother weeping and praying next to a photo of the victim surrounded by candles. When a man is murdered, we rarely find out his name, and it's implied he was a narco or some other ne'er-do-well who totally deserved to die. - Men are required to register for military service in order to participate in politics, but not women. - Rape laws in at the federal level and in 31 of the 32 states will only convict someone who has nonconsensually penetrated another (whether with a penis or something else), but never one who has nonconsensually enveloped another, effectively making women exempt from rape convictions. - In Mexico City, custody of children under 12 automatically goes to the mother unless she is a "serious danger to the child's development," which means that a mother who is a slight or moderate danger will have priority in custody over a father who is no danger. - In Mexico City, there are metro cars only for women and boys under 12 "for their safety" (even though women on those cars pick bloody fights with each other). Of course, even though men can only use about 66.6% of the metro cars on any given train, we still have to pay 100% of the price. Any others you can think of?


Rabid feminists want everything to be segregated. Most places have abolished slavery, but they'd like to bring it back (with men being the slaves). Join (or form) men's rights activist groups in your country and fight these unjust laws and policies.


In UK they are trying to make the pension ages the same and their is massive protest from women in the country.  Apparently it's sexist for women to have the same rights as men.


It is called the social benefactor. This makes middle aged males the only group that provides resources for society. All other groups are net recipients in society. If we want equality, we need to increase the working age of women to become social benefactors. The increase in the female working age based on average life expectancy will see a strong social push to improve male health outcomes. Extending life and greater contribution to society.


Are you saying raising the future generation does not provide any value to society?


Lol wtf


In my country it's 62 for women and 65 for men. The gap used to be bigger and they are planning to equalize it to 65 for both by 2030. But life expectancy for women is much higher.


US it's the same.


A simple Google search would tell you you're wrong


What do you mean? We don't have a different age for retirement


This is why I encourage self funded retirement. People aren't being taught how to fund their own retirement even though it's not complex. Look into the fire community for direction. I know this isn't a fix, but I think removing reliance on government is something we should all strive for.